how long before g5 Powerbooks?



  • Reply 101 of 163
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    There is more chances to see a 7457 in the new powerbook, than a 970 in the coming months.

    Why ?

    upgrading the powerbook with a 7457 is very simple : the chip is pin compatible you have just to change it. The 7457 eats less power than the 7455 : there is no heat issues, and longer battery life. Due to his larger cache the 7455 should scale ten percent more at equal mhz, thus a 1,4 ghz powerbook should perform 50 % more than the previous one at 1 ghz.

    Using the G5 means change all the mobo, and perhaps the case due to heat issues. It's all a different matter.
  • Reply 102 of 163
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    From Mac Rumors:

    New PowerBook Model ID's?

    Friday June 27, 2003 01:17 AM

    One user notes the following PowerBook model names





    In Panther Preview (/System/Library/Extensions/AppleMacRISC2PE.kext/Contents/PlugIns/


    The current PowerBooks carry the following designations:

    12" PowerBook -> PowerBook6,1

    17" PowerBook -> PowerBook5,1

    15" PowerBook -> PowerBook3,2

    So it looks like four new PowerBook models are in the works. Interesting.
  • Reply 103 of 163
    666666 Posts: 134member
    I'm gonna hold out for the G20 powersphere which is a ball that is powered on silverized compressed air. Its the size of a tennis ball & wirelessly transmits images into your mind. It does everything, runs on a 20000 gig chip, has 80000 gig ram and you can play tennis with it too!

    2052 is gonna be so rad!
  • Reply 104 of 163
    666666 Posts: 134member
    Otherwise i'm willing to wait till september only if the 970 is in effect...

    Otherwise imma give Steve a Job he'll never forget...
  • Reply 105 of 163
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    That would mean the TiBook would have been languishing for 10 months w/o a refresh. Major suckage. Bring me the new Al15 now!!!

    Don't forget that they did the same with the flat panel iMac (it took a whole year from its release to see a real upgrade). I think there might be two reasons for the wait: (1) Apple is stockpiling the new processor (2) Apple wants to upgrade at the same time the three powerbooks, so they decided to wait a little more.
  • Reply 106 of 163
    I just hope this puts to rest macwhispers as a rumor site.
  • Reply 107 of 163
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by PB

    Don't forget that they did the same with the flat panel iMac

    I remember that and I thought it was stupid! So they better not do the same thing with the 15-incher!

    Regaarding Mac Whispers = R.I.P.
  • Reply 108 of 163
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    So they better not do the same thing with the 15-incher!

    I don't really believe it will take that long for the powerbooks, just because they are in the pro line of products. The need for regular upgrades is more strong. The iMac example is just to remind that Apple can be proved a little extreme in upgrading cycles.
  • Reply 109 of 163
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I was reading through some of the messages at Mac Whispers and I even posted and asked - in a nice, polite way - what is take is on Joswiak's statement about there not being a G5 PowerBook "anytime soon" and that site's constant claims of "970 PowerBooks are being shipped and ready to go at WWDC...".

    He didn't have much to say. And, as of yesterday, I noticed he removed the message boards/comments. People were kinda going to town on him. He was all defensive and dramatic, saying that he made guesses and that it's "just a rumor site" and blah, blah, blah.

    But he was so CERTAIN and stirred the pot so much that he kinda asked for it. I wasn't the only one asking "care to explain?".

    HUGE difference in being in the rumor site biz and, with a tone of fun and hopeful speculation, talking about what MIGHT be coming and guessing on specs, prices, delivery, etc. That's cool. And if you have REAL sources, feeding you REAL info, then that's even cooler.

    But the MacWhispers and MOSRs of the world are just bullshit factories and seem to go out of their way to make stuff up, either out of ego or some sad need to appear "in the know" and get everyone in the Mac community all torqued up and anticipating things that don't even exist.

    I have no respect for that site or the guy that runs it, especially after he wouldn't concede - when given the opportunity time and again - that he's just pulling crap out of the air and that he truly has no "inside sources" or whatever.
  • Reply 110 of 163
    neumacneumac Posts: 93member
    I don't know if anyone has posted this elsewhere, but in Apple's G5 Inroduction Video, John Kelly with IBM makes the statement that "We have already built the prototypes for the next generation of PPC Processor."

    Presumabley he is referring to 90 nm 970's. Nothing earthshattering, in fact to be expected if they are planning on a Q1 '04 roll-out, but nice confirmation none-the-less.

    Also a lot of folks have asked for evidence that the 970 is cheaper to produce than the G4. No direct information on the chips, but the 300mm fab process used by IBM has been reported by EETimes and other chip industry mags to represent a 30% per chip cost reduction in the manufacturing process. Of course this savings could be offset by increased costs elsewhere.
  • Reply 111 of 163
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member

    Originally posted by neumac

    I don't know if anyone has posted this elsewhere, but in Apple's G5 Inroduction Video, John Kelly with IBM makes the statement that "We have already built the prototypes for the next generation of PPC Processor."

    Presumabley he is referring to 90 nm 970's. Nothing earthshattering, in fact to be expected if they are planning on a Q1 '04 roll-out, but nice confirmation none-the-less.

    I think 'next generation' means the 980, as a 90 nm 970 is just a fab revision as no new features are added.

    The 980 alleged offers dual core and speeds from 4GHz, but it's not on the roadmap yet it seems.
  • Reply 112 of 163
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by pscates

    He didn't have much to say. And, as of yesterday, I noticed he removed the message boards/comments. People were kinda going to town on him. He was all defensive and dramatic, saying that he made guesses and that it's "just a rumor site" and blah, blah, blah.

    But he was so CERTAIN and stirred the pot so much that he kinda asked for it. I wasn't the only one asking "care to explain?".

    I don't want to take up the task of defending MacWhispers, but I think people have been too hard on him. He may have had some good information. The interpretation may have been over eager. No matter what prototype someone may see somewhere it isn't a product till Steve announces it.

    The information MacWhispers had may have been about manufacturing of prototypes or test production runs or such. It is just really hard to be definitive.
  • Reply 113 of 163
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 114 of 163
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I have no respect for that site or the guy that runs it, especially after he wouldn't concede - when given the opportunity time and again - that he's just pulling crap out of the air and that he truly has no "inside sources" or whatever.

    He might have had "sources" (note the quotes), and he might not have been careful about trying to get the same news from two or more sources, or whatever. Or, he might have been misled, as MOSR has been, by people claiming to be insiders and feeding him lines.

    Nevertheless, his track record on credibility has never looked that good - outside or rumormongering - his brazen statements of accuracy were off-putting, and his reaction to the rather absolute discovery of how wrong he was is not confidence inspiring.

    Oh, well. At least our front page is enjoying a renaissance.
  • Reply 115 of 163
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, that's what I was getting at. It's not the "being wrong" or "misjudging". It's the way in which he went/goes about it that is, as you say, offputting and makes you not want to leave him ANY wiggle room.

    And neutrino, he wasn't talking of prototypes or "smuggled images" or whatever. He said, over and over, "970 PowerBooks at WWDC...a lock!", or words to that effect.

    Yeah, he might've been misled himself (that's what I asked him in my post, essentially). I'm not out to hang the fella...I don't even know him. But since Monday, for all the reasons amorph named, he's kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

    Okay...going to get dinner now! It's Friday and I want something Mexican!

  • Reply 116 of 163
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Perhaps the person at the other end didn't know the difference between a 970 and a 7457....
  • Reply 117 of 163
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    The Apple Online store is reflecting a change in the availability of the Titanium Powerbook (1 GHz). It was "shipping same day" for some two months, and now it has been bumped to "Shipping 1-2 days." Could mean nothing. A poster over at Macrumors (who just ordered this PowerBook model) received an email stating that there is an "unexpected delay" and it should ship on July 7th. Interesting. The supply chain is where we should be looking when wondering when there will be new PowerBooks.
  • Reply 118 of 163
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Yeah, that's what I was getting at. It's not the "being wrong" or "misjudging". It's the way in which he went/goes about it that is, as you say, offputting and makes you not want to leave him ANY wiggle room.

    And neutrino, he wasn't talking of prototypes or "smuggled images" or whatever. He said, over and over, "970 PowerBooks at WWDC...a lock!", or words to that effect.

    Yeah, he might've been misled himself (that's what I asked him in my post, essentially). I'm not out to hang the fella...I don't even know him. But since Monday, for all the reasons amorph named, he's kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

    Okay...going to get dinner now! It's Friday and I want something Mexican!

    That's what I was thinking. He probably had some pieces of real information. The hard part is to extrapolate from that to "shipping after the xxxx keynote". I didn't follow him that closely but he seems to have wavered over time from being rather disciplined about just reporting what he heard to slipping into more speculative reporting. Maybe he just got caught up in the excitement of the possibility of new hardware (like about 10,000 other people around here).
  • Reply 119 of 163

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    That's what I was thinking. He probably had some pieces of real information. The hard part is to extrapolate from that to "shipping after the xxxx keynote". I didn't follow him that closely but he seems to have wavered over time from being rather disciplined about just reporting what he heard to slipping into more speculative reporting. Maybe he just got caught up in the excitement of the possibility of new hardware (like about 10,000 other people around here).

    Or could it be that he is just trying to get people to his site to sell his stuff? Naaaahhhhh, no way.

    I think you all are being too nice to Macwhimpers...
  • Reply 120 of 163
    macmikemacmike Posts: 96member
    If the Ti is bumped to a 15" AL design in September (as I've heard is quite possible) would that mean no 970's even at MWSF? I'm surprised with the "year of the laptop" that Steve wouldn't be pushing to get a 970 in a Powerbook. He's got the fastest desktop computer in the world, I'm sure he wants to have the fastes laptop too.

    I also think Apple (occasionally) learns from their mistakes and won't take as long as they did with the flat-panel iMac.

    If I had to guess, I would say a speedbump to the Powerbook line in July... perhaps then in 6 months (conviently at MWSF) 970 Powerbooks.
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