When will we get Aluminum Displays?



  • Reply 81 of 91
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Sure you do...knock it off.
  • Reply 82 of 91
    mediamanmediaman Posts: 169member

    Originally posted by BJNY

    I like this mock-up http://www.pbase.com/image/18321656 posted at www.macdailynews.com

    well it looks nice, but. It seams even less adjustable than the current displays.

    If Apple has another 'go' at the LCD's (not just a refresh), I would hope for a more adjustable stand.

    Sony used to do one that was fantastic, and then there is always the highly adjustable stands on the eyegonomic LCD's. or how about something like a mini iMac style stand.

    The 'easel' style stand on there at the moment is only rescued by the quality of the display, a new approach is required.
  • Reply 83 of 91
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by BJNY

    I like this mock-up http://www.pbase.com/image/18321656 posted at www.macdailynews.com

    You have iClock, don't you?
  • Reply 84 of 91
    Hmm, Apple's price for Fed and Fed employees has dropped in the past week. A hint perhaps?
  • Reply 85 of 91
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by BJNY

    I like this mock-up http://www.pbase.com/image/18321656 posted at www.macdailynews.com

    Great, let's move the annoying, too thick brushed metal borders of the Finder windows to the displays themselves.

  • Reply 86 of 91
    jbracyjbracy Posts: 13member
    I don't care what they look like I just want a wide screen 17"! Adjustable would be nice - but it's not a deal breaker.

    I figure I'll have my G5 under the desk anyway, so it doesn't matter if the monitor is cosmetically similar. As long as it has Apple design quality I'll be happy.
  • Reply 87 of 91
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I don't see the big fuss over the apple photos, the 23" and 20" both contain pinstripes. Even so, I wonder if those who made the cube paper inserts with pictures and textures on them, could create an aluminum type inster for the displays. Open them up and slide in aluminum sheets to cover the pinstripes and everything will be alright for those anti-pinstripers.
  • Reply 88 of 91
    jaedrethjaedreth Posts: 20member
    First of all, whoever complained about the purple in the pic, it is a purple light. The computer and display are the same color. Second, that mockup is totally unfeasable. A fixed base, of that thin a width? It could be knocked over too easily. Sure Apple would want to go for an aluminum look, but I doubt they would do anything like this. Plus if it was even close, Apple Legal would have sprung into action.

    Problem with an iMac like design is, what is going to be the base / counterweight? Especially for the large dispays. You'd have to clamp it to your desk.

    Now what they could have is an aluminum stand that touches in four places in a square pattern, but wraps back up to the center of the stand unit, wide base, and have it anchored into the arm that the display sits on. It would be heavy enough, wide enough, and there would be space underneath the stand between the "feet". But it and the arm mechanism would greatly increase the price of all the displays. Though it would be wickedly cool and extremely adjustible. It would be one piece, and the box would have to be well designed and packaged.

    Though honestly I give apple only a 25% chance of innovating *that* much on their displays.

  • Reply 89 of 91

    Originally posted by Marcus

    IIRC, that the iSight was just introducted, and ships with 3 brackets to place it on the current displays (iMac/*book/Studio)...

    If they were going to introduce radically new displays, surely they would have done it before the iSight shipped?

    I think the current form factor is with us for a good while yet....

    javascript:smilie('') The box in which the iSight shipped contained photos of the camera mounted on a screen with a different form factor than those currently in use. There was a side shot showing a much thinner profile, with a thin extended front face plate, and a uniformly (rounded) rectangular housing for the LCD. I'd be surprised if this were some other company's monitor, and not an upcoming shape of an Apple product.
  • Reply 90 of 91

    Originally posted by sbmacwatcher

    javascript:smilie('') The box in which the iSight shipped contained photos of the camera mounted on a screen with a different form factor than those currently in use. There was a side shot showing a much thinner profile, with a thin extended front face plate, and a uniformly (rounded) rectangular housing for the LCD. I'd be surprised if this were some other company's monitor, and not an upcoming shape of an Apple product.

    If you're talking about the one in the top-right corner, isn't that the iMac's display? The top-left corner is the 17" PowerBook; bottom-left is the 12" PowerBook; bottom-right is a studio/cinema display.
  • Reply 91 of 91

    Originally posted by Anonymous Karma

    These pictures have probably been "enhanced"; in addition, from some angles I could imagine it would be hard to see the stripes on camera.


    Enhanced indeed! Notice the highlight/shadow is similar on all three monitors. The shadow of the left monitor doesn't uniformily fall on the middle monitor, nor do any of the surfaces reflect one another. It's only advertising, not reality. That's not really three monitors set up with perfectly matched skyline shots. A good P'Shop jock could concoct this picture out of a picture of any one monitor, but I couldn't blame him for not wanting to art-in the stripes. Move on from the stripes.
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