MacOS X 10.3.2



  • Reply 61 of 111

    Originally posted by dmz

    My RAGE pro secondary monitor (worked fine in 10.1.5) is still 8 shades of gray.

    Apple is an a**hole company.

    Care to guess who is typically responsible for driver updates?

    The device manufacturer.

    ATI is an asshole company.
  • Reply 62 of 111

    Originally posted by mcsjgs

    10.3.2 gave my Power Mac G4 Dual a sleep problem it never had before (includes 10.2.6, 10.2.8, 10.3 and 10.3.1). Put it to sleep, 10 seconds later wakes from sleep with loud click. Not good.

    My dual G4 *always* did this with Mac OS X until 10.3 finally seemed to fix it. I could get it to sleep my unplugging the mouse before selling it to sleep. Strangely enough, I used an Apple Pro Mouse connected through an Apple Pro Keyboard. I never found an answer as to why this happened.

    On a related note, my dual G4 could never "deep sleep" until 103 also. There were issues with the ATTO SCSI card that Apple included, specifically that the driver had some bugs that refused it to sleep in low-power mode in OSX (even though it worked fine in OS9).

    *holds breath*

    *clicks install*
  • Reply 63 of 111
    Holy smokes, what did Apple do? After upgrading to 10.3.2, application launches on my SP 1.25 G4 PowerMac are screaming fast! Not just noticably faster, but incredibly quick!

    GREAT upgrade! And everything (so far, at least) seems to work fine.

  • Reply 64 of 111
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member

    Originally posted by Messiah

    After restarting the machine I tried a Shutdown, left it for a couple of minutes and rebooted. Low and behold my, and the other user accounts reappeared.

    Jeez - that kind of takes your breath away.

    Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to backup 70GBs worth of data.

    Any ideas why a shutdown did the trick but a restart didn't?

    That's odd.

    After I installed 10.3.1, I rebooted and came to a login panel that had my two user names missing (I normally have it list the users). Instead, there was the manual text blocks to enter the name and password. But, neither of my user names/passwords worked. I shut down, and after a minute, all was well again. It listed my users and everything was fine.

    This sounds similar to your problem.... Scary ain't?
  • Reply 65 of 111
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I took the plunge and installed.

    Startup times:

    10.3.1: 1min 8sec

    10.3.2: 2min 11sec

    I am running some optimization utilities to bring that time down quite a bit. I'll keep you updated.

    Update: now it is down to 1min 23sec

    Also I noticed during startup it said "Please disable personal web sharing and restart". It did not make me restart but sure enough PWS is disabled every time I boot up. I don't know how that has been going on though.

    The finder/dock seem more responsive. Framerates in UT2K3 didn't seem to change. And I had to re-calibrate my moniter's color. (Just didn't look right)
  • Reply 66 of 111
    mcsjgsmcsjgs Posts: 244member

    Originally posted by Brad

    My dual G4 *always* did this with Mac OS X until 10.3 finally seemed to fix it. I could get it to sleep my unplugging the mouse before selling it to sleep. Strangely enough, I used an Apple Pro Mouse connected through an Apple Pro Keyboard. I never found an answer as to why this happened.

    On a related note, my dual G4 could never "deep sleep" until 103 also. There were issues with the ATTO SCSI card that Apple included, specifically that the driver had some bugs that refused it to sleep in low-power mode in OSX (even though it worked fine in OS9).

    *holds breath*

    *clicks install*

    Good luck, Brad. I had to uninstall some things I really liked a lot (Menu Meters), and some other favorites, but now no sleep problem except it will only respond to keyboard. Sigh. Wait for new Kensington trackball driver.

    The boot times are definitely slower. I can watch the progress bar load the extensions by name. Something I never saw before on my G4 Dual. The OS is doing a more elaborate startup routine of some kind. If it makes it more stable, I'll be happy to live with the extra 3-4 seconds. But it is different.
  • Reply 67 of 111

    Originally posted by dmz

    My RAGE pro secondary monitor (worked fine in 10.1.5) is still 8 shades of gray.

    Apple is an a**hole company.

    Boohoo, Bad Apple killed the $20 graphics card on my $2000 dollar computer. Boohoo.

  • Reply 68 of 111
    I am amazed with the performance gains on my 14 in 700mhz iBook.

    Scrolling in Safari is instant. No more lag with the mouse pointer and the scroll bar tab. It tracks so well. Also I keep my Applications folder in my dock and when I click and hold to populate the menu it is INSTANT!!

    Before this update it was still sluggish even with panther.

    I can not believe the feel of this once sluggish iBook. It is snappy at this point and I am so very happy with this update!!!

  • Reply 69 of 111
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Hmmm... Apache does not seem to be working with my user. Other users still work but I get a "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /~mercury/ on this server. Apache/1.3.28 Server at mercury.local Port 80"

    Is there a way to reinstall apache? This is the only problem I found.
  • Reply 70 of 111

    Originally posted by mcsjgs

    Good luck, Brad.

    My update went without a hitch.

    Sleep works fine. MenuMeters (the only 3rd party system tool I have installed) works fine. Boot time isn't significantly any slower. It's *maybe* a couple seconds longer, but it's hardly noticeable. Apps launch same as before.

    Life is good.
  • Reply 71 of 111
    just updated. everything seems fine so far.

    I've noticed a very large speed-up when going through menus! They now seems just as fast as mac os 9...anyone else noticed this?
  • Reply 72 of 111

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Ah I'm definitely waiting to see how Battery Update 1.1. and 10.3.2 pan out! Thanks to all your brave guinea pigs!

    I would like to hear how people with 12" PowerBooks do with Battery Update 1.1 and 10.3.2, keep the feedback coming in!

    I as well...\
  • Reply 73 of 111
    no probs here so far

    yes i was gonna wait a day or two...but i is so very very weak and software update is so very very strong

  • Reply 74 of 111
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member

    Originally posted by Brad

    Care to guess who is typically responsible for driver updates?

    The device manufacturer.

    ATI is an asshole company.

    Brad....everything was fine in 10.1.5

    was the rendering engine chaged that much? I'm going crazy here!
  • Reply 75 of 111
    Updated my 15" Al PB to 10.3.2 without problem, except it would not restart by itself after installation. I agree, that the boot time is a bit longer, but somehow did not notice any major improvements so far.

    Apps are all there, startup times seem about the same.
  • Reply 76 of 111
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    WTF?!?! 10.3.2 made my Mac gay! And it no longer displays the letters "e" or "j" on screen. And it smells like Turtle Wax, as of this morning.

    Come on, Apple! I expect a little more QC in the future. Jerkwads.

    Reinstall time, I guess.

    But seriously, all appears to be fine. I did the 10.3.2 and the battery thing. No problems whatsoever, that I can tell. I did have to manually restart after the updates (usually it does it on its own, right?). Anyway...
  • Reply 77 of 111
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Turtle Wax....
  • Reply 78 of 111

    After the install repair permissions did not pick anything up at all, I have never seen this before.

    This has been apparent, at least on my computer, since I installed Panther. Never indicates any repairs being made by name during or after permissions is run.

    I was able to download in 2 hours 15 minutes on dial up. A similar sized Jaguar update took 3 hours 30 minutes. No problems so far on my 17" iMac.
  • Reply 79 of 111
    I had no problems either on my 15" FP iMac. I can't tell if it did anything but it didn't do anything bad-half the battle.
  • Reply 80 of 111
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    No issues with my 12"PB.

    No sleep anomolies, the fan is off.

    Everything is OK as far as I can tell.
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