Anyone want to share their iTunes Libraries?



  • Reply 281 of 365
    rbmrbm Posts: 4member
    Hmmm... Progmac: your URL is giving way too many clues ...
  • Reply 282 of 365
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by RBM

    Hmmm... Progmac: your URL is giving way too many clues ...

    damn, good point. i forgot about the web page actually associated with it
  • Reply 283 of 365
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
  • Reply 284 of 365
    mac writemac write Posts: 289member

    Originally posted by RBM

    Paul: the music in on an old G3 server (beige with 2*80Gb and 2*120Gb... :-)) that is hidden inside a closet. All music is played over the network, so all playlists and recently played listings are on the local Macs. Rendezvous is a godsent for this setup - never again maintaining multiple libraries or see them crash when opened over the network...

    thegelding: I'm a neat-freak regarding the MP3 collection. ID3X is my closest friend - everything is checked before adding to the library. I'd hate to 'lose' songs because of bad categorization. Don't worry though - my desk is a mess most of the time...

    Your age theory, interesting as it is, is failing on me - I'm 'only' 33. I just like good music I guess - or am I giving away too many clues to deep dark secrets already... ;-)

    When I ripp CD (for long term storage meaning using my mom's iMac, due to my Beige G3 giving pop and hises) the problem for me is, I am legally blind, and need someone to double check the info.

    Now the fun part doing seperate Artist and Composer. also finding the year would be useful too.
  • Reply 285 of 365
    low-filow-fi Posts: 357member
    I'll add to the greatness of this with my collection. I challenge everyone not to find something they like!


    Only have 512 cable, so it may choke...ICQ me if it does.
  • Reply 286 of 365
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    sorry, my collection is going away for the day...

    be back around 6ish...

    if you are sharing PLEASE send me an IM so i can let you know when it goes away...
  • Reply 287 of 365
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    should be back up, anyone want to test?
  • Reply 288 of 365
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    yeah, paul, your up...

  • Reply 289 of 365
    commonsensecommonsense Posts: 111member
    Here's mine. All over the board, but heavy on R&B, pre-1996 hip hop (I feel like it more or less died after that point), rare groove, originals to stuff sampled in R&B/hip hop songs, and the like. Some jazz, a little blues, and some token rock here and there.


    I'll keep it up 24/7, since I keep my music on my Cube anyway, which runs OS X Server and does a variety of helpful household tasks for me.

    There's a little over 3,100 songs in there right now, and I'm still ripping more when I have the time. And the connection's a pretty fat upstream for a consumer broadband connection, thanks to the great (so far) Optimum Online.

  • Reply 290 of 365
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Could someone test and see if I did it right? I am dandbj13. I am third or fourth from the top. It is a great idea and I want to share so feedback would be appreciated.
  • Reply 291 of 365
    fobiefobie Posts: 216member

    Password: appa

    Mostly metal and rock.
  • Reply 292 of 365
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member

    Originally posted by CommonSense

    Here's mine. All over the board, but heavy on R&B, pre-1996 hip hop (I feel like it more or less died after that point), rare groove, originals to stuff sampled in R&B/hip hop songs, and the like. Some jazz, a little blues, and some token rock here and there.


    I'll keep it up 24/7, since I keep my music on my Cube anyway, which runs OS X Server and does a variety of helpful household tasks for me.

    There's a little over 3,100 songs in there right now, and I'm still ripping more when I have the time. And the connection's a pretty fat upstream for a consumer broadband connection, thanks to the great (so far) Optimum Online.


    Dude! Your collection f-in RULES man! Thanks for putting it up...this is great. Check out my stuff you'll probably like it. As far as hip-hop dyin after 1996...there is some great stuff out there now, just gotta look.
  • Reply 293 of 365
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
  • Reply 294 of 365
    mac writemac write Posts: 289member
    I wrote a detailed article on How to Share your iTunes Library over the Internet for anyone needing to know how to share your iTunes library.
  • Reply 295 of 365
    commonsensecommonsense Posts: 111member

    Originally posted by TigerWoods99

    Dude! Your collection f-in RULES man! Thanks for putting it up...this is great. Check out my stuff you'll probably like it. As far as hip-hop dyin after 1996...there is some great stuff out there now, just gotta look.

    Thank you, sir. I knew most people on here wouldn't be that into it, but that those who were probably *really* would be into it.

    I know there's been some good hip hop after 1996, but that also was the year I graduated college and no longer had the time to really seek it out. I used to play the stuff on the radio (my show was also called "Basement Music," hence my registering the domain name years ago, just in case there was ever a resurrection), but now it's just . . . a pain in the ass to keep up, almost.

    I tried connecting to your share but couldn't. New IP address now? Or do you need to open port 3689?

    BTW, I'm on iChat/AIM as XomSense.
  • Reply 296 of 365
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Hmm...yea I guess it isnt working then....I had a few users connected on it so I thought maybe the IP worked fine but it might just be people on our network that accessed mine. Probably our school's (university) firewall that is preventing me from sharing my stuff. Anyone got ideas on how I can get through it to share my iTunes library? Would port 3689 work for me?
  • Reply 297 of 365
    ok, after a weekend away I'm back.

    Enjoy 20 gigs of music.


    Im me if you going to start listening.

    msn <[email protected]>

  • Reply 298 of 365
    papiliopapilio Posts: 20member
    Just before Apple pulled it from the discussions fora, there was a thread about a small application (iTunesdl) and with that application you can connect to a music library and download all the songs to your HD (I tested it, it works). info [], my upstream at this moment with 2 iTunes clients (without any other uploads) is +/- 400KB/s. I'm curious what Apple is going to do with this..
  • Reply 299 of 365
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member
    iTunes library is now a field in your profile; for your pleasure.
  • Reply 300 of 365
    123123 Posts: 278member

    Originally posted by papilio

    I'm curious what Apple is going to do with this..

    There will be a "security update". Some traffic will be encrypted (the session id or a newly added challenge string for client authentication, maybe some parts of the mp3 or just the whole traffic. it's not that nobody has ever done secure client/server apps before...) They should have done that right from the beginning.

    I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw the http traffic last week... Took me about an hour to write an experimental perl script that lets you browse other people's database(s) and download selected item ids.

    I just hope they don't pull the feature, but then again, it's fun but for how long, a week?
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