MWNY predictions...



  • Reply 101 of 114
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by gar

    what would bean have done in this situation?

    think, think, think!!!

    I gotcha. But how will chewing gum, a skateboard, and egg wash help us?
  • Reply 102 of 114
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    I gotcha. But how will chewing gum, a skateboard, and egg wash help us?

    Well, you can chew the gum while riding your skateboard down to the local grocery store to buy the ingredients to make a really great pastry which would have the egg wash applied to it immediately preceding entrance into the oven and since this is a really great pastry eating it would cause you to enter a zen-like state of happiness thus causing [takes breath] you to forget your PowerBook problems.
  • Reply 103 of 114
    rbrrbr Posts: 631member

    Originally posted by JCG

    I dont think that it is a given that the G4 tower is a dead end. This article suggests that Apple is trying to reach a broader "Tower" market than they can with the G5, and that it is not a stop gap measure.

    The problem with the G5 lineup is price. They may be price competitive with top of the line PCs, but when someone has $1000 - $1200 to spend Apple needs an alternative to the iMac /eMac lineup which gives the capability of installing PCI or other expansion cards at some point in time. Without the new tower someone looking for a computer with that capability at that price point will not find a choice from Apple. There is certainly room for the G4 towers to evolve without encroaching upon the G5 lineup IF the price of the CPUs is right. If the G5 CPUs cost about the same or less than the G4 CPUs the G4 tower would find itself in a difficult marketing position.
  • Reply 104 of 114
    contemptcontempt Posts: 43member
    Also, I can't imagine the lack of security being a forebearer to anything. Remember, Apple announced they will have the G5 on the floor for people to view. I doubt that it's there yet or else there would definitely be security for it. Thus other products could arrive later. That's me being optimistic or else I'll be really pissed.
  • Reply 105 of 114
    contemptcontempt Posts: 43member

    Originally posted by RBR

    The problem with the G5 lineup is price. They may be price competitive with top of the line PCs, but when someone has $1000 - $1200 to spend Apple needs an alternative to the iMac /eMac lineup which gives the capability of installing PCI or other expansion cards at some point in time. Without the new tower someone looking for a computer with that capability at that price point will not find a choice from Apple. There is certainly room for the G4 towers to evolve without encroaching up the G5 lineup IF the price of the CPUs is right. If the G5 CPUs cost about the same or less than the G4 CPUs the G4 tower would find itself in a difficult marketing position.

    I really doubt Apple will be able to compete with a sub $600 computer like Dell's or HP. Unless they really do something about the eMac that doesn't include a display. But you're right, that low end computer (by itself) is gonna really hurt Apple. I think they need to get off the pedestal and realize they need to make computers for everyone. Thus the fall of really great companies such as SGI.
  • Reply 106 of 114
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by contempt

    Also, I can't imagine the lack of security being a forebearer to anything. Remember, Apple announced they will have the G5 on the floor for people to view. I doubt that it's there yet or else there would definitely be security for it. Thus other products could arrive later. That's me being optimistic or else I'll be really pissed.

    what do you mean security?

    the products are out, there are no black tarps over the booth this year, hell there isn't even a covered banner.
  • Reply 107 of 114
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Why should there be a banner? What would it say, "Here's the all-new slightly changed Powerbook?
  • Reply 108 of 114
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Why should there be a banner? What would it say, "Here's the all-new slightly changed Powerbook?

    as has been the case with every past event, yes.
  • Reply 109 of 114
    chu_bakkachu_bakka Posts: 1,793member
    We are in the 3rd quarter.

    I think updates to the newer powerbooks and finally the release of the Alu 15" Powerbook must be coming soon. Maybe not tomorrow... but within weeks.
  • Reply 110 of 114
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    After I get to hear how wonderful Panther will be, and how fantastic the G5's will be, and how we all will be pleased with Apple over the course of the coming decade, or so, I'll be out there on the floor at MacPro whatever tomorrow, actually looking at all the other company's add-ons and goodies. Maybe that will be provide me with something to actually bring home other than one more stupid, unwearable T-shirt of MacWorld NY, however much a collectors' item it is sure to become.8)
  • Reply 111 of 114
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    Just got back from the Javits Center.

    Pretty sad. It's sooooooo small. It's weird walking into the Javits Center this year. In the past even when you were outside you felt like you were entering like an Apple world inside of a huge glass building. But this year its just, uncomparable.
  • Reply 112 of 114
    omekomek Posts: 43member
    Who says that maybe we will just get an announcement of upgraded Powerbooks? That doesn't mean that they HAVE to have them there for everyone to see and use. I'll bet they'll be shipping around the same time as the G5's or possibly sooner. Maybe, they are still in the middle of producing them...

    And did you see the thing on ThinkSecret about the 12" and 17" posters being taken down in Apple dealer stores... They were ordered to take them down before the 16th....! I think not!

    If they launch a new campaign with the 15", who will be using it? Lets see, we have Vern using the 17" and Yao using the 12".... hmmm... who would be the middle-man.........
  • Reply 113 of 114
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    al gore?
  • Reply 114 of 114
    eat@meeat@me Posts: 321member
    no (hardware) announcements tomorrow according to thinksecret.

    someone posted on macroumours about store pulling down powerbook posters but there was no reference to this comment.

    we'll see...
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