Jobs: We've got a few things up our sleeve in the desktop area



  • Reply 101 of 132
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>thinksecret was about 75-80% correct on those things they felt confident enough in posting. (i say "about" because how do you score something they felt 75% sure would happen). and they were 100% correct on macworld new york in july.


    BFD. was the only one predicting the 12" AND 17" Powerbook updates. Granted, it was a day before the show, but they learned it first. Think Secret predicts the obvious anyway.
  • Reply 102 of 132
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    [quote]Originally posted by Rhumgod:


    BFD. was the only one predicting the 12" AND 17" Powerbook updates. Granted, it was a day before the show, but they learned it first. Think Secret predicts the obvious anyway.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    oh yeah, and we're ones to talk, hanging around what USED to be the gold standard in rumor mongering, yet now is relegated to "ibook prices will be slashed" news from november. i'll give macrumors credit for getting the most incredible thing right, but you can't just write off think secret because their predictions weren't as flashy. an average of about 90% accuracy over two trade shows is pretty darned good in today's "dead men tell no tales" philosophy from apple.

    i'd rather it be accurate than spymac "iwalk" variety.

    [ 01-13-2003: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 103 of 132
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>i'd rather it be accurate than spymac "iwalk" variety.

    [ 01-13-2003: Message edited by: rok ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    I totally agree...spymac is useless...

    I am not much of a rumor follower anyway; just pop in once in a while to see what kinds of things moki, etc are saying.

    If there's news, we'll hear about it - we all know 970s are's just a question of time, and of course the big question here now, is when?

    Like I said before I am figuring a Feb/March Apple in-house event with shipping soon after. It's a hunch based on industry news and tech rollouts in recent history. :cool:
  • Reply 104 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    The bigger question is, "How fast?"

    Some of you may be too young to remember The Great Speed Dump Apple pulled with the G4. It was a bad bad time and IMO Apple never fully recovered.

    Will the 970 compete with the P4, crush the P4 or will dual PowerMacs still be required?
  • Reply 105 of 132
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    From what we've been hearing it should do well againgst the p4 and scale well enough to kick it in the head relatively soon. This is significant as we haven't seen great jumps in a short amount of time.
  • Reply 106 of 132
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    Well, you know, MrNSX likes his job. I can't say that I blame him. It's much harder to buy an NSX if you don't have one.

    I'm glad he said what he did, personally. Now I'm really looking forward to this year. Speculators, start your engines!<hr></blockquote>

    Gateway's <a href=""; target="_blank">market cap</a> is now below $1 billion. That would be a hell of a way to make Marklar happen, AND quadruple the Apple Store retail presence, in one fell swoop.

    HEY... maybe if Disney bought Apple and Gateway at the same time, and then merged with Sony.... hmmmm...

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 107 of 132
    dankdank Posts: 31member
    Steve said that 2003 would be a big year but do you really think apple would "bust it's nut" this early and release the 970 in feb/march/april [despite the fact that we, and more importantly I need it (I got a computer as a present, just waiting to pick it out )]? My gut tells me that since I want one, it will take a while before it's released; sorry for ruining it for all of you .

    I'm thinking that uselessly speedbumped towers with all the goodies we saw at MWSF will be released and it will be atleast 6 more months before we get something fun.

    As for the design of the 970's enclosure, I propose a Gigantic Ass with the word "Motorola" printed at the top and an 'Apple' brand boot shoved halfway up it <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

  • Reply 108 of 132
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    [quote]Originally posted by geekmeat:


    i think what would be a challenging and very fruitful thing for apple to do is come up with a "business lifestyle" strategy,something similar to it digital hub strategy,but for business.

    maybe it could deal with communication,business presentations(KEYNOTE),project management,ect.....

    no one is doing this for the business world and i think apple could do it.

    just a thought that i had.


    its a new year and let the rumours begin!!!!

    peace. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Indeed. I would love to see business applications from apple to rival project, visio, and a database that is seamlessly compatible with access.
  • Reply 109 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>From what we've been hearing it should do well againgst the p4 and scale well enough to kick it in the head relatively soon. This is significant as we haven't seen great jumps in a short amount of time.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yea and the G4 was supposed to ship at 500MHz <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 110 of 132
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott:

    <strong>Yea and the G4 was supposed to ship at 500MHz <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't think IBM has as many problems manufacturing their chips as Motorola has. Besides, they just finished a new fab in East Fishkill, so I don't see a problem here.
  • Reply 111 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I aint holdin' my breath. BTW don't cut in front of me in line when these things ship!
  • Reply 112 of 132
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott:

    <strong>I aint holdin' my breath. BTW don't cut in front of me in line when these things ship!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I guess Austria will only get them a few weeks after the rest of the world. Ah they joy of living in an unimportant market! Unless I go and buy it in Munich..
  • Reply 113 of 132
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott:

    <strong>I aint holdin' my breath. BTW don't cut in front of me in line when these things ship!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I guess Austria will only get them a few weeks after the rest of the world. Ah they joy of living in an unimportant market! Unless I go and buy it in Munich..
  • Reply 114 of 132
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member
    [quote]Originally posted by Dank:

    <strong>Steve said that 2003 would be a big year but do you really think apple would "bust it's nut" this early and release the 970 in feb/march/april [despite the fact that we, and more importantly I need it (I got a computer as a present, just waiting to pick it out )]? My gut tells me that since I want one, it will take a while before it's released; sorry for ruining it for all of you .

    I'm thinking that uselessly speedbumped towers with all the goodies we saw at MWSF will be released and it will be atleast 6 more months before we get something fun.

    As for the design of the 970's enclosure, I propose a Gigantic Ass with the word "Motorola" printed at the top and an 'Apple' brand boot shoved halfway up it <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />


    It could be that Apple is putting off a speed boost to their desktop line-up to avoid building up inventory on a model that they know will not sell well to save money. Yes they will loose some sales in the short term, but if that is offset by a sugnifigant cost savings in ramping up production on a new model then it would be a net gain for Apple. This would be a very good plan if they really are 1-2 months away from anouncing the 970 models and 2-3 months away from shipping them. This also might be a good move if the first 970 that Apple gets are less than the 1.8 Ghz top end that IBM said that they will get on the .13 process. At the moment a 1.5-1.6 Ghz would be a good boost in speed (yes I realize that the 970 will be faster than the G4 mhz for mhz, but the numbers do matter in marketing). In 6 months a jump from 1.6-1.8 in moving to the 970 will appear as a less sugnificant improvement.
  • Reply 115 of 132
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>Speculators, start your engines!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If PPC970 doesn't impress MrNSX, G4 @ 1.4GHz wouldn't either. He mentions graphics front as if to hint that an expected breakthrough is not related to it. If so, then what the hell is it? Internet-enabled watches? A QuickTime-equipped cell phone?

    Folks on AI boards seem to have thought of every possible device on earth to predict Steve's next one more thing, except for &lt;drumbeat&gt;... time machine. Where is Kormac? Where is Codename? Have they tested it already?
  • Reply 116 of 132
    [quote]Originally posted by costique:


    Where is Kormac? Where is Codename? Have they tested it already?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Kormac gave the specs for the C2 iMacs (which was a long time ago) after that he was NEVER right again.

    I don't even remember a single thing that Codename said so I'm pretty sure he knew squat as well.
  • Reply 117 of 132
    [quote]Originally posted by geekmeat:

    <strong>i was at MWSF on tuesday and was blown away!

    first of all the new powerbooks are awesome,especially the 12".

    steve blew everyone away at the keynote,i havent seen an audience THAT hyped in a LONG time.

    many of the detractors of apple on these boards were either silenced or raved about the product introductions.

    i was blown away by "imovie" in particular,and "safari" seems to be enjoying massive acceptance,judging by apples downloads.


    EVERY RUMOUR SITE WAS DEAD WRONG!!! about what this macworld would be all about.

    way to go steve.

    seems like everyone is fixated on the 970 and with good reason.

    we will see.

    remember...steve likes surprises.

    the moscone center was PACKED!

    not only with people,but with exhibitors!!!

    last year the exhibitors and attendees were noticable lower than this year.

    did anyone notice that TIVO will get RENDEVOUS?


    this is gonna be one exciting year.

    remember when the ipod came out?

    no one thought it would be as popular as it is now.

    who knew?

    i think what would be a challenging and very fruitful thing for apple to do is come up with a "business lifestyle" strategy,something similar to it digital hub strategy,but for business.

    maybe it could deal with communication,business presentations(KEYNOTE),project management,ect.....

    no one is doing this for the business world and i think apple could do it.

    just a thought that i had.


    its a new year and let the rumours begin!!!!

    peace. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    OMG.. That's what I call obsessive use of the return key! :eek:
  • Reply 118 of 132
    "Oh probably because in the last 10-15 years Apple's world-wide market share has gone from about 10% to less than 3%."

    Sliding down faster than they can climp up it...

    The lack of world beating cpu hasn't helped. However, indications are that this will change.

    There's got to be alot of retension in the 'power'Mac market. People who switched to x86 and would like a decent POWER Mac to come back to? (count me in...) Publishing industry. Graphics pros with their 'it'll do until the G5' 'power'Mac. People waiting for the G5 on principle (hi Motorola...) If Apple can get 170 K 'power'Mac sales from a mediocre G4 update, I'll speculate half a million POWERMac sales if Apple go 970. I'm one of those customers.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    Bout time Apple started an 'XP' rating. If the 970 is twice a G4 performer... At 1.8 gig? That makes the 970 a 3.6 'gig' G4. (Hey, AMD pegged their Athlon to an seemed to 'kinda work' for them...) Pull that in dual formations and Steve Jobs can have number orgy. Better that than talking about flops? Do you want your cpu to be known as a 'flop'? (Which, over time, the G4 has become...)

    [ 01-14-2003: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]</p>
  • Reply 119 of 132
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon:

    <strong>"Oh probably because in the last 10-15 years Apple's world-wide market share has gone from about 10% to less than 3%."

    Sliding down faster than they can climp up it...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Or, not climbing as quickly.

    [quote]<strong>The lack of world beating cpu hasn't helped.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Neither have world beating CPUs. Apple's market share continued unabated through the reign of the 604 family, and the "Pentium crushing" era of the G3 mostly just slowed down the decline.

    Fast CPUs will not rescue Apple. They never have. Fast CPUs with excellent industrial design, a killer, standards-friendly OS and killer, standards-friendly software, combined with an aggressive retail strategy (yes, including pricing), just might start Apple growing notably faster than the overall market.

    Remember, Apple's sales leader is their slowest machine: the iBook. Speed is not the be-all and end-all. It is for some markets, but not the ones that'll give Apple a big chunk of the other 97%.

    [ 01-14-2003: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 120 of 132
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Retail is a dead end for Apple. Apple has to go after corporate sales.

    [ 01-14-2003: Message edited by: Scott ]</p>
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