MacOS X 10.3.2



  • Reply 81 of 111
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    This is interesting...

    The good news is that I can now browse to my Windows file server in the Network folder, rather than having the use smb://ipaddress via "Go -> Connect to Server".

    The bad news is that whenever I try to mount the server that I now see by browing, I hang the Finder. Once I do a forced relaunch of the Finder, all the stuff I could browse to before is gone. Only the "Servers" alias shows up after that.

    (This always worked fine in Jaguar, and still works one the one Jaguar system on the same LAN at the same time it doesn't work on three different Panther Macs -- so before you are tempted to suggest problems with the Windows file server or how I installed Panther, please realize that I've made a fair amount of effort to isolate these problems down Panther itself, including using a factory-fresh install of Panther on a new eMac.)
  • Reply 82 of 111
    Has anybody with the Panther/Sawtooth/GeForce conundrum tried this update? Any joy?

    It specifically mentions new ATI and nVidia drivers, so here's hopin'.
  • Reply 83 of 111
    15" AL 1gig PB,

    I see no difference whatsoever... which is a good thing right?

    Seriously though, i had issues with my Sony f717 camera, sometimes it would recognize it's connected, other (most) times it wouldn't. This appears to be fixed now.


    Oh and i just noticed that, after battery update, battery starts to charge from 0 even though it was full before performing that update...calibration?
  • Reply 84 of 111

    Originally posted by Brad

    MenuMeters (the only 3rd party system tool I have installed) works fine.

    MenuMeters was also working OK on my machine. I uninstalled it because I got tired of looking at the MenuCracker messages in the console log. They always made me a bit uneasy. So from now on, no more haxies, and nothing that uses MenuCracker routines. Entirely personal quirk/decision.
  • Reply 85 of 111

    Originally posted by imacFP

    I had no problems either on my 15" FP iMac. I can't tell if it did anything but it didn't do anything bad-half the battle.

    I'm going to update a co-worker's 700MHz, 15" flat pannel iMac next Tuesday (the bar across the street from his satellite office has 15¢ wings on Tuesdays). Did you experience the restarting problem that other people have complained about?
  • Reply 86 of 111
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by shetline

    The bad news is that whenever I try to mount the server that I now see by browing, I hang the Finder. Once I do a forced relaunch of the Finder, all the stuff I could browse to before is gone. Only the "Servers" alias shows up after that.

    I've found out now that if I wait it out long enough (over two minutes since I started timing it just now) without doing a forced relaunch of the Finder, eventually the Finder unfreezes and comes up with the message "The alias 'YourServer' could not be opened, because the original item cannot be found."
  • Reply 87 of 111
    neilybneilyb Posts: 128member
    well, my fan seem's to have gone back to its normal behavior... very weird.

  • Reply 88 of 111
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    Boy, are users going to be surprised when they get home from work and find updates to Java, Quicktime, iTunes, and supposedly a new Panther security update this afternoon.

    Good for Apple. Keep 'em coming.

    Edited: And now X Code 1.1 on Software Update. Been beavering away in Cupertino.
  • Reply 89 of 111
    stevesteve Posts: 523member

    Originally posted by mcsjgs

    Boy, are users going to be surprised when they get home from work and find updates to Java, Quicktime, iTunes, and supposedly a new Panther security update this afternoon.

    Good for Apple. Keep 'em coming.

    Christmas comes early.

    Meanwhile, I haven't installed 10.3.2, because I'm still waiting for applenut's BitTorrent thingamabob. At over 48 hours strong, it's my longest sustained download ever. I'm terrified that after I restart, it may not pick up for whatever reason. OS X never fails to screw me over. In fact, I'm surprised I've gone so long without a KP.

    What an asshole company.

  • Reply 90 of 111
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    Well, I was very critical of Apple after the 10.3 release. I felt it was rushed to coincide with the G5 debut. 10.3.1 made Panther better, and 10.3.2 has made it more stable for me.

    As big IT companies go, Apple is head and shoulders above the rest. Not perfect, but infinitely better.
  • Reply 91 of 111
    If you thought it slowed the system down, it did, install the QuickTime 6.5 update and everything will be back to normal speed wise.
  • Reply 92 of 111
    I too had really weird fan issues with a 12" alubook. I installed a bunch of the updates at once, and then upon restart, my fan was going nuts. The unit was plugged in, and charging, but because of the fan going crazy, charging took a really long time. The fan seemed to be cycling, like, increasing higher and higher in frequency and then dropping down a bit. And then all of a sudden, the fan stopped... and i looked up and the battery was at 100%. REALLY weird. I hope it just a temporary thing, as it seems to be nice and quiet now.

    Anyone noticing large changes in battery life since that update? It appears that I have a longer charge now, but its hard to unless I let'er tick down for 4 hours
  • Reply 93 of 111
    alright. this is weird again. the fan is on pretty much non-stop. Whether plugged in or not...

    12" 867 Mhz, 256RAM

  • Reply 94 of 111
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    Ah... now my Windows networking is finally working better.

    I tried a few things like rebooting my Mac a couple of times, throwing out old keychain entries to the server (that I'd set up via "Go -> Connect to Server", since browsing didn't work before), trying to find any other preferences that I might delete, but none of those things helped.

    Trying to look at the networked drive via a Terminal window, I was getting NFS errors, and since the Windows system is sharing via Samba and not NFS, that made me suspicious. I rebooted my Windows file server (which still wasn't having any problems with the Jaguar Mac), thinking that maybe Panther had some bad cached info about the server, and perhaps then if my Mac saw the server go down and come back up again that that would clear the bad info.

    I have no idea if my conjecture was correct, but the results are what I wanted. I can now properly browse to the various volumes on my Windows file server, and can now finally say that for me Panther's networking with Windows is an improvement, rather than a step backwards, from Jaguar.
  • Reply 95 of 111
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Well this is annoying. I have a 12" PowerBook. Is 10.3.1 good enough while I wait for 10.3.3?
  • Reply 96 of 111
    My fan is driving me nuts. Its a rev A powerbook 12". I have read that this is happening on rev A's, but not rev B's.... anyone got any input? Are all rev A people having this problem?

    I am considering doing an archive install of panther this weekend, just to get back to 10.3.1

    maybe Apple got tired of hearing complaints about these 'books being too hot (theyre not hot, theyre comfortably warm) and did this to shut us up for awhile...

    you don't like heat!? well how bout some white noise!
  • Reply 97 of 111
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    From what I've read, it only affects Rev A. Apple supposedly made the temperature point where the fans kick in the same on Rev A and Rev B. This lowered the temp point on Rev A which ran hotter. Some users say it makes their Rev A cooler. Most hate it.
  • Reply 98 of 111
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member
    Did anyone see anything about this security update which was supposed to be released today? Cnet News claimed to have had a source inside Apple who told them it would be released on Friday.
  • Reply 99 of 111
    My networking finally works!!! I can browse my Win98 machine, it even detects the Windows printers! Finally, I can really put Jag to rest.
  • Reply 100 of 111

    Originally posted by mcsjgs

    Did anyone see anything about this security update which was supposed to be released today? Cnet News claimed to have had a source inside Apple who told them it would be released on Friday.

    It's up, check SW Update.
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