Two income trap - Is two better than one?



  • Reply 41 of 94
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Yeah, she claimed that if all white couples decided to become one income families immigrants would pick up the slack.


    I could have sworn she said Mexican couples. (Read Mexican women since they are the ones statistically shown to already be working less/stay at home)

    I'm sure when the Klan takes cross burning and calls it religious outreach you are there to defend them as quickly with nice neutral words for their offensive act.

  • Reply 42 of 94
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    You just sound like you have only had your degree, and worked only in white collar works.

    Racism can happen to anyone. In one of my jobs in UK there was one boss who was racist. A black British who did not like the whites.

    I just "sound" like I have only worked white collar jobs??

    A very interesting conclusion considering I am only typing.

    Perhaps you assign white collar voices to white conservatives that you read while letting the words roll through your head.

    Just so we are clear teaching is the ONLY white collar job I have ever had. Even my second job right now involves managing and repairing my rental properties would mostly be called construction, tree trimming, waste removal, etc.

    I have no doubt that racism can work in all directions. Others do not accept that definition though. The declare that racism can only occur with those who have power or are empowered. I am glad we agree the former definition.


    Yes. Live the poverty and understand it. When the hot water is the only luxury you have, after turning back to "normality" I assume you don't "NEED" the 4+X room houses, 3 trucks, etc etc etc. The fact I did not start to list any of the poverty issues I have had does not mean I have not lived them. I am skinny but sometimes it was also because I had 4 £ to spend for food in a week (before getting one more job). That's about 2 coffees if I drink out, or one coffee and 4 cans of beans from Sainsbury's.

    And yet you still have an iBook, and internet access.

    I have to ask you Gia, how would you have felt if while spending your 4 £ per week on food, and getting ever skinnier because of it you watched others spend their 4 £ on alchohol and cigarettes while spending another 40 £ on food including steaks, and other luxury items? When it came time to pay for these items they took out notes for a government food program and walked off with food you could only dream about. You notice the people are not dependent or destitute. In fact quite the opposite. They look very relaxed and very muscular.

    Because if you had experienced this perhaps you could relate a bit better to me since it is what I experienced during college repeatedly. I didn't really worry about coffee or cigarettes since I don't drink it or smoke at all, but the point is the same. The food stipends actually allowed them to buy more negative things. It was not given because they were destitute or incapable but rather just because they applied for it and took it.

    These folks were not impoverished. No one has ever claimed that someone who is destitute shouldn't be helped. Just like I don't consider a 4 bedroom house to be a "need" for most people, I also don't consider folks with tv's with cable, microwaves, phones, etc. to be "impoverished."

    Both are true entirely too often in the United States.

  • Reply 43 of 94
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman


    I could have sworn she said Mexican couples. (Read Mexican women since they are the ones statistically shown to already be working less/stay at home)


    You have to use a parenthesis with an editorial comment. If that doesn't diminish your own argument in your eyes then it's just an embarrassment.
  • Reply 44 of 94

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I just "sound" like I have only worked white collar jobs??

    A very interesting conclusion considering I am only typing.

    Perhaps you assign white collar voices to white conservatives that you read while letting the words roll through your head.

    Just so we are clear teaching is the ONLY white collar job I have ever had. Even my second job right now involves managing and repairing my rental properties would mostly be called construction, tree trimming, waste removal, etc.

    I have no doubt that racism can work in all directions. Others do not accept that definition though. The declare that racism can only occur with those who have power or are empowered. I am glad we agree the former definition.

    And yet you still have an iBook, and internet access.

    I have to ask you Gia, how would you have felt if while spending your 4 £ per week on food, and getting ever skinnier because of it you watched others spend their 4 £ on alchohol and cigarettes while spending another 40 £ on food including steaks, and other luxury items? When it came time to pay for these items they took out notes for a government food program and walked off with food you could only dream about. You notice the people are not dependent or destitute. In fact quite the opposite. They look very relaxed and very muscular.

    Because if you had experienced this perhaps you could relate a bit better to me since it is what I experienced during college repeatedly. I didn't really worry about coffee or cigarettes since I don't drink it or smoke at all, but the point is the same. The food stipends actually allowed them to buy more negative things. It was not given because they were destitute or incapable but rather just because they applied for it and took it.

    These folks were not impoverished. No one has ever claimed that someone who is destitute shouldn't be helped. Just like I don't consider a 4 bedroom house to be a "need" for most people, I also don't consider folks with tv's with cable, microwaves, phones, etc. to be "impoverished."

    Both are true entirely too often in the United States.

    Well well. I am sorry or PROUD to say that you sound (type) like a white guy who has never really worked in his life. I guess you should take it as a compliment. YOU should.

    Don't be that sure of over the 1+ year old definition of Mac I had.

    Those 4 £ I stated in the example were the money LEFT after the rent. INCLUDING electicity. In one week of time, havine EVERYTHING except the direct rent of my room. INCLUDING cigarettes ( I don't smoke), asthma medicines (the other where I lived did, so I could not decide not to buy those medicines if I wanted to breath at all. Even just those were a lot over 4 £), other medicines (fibromyalgia), AND the (all) food. And everything else I needed apart from rent. Even when you are 5'9" and 80 lb you normally DO eat something sometimes.
  • Reply 45 of 94

    Originally posted by bunge


    You have to use a parenthesis with an editorial comment. If that doesn't diminish your own argument in your eyes then it's just an embarrassment.

    Well I have to insure I reemphasize the point since you have this nasty habit of "restating" what you think I said instead of quoting it.

    Sort of like your habit of adding one line comments to prove your points instead of things like facts, articles, studies, anything of merit....

  • Reply 46 of 94
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Well I have to insure I reemphasize the point since you have this nasty habit of "restating" what you think I said instead of quoting it.

    Sort of like your habit of adding one line comments to prove your points instead of things like facts, articles, studies, anything of merit....


    Sort of like your nasty habit of criticizing others who jump the gun on calling things "racist" and then jumping the gun yourself!

    It was clear that if her comments could even be construed towards racism, you were the one who construed them! It's even more clear to people here that Giaguara is probably one of the most inclusivist individuals on this board- she having been a resident of more countries than I've ever visited....she having had experiences from which we can all learn... She not only talks the talk, but has walked the walk and actually lived a life full of immersion in and tolerance of different cultures.

    It's makes your "RACISM" accusations even more baseless.
  • Reply 47 of 94
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Well I have to insure I reemphasize the point since you have this nasty habit of "restating" what you think I said instead of quoting it.

    Sort of like your habit of adding one line comments to prove your points instead of things like facts, articles, studies, anything of merit....

    It's almost sad. You're not reemphasizing anything. You're restating something. That's why it's an editorial comment. You're rewording something.

    Shawnj, with a post like that you're welcome to leave my dungeon anything you feel ready.
  • Reply 48 of 94
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Sort of like your habit of adding one line comments to prove your points instead of things like facts, articles, studies, anything of merit....

    Bungie's one line comments often have more content than your 20 quote and 15 link / article comment to anything you say / quote.
  • Reply 49 of 94
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ

    Sort of like your nasty habit of criticizing others who jump the gun on calling things "racist" and then jumping the gun yourself!

    It was clear that if her comments could even be construed towards racism, you were the one who construed them! It's even more clear to people here that Giaguara is probably one of the most inclusivist individuals on this board- she having been a resident of more countries than I've ever visited....she having had experiences from which we can all learn... She not only talks the talk, but has walked the walk and actually lived a life full of immersion in and tolerance of different cultures.

    It's makes your "RACISM" accusations even more baseless.

    People here... you and bunge from what I see. As for being one of the more inclusivist individuals, your speech sounds nice but that is all it is. There is nothing to back your claim.

    You know Shawn you make a lot of claims, most backed by nothing. I remember you and I having a chat a while back and you assuming my west coast college had the racial make up of colleges back east. I linked you the actual website and you were astonished at the profound amount of diversity there.

    I assure you that I teach in a DAY more children from different cultures than anyone here has visited in a lifetime. That is the nature of So Cal.

    So take your high minded ideas and save them for speeches. Perhaps her language wasn't racist to you because you live in Pennsylvania where diversity is defined as having chocolate milk in the same cabinet as the whole and low fat.

    However it was racist to me and I have lived with, socialized with, worked with and for, rented to and from Mexican couples for my whole life. They have such a profoundly different set of priorities regarding parenting and work that they alterered the statistical results for the entire United States even while just now becoming 13% of the population. (Hispanics) It was a statement made from ignorance about how many Mexican couples live.

    It isn't excusable just because you like her politics. You sound as pathetic and hollow as those who defended Clinton for being a feminist while being a cheating womanizer. The values are for life, not just for politics. You show repeatedly that politics is all you care about and not the values underneath. You are a political sellout.

  • Reply 50 of 94
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    Bungie's one line comments often have more content than your 20 quote and 15 link / article comment to anything you say / quote.

    Well considering your definition of content that is understandable. You likely consider the comics to have more content than the newspaper as well.

  • Reply 51 of 94
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by bunge

    It's almost sad. You're not reemphasizing anything. You're restating something. That's why it's an editorial comment. You're rewording something.

    Shawnj, with a post like that you're welcome to leave my dungeon anything you feel ready.

    Bullshit, I quoted where she said this thread was about putting women back in the kitchen and out of the workplace.

    You just show your pattern again. As for Shawn's post, you two have become the two man tag team of one line insults and dismissive comments. With such intellectual rigor being demonstrated you ought to let him out of the attic. It is shameful to lock up the mentally feeble.

  • Reply 52 of 94
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    I'll tell you what Gia,

    Why don't you simply restate what you meant. The language you used the first time was offensive to me. Instead of arguing whether I should be offended, because that is besides the point, I am, why don't you simply state in clear terms again what you mean.

    So now I understood that you thought this thread to be about attempting to send women back to the kitchen. If you now do not believe that say so.

    I have shown that in Mexican couples, it is the man who disproportionately works exclusively and the women choose almost exclusively to stay home.

    So when you say that Mexican couples will take the place of white women who go back to the kitchen, am I to believe you mean Mexican men will get a second job? Or that more Mexican couples will come over so that Mexican men can take the jobs of American women?

    Who does that leave left?

    Either way it is neither here nor there. The restatement of the comment can't really fix it nor would you back it with any statistical evidence anyway. I doubt there is a study that is going to say that Mexican men are taking jobs from white women. Especially since these men concentrate in fields like construction, yard care, mechanics, truck driving and so forth. I mean sure we all know those fields likely have tons of white women itching to go home to their kitchens, but the reality of the situation overrides the politics of good intentions.

  • Reply 53 of 94
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Bullshit, I quoted where she said this thread was about putting women back in the kitchen and out of the workplace.

    I think that commentary was directed at your feelings about a household moving to a one income household. That you would choose to have the woman at home.

    Look, I have no argument here. I just thought your commentary that she was making a racist statement was way off base and I still do.
  • Reply 54 of 94

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Well considering your definition of content that is understandable. You likely consider the comics to have more content than the newspaper as well.

    I don't consider Sun-Times as a newspaper.
  • Reply 55 of 94

    Originally posted by trumptman

    [...]As for Shawn's post, you two have become the two man tag team of one line insults and dismissive comments. With such intellectual rigor being demonstrated you ought to let him out of the attic. It is shameful to lock up the mentally feeble.

    Mentally feeble? Is that a synonym for conservative, mentally locked?
  • Reply 56 of 94

    Originally posted by bunge

    I think that commentary was directed at your feelings about a household moving to a one income household. That you would choose to have the woman at home.

    Look, I have no argument here. I just thought your commentary that she was making a racist statement was way off base and I still do.

    Well we have proven that many of Gia's assumptions about me are as wrong and ignorant as her claims about Mexican couples.

    I have stated repeatedly in this thread and in others that I support either gender staying home. I even stated they could job share one 40 hour job per week. I even mentioned that we should discuss this thread about two incomes versus one benefits with gender issues aside.

    She claimed it was a covert gender issue, even when corrected. She leveled baseless claims of racism against basically the entire Europeon continent with regard to the processing of degrees and ability to get white coller work when you can't even speak the language. When asked to examine it with the context of myself, a college educated white man, majority ancestry of Italian with a degree attempting to work in Italy while not speaking Italian, she conceded the results would be the same.

    So basically she can throw out -isms whenever she wants. Mine claims are actually substanciated but "off-base." Her's are meritless but okay because it is okay to question my intent even when catagorically denied, but not her own words which I believe she still hasn't denied.

    Your double standards are showing.

  • Reply 57 of 94
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    People here... you and bunge from what I see. As for being one of the more inclusivist individuals, your speech sounds nice but that is all it is. There is nothing to back your claim.

    You know Shawn you make a lot of claims, most backed by nothing. I remember you and I having a chat a while back and you assuming my west coast college had the racial make up of colleges back east. I linked you the actual website and you were astonished at the profound amount of diversity there.

    I assure you that I teach in a DAY more children from different cultures than anyone here has visited in a lifetime. That is the nature of So Cal.

    So take your high minded ideas and save them for speeches. Perhaps her language wasn't racist to you because you live in Pennsylvania where diversity is defined as having chocolate milk in the same cabinet as the whole and low fat.

    However it was racist to me and I have lived with, socialized with, worked with and for, rented to and from Mexican couples for my whole life. They have such a profoundly different set of priorities regarding parenting and work that they alterered the statistical results for the entire United States even while just now becoming 13% of the population. (Hispanics) It was a statement made from ignorance about how many Mexican couples live.

    It isn't excusable just because you like her politics. You sound as pathetic and hollow as those who defended Clinton for being a feminist while being a cheating womanizer. The values are for life, not just for politics. You show repeatedly that politics is all you care about and not the values underneath. You are a political sellout.


    Only you would turn this discussion into the lame pulpit for you twisted political views.

    Clinton sex scandle, Clinton sex scandle. What broken record!

    For those of you youngins out there people used to listen to music on discs by dragging a nail through them. Sometimes it would get stuck and you'd hear the same passage over, and over, again. Most annoying!

    How about WOMD and imminent threat ( click, click ) WOMD and imminent threat ( click, click )? Now there's a record I'd be interested in hearing the rest of!

  • Reply 58 of 94

    Originally posted by trumptman

    [B]She leveled baseless claims of racism against basically the entire Europeon continent with regard to the processing of degrees and ability to get white coller work when you can't even speak the language. When asked to examine it with the context of myself, a college educated white man, majority ancestry of Italian with a degree attempting to work in Italy while not speaking Italian, she conceded the results would be the same./B]

    If an average Italian, in Italy, with the same degree from an Italian university can NOT get that work (when there just isn't), you are a darn lucky bastard if you will. I never said you would be able to get such work there. Stop putting words to my mouth. Read what I said.

    Secondly, am I according to you racist against the WASPs, Europeans, Latins or the Blacks? I haven't figured even that out yet.

  • Reply 59 of 94
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Well we have proven that many of Gia's assumptions about me are as wrong and ignorant as her claims about Mexican couples.

    She makes no claims about Mexican couples. Her claim was simply that if you stay home, immigrants will replace you at work.
  • Reply 60 of 94
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    People here... you and bunge from what I see. As for being one of the more inclusivist individuals, your speech sounds nice but that is all it is. There is nothing to back your claim.

    You know Shawn you make a lot of claims, most backed by nothing. I remember you and I having a chat a while back and you assuming my west coast college had the racial make up of colleges back east. I linked you the actual website and you were astonished at the profound amount of diversity there.

    I assure you that I teach in a DAY more children from different cultures than anyone here has visited in a lifetime. That is the nature of So Cal.

    So take your high minded ideas and save them for speeches. Perhaps her language wasn't racist to you because you live in Pennsylvania where diversity is defined as having chocolate milk in the same cabinet as the whole and low fat.

    However it was racist to me and I have lived with, socialized with, worked with and for, rented to and from Mexican couples for my whole life. They have such a profoundly different set of priorities regarding parenting and work that they alterered the statistical results for the entire United States even while just now becoming 13% of the population. (Hispanics) It was a statement made from ignorance about how many Mexican couples live.

    It isn't excusable just because you like her politics. You sound as pathetic and hollow as those who defended Clinton for being a feminist while being a cheating womanizer. The values are for life, not just for politics. You show repeatedly that politics is all you care about and not the values underneath. You are a political sellout.


    Her language?

    You took something that was neutral and unclear at worst and construed to it grand charges of racism! You just threw the racism charge in with "ignorant and wrong" to help prove your point.

    TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the fact that you were wrong in jumping the gun in calling Giagura racist.
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