New PowerBooks tomorrow.



  • Reply 641 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    ... I would rather have a 7457, but at 1.3Ghz you are just getting more power and less battery life it would seem. I'd rather a 1GHz option with a 7457 to add battery life time.

    You raise an interesting point. If the processor was running flat out 100% busy then at 1.3GHz it would certainly draw more power than one running at 1GHz. The usual case though is that the processor does something then when it is idle it goes into a low power mode. I don't know the details of this. I'd guess that overall the faster processor might use less power on most tasks because it would spend more time in idle mode. Or it may be a wash.

    Powerbooks used to slow down the clock when running on battery. Does this still happen? If so then a 1.3GHz maximum clock would definitely not have an effect on battery life.

    I've rarely seen the processor run flat out. The exceptions were

    a) poorly written programs that used 90% of CPU time even when they were idling.

    b) QT playback of movies. On my G3 Pismo 500 playback of movies full screen chews up a lot of CPU power.

    Most of the time there is a burst of activity and then quiet. I gauge this best by watching the CPU temperature. A lot of things which seem very intensive do not drive the CPU temperature up as high as QT playback. I think this is because the CPU is sometimes waiting for the HD or for something to come over the internet so it gets to rest intermittently.
  • Reply 642 of 873
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    Gee, could my cable company have been taken down by that MSBlast worm? Why does anyone put up with that MS carp?

    They're shipping software ... and fish now???

  • Reply 643 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    God, this is the most promising sign yet... How many green dots left? ...Not many!
  • Reply 644 of 873
    kurtkurt Posts: 225member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    God, this is the most promising sign yet... How many green dots left? ...Not many!

    It is interesting that the newest seller, Best Buy, has them both in stock. Are they going to be the dumping ground for obsolete Macs? Or maybe just a problem with their system. I find it hard to believe that Apple would give them a quanity to sell if they were EOL.
  • Reply 645 of 873
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    God, this is the most promising sign yet... How many green dots left? ...Not many!

    Yes but!, notice the 17" PB is well stocked, wouldnt they update the 17" as well, surely, you wouldnt have a 15" thats faster than a 17"?, stocks for the 12" looks ok as well? \
  • Reply 646 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    God, this is the most promising sign yet... How many green dots left? ...Not many!

    Wow, didn't know about that site! That is an awesome sign, can't wait till I getmy revised 15"
  • Reply 647 of 873
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    It isn't cool to alter a quote. If you want to copy something someone writes and change it, it's OK as long as the text isn't quoted. By quoting my specs and changing them, you make it look like that's what I said and it isn't. OK?
  • Reply 648 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    It isn't cool to alter a quote. If you want to copy something someone writes and change it, it's OK as long as the text isn't quoted. By quoting my specs and changing them, you make it look like that's what I said and it isn't. OK?

    Yes yes sorry, you are absolutely correct. My apologies as I forgot to get rid of everything besides the quotes. As I have fixed it I hope you will except my apologies.
  • Reply 649 of 873
    rolorolo Posts: 686member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Yes yes sorry, you are absolutely correct. My apologies as I forgot to get rid of everything besides the quotes. As I have fixed it I hope you will except my apologies.

    No problem.

    I like your specs and they seem very likely. I definitely hope for the backlit KB, what I called GITD (glow in the dark) in an earlier post. Larger HD is always welcome.
  • Reply 650 of 873
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Checked MacMall and they still have plenty of 12s, 15s and 17s in stock. I don't know what might be typical but it would seem to me that if these were at the end of their life, MacMall wouldn't still have hundreds of each left.
  • Reply 651 of 873
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    FireWire and USB are your most flexible serial I/O ports to the outside world. Haveing the latest revisons assures you of a long and useful life for your laptop.

    It really is no differrent than waht was seen with RS232. As capabilities where improved it became very wise to make sure you had the latest. Besides it is a mistake to believe that FW800 is fast enough, the minute you start believing that is the minute the grave diggers start a plot for you.



    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Why is FW800 important to everyone? FW400 isn't fast enough for you? I don't see a reason for FW800 on a laptop...yet.

  • Reply 652 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by wizard69

    FireWire and USB are your most flexible serial I/O ports to the outside world. Haveing the latest revisons assures you of a long and useful life for your laptop.

    It really is no differrent than waht was seen with RS232. As capabilities where improved it became very wise to make sure you had the latest. Besides it is a mistake to believe that FW800 is fast enough, the minute you start believing that is the minute the grave diggers start a plot for you.


    I just don't see a need for this in a laptop yet...can you give me some practical uses?
  • Reply 653 of 873
    jobjob Posts: 420member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I just don't see a need for this in a laptop yet...can you give me some practical uses?

    You could 'future-proof' yourself and plan on getting high RPM drives on a FW800 bus to supplement your mobile A/V workstation. How many RPMs do the current drives in the Powerbooks have? 5400? Can you imagine a 40GB or more drive runninga 7200RPM or higher on a FW800 bus? That's one more bottleneck out of the way.

    I guess that's the only thing right now, besides bragging rights.
  • Reply 654 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by job

    You could 'future-proof' yourself and plan on getting high RPM drives on a FW800 bus to supplement your mobile A/V workstation. How many RPMs do the current drives in the Powerbooks have? 5400? Can you imagine a 40GB or more drive runninga 7200RPM or higher on a FW800 bus? That's one more bottleneck out of the way.

    I guess that's the only thing right now, besides bragging rights.

    How fast do drives send information, I thought it was in the 40MB/s or so. Even with four external drives I would think the bottle neck is the system bus and controllers rather then the FW400. I think FW800 would be very nice, but for an extra price I don't think its practical. Especially because you aren't carrying 4 external HD's around with you if you want to be mobile. Again it would be very nice though.
  • Reply 655 of 873
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    ...I think FW800 would be very nice, but for an extra price I don't think its practical. Especially because you aren't carrying 4 external HD's around with you if you want to be mobile.

    Keep in mind that many of us use PowerBooks as desktop replacements and don't have anything else. While we may be on the go sometimes, we want/need the most modern high speed ports for peripherals that any desktop or tower would have. Since buying my first PowerBook last year, I will never use a tower (at home) again. I wonder why anyone would.
  • Reply 656 of 873
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I think FW800 would be very nice, but for an extra price I don't think its practical.

    I remember reading somewhere that FW800 is less expensive to implement than FW400. If so, then why not.
  • Reply 657 of 873
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by iDave

    Keep in mind that many of us use PowerBooks as desktop replacements and don't have anything else. While we may be on the go sometimes, we want/need the most modern high speed ports for peripherals that any desktop or tower would have. Since buying my first PowerBook last year, I will never use a tower (at home) again. I wonder why anyone would.

    But what devices do you use?

    Haha I don't want to argue about this, I was just saying for an added price I don't really think its needed. If its the same or cheaper...or even a LITTLE extra it would be fine. But majority of users aren't going to have a need for it so I doubt it would be implemented if it costs more.

    After hearing that statement I am glad I'm getting a 15" after they update. Now next year I have to decide if I would want to get a PBook G5 or Tower
  • Reply 658 of 873
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    this might be a stupid question, if pricing of the powerbooks based on cpu speed, is the g4+(57) at 1ghz faster than the g4(old cpu) at 1ghz. see if that is the case maybe i will save some bucks and use the extra $$$ for other upgrades. also would the superdrive and bluetooth only be available on the faster configuration is that the usual priceing policy. i would hope the superdrive is comparable to emac at 4x

    i want superdrive and bluetooth (peripherals that use it will grow and i don't want dangle off connectors and adapters) i want as much built in as possible

    this all assumes the g5pb wont be here for a while. my preference would be to wait for the g5 pb if it comes out in a reasonable time fram say jan-march

    I may need to see a post on people real life use of the 12 and 15 do get some insight of the 12 vs 15 usability thin and light is nice, this will be for my wife, i'll get mine when my company allows internet access to there server, i'll be talking tom management this week about teleradiology upgrade to web based
  • Reply 659 of 873
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    If I was Apple, I'd be pretty pissed off by now. It is definately not their fault that the new PBs arn't ready.

    I can only assume reports that Moto is responsable are accurate.

  • Reply 660 of 873

    Originally posted by Barto

    If I was Apple, I'd be pretty pissed off by now. It is definately not their fault that the new PBs arn't ready.

    We have no proof that Apple ever intended to ship new PowerBooks before now. Remember, the TiBooks that were first introduced in January were not revised until October. It may have always been Apple's intention to leave the Ti alone until they revised the whole line later in the year. Apple likes to get as much mileage as they can out of new products, and the 17 was not shipping in quantity until March or so.

    I said back in January Apple had two ways to go: revise the Ti alone, which almost certainly meant giving it a faster processor than the 17 (problematic from a sales perspective), or wait to revise all of them at once (also problematic). My guess is they went with the latter.

    And here I have to defend Moto again . Moto's literature said 7457 in the fourth quarter. There were RUMORS that production had been moved up to the third quarter. In the grand scheme of things, of course, the damn chip is about two YEARS late, but don't blame Moto for not delivering on a rumor site's timetable.
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