Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 461 of 1072
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    People, the G5 spec GIF doesn't use a different or wrong type style, it uses the new type style already being implemented for new products as they come online. FCP 4 and Quark 6 use it now, so of course the G5 page will too. If it had used the old typeset, or a different one altogether then it would be suspect.

    Monday's revemped website is done and sitting on a (supposedly) secure server at Apple waiting to go live after the keynote. Somebody just linked to the new G5 GIF (which stupidly had the same name as the current G4 GIF) a few days early. The specs are accurate.
  • Reply 462 of 1072
    skunkskunk Posts: 12member
    That case is crap. If that's all Ive can come up with after all these years, he's out of a job. The real thing will be MUCH better. And I'm not sure about those specs, either. If it's for real, why would it only be one image on the page? Surely they all have the same identifying code? And surely, an Apple page can't be changed without authorisation? I think that someone's playing around: the actual specs might be even better.
  • Reply 463 of 1072
    g::mastag::masta Posts: 121member
    can you imagine the panic in the Wintel world when the G5 makes the Itanium systems look like a 48K spectrum ... MWAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Reply 464 of 1072
    geekmeetgeekmeet Posts: 107member
    ive calmed down a bit.

    i hope this is real and not some trick.

    im beginning to get a little skeptical.

    how could someone accidentally post the new specs on apples website?

    it doesnt make sense.

    i hope what comes out is at least this good.

    we will see.

    but like some others i believe the real story will be panther.
  • Reply 465 of 1072
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by Addison

    I believe that 1.6 will have 800mhz bus and 4gb memory max.

    1.8 will have 900mhz bus and 4gb memory max.

    2x 2.0 will have 1ghz bus and 8gb memory max.

    I think you're right, there was some speculation that each CPU would have separate RAM, so it makes sense that the dual CPU has twice as much.

    Not sure I really believe these specs though, weren't there any pictures.

    MacRumors says the gif was removed at the request of Apple legal, but MacWorld UK has the image on their site.
  • Reply 466 of 1072

    Originally posted by geekmeet

    ive calmed down a bit.

    i hope this is real and not some trick.

    im beginning to get a little skeptical.

    how could someone accidentally post the new specs on apples website?

    it doesnt make sense.

    i hope what comes out is at least this good.

    we will see.

    but like some others i believe the real story will be panther.

    You're right it is a little fishy, I mean when you work on a website of this magnitute you usually have a dummy server where you make all the changes and then update the live server all at once not in bits and pieces. Quite how the most significant .gif and only the most significant .gif got 'accidentally' updated bewilders me.

    I don't doubt that the graphic is real, just that it could have been put there by 'accident'. No conspiracy theories to add either.
  • Reply 466 of 1072
    All the speculation about is it fake is it real:

    1. It's not monday yet, they're only just building these pages. Maybe they used the wrong type styles?

    2. Too big type? I can't read the small type on the old G4 page

    Picture this. The junior web designer working in Dreamweaver fixes a typo in the new specs, goes to upload the gif (patent free) to the testing server, but whoops, he picked the wrong Site and it goes to the public site. You wouldn't realise if it was the last thing to do before you go home for the night


    Perhaps Steve has got so many great things to show on Monday, they had to leak something so we don't get info overload on monday!!!!!!!!

    This is what I want to believe
  • Reply 468 of 1072
    cliveclive Posts: 720member

    Originally posted by iSegway

    macmovieman did a test... he took the G4 pic and put it next to this supposed G5 pic and then darkend half of each and in the supposed G5 pic you could see the 4 vent holes in the reflection that the guy forgot to get rid of. When it was darkened it totally brought them out. lol

    I think this was on macrumors, can't show you though, the discussion forum is down now. At least for me it is.

    Edit: here it is, notice the reflection beneath the supposed G5 :P

    macrumors thread where macmovieman debunked this bunky

    This is BS anyway, because the El Capitan case, complete with handles, is less than 17" high
  • Reply 469 of 1072
    williwilli Posts: 3member
    hahaha, .... whoops! I always just presumed the handles were too big since they are removed when rackmounting a G4
  • Reply 470 of 1072
    marcsirymarcsiry Posts: 27member
    Ugh. Anyone who thinks there's "no way" they could have made a mistake like this, or that because the font is slightly different it's obviously a fake, has probably never worked in a high-volume web shop before.

    People, screwups worse than this happen ALL THE TIME on enterprise-level websites- it's just that Apple happens to have legions of rabid fans that sit and watch their sites (and their job listings, and their patent applications) like HAWKS.

    Here's an example- remember the first Survivor series? CBS's designers inadvertently posted a graphic that indicated the winner WEEKS before it was unveiled- and with a $1 million dollar prize on the line, and many millions more in advertising behind the show, that was a far bigger screwup than what we saw last night.

    The same theories came up then- it's a leak, it's a trick, it's a hack- nope, just turned out to be a mistake. Imagine the pressure the web team at Apple is working under right now. They're probably working late all week to prevent from having to work on the weekend. They are building, testing, uploading to staging.

    To me, the most easily conceivable explanation is that a tired web designer circumvented the safeguards usually in place to prevent this from happening and inadvertently pushed content prematurely to the live site.

    The same EXACT thing happened when I was running the website for Fox Family Channel- someone skipped a step in the approval process and the front page went live with "temp text" that was full of jokes at the talent's expense. Not a hoax, not a hack, just an all-too common error.

    Given the circumstances, I say it's real.
  • Reply 471 of 1072
    The updated Appleinsider article on this topic is funny.


    The *********** in the image above (accidently published on the store) confirm a number of rumored *********** for the forthcoming revision to the Power ********* line of computers. These include *** 2.0, FireWire ***, 4 *** 400 *** slots capable of accepting 2GB *** *** modules each, *yp*rtran*p*rt (see Bus speeds) and the adaption of the Power ********* ** name, all originally report by

    So who's Sue? Did she create Sosumi?
  • Reply 472 of 1072
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by marcsiry

    Ugh. Anyone who thinks there's "no way" they could have made a mistake like this, or that because the font is slightly different it's obviously a fake, has probably never worked in a high-volume web shop before.

    People, screwups worse than this happen ALL THE TIME on enterprise-level websites- it's just that Apple happens to have legions of rabid fans that sit and watch their sites (and their job listings, and their patent applications) like HAWKS.

    Here's an example- remember the first Survivor series? CBS's designers inadvertently posted a graphic that indicated the winner WEEKS before it was unveiled- and with a $1 million dollar prize on the line, and many millions more in advertising behind the show, that was a far bigger screwup than what we saw last night.

    The same theories came up then- it's a leak, it's a trick, it's a hack- nope, just turned out to be a mistake. Imagine the pressure the web team at Apple is working under right now. They're probably working late all week to prevent from having to work on the weekend. They are building, testing, uploading to staging.

    To me, the most easily conceivable explanation is that a tired web designer circumvented the safeguards usually in place to prevent this from happening and inadvertently pushed content prematurely to the live site.

    The same EXACT thing happened when I was running the website for Fox Family Channel- someone skipped a step in the approval process and the front page went live with "temp text" that was full of jokes at the talent's expense. Not a hoax, not a hack, just an all-too common error.

    Given the circumstances, I say it's real.

    This man makes sense. It's a credit to Apple that this kind of thing has never happened before. But there's always a first time.

    Oh yes, and one more time, the G5 GIF doesn't use a different typeset, it uses the new typeset already in use on the FCP and Quark pages.
  • Reply 473 of 1072
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member

    Originally posted by marcsiry

    To me, the most easily conceivable explanation is that a tired web designer circumvented the safeguards usually in place to prevent this from happening and inadvertently pushed content prematurely to the live site.

    all about workflow - especially in a shop - to me it would seem a little bit stupid to create those spec-pics by hand - 2nd: new products in a good working shop shouldn't be inserted by a web-designer - or pehaps i'm very wrong and every part on apples website is handmade...??

    could be that it's a mistake - but that would be a very very stupid mistake... \
  • Reply 474 of 1072
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member
    Macbidouille also had the spec pic on their site but they now say that they were nicely asked by Apple to remove it. No d!ck waving lawyers apparently but just a request by Apple to cooperate in not spreading this any further than it is. Don't know how much good THAT will do them by now.

  • Reply 475 of 1072
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    I believe that this leak is intentional. I cannot otherwise explain how maccentral has a story on it with all the details and Apple doing nothing.
  • Reply 476 of 1072
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by PB

    I believe that this leak is intentional. I cannot otherwise explain how maccentral has a story on it with all the details and Apple doing nothing.

    Apple doesn't mess with real news outlets. It only bullies small rumor sites.
  • Reply 477 of 1072
    marcsirymarcsiry Posts: 27member

    all about workflow - especially in a shop - to me it would seem a little bit stupid to create those spec-pics by hand - 2nd: new products in a good working shop shouldn't be inserted by a web-designer - or pehaps i'm very wrong and every part on apples website is handmade...??

    I'm sure they use a content management system- which actually increases the chances of a mistake being made.

    When you build a page "by hand," you can preview it in a browser and see what it all looks like together. Easier to catch problems that way.

    When you use a content management system, you upload all the files "loose" to the staging server and then preview it online. It's a lot easier to miss mistakes unless you have a rigorous proofing system in place- a system that I presume has broken down under pressure these last couple of days.

    As to the images themselves being built by hand- sure. Apple's website has a relatively limited product selection (compared to a typical e-commerce website with 20,000+ SKUs). For the main product display pages, it makes sense to build the text blocks by hand- you want to make sure the ext is nicely spaced, the sentences properly broken, etc.

    I bet they use templates that they open and type into- and the fact that this template matches that of the other two new products on the site (Quark and FCP) reinforces it's validity in my eyes.

    I presume they are doing a rolling upgrade to the specs lists-new products get the new, easier-to-read template. Upgrading all the templates on the site at once would be a big job, but just doing the new ones means the old ones eventually drop off as the products change- less work, at the expense of inconsistency.

    In fact, as an art director, I would have directed the designers to beef up the fonts on the "old" lists- they are too thin, low-contrast, and difficult to read. These things are continually upgraded all the time- remember the gradual switch from Apple Garamond to Myriad for all the title fonts? People were calling that a mistake, too- since it first showed up on the eMac and iMac pages and nowhere else (back when those were new products).
  • Reply 478 of 1072
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Apple doesn't mess with real news outlets. It only bullies small rumor sites.

    It's also being reported at The Register and at Macworld (UK).

    I think Apple has lost this one to the momentum of the internet. Somehow I feel a little sorry for Steve/Apple because I want them to get all the media-blitz they can in order to put a dent in the Wintel self-assured confidence.

    Anyhoo, these boxes will float my boat for sure.
  • Reply 479 of 1072
    As a freelance web designer who has been doing this for over six years, I've worked on some very large sites myself. This is easily a simple mistake. The text differences to me *prove* even more that it is real. This is the new design that they are moving towards, as mentioned earlier by people noticing the bullet marks with the front page Quark ad, and the Shake software explanation. The text is larger because it is in relation to the right side graphic (the one we all want to see) in a slightly different way.

    These points also are all specifics that all three models share. There is no mention of the drive specs because I assume the lower model still retains the combo drive, and the top two have superdrives. Either that, or possibly the top model has two, etc.

    This DOES happen all the time, on almost every large web project I've worked on. Since there are so many people working on a site revision like this one, the possibilities for error go way up. Its real, I'm almost 100% on this. And I don't even have to call the 800 # and hear the befuddled "uh, well no, uh, what, uh call Monday" response.

    I can't wait to see this thing in person!
  • Reply 480 of 1072
    robsterrobster Posts: 256member

    Originally posted by futuremac

    (the british accent is so cool!)

    does apple normally outsource their phone sales dept to britan?

    Hey thanks for the nice compliment...

    No, Apple has there own store system the UK (actually it's based in Ireland), just a lucky brit dude who works for Apple.

    Back on topic...I need a tissue!

    These specs would indicate that these will be smokin' hotties...

    I wonder if the 8gb ram limit is about as real as the 640mb one for iBooks and 12" PB's? I mean that that limit only applies because thats all you could buy at the time of release, as larger chips become available you will be able to up up up and awaaaaay!

    Obviously I want one.

    I was told by my local AppleCentre yesterday that the G4's had been discontinued. Duh....

    Also obviously the remaining q's are what OS? whats the range of models, whats the case look like?
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