Bush Unbeatable?



  • Reply 201 of 233
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by bunge


    Here we go again. It's like you're gloating or something. To be a liberal today, one must HOPE for poor results. It's amazing. In any case, I've been hearing the Wal-Mart warning for a few days. The jury's not back on that one yet....nor does Wal-Mart represent the entire retail sector. Furthermore, retail doesn't represent the "state of the entire economy".

    Make a point or don't. If you're saying the economy isn't in good shape, then make the point and post facts to support your position.
  • Reply 202 of 233
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Here we go again. It's like you're gloating or something. To be a liberal today, one must HOPE for poor results. It's amazing. In any case, I've been hearing the Wal-Mart warning for a few days. The jury's not back on that one yet....nor does Wal-Mart represent the entire retail sector. Furthermore, retail doesn't represent the "state of the entire economy".

    Make a point or don't. If you're saying the economy isn't in good shape, then make the point and post facts to support your position.

    And it's the lamest thing in the world for consevatives to say someone's wishing for bad times just because they point out that the current ones reflect badly on our president.

  • Reply 203 of 233
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    By the way at Xmas time retail sales are the backbone and barometer of the economy.
  • Reply 204 of 233
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    No, I'm sorry. I'm not falling into this trap with you. The point is the overall economy has turned a corner and is in recovery. If you can't admit that then you're intellectually dishonest. You go running around posting any tidbit of information that would appear to support your "viewpoint" because you know it could aid you politically.

    You're unbelieveable.
  • Reply 205 of 233
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    No, I'm sorry. I'm not falling into this trap with you. The point is the overall economy has turned a corner and is in recovery. If you can't admit that then you're intellectually dishonest. You go running around posting any tidbit of information that would appear to support your "viewpoint" because you know it could aid you politically.

    You're unbelieveable.

    No I'm sorry but it's your position that's totally unsupportable. You just don't see the reality of the situation due to your fixation with our fearless leader.

    Funny how all those little tidbit facts tend to add up to one big conclusion isn't it?

    Your previous comment about someone wanting to have bad times just to do Bush damage is still not only lame it's childish and pathetic.
  • Reply 206 of 233
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Go ahead jimmac, show me your evidence. Here's mine:

    1. GDP growth is the strongest in 20 years.


    2. The markets are way up on the year...Dow above 10,000

    3. Confidence is up


    4. Unemployment is below 6% and falling

    Oh, and looky here:


    Scroll down to see the very same chart you linked to a month ago in our discussions. Almost all activity points to rebounding growth.

    Now, go on: Support your claim, whatever it is.
  • Reply 207 of 233
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member


    The Green Party is debating whether to take a nominee on a full state-by-state campaign or to adopt a "safe state" strategy. Under that method, the party would mostly avoid states up for grabs, in order not to jeopardize the Democratic candidate's chances against President Bush.

    Bad news for Bush.
  • Reply 208 of 233
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by ShawnJ


    Bad news for Bush.

    You could be right. Though, It seems the green voters would be Dean folks, no? I think it might be a wash, because I doubt Dean will get as many centrists as Gore did. We'll see...I don't think that this will be much of a concern to Bush...at least not a major one. I'm sure his campaign will "notice" and take it into account. I don't see much other reaction.
  • Reply 209 of 233
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    You could be right. Though, It seems the green voters would be Dean folks, no? I think it might be a wash, because I doubt Dean will get as many centrists as Gore did. We'll see...I don't think that this will be much of a concern to Bush...at least not a major one. I'm sure his campaign will "notice" and take it into account. I don't see much other reaction.

    Yeah. I'm not really sure to what extent it's bad news for Bush. Who knows, really. It's generally a good thing for Democrats not to have a popular third party candidate siphoning off votes. The article reported that Gore lost Florida by 600 votes while Nader won 100,000 votes in the state. That could be a good pickup for Dean.
  • Reply 210 of 233
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    And it's the lamest thing in the world for consevatives to say someone's wishing for bad times just because they point out that the current ones reflect badly on our president.


    Bingo! It's the same old Republican way of doing things. Lie, distort, attack, never relent. A Republican points to positive indicators and he's arguing his point. A Democrat points to a negative indicator and he's rooting for Americas destruction, wishing for more soldier's to be murdered, praying for the econmy to tank.

    These guys are fvcking unbelievable!
  • Reply 211 of 233
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Bingo! It's the same old Republican way of doing things. Lie, distort, attack, never relent. A Republican points to positive indicators and he's arguing his point. A Democrat points to a negative indicator and he's rooting for Americas destruction, wishing for more soldier's to be murdered, praying for the econmy to tank.

    These guys are fvcking unbelievable!

    Oh please, this is such crap. It has nothing to to with one party being one way and one being the other. No matter which party is in power, the opposition will always make light of bad things going on, and be perceived as negative, and the party in power will point to all the positives.
  • Reply 212 of 233
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    ignore. double post
  • Reply 213 of 233

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Bingo! It's the same old Republican way of doing things. Lie, distort, attack, never relent. A Republican points to positive indicators and he's arguing his point. A Democrat points to a negative indicator and he's rooting for Americas destruction, wishing for more soldier's to be murdered, praying for the econmy to tank.

    These guys are fvcking unbelievable!

    If you're talking about economic indicators, than the accusation leveled against youz is perfectly correct. Perception is a very important factor in the health of a recovering economy. And you, with your fellow leftists are doing great damage to the economy by constantly harping on the "negative". You are actively taking part in a destructive self fulfilling prophecy. So you are doing more than just rooting for bad things to happen..
  • Reply 214 of 233
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by majorspunk

    If you're talking about economic indicators, than the accusation leveled against youz is perfectly correct. Perception is a very important factor in the health of a recovering economy. And you, with your fellow leftists are doing great damage to the economy by constantly harping on the "negative". You are actively taking part in a destructive self fulfilling prophecy. So you are doing more than just rooting for bad things to happen..

    Got it. Republicans are allowed to use the economy in their favor, but Democrats cannot? Only good economic indicators can be used to win elections I guess. When things aren't going so well, or other indicators point to the opposite, then it's "shut the fvck up." I see. Somehow using evidence and facts to support ones argument is now "rooting" for bad things to happen/continue? Gotcha. I got hand it to you, you guys are the absolute best at distorting reality. Once you guys get flustered, then it's roll out the Anti-American flag and paint liberals as America-haters.

    Great damage to the economy? Oh, that's a good one.

    In politics all is fair in love and war. Sometimes, you wingers forget that (oh, wait, you wrote the book on it).
  • Reply 215 of 233

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Got it. Republicans are allowed to use the economy in their favor, but Democrats cannot? Only good economic indicators can be used to win elections I guess. When things aren't going so well, or other indicators point to the opposite, then it's "shut the fvck up." I see. Somehow using evidence and facts to support ones argument is now "rooting" for bad things to happen/continue? Gotcha. I got hand it to you, you guys are the absolute best at distorting reality. Once you guys get flustered, then it's roll out the Anti-American flag and paint liberals as America-haters.

    Great damage to the economy? Oh, that's a good one.

    In politics all is fair in love and war. Sometimes, you wingers forget that (oh, wait, you wrote the book on it).

    Not at all. You are allowed, and obviously are free, to harp on all the negative elements of economic picture to all your hearts content.

    What I'm saying, again, is that this is a rather fragile time for the economy. If the perception is that the economy is still in a bad shape than people will not spend. And when people do not spend it is bad news for the economy. It's a vicious cycle, if you will. The economy is obviously in a stage of recovery. Irresponsible rhetoric such as coming for the left now is extremely damaging. I hope you are able to see this, and are not blinded by myopic partizan politics. We all benefit from an improving economy. Well, maybe not you democrats.
  • Reply 216 of 233
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by majorspunk

    Not at all. You are allowed, and obviously are free, to harp on all the negative elements of economic picture to all your hearts content.

    What I'm saying, again, is that this is a rather fragile time for the economy. If the perception is that the economy is still in a bad shape than people will not spend. And when people do not spend it is bad news for the economy. It's a vicious cycle, if you will. The economy is obviously in a stage of recovery. Irresponsible rhetoric such as coming for the left now is extremely damaging. I hope you are able to see this, and are not blinded by myopic partizan politics. We all benefit from an improving economy. Well, maybe not you democrats.

    I understand what you're saying. But, with all due respect, your winger brothers like SDW are saying the exact opposite (with regards to the fragility of the economy):


    "Worst economic times in years"? That's a little alarmist in itself. We had a very, very mild recession...one which paled in comparison to the 1992 recession and others. Unemployment maxed at 6.4%, and negative growth was minimal. Tech collapsed, which I'll give you, but that's rebounding as well. If you think things were truly 'that bad", then you're pretty ignorant with all due respect

  • Reply 217 of 233
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member

    Originally posted by rageous

    Oh please, this is such crap. It has nothing to to with one party being one way and one being the other. No matter which party is in power, the opposition will always make light of bad things going on, and be perceived as negative, and the party in power will point to all the positives.

    Pardon me, but the rhetoric is very very different this time. This time if you disagree or even TRY to fight back you're a "communist", you hate America, pray that more soldiers get murdered and wake up every morning with fingers crossed that the markets crashed and unemployement soared (it's been said and accused by many, so this is no straw man).

    Read some of the recent positing by SDW, Majorspunk, Scott, Trumptman where they do not hesitate for a second to call-out your patriotism, which is no different than calling a black man a N****R!

    We've always had partisan politics. This year, however, it's the absolute worst I've ever seen. I will not allow John Ashcroft, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to claim ownership of the American flag.

    Everyone says, "oh, you need to take the high road, don't listen to it, water off a duck's back." Fvck that! Taking the high-road led to the 2000 disaster, led to the 2002 smack down, led to the re-call joke. If Democrats want to ensure that they never control a single office in this country again, then go ahead to pretend that "this is politics as usual." Because it's not.

    The gloves have to come off this time. If anyone complains. Too bad.
  • Reply 218 of 233
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member

    Originally posted by Northgate

    Pardon me, but the rhetoric is very very different this time. This time if you disagree or even TRY to fight back you're a "communist", you hate America, pray that more soldiers get murdered and wake up every morning with fingers crossed that the markets crashed and unemployement soared (it's been said and accused by many, so this is no straw man).

    Read some of the recent positing by SDW, Majorspunk, Scott, Trumptman where they do not hesitate for a second to call-out your patriotism, which is no different than calling a black man a N****R!

    We've always had partisan politics. This year, however, it's the absolute worst I've ever seen. I will not allow John Ashcroft, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to claim ownership of the American flag.

    Everyone says, "oh, you need to take the high road, don't listen to it, water off a duck's back." Fvck that! Taking the high-road led to the 2000 disaster, led to the 2002 smack down, led to the re-call joke. If Democrats want to ensure that they never control a single office in this country again, then go ahead to pretend that "this is politics as usual." Because it's not.

    The rhetoric is the exact same it's always been, only the terminology differs. Given the terrorist attacks, people focus on patriotism as a means of making personal attacks. How is this any different than calling people communists back in the day? It was even more widespread that this "anti-American" name calling has been.

    As for taking the high road, I don't think one should brush off claims off anti-americanism or anti-patriotism (whatever those things are.) However, to respond in the exact same manner as attacked makes one appear just as ridiculous as the person making the original attack. Name calling just gets old. And there's a lot of it in AO.


    Originally posted by Northgate

    The gloves have to come off this time. If anyone complains. Too bad.

    So it's ok for you to complain about being attacked, but not ok for someone possibly move level headed to complain about everyone else attacking each other? Seems odd to me. But if you guys want to duke it out in perpetual battle, so be it.
  • Reply 219 of 233
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Go ahead jimmac, show me your evidence. Here's mine:

    1. GDP growth is the strongest in 20 years.


    2. The markets are way up on the year...Dow above 10,000

    3. Confidence is up


    4. Unemployment is below 6% and falling

    Oh, and looky here:


    Scroll down to see the very same chart you linked to a month ago in our discussions. Almost all activity points to rebounding growth.

    Now, go on: Support your claim, whatever it is.


    Originally by SDW :

    " You go running around posting any tidbit of information that would appear to support your "viewpoint" because you know it could aid you politically. "


    I've already presented mine......multiple times.
  • Reply 220 of 233
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    No as usual, you've presented nothing but shit. I have posted and referenced broad economic data.
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