Anyone want to share their iTunes Libraries?



  • Reply 301 of 365
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    Over at the forums have an option to put your iTunes address in your profile and the link for it is right next to the E-Mail and Private Message buttons above your every post. It's really neat.
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  • Reply 302 of 365
    mac writemac write Posts: 289member

    Originally posted by Jonathan

    iTunes library is now a field in your profile; for your pleasure.

    for VB admins, How do you display the new profile field in the postbit template?
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  • Reply 303 of 365
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Jonathan

    iTunes library is now a field in your profile; for your pleasure.

    make it clickable!!!
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  • Reply 304 of 365
    Here is an applescript that uses iChatStatus to give out your IP, AFP status and iTunes status/song to your friends...


    set myAFP to do shell script "ps auxc | grep AppleFileServer | awk '{print $6}'"

    if myAFP is not "" then

    set myAFP to " AFP: "


    set myAFP to ""

    end if

    tell application "System Events"

    if ((application processes whose (name is equal to "iTunes")) count) is greater than 0 then

    tell application "iTunes"

    if player state is playing then

    set the_artist to artist of current track

    set the_song to name of current track

    if the_artist is not missing value then

    set MyTunes to the_artist & " - " & the_song


    set MyTunes to the_song

    end if

    else if player state is paused then

    set MyTunes to "Paused"

    else if player state is stopped then

    set MyTunes to "Quiet"

    end if

    end tell

    end if

    end tell

    set myIP to do shell script "ifconfig | grep 'broadcast' | awk '{print $6}'"

    -- Comment out the above and uncomment to below if you are on an intranet or behind an Airport Basestation

    -- set myIP to characters 1 thru -2 of (words 31 thru 32 of ¬

    -- ((do shell script "curl") as international text) as text) as text

    tell application "System Events"

    if ((application processes whose (name is equal to "iTunes")) count) is greater than 0 then

    return "IP: " & myIP & myAFP & " iTunes: " & MyTunes


    return "IP: " & myIP & myAFP

    end if

    end tell

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  • Reply 305 of 365
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    Yowzers! Could you possibly link that to a text file?
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  • Reply 306 of 365
    nystromnystrom Posts: 1member
    Here's me:

    How do you make the IP address clickable?
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  • Reply 307 of 365
    I don't want to do that, because scripts can do bad things...

    Open the Script Editor, paste it in and save it where the rest of your iChatStatus scripts reside

    I've updated it to actually check if your iTunes sharing is on, rather than just if itunes is on.


    set myAFP to do shell script "ps auxc | grep AppleFileServer | awk '{print $6}'"

    if myAFP is not "" then

    set myAFP to " AFP: "


    set myAFP to ""

    end if

    set myiTunesShare to do shell script "lsof | grep :3689 | awk '{print $1}'"

    if myiTunesShare is not "" then

    set myiTunesShare to " iTunes Sharing: "


    set myiTunesShare to ""

    end if

    set myIP to do shell script "ifconfig | grep 'broadcast' | awk '{print $6}'"

    tell application "System Events"

    return "IP: " & myIP & myAFP & myiTunesShare

    end tell

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  • Reply 308 of 365
    Doo Rags awesome, I know them....


    Originally posted by InactionMan

    I'm assuming by the outpouring of responses to my earlier request that people are conecting to my iTunes, looking around and saying, "Good God! This guy has horrid taste in music. Who the hell is Doo Rag? I don't even want to know if it streams or not." Well, sucks to your assmar.

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  • Reply 309 of 365
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by nystrom

    Here's me:

    How do you make the IP address clickable?

    your iTunes Library

    but that looks like a generic address to me...

    press the reply button for this post to see how to make it clickable...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 310 of 365
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Yes people, a quick reminder. The following (ranges of) IP addresses are NOT valid outside your home/business (because they belong to a local network): -> -> ->

    If you think your IP address is in one of these ranges, fear not, you'll be able to see your REAL IP address here.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 311 of 365
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member
    All very cool! Anyone want to know if they get get to my music (this IP should work until about 4 PM Eastern):
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  • Reply 312 of 365
    peggespegges Posts: 56member

    Originally posted by Gabid

    All very cool! Anyone want to know if they get get to my music (this IP should work until about 4 PM Eastern):

    It's alive!
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  • Reply 313 of 365
    not sure if I set everything up ok or not, but if i did....


    sharing 116GB... but don't get excited, my upstream is slow.
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  • Reply 314 of 365
    hotboxdhotboxd Posts: 125member, please tell me if it works or not.

    I have 3405 songs in total, with pretty much every type of music you can think of except for classical. Focused mainly on non-mainstream groups, with lots of hip hop, electronic/acid jazz, trance, techno, and alt. rock. Also some blues/jazz, reggae, scratch, country, industrial/metal, and world music. Mostly recent, some oldies scattered around. It's organized by song name, artist, genre, and rating only; everything else is spotty at best but I've been very meticulous with those 4 tags. I was quite proud of my collection until I saw some of the others on here, I'll be listening to these ones for a while.

    edit: I'm having trouble connecting to anybody's libraries. I'm on a T1 at the college, not sure why there would be a problem. They probly have some sort of defense set up to keep this kinda thing from happening, oh well.
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  • Reply 315 of 365
    frawgzfrawgz Posts: 547member
    I'm having trouble connecting to other people's libraries. I'm on a cable connection, behind a router.

    I did forward port 3689 so that other people can connect to my library, so I want to be able to do the same thing the other way around.

    Do anyone know the port range that iTunes uses for library sharing? I think it's somewhere in the 20000's.
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  • Reply 316 of 365
    bperkinsbperkins Posts: 110member

    Originally posted by hotboxd, please tell me if it works or not.

    Oh it is working. Nice collection. Digable Planets....hell yeah. Good stuff.
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  • Reply 317 of 365
    I know a couple of you managed to connect to my itunes library ( pw:ai), if any of you are out there, please let me know how the experience was... was it horrible with tons of rebuffering? Probably better to pm me so as not to clutter up the thread, but that's up to you.

    If it's worthwhile, I'll be more inclined to leave it up, but if it's a terrible experience I may as well not bother. Thanks in advance.
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  • Reply 318 of 365
    kneelbeforezodkneelbeforezod Posts: 1,120member
    This is one of the coolest features I have seen in the four short months since IP is (it should be pretty static, as I haven't turned my router off yet this year) for anyone that is interested. Computer is usually up between 7pm and 1am EST (weeknights at least). Have about 4gb of DJ sets (mainly house and techno) and another 6gb or so of other stuff ranging from dub to Japanese noisecore...something for everyone...
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  • Reply 319 of 365
    kneelbeforezodkneelbeforezod Posts: 1,120member

    Originally posted by bperkins

    Oh it is working. Nice collection. Digable Planets....hell yeah. Good stuff.

    I'll second that - great selection from hotboxd...
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  • Reply 320 of 365
    hotboxdhotboxd Posts: 125member
    Awww, gee guys. 8)

    This thread really should be a sticky, maybe even a permanent part of the AppleInsider website. Maybe some sort of list with people's names and general library info that want to be a part of it. Don't know how non-static IP's would be handled though, someone more familiar with these things wanna chime in?
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