Computer Setup Pictures 2004



  • Reply 181 of 195
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    I can't believe I actually remember this, but ...

    "Darkwing Duck! ... Let's--get--DANGerous!"

    Oh gosh; I did watch too much TV as a kid --- the theme song to The New Adventures of Winnie Pooh still randomly fills my head pretty (eerily) often.
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  • Reply 182 of 195

    Originally posted by fred_lj

    I can't believe I actually remember this, but ...

    "Darkwing Duck! ... Let's--get--DANGerous!"

    Oh gosh; I did watch too much TV as a kid --- the theme song to The New Adventures of Winnie Pooh still randomly fills my head pretty (eerily) often.

    Well its good to hear that Im not the only one. LOL

    Ah to be a kid again.
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  • Reply 183 of 195
    hhoganhhogan Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by Leonis

    You need therapy Bob

    Indeed :P
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  • Reply 184 of 195
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by psgamer0921

    What's with the black keys? Didn't want to be prejeduce?

    It's a sad story. I don't want to relive it.

    In fact, it's so painful that I've put them up on eBay.

    Buy them. Rid me of my pain.
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  • Reply 185 of 195
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by onlyafterdark

    Well its good to hear that Im not the only one. LOL

    Ah to be a kid again.

    Again? Hell, I still call myself a kid, and I've already had 2 useless birthdays. . . After 21, getting older is a lot less cool. Granted, at 25 my car insurance won't suck ass, but that's not really something that falls under the "cool" umbrella.

    Getting blasted at 4PM and then racing shopping carts from the liquor store to the nudie bar, now that's cool.
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  • Reply 186 of 195
    Here my favorite setup out of all in my room. Two PowerMac 9600's

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  • Reply 187 of 195
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by HHogan

    How bad is it when you run out of desks ?

    I still got 6 more computers, 1 21" Apple monitor and another monitor (size tbd) to add... I figure I need 2 more desks to finish it off

    Figured I might as well post a in-progress picture and then snap a finished one. Going to take a few days though and a butt load of wiring.

    So, how 'big' a ciruit breaker did you have to install for that room?
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  • Reply 188 of 195
    hhoganhhogan Posts: 117member

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  • Reply 189 of 195
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member


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  • Reply 190 of 195
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member

    Originally posted by bka77


    Oh ho ho.. 'You're loocky wee man!' . .

    Heheh, I was about to yell "I CAST THEE OUT!" after seeing the first pic, but you've redeemed yourself satisfactorily..



    P.s, I just noticed that you have your mouse on the left side.. Left-handed mouser?!
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  • Reply 191 of 195
    A few random shots...


    PowerMac G4

    Dual 867mhz

    768mb RAM

    3 HDs

    17in. Studio Display

    PowerBook G4


    512mb RAM

    12in. display

    iPod 20gb in the corner there and billions of records laying about.
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  • Reply 192 of 195
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member

    Originally posted by Jimzip

    P.s, I just noticed that you have your mouse on the left side.. Left-handed mouser?!

    Yes left-handed, somehow limits your mouse options.
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  • Reply 193 of 195
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Here's my evil PC setup, havn't tidied up since Christmas. To be replaced as sonn as Apple release a dual processor dual Core Powermac,

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  • Reply 194 of 195
    cmacma Posts: 25member
    cool! before i post mine: It would be nicer to post YOUR pictures of your mac with your own selfshot pictures instead of using pictures from the official Apple website.

    That's lame and kindda dorky cause that doesn't add what is asked in this thread. Average official pictures we've seen enough! selfshot pictures makes it more realisticer and cooler for others to see. I'm referring this comment toward this poster if someone wonders what the hell i'm talking about promised:

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  • Reply 195 of 195

    Originally posted by CMA

    cool! before i post mine: It would be nicer to post YOUR pictures of your mac with your own selfshot pictures instead of using pictures from the official Apple website.

    That's lame and kindda dorky cause that doesn't add what is asked in this thread. Average official pictures we've seen enough! selfshot pictures makes it more realisticer and cooler for others to see. I'm referring this comment toward this poster if someone wonders what the hell i'm talking about promised:

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