New PowerBooks '03!!!!! (merged)



  • Reply 161 of 177
    I just bought a ~TRICKED-OUT~ 15'' Powerbook! Tax is soooo ($200) much! It cost $2800 total - and that was after I saved $500 with a Student ADC deal! I got lots of goodies though... an iSight, extra battery, assorted cables, FC Express...

    I have a little problem though. It cost $80 more than what I have in my bank account. When do they charge me?

    Here are a couple of things:

    The extra battery isn't supposed to ship for 3 weeks and it costs $100. Do they not bill me for it until the battery ships?

    Some of the stuff I got will probably ship tomorrow (like the iSight). When it does, will Apple bill me for the whole order?

    My brother (who owes me $320) is sending me a check that will be here in a few days.

    I could just borrow $100 from my roommate.
  • Reply 162 of 177
    The heck? Why are they still G4 Powerbooks? Um, IBM does have a low power 1.2 GHZ PowerPC 970 ....why are they still using G4s? We waited this long for that? When did this happen anywayz, I havent been paying attention.
  • Reply 163 of 177
    My 1.33 Ghz 17" PowerBook arrives ... (drum roll please)...

    Today! In a few more hours anyway. (3:30 AM now)

    Because I teach software classes on the side for a local VAR I'm getting a deal also.

    Throw in the FCE and Kenote deals as well too!

    Can't wait!

  • Reply 164 of 177

    Originally posted by satchmo

    Does someone definitively know whether or not there is a L3 cache on the 15" models?

    You may already know the answer at this point, but just in case:

    Developer Note on 15" PowerBook (click the link for the section devoted to the processor).
  • Reply 165 of 177

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I can't believe I just spent the last minute looking for the "Post Reply" button in the Safari's been a long, yet throughly refreshing and exciting day

    Looking at the pics from the poster at the MacNN forums, clearly the new 15-inch PowerBook is going to be a monster hit for Apple.

    15" PowerBook

    It's orgasmically beautiful

    WOW!!! That is one nice looking piece of kit 8). Now I can't decide if I should go for a 12" or 15" . Damn you Apple!!! .


    (image is 800x600, having it in a quote messed up page formatting at 1024x768... edited it to a link - murbot)
  • Reply 166 of 177

    Is it possible that Apple left out the L3 cache (up to 2MB, damn) because performance gain with the next (G5) chippo wouldn't be big enough?

    Someone know something more?
  • Reply 167 of 177
    I ordered a BTO model where all I really did was bump the drive to an 80 GB @ 5400 RPM. It said 3-5 days when I ordered, but is says a ship date on or before 9/23. Does it usually ship on that date or are they being safe? I'm thinking of changing it to just a stock 15-inch SuperDrive.
  • Reply 168 of 177
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    You know what? It's all you mind-changing goons who keep going back and re-doing your order that screw it up for everyone! Pick something and go with it.

    The dual 2GHz G5s would probably be blanketing the country by now, except for all you propeller heads going in and adding funky shit left and right, then going back 2 hours later (after coming to your senses a bit) and undoing it and starting the process all over again.

  • Reply 169 of 177

    Originally posted by pscates

    You know what? It's all you mind-changing goons who keep going back and re-doing your order that screw it up for everyone! Pick something and go with it.

    Well, at least I only thought about changing my order. That shouldn't slow anything down.

    By the way, if I ever did want to change or cancel an order, can anyone here tell me how I'd do that? Would I have to call Apple by phone? I ask because I didn't see any options to modify or cancel my order when I checked its status on Apple's web site. It's not surprising that they might make such options a little hard to get at, but I wasn't sure if I was just missing something, or if it's not possible to do through the web site.
  • Reply 170 of 177
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Well, at least I only thought about changing my order. That shouldn't slow anything down.

    No, Steve really is that good.
  • Reply 171 of 177

    Originally posted by shetline

    Well, at least I only thought about changing my order. That shouldn't slow anything down.

    By the way, if I ever did want to change or cancel an order, can anyone here tell me how I'd do that? Would I have to call Apple by phone? I ask because I didn't see any options to modify or cancel my order when I checked its status on Apple's web site. It's not surprising that they might make such options a little hard to get at, but I wasn't sure if I was just missing something, or if it's not possible to do through the web site.

    To change the order, just call apple at 1-800-676-2775. Press 1-3-1 I believe to get to the person that handles changes. I did it this morning. I decided to go with the G5 1.25 Superdrive instead of what I had ordered before: 1.25 Powerbook 15" combo/drive. By doing so, I got a quicker shipping date, tomorrow instead of monday....Yeah!

    I figure, I can just sell foreign porn dvds to the students at my University to pay for the expensive laptop....hehehe
  • Reply 172 of 177
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by feliperal

    To change the order, just call apple at 1-800-676-2775. Press 1-3-1 I believe to get to the person that handles changes. I did it this morning. I decided to go with the G5 1.25 Superdrive instead of what I had ordered before

    You decided to go with WHAT?
  • Reply 173 of 177

    Originally posted by feliperal

    I decided to go with the G5 1.25 Superdrive...

    NICE! I think I'll order one of those too!
  • Reply 174 of 177
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robust

    Powerbook g4 is the 4th best selling item at the apple online store.

    demand must be pretty high for these things.

    The 15" is now at #1!!

    and the 15" Brenthaven shoulder case is at #7

    Screed ...getting a warm, tingly feely in my AAPL shares...
  • Reply 175 of 177
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robust

    Powerbook g4 is the 4th best selling item at the apple online store.

    demand must be pretty high for these things.

    That actually means that Apple is makign a fortune from the new powerbooks. Powerbook G4's cost an average of say $2,000. iPods cost an average of $400.

    Apple is making bucks.
  • Reply 176 of 177
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by Jahy

    I just bought a ~TRICKED-OUT~ 15'' Powerbook! Tax is soooo ($200) much! It cost $2800 total - and that was after I saved $500 with a Student ADC deal! I got lots of goodies though... an iSight, extra battery, assorted cables, FC Express...

    I have a little problem though. It cost $80 more than what I have in my bank account. When do they charge me?

    Here are a couple of things:

    The extra battery isn't supposed to ship for 3 weeks and it costs $100. Do they not bill me for it until the battery ships?

    Some of the stuff I got will probably ship tomorrow (like the iSight). When it does, will Apple bill me for the whole order?

    My brother (who owes me $320) is sending me a check that will be here in a few days.

    I could just borrow $100 from my roommate.

    Cool- great machine.

    As an aside, what are the technical requirements for becoming an Apple student developer?

    I am a student (grad school, but not computer related)

    I am a developer (my day job)

    I could consder myself to be a "student developer"

    How good are the price discounts for student developers? I seem to recall that they are about 20%.
  • Reply 177 of 177

    Originally posted by Yevgeny

    Cool- great machine.

    As an aside, what are the technical requirements for becoming an Apple student developer?

    I am a student (grad school, but not computer related)

    I am a developer (my day job)

    I could consder myself to be a "student developer"

    How good are the price discounts for student developers? I seem to recall that they are about 20%.

    You must be a student (be able to provide a transcript, bill or some such, even for 1 cr at a community college) and pay $99. The one-time discount is 20%. You may order up to one desktop machine plus one portable, two(?) displays, peripherals (including iPods). I'm not sure if you could get say, 10 iPods, but perhaps.

    They don't give these to faculty.
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