Do you have any idiosyncrasies?



  • Reply 61 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    In Chinese astrology I am a Wooden Horse. The most solid type.

    Loyal to a fault & hard working.

    But when I am betrayed..well lets just say, you get what you deserve.

    Carol, sad to say I am a Taurian but with lots of Scorpio in me.

    So you can see, I'd make a lousy house pet.

    Besides, Leos are ..just...Leos...


    Hi again Aqua -

    "Loyal to a fault and hard-working." That is SO Taurean. And it fits, does it?

    And the "when I am get what you deserve." That is SO, SO Scorpio. Shiver. Very scary, Scorpio. So, that fits, too, then. You can be my "Exhibit A", if you don't mind. So, is Scorpio your Moon sign, then?

    Taurus can be a wonderful sign. The loyal part is especially nice - to a Leo, anyway, who is also loyal.

    Eugene was mentioning above about all the crummy horoscopes crabs seem to get. Well, the books always say positively deplorable things about Leos. It's very annoying. And Leos themselves can be very annoying. Alexander the Great was a Leo, and look what happened to him! Sigh.

    But most people don't know how important the moon sign is. I have a Gemini moon sign, which fits right in with my future plans.

    Your two signs are a VERY interesting combination. What Taurus doesn't have, Scorpio provides..... in SPADES!!!!

    And, btw, most girls don't really want a house pet, so 'no worries'.
  • Reply 62 of 104
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I like to put potato chips on cold sandwiches. I just like the crunch it gives them I guess, but man is it better like that!

    When I eat grape nuts I like to let them sit and so they get all mushy. Of course I prepare them kinda weird also. I lay a layer of them, then add sugar, then another layer, and more sugar, then a third, add milk and more sugar. Let it sit for 20-40 min and wala!

    I also know a lot of people who dip their french fries in their Wendies milk shakes or whatever they are.
  • Reply 63 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Powerdoc

    I am a fire horse in the chinese astrology mixed with a scorpio in the occidental astrology.

    Anyway it's total BS, in the deep in my heart i know that i am a Potatoe with a lot of yaourt

    Hehe. You have a cool sense of humor, Powerdoc.
  • Reply 64 of 104
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Some scoffers say that everything you read could apply to anyone. Well, not if you read sections of a book like Linda Goodman's.

    Then it should be easy enough to do a study where people answer a few questions about their own, or other people's, personality traits, lifestyles, etc., correlate that data with birthdates and the associated astrological predictions, and demonstrate the strength or weakness of the correlation. So far as I know, to date the only such studies have proved negative.

    For instance, check out the link "A Test of Astrology" on this page. (You'll need Real Player to view it.) Basically, a room full of maybe 30 people were given horoscopes that they were told were personalized for each of them. In reality, they all had been given the same horoscope. Asked to rate the accuracy of the horoscopes on a scale of 1-5, nearly everyone in the room rated it either 4 or 5. (I saw no hands at all go up for 1, 2, or 3, but a small number might have gone up out of view of the camera. The 4s and 5s together were certainly plentiful enough to account for the great majority of the people in the room.)

    ABC reporter John Stossel conducted a similar test, with similar results, adding the amusing twist that the horoscope which everyone received was a reading done for serial killer Ted Bundy.

    When so inclined, we tend to look more for what matches, and ignore or rationalize or stretch what's left into favorable interpretations.

    If Linda Goodman's book contains no statistical analysis of her own accuracy, but merely anecdotal evidence, and if it doesn't provide you with a framework for challenging and checking the validity of what you draw out attempting to apply her techniques and interpretations, then I sincerely doubt that I'll find anything very convincing in there.

    If astrology ever does anything useful, I think that usefulness comes quite apart from any of its predictions, whether those predictions come from simple sun signs or detailed personal charts. Rather, it provokes people into a state of thought where they are looking more deeply into their own personalities and actions, the personalities and actions of others, and how all of that interacts.
  • Reply 65 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by glyph

    i like sorting my m&m's by color and then by 3s eating them.

    i like to eat saltines by gnawing the preferated edges smooth first.\

    Hi Glyph and Applenut -

    About eating around the edges - I do the same with toast. I eat the crusty edge first and save the middle, buttery part till last. Yum.

    And with cake, I try to choose the piece with the thickest frosting. Then I eat the part with the frosting and some of the cake, and might throw the bottom cake-part away - too many calories. hehe
  • Reply 66 of 104
    glyphglyph Posts: 58member
    uh....i ate chinese the other day and my fortune cookie said ' treat yourself to something of quality'....well coincidently, at the time i was debating whether i should get an entry level powermac or a dualie....on the advice of my fortune cookie i decided for the dualie.
  • Reply 67 of 104
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    like the special food eating rituals? fine.

    i eat of the [boiled] eggs the whites only. i leave the yellow untouched.

    i pick at the soup etc avoiding all the fat parts (fat balls etc). they make me nervous. i don't like to see anything containg fats. (including salad dressings, fried foods, fake cheese)

    i avoid all the onions, onion bits in salsa etc etc etc (allergic to onions).

    i like to eat the grapes one by one, feeling first the skin of it, then softly juice the grape with my tongue.. eating grapes like that takes forever.

    i need the coffee to wake up. either an americano or rice or soy milk [latte] (when it's cold out) if it's cold out there, or a (double) espresso. i just need it in the morning.

    i pick even the ben's & jerry's, first marshmallows and caramel, then the rest.

    i pick and leave a lot of stuff uneaten; onions in everything (make me sick), most melons (idem), cucumbers (idem), creams etc on top of coffee and deserts, .. fried and breaded food: i try to use the fork to cut off all the breading and crust (in case there is nothing else to eat) and then eat the food from inside... the only way i manage to eat peaches is cutting it to small cubes - the hairy skin makes me feel nauseous otherwise. and i can make people crazy eating the potato chips one stripe a time (those chips that have like 20 stripes per chip).

    i also always try to find a new way to tear open the sugar bag [coffee bar sized sugar single dose] and use the remainings of the sugar bag for an origami, and i eat the peppermint patties in like 10 or more bites each (yummy so it lasts longer). i also like nutella not on a bread but on a body. and i have no limit on eating strawberries (fresh ones); me and my dad easily managed to get rid of 2 gallons of strawberries in less than one day. there are also a lot of items i hate the idea of running out of: espresso, sugar (for espresso), mint candies, dark chocolate, rice, fruit, veggies, balsamic vinegar. enough oddities now for today.
  • Reply 68 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by glyph

    uh....i ate chinese the other day and my fortune cookie said ' treat yourself to something of quality'....well coincidently, at the time i was debating whether i should get an entry level powermac or a dualie....on the advice of my fortune cookie i decided for the dualie.

    A wise and well-reasoned choice!

    Bless that fortune cookie.

    I always say, go for the best quality you can possibly afford. You'll never be sorry.
  • Reply 69 of 104
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Hi Glyph and Applenut -

    About eating around the edges - I do the same with toast. I eat the crusty edge first and save the middle, buttery part till last. Yum.

    the more i think about it the more i realize i eat the edge first on everything.
  • Reply 70 of 104
    glyphglyph Posts: 58member
    ok, here's one i always do.....whenever i buy a new software program or piece of hardware..........i'll clean the house really good so my experience will be that much better when i sit down to play.

    i tend to be really messy or really clean.
  • Reply 71 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by glyph

    ok, here's one i always do.....whenever i buy a new software program or piece of hardware..........i'll clean the house really good so my experience will be that much better when i sit down to play.

    i tend to be really messy or really clean.

    Hahahaha! I love it!

    Come live with me and I'll keep you knee-deep in software and hardware!

    I'm just kidding of course. But, oh, what I wouldn't give for a clean house.....\

    Well, I'm workin' on it..... Getting ready to do some more cleaning....

    Before I go on long trips, I make sure the house is really clean. Because coming home after two months traveling the world would be SO depressing if the house happened to be a mess.

    "...really messy or really clean..." - sounds like a Gemini. I'm kinda the same way. I like things JUST PERFECT! If I can't have it that way, I throw up my hands and say "Fine!" ...and then the house becomes a mess. Weird, huh?

    I also can't thoroughly enjoy cooking and consuming a really good meal if the house is a mess. The mess would detract enormously from the pleasure of the meal.

    I love this thread. I love reading about people's silly foibles, and seeing how human we all are, even in the midst of our own individuality.
  • Reply 72 of 104
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Carol A Scorpio your Moon sign, then?


    I've always steered right away from Leo's because most of them seemed too dammed ego-centric, conceited and vain glorious.

    But you on the other hand don't sound anything like I might have to revisit my olde prejudices & rethink the universe.


    Ps : I'd be curious to know your chinese sign.
  • Reply 73 of 104
    glyphglyph Posts: 58member

    "...really messy or really clean..." - sounds like a Gemini. I'm kinda the same way. I like things JUST PERFECT! If I can't have it that way, I throw up my hands and say "Fine!" ...and then the house becomes a mess. Weird, huh?

    yeah, once i clean the house, i pledge to keep it that way but somewhere along the line it becomes 'what the heck'...

    of course i can blame it all on the dogs
  • Reply 74 of 104
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member
    i have a habit of mixing foods, reagardless of temperature together, eg mint chocolate chip ice cream and lasagna, or frozen cookies and salsa. Thus I love indian buffets.

    I also rip wrappers off of bottles, a custom started when there was this mid-80s soda that had styrofoam wrappers that you could create curly-q's with. i rip the clip of pens off first thing. i also tend to remove every bit of plastic off of anything that may have been prepackaged. this started with the door knobs of my parents house some 17 years ago.

    i use super hot water to wash my toothbrush before and after brushing. not a fear of germs as much as crusty toothpaste.

    i never like alarm clocks having the right time, they have to be off by some value i have to determine when setting the alarm and/or waking up.

    I have too many -- not many social ones though. when i leave the house, except for the food thing, i dont observe as many in myself.
  • Reply 75 of 104
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    keep on flirtin' guys ... waddazgonnabe, a 2nd or 3rd AI couple in your mind? [backs off watching one more dvd..]

    [how many are there, by the way?]
  • Reply 76 of 104
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    keep on flirtin' guys ... waddazgonnabe, a 2nd or 3rd AI couple in your mind? [backs off watching one more dvd..]

    [how many are there, by the way?]

    How many what ?
  • Reply 77 of 104
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    keep on flirtin' guys ... waddazgonnabe, a 2nd or 3rd AI couple in your mind? [backs off watching one more dvd..]

    [how many are there, by the way?]

    enjoy the dvd.

  • Reply 78 of 104
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    [ how many appleinsider couples are there out there? ]
  • Reply 79 of 104
    billybobskybillybobsky Posts: 1,914member
    dear lord, lets hope none.
  • Reply 80 of 104
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    Topic: Do you have any idiosyncrasies?

    Absolutely not. I am normal.
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