Do you have any idiosyncrasies?



  • Reply 81 of 104
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
  • Reply 82 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Absolutely not. I am normal.

    There's nothing you prefer doing a certain way?

    I bet if you gave it some thought, you'd come up with something.

    Everybody has preferences.

    Hard or soft mattress; white or wheat; contacts or glasses;

    mustard, mayo or ketchup.....there are zillions of preferences. And often, the 'reason' for the preferences can be a bit idiosyncratic.

    Like if you packed a sandwich for lunch and put lettuce on it, how would you feel if the bread got soggy from the lettuce by the time lunch hour rolled around? Maybe not a great example, but still.....
  • Reply 83 of 104
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by applenut

    the more i think about it the more i realize i eat the edge first on everything.

  • Reply 84 of 104
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    1) I do not like the feeling of wooden objects on my tongue. Popsicle sticks and tongue depressors will send shivers up and down my spine.

    2) If I have to get up at a specific time, I will check my alarm at least 4 times before falling asleep. The process goes something like this:

    1) Set alarm and turn on.

    2) Lie down.

    3) Check to make sure alarm is set properly and turned on.

    4) Check to make sure I didn't mess alarm up when I checked it in step 3.

    5) Check to make sure I didn't mess alarm up when I checked it in step 4.

    6) Check to make sure I didn't mess alarm up when I checked it in step 5.

    and so on.

    3) I only take my shoes off for showers and sleep. If I am awake, I have them on.


  • Reply 85 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Aquafire


    I've always steered right away from Leo's because most of them seemed too dammed ego-centric, conceited and vain glorious.

    But you on the other hand don't sound anything like I might have to revisit my olde prejudices & rethink the universe.


    Ps : I'd be curious to know your chinese sign.

    Hi Aqua - You know, it's weird, but I have a LOT of Leo friends. I can't figure out how that happens. Two I met on the outdoor basketball courts (not at the same time), and both became extremely good friends of mine (one male, one female).

    None of my Leo friends are hard-to-take, the way the books mention. But you seem to have met some that fit a fair number of the negative things I have read about. Whenever I read the books, they pretty much always say unfortunate things about Leos. I always think I would hate the person they describe. But honestly, not ONE of my Leo friends is anything like those descriptions. Weird, huh?

    Of course, I do have a Gemini moon sign. I think the moon sign makes a huge difference in how the person turns out, don't you?
  • Reply 86 of 104
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member

    Originally posted by glyph

    uh....i ate chinese the other day and my fortune cookie said ' treat yourself to something of quality'....well coincidently, at the time i was debating whether i should get an entry level powermac or a dualie....on the advice of my fortune cookie i decided for the dualie.

    I ate a fortune cookie the other day and it said "Outlook not good." ... But M$ still ships it anyway.
  • Reply 87 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by midwinter

    1) I do not like the feeling of wooden objects on my tongue. Popsicle sticks and tongue depressors will send shivers up and down my spine.

    2) If I have to get up at a specific time, I will check my alarm at least 4 times before falling asleep. The process goes something like this:

    1) Set alarm and turn on.

    2) Lie down.

    3) Check to make sure alarm is set properly and turned on.

    4) Check to make sure I didn't mess alarm up when I checked it in step 3.

    5) Check to make sure I didn't mess alarm up when I checked it in step 4.

    6) Check to make sure I didn't mess alarm up when I checked it in step 5.

    and so on.

    3) I only take my shoes off for showers and sleep. If I am awake, I have them on.



    Hi Scott -

    It took me (literally!) five minutes to read your post, because once I read step two, I started breaking up into gales of hysterical laughter, I guess just anticipating what I knew was coming in 3-6. What a great laugh I had. Thank you. I haven't laughed that hard in ages.

    What you said was so funny to me because I have done the same, when it was REALLY important that I wake up on time. In fact, tonight will kind of be a night like that, because school starts again tomorrow, and since I haven't set the alarm during the two weeks of vacation, I'm worried that something will go wrong.

    Actually, I did set it last night as a test; and sure enough, it didn't go off this morning. I should have pushed the lever one more notch. So tonight I will bring in at least one extra alarm clock, to be extra sure something rings tomorrow morning.

    I used to be obsessive about checking to see if the front door was really locked before I left for work in the morning. I would check it several times. I've pretty much gotten over that one by now, but only in the last year or so. I just check it once now.

    The tongue depressor thing and popsicle sticks - I completely agree. The wood feels all wrong somehow. It's almost impossible to describe the aversion to someone who doesn't have it, but I know exactly what you mean.

    Thanks again for the laugh!!!
  • Reply 88 of 104
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Well, my alarm clock compulsion stems from having overslept for a presentation that was 25% of my grade when I was in college.

    This past semester, I taught a class at 7:00 am, which meant that I needed to wake up at 5:15 am at the latest if I were to be worth anything the next day. I'd go to bed at about midnight, and it would be 12:30 before I'd gotten done checking my damned alarm.

    About the front wife finally got to the point that, when I came back from checking the front door for the third time before we left the house, she'd simply say "Did you touch it three times and turn around?"

    Sorry to hear that you have to start teaching again tomorrow. I'm off until the 12th, which means I have a week to prepare for the deluge of students asking me why they got the grade they got.... Ugh.


    We now return you to your regularly-scheduled broadcast of the Sugar Bowl, which, considering my TWO alma maters got beaten in bowl games this year (Southern Miss and Oklahoma State), will no doubt turn out precisely the opposite of however I wish it to.


  • Reply 89 of 104
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    None of my Leo friends is hard-to-take, the way the books mention. But you seem to have met some that fit a fair number of the negative things I have read about. Whenever I read the books, they pretty much always say unfortunate things about Leos. I always think I would hate the person they describe. But honestly, not ONE of my Leo friends is anything like those descriptions. Weird, huh?

    Not really, most of the SOB's that write up the astrological profiles bag every sign ( except their own of course). Their sign is usually seen as the one filled with light and loving kindness.

    As for Tor-arses.. yeah we get bagged for allegedly being jealous.

    That is so not true of me..But I do admit to a Taurian hankering for wine, women & song.

    When I work, I work hard, when I play..I make sure to make up for all the grind.

    Still haven't told me what China plate you are mate ?

  • Reply 90 of 104
    Idiosyncrasy # ≈3?

    When I hear people speaking of their "signs" or anything that is remotely related to astrology (or anything I find utterly ridiculous), I am overcome with the urge to destroy things. To go on a total rampage, mow people down in a school bus, blow heads off (especially if they have stupid looks on their faces) or just the defilement of public spaces. I?m serious, I don?t know why it happens though.

    Idiosyncrasy # ≈4?

    I?m a compulsive liar?

    now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  • Reply 91 of 104
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    there's a medicine cabinet in my bathroom (as in many bathrooms i've been in), with a mirror'd door. if it is not perfectly closed, measured by its perfectly perpendicular reflection of the mirror on the opposite wall, then i can't pee or use the sink (or any combination of the two). i've tried ignoring this, unsuccessfully.

    my room, to a non-Freak, is quite messy. piles of clothes here and there. strange items, which have no earthly business in a bedroom, are strewn about the floor. old dinners and bank statements from hours, days, and years (hey, ya never know) passed, are placed in precarious places on various elevated surfaces. empty sticks of deoderant lie at certain, yet undefined, angles (relative to the nearby mini-fridge, of course). BUT, if anyone other than myself moves any minute item, i am aware. my plate of days-old pizza was thrown out by some unkept being, and therefore i could not find my underwear. unrelated as they may seem (and verily, they weren't that close in proximity), the balance was thrown off. i can't tell you the difficulty involved in finding my remote control when someone puts my shoes "away" in some ungodly place. others in my house have a preference for hiding all these common objects. closets, dressers, shelves, under the rug... for me they must be exposed for all their grandeur.

    this peculiarity has atleast one practical benefit: chess. my brother was a terrible cheater at chess once i became good enough to beat him. so i would have to memorize the board. doing so is not so easy if you put effort into it. there are 64 squares, and 32 pieces. but, for whatever reason, its not so hard when you memorize all the possible moves of your pieces, and his. logical people might say that i'm remembering more information, but i counter that with "hey, atleast i caught him cheating." i also found, the first time this trick worked, that it's involuntary. when i play, i tend to know where everything is, and what its attacking. i had stepped off to the bathroom, and when i returned he said "check." i said, "that's impossible." he said, "how could you possibly know that?" "i memorized the board." unfortunately, i am not that great of a chess player, and he, being the older brother, often won such arguments with a headlock or a deadarm. but i digress...

    another bathroom oddity i've noticed. the toothbrushes are oft kept on the right side of the faucets, in a little holster (paste, next to the brushes). for some unknown reason, they were swapped with the soap. this was quite displeasing, of course. so i switched them back. some nefarious being decided to play games with my head: so they kept the toothbrushes in their place, but moved the paste. simple, you might think, to find this item, and go about the normal morning rigamarole. instinctively: i looked to the right. failing that, i looked in the medicine cabinet, then in the garbage, in the bathroom ("linen") closet for an extra, in the shower, all over. i then asked, and to the left it was, and shall never be again.

    as for food, i have a few. i can't stand the outside parts of bread. i would call it the crust but that is not its extent. knowing that i am displeased with "the crust", an aunt once cut the edges off my sandwich. i found it difficult to eat the outside still, and wound up discarding it. this rule is not so strong though. when i'm around people, and i sense that they will bug me about this peculiarity, i swallow the disgusting "edges".

    pizza is a similar. the "crust", i find, is the worst part. the near-crust is the best. i'll often toss the crust, or offer it to whatever group i happening to be eating with. if i am terribly hungry, and the pie is in short supply, i'll force the crust down.

    when i eat small items (grapes, jelly beans, ..) i tend to find a pleasing amount (often 2 or 4), and only pop them at that rate. i'll start with one grape (testing the waters), then i'll speed up to 2. i'll dabble with the dreaded 3 (we'll get to that number in a second), then slow back down to 2. i don't break colored or flavored items into associated groups outright. but i make sure that if i'm eating a multi-something'd group, i'll have an equal amount of all (i'm an equal opportunity eater), or i have a good rationalization for not (end of bag, and an uneven amount of purple jelly beans remained).

    and now, onto numbers. i tend to work in evens. and by that i mean, when possible i repeat something so as to make it even. this doesn't (luckily) extend to door locking. odd numbers bother me (particularly prime numbers, with the exceptions of the shallow primes 1, 2, 5 and lucky 7). sometimes i'll look for a prime number, just to get that uneasy feeling. also, whenever i view a digital clock i must calculate its digital product ("what's a digital product?" you ask. pick a number, like 837. multiply each digit; ie, 8x3x7=168. as long as the product is more than 9, repeat. 168>9?1x6x8=48, 48>9?4x8=32, 32>9?3x2=6, 6<9. digital product of 837 [as well as 168, 48, 32, 6, and any arrangement of the digits in each number] is 6. as you become obsessive, you'll notice that zeroes will kill off any "dp". ie, dp of 3908=0). for fun (yeah! math), i'll do the digital sum (this one doesn't have any easy cancels, but it has an easy pattern. the [ds of x+1]=[[[ds of x]+1]%9]. so if you figure the ds of 837 [9], you know the ds of 937 is near by [cyclically speaking, of course]).

    not so much an idiosyncracy, but it really bugs me when people try to play out of turn in poker. as dealer, i ignore them. in their ignorance, they become annoyed. "wait your goddamned turn," is usually my response. seasoned players should know their turn, but will sometimes put hints out. they aren't as obnoxious about it, and are more coy. a sedated look, and they push their cards away, so everyone thinks they are going to fold. they get ignored by me if i'm the dealer just the same, but use that to their advantage when it really is their turn, and they bet the farm. fish will then go "hey, he folded." "no, he didn't. anything he does on your turn i ignore." i'm not sure how the official rules are on this, but i've assumed they are in my favor.

    it seems i've typed enough for now.
  • Reply 92 of 104
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Wow some of you people need Paxil.
  • Reply 93 of 104

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    there's a medicine cabinet in my bathroom...

    and so on...

    Your name suits you.
  • Reply 94 of 104
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by DiscoCow

    Idiosyncrasy # ≈3?

    When I hear people speaking of their "signs" or anything that is remotely related to astrology (or anything I find utterly ridiculous), I am overcome with the urge to destroy things. To go on a total rampage, mow people down in a school bus, blow heads off (especially if they have stupid looks on their faces) or just the defilement of public spaces. I?m serious, I don?t know why it happens though.

    Idiosyncrasy # ≈4?

    I?m a compulsive liar?

    now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

    Wow, DiscoCow, have you been taking your medication.

    That's right, the blue jelly ones in the yellow container.

    What ?

    You took the Yellow jelly ones in the Blue container.

    How many time do we have to tell you, those are for poochy's mange...

    Geez, no wonder your frothing DiscoCow......
  • Reply 95 of 104

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Wow, DiscoCow, have you been taking your medication.


    I ate 11 purple jelly bean crusts (covered in nature dirt), and the mirror'd door wasn't perfectly closed (and it was a full moon). AND I FORGOT TO CHECK MY ALARM CLOCK!

    that might explain something...
  • Reply 96 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by midwinter

    Well, my alarm clock compulsion stems from having overslept for a presentation that was 25% of my grade when I was in college.

    This past semester, I taught a class at 7:00 am, which meant that I needed to wake up at 5:15 am at the latest if I were to be worth anything the next day. I'd go to bed at about midnight, and it would be 12:30 before I'd gotten done checking my damned alarm.

    About the front wife finally got to the point that, when I came back from checking the front door for the third time before we left the house, she'd simply say "Did you touch it three times and turn around?"

    Sorry to hear that you have to start teaching again tomorrow. I'm off until the 12th, which means I have a week to prepare for the deluge of students asking me why they got the grade they got.... Ugh.


    We now return you to your regularly-scheduled broadcast of the Sugar Bowl, which, considering my TWO alma maters got beaten in bowl games this year (Southern Miss and Oklahoma State), will no doubt turn out precisely the opposite of however I wish it to.



    Hi Scott -

    The one time I overslept was for a final my sophomore year. I think it was for a survey course of English lit., but can't really remember. The professor had me come to his office to take an exam at 5 pm. The exam must have been years old, because hardly any of it seemed to be stuff we had covered. So now I don't trust alarms.

    Then about the front door thing - early one Saturday morning I was rushing around trying to leave to go skiing. I packed the car and left. A block away, I decided to go back, and found I had left the front door not just unlocked, but wide open! So for years I had the front door obsession.

    I would die if I had to teach a 7:00 AM class. As it is, my first hour students are in a coma, and that's at 9:00 AM! I don't think I'm fully awake and running on all cylinders until around 10:30, which is pretty pathetic. It's mainly a problem of sleep deprivation. Sigh. Never seem to get enough.
  • Reply 97 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Not really, most of the SOB's that write up the astrological profiles bag every sign ( except their own of course). Their sign is usually seen as the one filled with light and loving kindness.

    As for Tor-arses.. yeah we get bagged for allegedly being jealous.

    That is so not true of me..But I do admit to a Taurian hankering for wine, women & song.

    When I work, I work hard, when I play..I make sure to make up for all the grind.

    Still haven't told me what China plate you are mate ?


    Hi Aqua - Well, that Linda Goodman book I mentioned above somewhere is really good. She is pretty even-handed with all the signs. I didn't know about Taurus being jealous, but Leo sure is...can't handle jealousy much at all. The leo solution to jealousy is just to 'exit' the relationship, permanently. That pretty much takes care of the jealousy problem. haha. None of my boyfriends have ever given me cause to be jealous though, so it hasn't been an issue.

    I don't know the first thing about Chinese astrology, but if you point me to a good site, I could look into it when I have a chance. I'm back teaching again, and have much less time to post than I did over Christmas break. (I teach 13-yr.-olds.)
  • Reply 98 of 104
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by midwinter


    3) I only take my shoes off for showers and sleep. If I am awake, I have them on.



    That one strikes me as very very strange!
  • Reply 99 of 104
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Scott

    That one strikes me as very very strange!


    Teachers are allowed to have their oddities. Its probably, the only thing that stops them from wanting to throttle all the students who hand up plagarised essays.

    Ain't that so Middy ?

  • Reply 100 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Not really, most of the SOB's that write up the astrological profiles bag every sign ( except their own of course). Their sign is usually seen as the one filled with light and loving kindness.

    As for Tor-arses.. yeah we get bagged for allegedly being jealous.

    That is so not true of me..But I do admit to a Taurian hankering for wine, women & song.

    When I work, I work hard, when I play..I make sure to make up for all the grind.

    Still haven't told me what China plate you are mate ?


    Hi Aqua - I had time this morning (Saturday) to take a quick look into Chinese astrology. Turns out my sign is the pig - "...possibly the most generous and honorable sign of the zodiac." I'm glad you inspired me to look into this; it's quite interesting.

    About the horse it says they crave love and intimacy...but it (love) often leads them to feel trapped. I can totally understand that. That trapped feeling is why I don't want to get married again. Love is fine...but not feeling trapped.

    My next purchase will definitely be a book on Chinese astrology. Thanks again for calling it to my attention.

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