Tony Fadell wants to see iPhone move to USB-C
The inventor of the iPad believes that Apple should move the iPhone to USB-C, claiming that it is "the right thing" to do.

On Tuesday, the European Union passed a law requiring manufacturers of smartphones, tablets, cameras, and other consumer electronics to use USB-C to charge their devices.
A Twitter user asked Fadell if he believed that the EU's regulation would hamper future projects by Apple. The iPod inventor explained that he didn't believe that it would.
In a following tweet, spotted by 9to5Mac, Fadell went on to explain that his concern is that Apple is taking a "monopolist-like position," rather than thinking about the technology itself.
The EU has not specified a date for USB-C adoption beyond the end of 2024. It also must be formally approved and published and will enter into force 20 days later.
Apple has previously pushed back against the law, claiming that broad regulation and conformity stifles innovation, rather than encouraging it.
It's a possibility that the iPhone may move to USB-C, even without the threat of regulation. Apple first introduced USB-C to its iPad Pro lineup in 2018. The European Union regulation specifies USB-C or all-wireless charging, and the US legislation that is working its way through discussion does not specifically specify USB-C.
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes that the 2023 iPhone 15 will soon abandon the Lightning connector and move to USB-C
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On Tuesday, the European Union passed a law requiring manufacturers of smartphones, tablets, cameras, and other consumer electronics to use USB-C to charge their devices.
A Twitter user asked Fadell if he believed that the EU's regulation would hamper future projects by Apple. The iPod inventor explained that he didn't believe that it would.
I can't see a problem. The world has converged on USB-C. The physical & user limits have been hit. Next up is wireless per, not a diff physical connection.
So I'm not too worried about this regulation. They're simply forcing Apple to do the right thing it's overdue frankly. Tony Fadell (@tfadell)
In a following tweet, spotted by 9to5Mac, Fadell went on to explain that his concern is that Apple is taking a "monopolist-like position," rather than thinking about the technology itself.
Not in this case. This is only happening because Apple hasn't been doing the right thing. Period. This is about a monopolist like position not about technology. I hope after Apple is forced to change the regulations will be removed to allow innovation to continue.
-- Tony Fadell (@tfadell)
The EU has not specified a date for USB-C adoption beyond the end of 2024. It also must be formally approved and published and will enter into force 20 days later.
Apple has previously pushed back against the law, claiming that broad regulation and conformity stifles innovation, rather than encouraging it.
It's a possibility that the iPhone may move to USB-C, even without the threat of regulation. Apple first introduced USB-C to its iPad Pro lineup in 2018. The European Union regulation specifies USB-C or all-wireless charging, and the US legislation that is working its way through discussion does not specifically specify USB-C.
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes that the 2023 iPhone 15 will soon abandon the Lightning connector and move to USB-C
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Apple should delay as long as possible.
For reference, PS/2 was developed in roughly 1987 and lasted maybe 15 years before being supplanted by USB.
I back up my iPhone to my Mac, not to iCloud, so it can take a bit of time to do but I don't do it very often, which is why I said 99% of the time I use a lightning connector for charging. One connector isn't needed for everything and I bet non-iPhones aren't using the full capability of USB4 on their USB-C connectors so it's actually a waste of a connector.
Generally, the answer is NO... which then leads to the conclusion that some of our opinions revolve around whatever Apple has decided and will even flip flop or split when Apple is split:
Reminds me of how much "we" ridiculed phablet-sized phones while Apple called 3.5" and then 4" screens perfection: one handed use, fragmentation, pants with bigger pockets, et all. Then Apple goes phablet to overwhelming acceptance as "best iPhone ever" followed by "how did we ever get by with those puny screens." All these years later and I'm still not seeing all these pants with bigger pockets... and wow, how our one-handed-use hands magically grew!!!
Even more reminds me of original iPad mini launch where Apple rolled out one iPad with retina and mini without. Then "we" spun how retina made perfect sense where Apple was using it and how nobody needed retina where Apple wasn't offering it... until the next year when the latter iPad had an upgrade to a retina screen and then retina was the reason "we" spun to urgently upgrade. So apparently nobody needed retina for that one year but then everybody needed retina as soon as Apple offered the next generation version with it.
Should Apple comply and roll out USB-C in the next iPhone, will Apple be wrong for doing so? Will the "pro-lightning camp" come back in those threads ripping into Apple for making a terrible decision? Based on repeating history of "whatever Apple decides is right" (and thus "my" opinion- even if presented quite passionately at any given time- is actually fluid), NO. Instead, the "pro lightning camp" will very likely and readily flip their opinion as soon as Apple flips their choice of connector: USB-C will be terrific in iPhones as soon as Apple decides to roll out iPhones with USB-C. Until then... apparently... (other than iPads and Macs) USB-C makes little sense because Apple doesn't offer an iPhone with USB-C now.
If Apple had any interest in upgrading Lightning they’d have done it already. USB-C is definitely it.