19" LCDs and new Powerbooks on Nov 5 is the new rumor



  • Reply 41 of 89
    I was on a bus in San Franciso, and an Apple employee sat next to me. We talked about Macs for a while, and I told him that I was thinking about getting a Titanium. He said to WAIT. At first he wouldn't say why, but then I got him to spill the beans: he says that a new Titanium is on the way with a HUGE LCD display! There will be two models based on the current display, same as now, but a third, ultra-high end model will be offered in response to demands from Hollywood editors and directors. He said the display would be about the size of the iMac's 17" display! Also, he said the extra size of this Titanium would be much better at dissipating heat, permitting the use of, get this, DUAL G4s!

    This is going to be one hell of a laptop, well out of my price range but nevertheless very cool. As always, Apple rules!
  • Reply 42 of 89
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote] but then I got him to spill the beans: <hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 43 of 89
    kurtkurt Posts: 225member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>I was on a bus in San Franciso, and an Apple employee sat next to me. We talked about Macs for a while, and I told him that I was thinking about getting a Titanium. He said to WAIT. At first he wouldn't say why, but then I got him to spill the beans: he says that a new Titanium is on the way with a HUGE LCD display! There will be two models based on the current display, same as now, but a third, ultra-high end model will be offered in response to demands from Hollywood editors and directors. He said the display would be about the size of the iMac's 17" display! Also, he said the extra size of this Titanium would be much better at dissipating heat, permitting the use of, get this, DUAL G4s!

    This is going to be one hell of a laptop, well out of my price range but nevertheless very cool. As always, Apple rules!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think we now know the real reason Apple is having so much trouble, the people on the inside who know about the next TiBook can't afford a car. They ride the bus. Come on Apple, raise these people's salaries!

  • Reply 44 of 89
    A 17inch Powerbook would be far too sweet for Apple to actually release. Jobs would just have it sent to his dungeon of products that were too cool for his dumbass to release...
  • Reply 45 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>I was on a bus in San Franciso, and an Apple employee sat next to me. We talked about Macs for a while, and I told him that I was thinking about getting a Titanium. He said to WAIT. At first he wouldn't say why, but then I got him to spill the beans: he says that a new Titanium is on the way with a HUGE LCD display! There will be two models based on the current display, same as now, but a third, ultra-high end model will be offered in response to demands from Hollywood editors and directors. He said the display would be about the size of the iMac's 17" display! Also, he said the extra size of this Titanium would be much better at dissipating heat, permitting the use of, get this, DUAL G4s!


    I'm glad to see that you have enough common sense to take the bus while inebriated.
  • Reply 46 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by FlashGordon:

    <strong>A 17inch Powerbook would be far too sweet for Apple to actually release. Jobs would just have it sent to his dungeon of products that were too cool for his dumbass to release...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why do people want a laptop the size of a briefcase? I don't get it. Do you understand how ridiculously big it would be with a 17inch screen?
  • Reply 47 of 89
    powerpcpowerpc Posts: 109member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>I was on a bus in San Franciso, and an Apple employee sat next to me. We talked about Macs for a while, and I told him that I was thinking about getting a Titanium. He said to WAIT. At first he wouldn't say why, but then I got him to spill the beans: he says that a new Titanium is on the way with a HUGE LCD display! There will be two models based on the current display, same as now, but a third, ultra-high end model will be offered in response to demands from Hollywood editors and directors. He said the display would be about the size of the iMac's 17" display! Also, he said the extra size of this Titanium would be much better at dissipating heat, permitting the use of, get this, DUAL G4s!

    This is going to be one hell of a laptop, well out of my price range but nevertheless very cool. As always, Apple rules!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Boy, wouldn't that be the talk on the net...

    that'd be pretty freakin sweet. to bad i have a hard time believing it...
  • Reply 48 of 89
    whoamiwhoami Posts: 301member
    i can't wait to read JYD's post on every crappy rumor site! big up JYD!!!
  • Reply 49 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:


    Why do people want a laptop the size of a briefcase? I don't get it. Do you understand how ridiculously big it would be with a 17inch screen?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wrong, it would not be too large. You would only have to make the case 1.5 inches wider and 1 inch longer to fit a 17inch monitor in it(assuming the same ratio). And the weight differnece not be negligible assuming no new components. And no difference in 1inch depth is required by a screen change.

    Either way; why are you so worried about it. If you do not want one then go buy a peewee 12inch iBook and shut up, while we dream of super expensive mega machines that will never be released. Just because you seem to be wussing out on an extra inch and a half does not mean it is not cool or useful to someone besides you.

    I do agree though that it is not likely to ever be released, but it would be VERY cool, and I would buy one as would every other person with the cash. If you don't want a big screen or think it is impractical here is a tip I thought would be obvious: DO NOT BUY ONE!

    [ 10-29-2002: Message edited by: FlashGordon ]</p>
  • Reply 50 of 89
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by FlashGordon:


    Wrong, it would not be too large. You would only have to make the case 1.5 inches wider and 1 inch longer to fit a 17inch monitor in it(assuming the same ratio). And the weight differnece not be negligible assuming no new components. And no difference in 1inch depth is required by a screen change.

    Either way; why are you so worried about it. If you do not want one then go buy a peewee 12inch iBook and shut up, while we dream of super expensive mega machines that will never be released. Just because you seem to be wussing out on an extra inch and a half does not mean it is not cool or useful to someone besides you.

    I do agree though that it is not likely to ever be released, but it would be VERY cool, and I would buy one as would every other person with the cash. If you don't want a big screen or think it is impractical here is a tip I thought would be obvious: DO NOT BUY ONE!

    [ 10-29-2002: Message edited by: FlashGordon ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    you and every other person with a crackpipe that is.
  • Reply 51 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by Nebrie:


    you and every other person with a crackpipe that is.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    don't be mad because you could not afford one
  • Reply 52 of 89
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    What is possible is for Apple to go even wider with their screen. Right now, we have 15.2" (3:2 or 15:10), they could easily push that to 16-16.25 on a 16:10 or even 16:9 widescreen -- whatever's needed to be no taller, just an inch wider. There are now 15.7 and 16.1" models out on the market from a few manufacturers. These panels are square and make for a quite large laptop. By only going wider, Apple could embrace these plus size screens without changing much (only one dimension, 1" wider maxx, mebbe less since that's one diagnal inch)
  • Reply 53 of 89
    I've got a PowerBook G4 and it's already pushing it in terms of size. Your math is a bit off as you are not counting the bezel trim. It would be about 1.8 inches wider and maybe half a pound heavier. You said it yourself, if you don't want one don't buy one. Problem is, very few people would buy them as they are not at all practical and Apple would loose a ton of money. Why don't you carry an iMac around and pretend it's a laptop? It makes just as much sense.

  • Reply 54 of 89
    I should point out what a miracle the small bezel trim on the PowerBook G4 is. This is hard to do. It is expensive to do. People wonder why the PowerBook is so expensive. This is one of the many reasons. Look at the bezel trim on that Best Buy/Porsche Design laptop. It's twice as wide. Don't forget there is a backlight squeezed in there. Amazing. A larger screen will make it even more difficult.
  • Reply 55 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>There are now 15.7 and 16.1" models out on the market from a few manufacturers. These panels are square and make for a quite large laptop. By only going wider, Apple could embrace these plus size screens without changing much (only one dimension, 1" wider maxx, mebbe less since that's one diagnal inch)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    They could also lop off a half inch off the top of the current display and call it a day. Instant 16:9 widescreen.
  • Reply 56 of 89
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    A 16x10 ratio would fit in wit the way Apple is moving on other displays, so i wouldn't rule it out.
  • Reply 57 of 89
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 58 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>I've got a PowerBook G4 and it's already pushing it in terms of size. Your math is a bit off as you are not counting the bezel trim. It would be about 1.8 inches wider and maybe half a pound heavier. You said it yourself, if you don't want one don't buy one. Problem is, very few people would buy them as they are not at all practical and Apple would loose a ton of money. Why don't you carry an iMac around and pretend it's a laptop? It makes just as much sense.


    Wrong again. Why would making the screen wider have an effect of the width of the bezel. There would be no increase in the bezel just 1.5 to the screen, the bezel stays the same, and the case itself would increase by the 1.5 inches added to the screen length wise. That math seem pretty simple to me unless there is some engineer telling me that the bezel would have to be expanded, which is unlikely. And I assume by your smiley face that you are joking about a 5.5 pound powerbook not being portable since it would still weigh less than every comparable PC.

    As far as what products will and will not be successful I choose to leave that up to Apple rather than you, so until you are hired as VP of product design I will go with Apple. I am not commenting on whether it would be a successful product just that it would be cool, and that I would buy one. Surely you are not arguing that a 17inch powerbook, however unlikely, expensive and unsuccessful, would not be cool, that would be foolish.
  • Reply 59 of 89
    In case anyone missed it on the other powerbook thread:

    The Apple Store is reportedly out of stock on Powerbooks. The ship date moved from 1-2 days to 3-5 days for the first time in months. This is normally indicative of an update in the wings. Could be tomorrow or could be next Tuesday...or could be Steve Jobs phucking with my head, only time will tell.
  • Reply 60 of 89
    [quote]Originally posted by FlashGordon:


    Wrong again. Why would making the screen wider have an effect of the width of the bezel. There would be no increase in the bezel just 1.5 to the screen, the bezel stays the same, and the case itself would increase by the 1.5 inches added to the screen length wise. That math seem pretty simple to me unless there is some engineer telling me that the bezel would have to be expanded, which is unlikely. And I assume by your smiley face that you are joking about a 5.5 pound powerbook not being portable since it would still weigh less than every comparable PC.


    No, it sounded like you were simply adding 1.5 inches of screen diagonally from the point where the current screen ends. Did you take into account the .3 inch of bezel in the upper right hand corner? The bezel itself would likely have to be bigger to prevent flex and house a larger backlight. It would be huge, even bigger than that Alienware laptop. Not nearly as thick though. Sure it would be cool but you need to sell them if you want to stay in business. There is not much market for a $5000+ laptop that can't be used on a lap. It would end up being a transportable desktop computer. Not a bad replacement for the 20th Anniversay Mac but not as a true laptop.

    [ 10-30-2002: Message edited by: apple.otaku ]</p>
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