Do you have any idiosyncrasies?



  • Reply 41 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Aquafire


    I used to habitually fall for women with broken wings or women who looked like trouble.

    Always a sucker for the sad story & I'd always end up shelling out for this & that to help them get their lives straightened out.

    No more Mr Nice guy.

    From now on it's double dutch or nothing.

    Hi Aquafire -

    I have a similar problem. I always seem to fall for 'earth signs', but they are not especially compatible with fire signs. (Earth puts out fire. So very true.)

    I love to communicate, and that desire on my part seems to make earth signs resist communicating even more than they normally would.

    So instead of being my normal, affectionate, communicative self, I have to pretend not to care very much about the guy, and I have to become really involved in my own interests to the apparent exclusion of him; and THEN he is irresistibly drawn in. Sigh. My current earth sign guy is a Taurus.

    Playing games is so silly. It does seem to work with earth signs though. (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
  • Reply 42 of 104
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Of course that whole astrology stuff is entirely nonsensical, not only because it is based around a geocentric universe with 6 celestial objects, but also because the sign under which you are born now has changed due to precession, making you the sign 1 before or after what you think you are (can't quite remember).

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! That's my idiosyncracy. I like to slap people with reality.
  • Reply 43 of 104
    discocowdiscocow Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by BR

    I like to slap people with reality.

    But they always get right back up with no comprehension of what just happened. Or they try to slap you back.

    Reality is a hard pill to swallow, but lack of objectivity (of thought) pisses me off.
  • Reply 44 of 104
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by BR

    Of course that whole astrology stuff is entirely nonsensical, not only because it is based around a geocentric universe with 6 celestial objects, but also because the sign under which you are born now has changed due to precession, making you the sign 1 before or after what you think you are (can't quite remember).

    Going off on tangents now, but what the hell...

    Precession of the equinoxes has moved the real position of the constellations backwards approximately one full zodiacal constellation from the astrological reckoning (not that the real constellations ever really fit very well with the perfect 30° zodiacal constellations anyway). So, while astrologers will tell you that your Sun sign if you're born just after the start of Spring is Aries, the Sun will actually be in the constellation Pisces at the time.

    Some astrologers now account for planets known only to modern times, and even work in some of the major asteroids... but it's all besides the point. Reading tea leaves using a mass spectrometer, a microbalance, and complex pattern recognition software won't make tea-leaf reading any more valid a predictive tool. The fundamental concept is flawed, and throwing more precision and technology at the practice does nothing to make it more valid. The same goes for astrology.
  • Reply 45 of 104
    discocowdiscocow Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by shetline

    The same goes for astrology.

    And religion.

    *tiptoes away*
  • Reply 46 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Screw astrology and horoscopes. Fookin' things never have any good news for me and my fellow crabs.
  • Reply 47 of 104
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Screw astrology and horoscopes. Fookin' things never have any good news for me and my fellow crabs.

    You aren't a cancer. Read above. Well, astrologically speaking anyway.
  • Reply 48 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by BR

    You aren't a cancer. Read above. Well, astrologically speaking anyway.

    I am so a crab.
  • Reply 49 of 104
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by BR

    Of course that whole astrology stuff is entirely nonsensical, not only because it is based around a geocentric universe with 6 celestial objects, but also because the sign under which you are born now has changed due to precession, making you the sign 1 before or after what you think you are (can't quite remember).

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! That's my idiosyncracy. I like to slap people with reality.

    'Tis a fun idiosyncrasy . Too bad DiscoCow is right about them not learning .
  • Reply 50 of 104
    discocowdiscocow Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    I am so a crab.

    And I'm a cow.

    This is fun.
  • Reply 51 of 104
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    In Chinese astrology I am a Wooden Horse. The most solid type.

    Loyal to a fault & hard working.

    But when I am betrayed..well lets just say, you get what you deserve.

    Carol, sad to say I am a Taurian but with lots of Scorpio in me.

    So you can see, I'd make a lousy house pet.

    Besides, Leos are ..just...Leos...

  • Reply 52 of 104

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    [BAnyway, I'm a pretty normal guy, aside from the fact that I have no sense of smell. [/B]

    ya, I noticed you dont smell too well....

    just kidding, carry on
  • Reply 53 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by BR

    Of course that whole astrology stuff is entirely nonsensical, not only because it is based around a geocentric universe with 6 celestial objects, but also because the sign under which you are born now has changed due to precession, making you the sign 1 before or after what you think you are (can't quite remember).

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! That's my idiosyncracy. I like to slap people with reality.

    BR -

    I don't even know where to begin. I hope you've enjoyed your few hours of 'reality-slapping' glee. hehe. I've even enjoyed these few minutes of thinking about your enjoyment.

    But, alas, all is for naught. Surely you didn't think I would say, Oops, oh dear, everything has suddenly come crashing about my feet after this bit of life-altering information? I already knew what you're referring to, but it doesn't seem to matter. Can I explain this? Not really.

    I don't 'believe' in astrology. I doesn't affect my life in any concrete way. I just think it's amazingly interesting. I'm not talking about the horoscope in the daily paper. I'm talking about a few good books on this stuff that I've read in complete amazement, as I compared what was being said in ten-page chapters to people that I already know very well. I just can't get over how much of it fits THAT person, and NOT the other people I know.

    There's a thick book called Linda Goodman's Love Signs. They probably have it at the library. For anyone who has ever had conflicts in a relationship, and who also scoffs at astrology, I suggest, just for the heck of it, that you go to the library and read the sections that apply to you and your lover. They're actually broken down into every combination of the zodiac - a fairly mammoth undertaking. Eg. Leo female, Taurus male. Then Leo male, Taurus female, etc.

    And the thing is, it doesn't even have to be a relationship with a lover. It could be with a boss or a sibling - the information is still valid. Like I said, it's just amazing.

    I don't read this stuff every day. Maybe once or twice a year, when I've met someone interesting.
  • Reply 54 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by DiscoCow

    But they always get right back up with no comprehension of what just happened. Or they try to slap you back.

    Reality is a hard pill to swallow, but lack of objectivity (of thought) pisses me off.

    I can be objective or subjective, DC. I think there's room for both in life, don't you?
  • Reply 55 of 104
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    In Chinese astrology I am a Wooden Horse. The most solid type.

    Loyal to a fault & hard working.

    But when I am betrayed..well lets just say, you get what you deserve.

    Carol, sad to say I am a Taurian but with lots of Scorpio in me.

    So you can see, I'd make a lousy house pet.

    Besides, Leos are ..just...Leos...


    I am a fire horse in the chinese astrology mixed with a scorpio in the occidental astrology.

    Anyway it's total BS, in the deep in my heart i know that i am a Potatoe with a lot of yaourt
  • Reply 56 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc


    Damned Frenchy. Keep le franglais to yourself s'il vous please!
  • Reply 57 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by shetline

    Reading tea leaves using a mass spectrometer, a microbalance, and complex pattern recognition software won't make tea-leaf reading any more valid a predictive tool. The fundamental concept is flawed, and throwing more precision and technology at the practice does nothing to make it more valid. The same goes for astrology.

    Hi Shetline -

    I know the fundamental concept of astrology is hopelessly flawed. I know it's all impossibly ridiculous that ANY of it could seem accurate. And yet, I can't even begin to tell you how amazed I have been at the stuff I've read out of some of these books. It's just incredible - I mean, about people I already know well.

    Some scoffers say that everything you read could apply to anyone. Well, not if you read sections of a book like Linda Goodman's.
  • Reply 58 of 104
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Damned Frenchy. Keep le franglais to yourself s'il vous please!

    and keep the frenglish for you
  • Reply 59 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Screw astrology and horoscopes. Fookin' things never have any good news for me and my fellow crabs.

    Hi Eugene -

    Hahaha. Are you British, by any chance? I have a special fondness for British guys.

    Well, crabs are very interesting and deep. I know one who is probably the most brilliant person I've ever encountered. (And yes, he's British!) I hurt his feelings by accident, and he disappeared before I had a chance to get down on my hands and knees and abase myself with apologies. He never knew how sorry I was for inadvertently hurting him. See, that's a Leo for and my big mouth! With Cancers, you don't always get a second chance.

    One thing I remember reading about him was that the crab can control people without their knowing it. He is very subtle and seems to be letting chips fall where they may. But he is actually gradually moving things (and people) the way he wants them to go. I hasten to add that his motive is benign, and that he causes things to happen for the good of all concerned. He gets where he wants things to go without people ever realizing the subtlety of his manipulation.

    Does that sound at all true?
  • Reply 60 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Whisper

    'Tis a fun idiosyncrasy . Too bad DiscoCow is right about them not learning .

    Now, now. Let's remain optimistic.
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