When will we see a 15" Albook?



  • Reply 81 of 328
    brunobruinbrunobruin Posts: 552member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I wonder if the next rev of the 15-in will keep the Titanium design but acquire all the new features the aluminum has (i.e.: airport extreme, firewire 800, etc.)?

    I'd buy one before the online store finished loading.
  • Reply 82 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I don't care if it's made of cardboard as long as it has the 970. On second thought, the cardboard may catch on fire! lol
  • Reply 83 of 328
    cyclecycle Posts: 187member
    whatever it is..make it

    at least 15"

    16by10 display ratio

    airport extreme

    one firewire800 ...but

    2 firewire400 ports would be cool enough

    scratch resistant..like aluminum would be cool

    at least 1ghz g4

    backlight keyboard


    newer better keyboard

    2 usb ports

    line in (24bit PLZ!!! >_<)

    line out (24bit PLZ!!! >_<)

    dvi port

    2xdvd burning would be the greatest

    now available

    instant buy (actually ...instanterrrr..more instant...immeadietly)

    steve...u can send me a bug which ****s up my current imac...but just let me buy a new 15" powerbook!!!
  • Reply 84 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I wonder if the next rev of the 15-in will keep the Titanium design but acquire all the new features the aluminum has (i.e.: airport extreme, firewire 800, etc.)?

    Ugh, I sure hope not! The aluminum models are, IMO, SO much nicer...rounded, smoother curves/edges. And that aluminum body just looks really snazzy.

    But yes, I hope that the new 15" model is basically a shrunken 17" PowerBook (with all the specs/features/goodies that entails). It'll sell like CRAZY!!!

  • Reply 85 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    The wait is frustrating. I had considered other options but finally settled on getting a 15" PB. Now I just have to wait for Apple to cooperate and produce the darn thing.
  • Reply 86 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    Same here! But, if the new 15" ends up getting the 970 I'm having an all night party to celebrate. We can all get drunk and have a great time!!!!!! And while we're drunk we can all order top of the line Powermacs with 23" LCDs to go with them. lol Now what kind of beer do you guys want? Or maybe we should go with champagne? lol yea!!!
  • Reply 87 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    Oh and we can get some of governor William O'Neil's secreitaries to give us hand jobs!! lol
  • Reply 88 of 328
    stratosfearstratosfear Posts: 150member
    My dad was was in local Apple Mobile Office Days happening today. I asked about PowerBooks. 12" and 17" models were there. He didn't say anything about 15" models. Maybe we will see 15" PB update during the summer.
  • Reply 89 of 328
    de foxde fox Posts: 16member

    The wait and drooling is just part of the game.

    Soon I hope.
  • Reply 90 of 328
    hengxhengx Posts: 8member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    The wait is frustrating.

    I whole-hearted second that one!

  • Reply 91 of 328
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    You know what'll be even worse is when they are introduced and we all buy one online. Then we have to watch the mail every day hoping that we'll get a box from Apple. That would really be frustrating.8) But I agree with you. I think one thing we can all say for certain is that Steve Jobs doesn't want to be on stage unless he has cool stuff to show people. With the 2 hour Keynote he's doing I imagine he'll do some intros. It would be even cooler if they were secretly stockpiling Power Books and Power Macs in warehouses in mass quantities so Steve could say that we'd get ours within a week. That would be intense.
  • Reply 92 of 328
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    Has anyone else scoped out Mac Mall recently? They have discounts on Power Macs and Power Books until 25 May. It may be nothing, but then again, it just may be something.
  • Reply 93 of 328
    jcjc Posts: 342member
    2 soon for apple to put in a 970. if they did that they would have to upgrade the 17 as i doubt that they will have the middle machine be more powerful. besides you will all by it anyway. it is only good business practice to leave room to improve. the public expects upgrade at regular intervals. I would guess that all of the powerbooks will be upgraded to 970s in december
  • Reply 94 of 328

    Originally posted by JC

    2 soon for apple to put in a 970. if they did that they would have to upgrade the 17 as i doubt that they will have the middle machine be more powerful. besides you will all by it anyway. it is only good business practice to leave room to improve. the public expects upgrade at regular intervals. I would guess that all of the powerbooks will be upgraded to 970s in december

    so i guess apple should keep cranking out G4s until they hit 3Ghz or so. how they'll do it , i don't know, but keep incrementing, baby. mistakenly i guess, i believed that markets were driven by competition, demonstrated, for example, by nash equilibrium. i dunno, i just never learned about "room for improvement" in economics. i only ran into it on report cards, where it was a bad thing.

    all over-the-top sarcasm aside (and i apologize), if the 970 is available, apple will implement it. i suppose jc could be correct, given apple's economically unorthodox track record. but i just can't see them holding off on the 970. to sit on a technology like that would be suicide. although apple doesn't work with x86, they still compete in the same market as wintel, and their loss of marketshare, strongly correlating with cpu performance, proves this. apple needs, for the sake of its vitality, to implement the 970. much unlike moto, ibm is capable and ready to support this departure. after so many years of moto-driven underachievement, it's hard to recognize what apple will be able to accomplish with big blue. but we'll see within 6 weeks.
  • Reply 95 of 328
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Maybe the new 15-inch PowerBook will come Tuesday, May 6th? The last revision was Wednesday, November 6, 2002, and this coming Tuesday would make the current 15-inch PowerBook exactly six months old.

    Things are moving so fast...& here I am still using my Lc-475
  • Reply 96 of 328
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by JC

    2 soon for apple to put in a 970. if they did that they would have to upgrade the 17 as i doubt that they will have the middle machine be more powerful.\\

    just because you JUST bought a 17"er after buying a 15" GHz doesn't mean Apple will have pity for you

    they have done it before and probably will again...
  • Reply 97 of 328
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    JC, I have to say I agree with brokenradio11 on this. We're not talking about an upgrade here. An upgrade is simply an improvement upon an established platform, thus the G4 power bumps we've seen. This is a platform change from the G4 to the 970, so prior power bump cycles do not apply in this situation. With the 970 technology in Apple's hands (and high quantities if IBM has anything to say about it - and they do) there will be a rapid migration. It does suck for those people who just bought new Power Macs and Power Books. But as in life, nothing is fair in the computer world. The PM and PB 15.4 will see the 970 first. The 15" is the Power Book. The other two are just getting started and have grand plans for the future, but the first change to the 970 won't be the 17, it'll be the 15. Apple knows that's where the sweet spot is and that's what'll get it first. The Power Mac will get them for the pro users who desperately need power to get their projects done quickly.

    aquafire, so you're still using the Lc-475? How's it running these days? Plan on buying a 970 machine? Just curious.
  • Reply 98 of 328
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member

    Maybe the new 15-inch PowerBook will come Tuesday, May 6th? The last revision was Wednesday, November 6, 2002, and this coming Tuesday would make the current 15-inch PowerBook exactly six months old.

    How are they going to upgrade the new model? Apple is stuck at 1GHZ for portables until either the 970 qualifies as cool enough, or the 7457 is released by Moto. The 970 will probably see daylight before the 7457.

    Current G4 chips in PowerMac (the 1.25 and 1.42) are running at a higher core voltage and therefore too hot to put into portables.

    There will be no upgrades until a new chip shows.
  • Reply 99 of 328
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    I think there will be as much 970 in the new powerbooks as there will be sex in the champagn room.
  • Reply 100 of 328
    cowerd, you're right. The new PB's won't have the G4 in them. They run too hot.8) As for der Kopf's comment, may I ask just how much sex is going on in the champagn room?
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