MacOS X 10.3.2



  • Reply 41 of 111
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Watch what you're doing with this update - make sure you backup all your shit before you install it.

    It's just nuked my home directory (now 52k) and I've lost all my work - 6 years worth of portfolio and fonts and music and photos and everything!

    Why didn't I back up?

  • Reply 42 of 111
    guess i will wait for a day or two

  • Reply 43 of 111
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    Interesting update. I repaired permissions before running and again afterwards...

    After the install repair permissions did not pick anything up at all, I have never seen this before. I wonder if it is repairing permissions during the install, that woud be a great improvement.
  • Reply 44 of 111
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    After restarting the machine I tried a Shutdown, left it for a couple of minutes and rebooted. Low and behold my, and the other user accounts reappeared.

    Jeez - that kind of takes your breath away.

    Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to backup 70GBs worth of data.

    Any ideas why a shutdown did the trick but a restart didn't?
  • Reply 45 of 111

    Originally posted by Messiah

    Any ideas why a shutdown did the trick but a restart didn't?

    because computers are the only thing known to man that are routinely fixed by turning them off and then back on...

    they will be the downfall of mankind

    or maybe nuclear or the other

  • Reply 46 of 111
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    because computers are the only thing known to man that are routinely fixed by turning them off and then back on...

    they will be the downfall of mankind

    or maybe nuclear or the other


    It's just as well we don't rely on computers to control our nuclear weapons then eh?


  • Reply 47 of 111
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    So far so good... hard to guage whether there are any snappiness ? improvements since my dualie was more or less greased lightning before the update. If my cable connection ever shapes up tonight (problems in my area) I will test the new video drivers with MOHAA. Trying to think of what else I could use but....
  • Reply 48 of 111
    There's a few reports floating around saying that this upgrade messes with the fan on 12"PBs ie. they don't power down and run continuously. This would seem great for cooling the unit but I'd imagine it would seriously affect the battery life.

    Anyone upgraded a 12" and can shed some light?
  • Reply 49 of 111
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by lungaretta

    There's a few reports floating around saying that this upgrade messes with the fan on 12"PBs ie. they don't power down and run continuously. This would seem great for cooling the unit but I'd imagine it would seriously affect the battery life.

    Anyone upgraded a 12" and can shed some light?

    Well, that's exactly what seems to have happened here. If it doesn't quit when I'm on battery power, I'll be upset. So far it doesn't seem to make a difference...
  • Reply 50 of 111
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by torifile

    Well, that's exactly what seems to have happened here. If it doesn't quit when I'm on battery power, I'll be upset. So far it doesn't seem to make a difference...

    It's stopped. I'm not sure why it was on earlier because it seems warmer now than it did before. Whatever. I'm happy that nothing's broken and there's at least the prospect of networking stuff working better.
  • Reply 51 of 111
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member
    My RAGE pro secondary monitor (worked fine in 10.1.5) is still 8 shades of gray.

    Apple is an a**hole company.
  • Reply 52 of 111
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    10.3.2 gave my Power Mac G4 Dual a sleep problem it never had before (includes 10.2.6, 10.2.8, 10.3 and 10.3.1). Put it to sleep, 10 seconds later wakes from sleep with loud click. Not good.

    All other programs (15 or so I ran) have had no problems so far. Disk utility works OK repairing permissions.

    Boot times are bit slower (maybe 3-4 seconds), and it sounds like it is doing a prebinding routine not present in earlier versions.
  • Reply 53 of 111
    gabidgabid Posts: 477member
    No problems on a G5 single 1.8. I'll try on a G4 iBook soon (which I'm also contemplating trying out that new battery update on...a little nervous about that one since I'm getting a nice constant 4 hours).
  • Reply 54 of 111
    no problems here on a 12" PB.

  • Reply 55 of 111
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Whoa. I paused my download and will wait for some more information before I install.

    Repairing permissions...

    EDIT: Well, I can say for certain that software update stores partially downloaded updates even after you quit software update.
  • Reply 56 of 111
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Ah I'm definitely waiting to see how Battery Update 1.1. and 10.3.2 pan out! Thanks to all your brave guinea pigs!

    I would like to hear how people with 12" PowerBooks do with Battery Update 1.1 and 10.3.2, keep the feedback coming in!
  • Reply 57 of 111
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Regarding 10.3.2, the release build is build 7D24, which we have had from ADC and used for a few days now.

    If you use Safari's "Autofill" feature a lot, you might want to hold off on this update. Apple has not responded to several bug reports about the Autofill not working properly (it fails to autofill at sites where it previously worked fine).

    It might be the recent Security update (that modified Safari) that is responsible also.

    Anybody noticed problems with Autofill after the Security Update?
  • Reply 58 of 111
    ok, i take it back... seems my fan is indeed on overdrive. On my 12" pb the fan rarely comes on, but when it does, it's for a minute tops. this time about an hour after i installed 10.3.2 it came on and then turned off after about a min... about 10 seconds after it turned off, it turned back on again and has been on ever since... about 20 min... odd.

  • Reply 59 of 111
    Tracked down sleep problem to some sort of extension conflict (shades of OS 9).

    Rebooted in Safe Boot mode (hold down shift key). Reinstalled update. Rebooted in Safe Mode. Put to sleep. Responds properly to keyboard wakeup but no response to Kensington trackball movement. So it looks as if it is not Apple's fault, but perhaps the trackball or other extension loaded at boot.

    Boot times still slower.
  • Reply 60 of 111
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Ah I'm definitely waiting to see how Battery Update 1.1. and 10.3.2 pan out! Thanks to all your brave guinea pigs!

    I would like to hear how people with 12" PowerBooks do with Battery Update 1.1 and 10.3.2, keep the feedback coming in!

    I'll keep you posted.
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