Naw, I just meant it's kinda admirable compared to my hunched over too-close posture. Somewhere between our styles is probably normal
Keep in mind my setup is this :
(Part 1 and 2 are on page 2)
Yeah- I like to use an external keyboard so thats why I keep it so far away- and I need a palm rest too...
What would be wrong with shooting sports and wedding with a rebel? I have one and its not like its a pile of crap or anything. I know its made of plastic, but its far from cheap plasticky feeling.
i just moved so its an all new setup for 2004. I finally got my 19" monitor back from warranty repairs (actually got a brand new replacement). So now I have my samsung 152T flat panel spanning with the eMac (1GHz, 640MB/60GB, Airport Extreme). Also, the power is much cleaner at my new place and it has made a big difference in the image stability on the eMac and on my 19" monitor, not pictured.
What would be wrong with shooting sports and wedding with a rebel? I have one and its not like its a pile of crap or anything. I know its made of plastic, but its far from cheap plasticky feeling.
If you use a pro-level camera like the Nikon D1h/D2h or Canon 1D for some time, you'll understand the concessions one has to make with a camera like the Digital Rebel. It is a very, very nice camera for the money, but has a limited buffer and continuous shot rate. With sports, you go through tons of shots to get a few that will bring home the bacon. Getting as many as you can at once without having to wait on the camera can be a make or break deal. And with its reduced weight, non-metallic frame, it's not meant to have lenses on it that one'd probably use to do the job right -- lenses that cost sometimes four times as much as the camera itself. Please don't take me wrong; I have seen some INCREDIBLE images come out of the Rebel on recently. I just don't know if it would have the resilience to accompany a pro (which I am most certainly not) and the harsh conditions that come along with.
A new pair of (cheap) JBL Duet speakers. I never really crank up the computer speakers, so these are more than adequate.
800MHz iBook G4, 40GB iPod, DEADLY 17" flat CRT, BT mouse and keyboard. There's a 52x LaCie FW CD-RW under the iBook.
Almost 2 months with this computer. It is driving me insane.
Murrrrbot, I have a question for you. How's that screen on the iBook G4? How is it compared to that Powerbook Pismo you used to have? I have a Pismo too, which you might recollect, and I find it's screen much too dim and very uneven in its colour display. I can't even do basic webdesign on it because of the color unbalance.
Here's My new new setup! Only thing different is the POWERBOOK (YES POWERBOOK) and the bluetooth keyboard...
How the heck do you use that setup? The keyboard is really far away from the chair so you must have to extend your arms out almost all the way to reach it. The mouse is between the keyboard and the chair, so when you're typing your right arm will bump into the mouse unless you move it out of the way. And the laptop is way the heck away from your face, so you have to squint to see anything on that screen which is so far away.
My setup has everything brought forward. My keyboard has a palm rest that is right on the edge of the desk, the mouse is to the right, and the monitor is as close as it can get to my keyboard without covering it up. How do you use yours?
Actually the mouse is a little out of place in that picture. I usually have the mouse between myself and the keyboard centered- rather than to the right of the keyboard.
I can't work with the mouse to the right of the keyboard- it seems to far away to move back to the keyboard to type with the mouse on the right. WIth this setup I simply leave the left hand on the keyboard at all times and switch from the mouse and keyboard with the right. That way I have access to most shortcuts with my left hand while mousing with my right, and if I need to type simply move my arm a few inches up and I can type. Then I also have room on both sides for documents and stuff.
It works really well (you should try it) although its annoying if you have a wired mouse 'cause then you have a wire in front of your keyboard to deal with. I can't work any other way...well...I can, but its much slower.
I can read the screen perfectly fine (even better now with the powerbook's 15" screen rather than a 12" iBook's).
My setup for this year. New to it is my macally external case with 160gig HD and my palm T3 above it. Still my trusty "old" pb 12" and original 5gig iPod. That piece of crap printer is just taking up space. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with it. Gotta get a new monitor.....
You can't see my Creative iTrigue 3350 speakers (on either end of the bookshelf and sub below).
No, I don't shoot weddings with the Rebel. If I did still photography I would use a Canon EOS 10-D or something like that. I film weddings with 2 GL-2s and an XL-1, edit them on my FCP rig, and put them out on DVD. And I do video work for the sports teams.
is it a pain to edit from differenr cams in fcp or can you do it like a real studio and run all the feeds back and select on the fly which cam you want?
MDD Powermac G4
dual 867MHz
1gb ram
140gb harddrives(one 60gb and one 80)
studio display(was originally supposed to be a dell display)
64mb DDR video card(radeon 9000 pro i think)
combo drive
logitech Z-640 5.1 speakers
epson all-in-one printer
ilife 4
Originally posted by johnq
Naw, I just meant it's kinda admirable compared to my hunched over too-close posture. Somewhere between our styles is probably normal
Keep in mind my setup is this
(Part 1 and 2 are on page 2)
Yeah- I like to use an external keyboard so thats why I keep it so far away- and I need a palm rest too...
What would be wrong with shooting sports and wedding with a rebel? I have one and its not like its a pile of crap or anything. I know its made of plastic, but its far from cheap plasticky feeling.
A new pair of (cheap) JBL Duet speakers. I never really crank up the computer speakers, so these are more than adequate.
800MHz iBook G4, 40GB iPod, DEADLY 17" flat CRT, BT mouse and keyboard. There's a 52x LaCie FW CD-RW under the iBook.
Almost 2 months with this computer. It is driving me insane.
Dual 2ghz G5
23inch Apple Cinema HD Display
15GB iPod
Originally posted by tacojohn
What would be wrong with shooting sports and wedding with a rebel? I have one and its not like its a pile of crap or anything. I know its made of plastic, but its far from cheap plasticky feeling.
If you use a pro-level camera like the Nikon D1h/D2h or Canon 1D for some time, you'll understand the concessions one has to make with a camera like the Digital Rebel. It is a very, very nice camera for the money, but has a limited buffer and continuous shot rate. With sports, you go through tons of shots to get a few that will bring home the bacon. Getting as many as you can at once without having to wait on the camera can be a make or break deal. And with its reduced weight, non-metallic frame, it's not meant to have lenses on it that one'd probably use to do the job right -- lenses that cost sometimes four times as much as the camera itself. Please don't take me wrong; I have seen some INCREDIBLE images come out of the Rebel on recently. I just don't know if it would have the resilience to accompany a pro (which I am most certainly not) and the harsh conditions that come along with.
Originally posted by murbot
A new pair of (cheap) JBL Duet speakers. I never really crank up the computer speakers, so these are more than adequate.
800MHz iBook G4, 40GB iPod, DEADLY 17" flat CRT, BT mouse and keyboard. There's a 52x LaCie FW CD-RW under the iBook.
Almost 2 months with this computer. It is driving me insane.
Murrrrbot, I have a question for you. How's that screen on the iBook G4? How is it compared to that Powerbook Pismo you used to have? I have a Pismo too, which you might recollect, and I find it's screen much too dim and very uneven in its colour display. I can't even do basic webdesign on it because of the color unbalance.
Originally posted by tacojohn
Here's My new new setup! Only thing different is the POWERBOOK (YES POWERBOOK) and the bluetooth keyboard...
How the heck do you use that setup? The keyboard is really far away from the chair so you must have to extend your arms out almost all the way to reach it. The mouse is between the keyboard and the chair, so when you're typing your right arm will bump into the mouse unless you move it out of the way. And the laptop is way the heck away from your face, so you have to squint to see anything on that screen which is so far away.
My setup has everything brought forward. My keyboard has a palm rest that is right on the edge of the desk, the mouse is to the right, and the monitor is as close as it can get to my keyboard without covering it up. How do you use yours?
Oh, nice little text bubbles by the way
I can't work with the mouse to the right of the keyboard- it seems to far away to move back to the keyboard to type with the mouse on the right. WIth this setup I simply leave the left hand on the keyboard at all times and switch from the mouse and keyboard with the right. That way I have access to most shortcuts with my left hand while mousing with my right, and if I need to type simply move my arm a few inches up and I can type. Then I also have room on both sides for documents and stuff.
It works really well (you should try it) although its annoying if you have a wired mouse 'cause then you have a wire in front of your keyboard to deal with. I can't work any other way...well...I can, but its much slower.
I can read the screen perfectly fine (even better now with the powerbook's 15" screen rather than a 12" iBook's).
Seriously- try my setup- it works great!
clik 4 teh biggar
My setup for this year. New to it is my macally external case with 160gig HD and my palm T3 above it. Still my trusty "old" pb 12" and original 5gig iPod. That piece of crap printer is just taking up space.
You can't see my Creative iTrigue 3350 speakers (on either end of the bookshelf and sub below).
Right now there is only an iBook at my home.
Here's the pic of my set up in the new place
Setup 2004 2.0
Originally posted by filmmaker2002
Here's my new setup.
Setup 2004 2.0
You have TWO GL-2?
I only have ONE ZR-40
Originally posted by Leonis
You have TWO GL-2?
Yeah, and my production partner has an XL-1S that we combine with. We shoot with three kick ass cameras.
Originally posted by (nl)
bump...just because I like seeing the cool pictures.
Originally posted by filmmaker2002
No, I don't shoot weddings with the Rebel. If I did still photography I would use a Canon EOS 10-D or something like that. I film weddings with 2 GL-2s and an XL-1, edit them on my FCP rig, and put them out on DVD. And I do video work for the sports teams.
is it a pain to edit from differenr cams in fcp or can you do it like a real studio and run all the feeds back and select on the fly which cam you want?