countdown to new g5's...



  • Reply 161 of 410
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
  • Reply 162 of 410
    FWIW, i just came from the Cambridge Apple Store, and saw a worker tearing down all the store front displays (had been updated for the mini iPod). then, i was walking through the back, looking at games, and saw a guy (i can't say he was an employee, cuz he wasn't wearing the apple retail shirt) but he walked straight in all the way to the back, and into the back employee only area. he was walking a rolling lockbox (like we saw in the pictures from Paris Expo).

    I'm highly confident now that something will be announced tomorrow. I can't really speculate what, since the lockbox didn't look quite big enough for a G5, but i'd guess a new G5 would come in a shipping crate anyway. But it wouldn't surprise me if the lockbox thing had all the new 'take one's and poster-type stuff.

    anyway, looks like my Sony Platinum Select is going to take a big hit tomorrow!
  • Reply 163 of 410
    hehe i'm lovin' it....
  • Reply 164 of 410

    Originally posted by concentricity

    FWIW, i just came from the Cambridge Apple Store, and saw a worker tearing down all the store front displays (had been updated for the mini iPod). then, i was walking through the back, looking at games, and saw a guy (i can't say he was an employee, cuz he wasn't wearing the apple retail shirt) but he walked straight in all the way to the back, and into the back employee only area. he was walking a rolling lockbox (like we saw in the pictures from Paris Expo).

    Are you lying? Please, dont **** with me when I'm like this...this is just getting unhealthy. Geez, when I have a job after college someday, I wont be able to get married, own a house, or have kids...I need "mac money" for my addiction to all new Apple stuff. I'll be living on a steamvent with some sweet ass technology, at least!
  • Reply 165 of 410

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Are you lying? Please, dont **** with me when I'm like this...this is just getting unhealthy. Geez, when I have a job after college someday, I wont be able to get married, own a house, or have kids...I need "mac money" for my addiction to all new Apple stuff. I'll be living on a steamvent with some sweet ass technology, at least!


    like i said, i don't know what's going on, but i swear i saw the lockbox thing being wheeled in. one of the regular retail employees even looked at me, and asked if i had a question...i said i was just curious about the guy wheeling the box in. the employee was just like "yeah..."

    i'm in the same boat, dying for a new Mac...i've been a 'starving grad student' for a couple years now, and need to retire my G3 to a life of fileserving. let's hope for tomorrow.
  • Reply 166 of 410
    whoamiwhoami Posts: 301member
    the lockbox thing! hehehehhe

    this thread is confirmed for sure now!

    you forgot the part about the armed guards with mini ipods!
  • Reply 167 of 410
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    hahah.........I really hope SOMETHING shows up tomorrow for a lot of people's sake...
  • Reply 168 of 410
    Apple is just toying with my emotions now... I can't work, I can't sleep, all I do is plow through every mac-related forum I can find, desperately seeking some glimmer of hope that *some* new Mac will come out soon.

    Mac is worse than crack...
  • Reply 169 of 410
  • Reply 170 of 410
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Rumors, you are a...!!!

    I'll take "totally useless posts" for $300, Alex...
  • Reply 171 of 410
    it's now officially the 27th here...

    gosh the next 10 hours or so are gonna be tough.. good thing i'll be alseep for about 8 of them
  • Reply 172 of 410
    ps5533ps5533 Posts: 476member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    it's now officially the 27th here...

    gosh the next 10 hours or so are gonna be tough.. good thing i'll be alseep for about 8 of them

    yah but you have to wait till 3am for it to be the 27th in Cali i had the same problem
  • Reply 173 of 410
    Well its almost 5 am here in SF and me and my G5 are finally heading to sleep. I have a grant due before 9 am, but I'll check the web before my second round of sleep..If they have anything coming out then boy o' boy did they every keep it under wraps. Not a hint other than the date and our collective hopes. I' thinking we have a little longer for the next something, its too quite. Good morning east-coasters and goodnight moon..
  • Reply 174 of 410
    Thursday, Thursday everybody!
  • Reply 175 of 410
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Well, nothing today.

    No real surprise.

    I guess January has indeed turned into a non-hardware month.

    I am afraid Apple has lost interests in their computers.

    Way to much hype on iPods.

    Apple needs to get back to their roots.

    The MP3 player thing won't last nearly as long.
  • Reply 176 of 410

    Originally posted by msantti

    Well, nothing today.

    No real surprise.

    I guess January has indeed turned into a non-hardware month.

    I am afraid Apple has lost interests in their computers.

    Way to much hype on iPods.

    Apple needs to get back to their roots.

    The MP3 player thing won't last nearly as long.

    Dont get all ridiculous over a "no update" day. Apple will take care of its computers because they do provide the revenue source for the company, not the iPod. The iPod is being hyped and understandably so, the company is in a unique position to completely dominate that market. While you say "it wont last long", I think youre wrong. Apple's roots are based on innovation and sometimes innovation comes at one major cost, time. Give some of that to them and you'll likely see what you want to see.
  • Reply 177 of 410
    jcgjcg Posts: 777member

    Originally posted by msantti

    Well, nothing today.

    No real surprise.

    I guess January has indeed turned into a non-hardware month.

    I am afraid Apple has lost interests in their computers.

    Way to much hype on iPods.

    Apple needs to get back to their roots.

    The MP3 player thing won't last nearly as long.

    Isnt the Xserve hardware? Technically speaking so is the iPod.
  • Reply 178 of 410
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    its still a bit early to be saying 'nothing today'
  • Reply 179 of 410
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by othello

    its still a bit early to be saying 'nothing today'

    With so much media attention in the US focussed on the New Hampshire primary today, today is less-than-ideal for any sort of major announcements.
  • Reply 180 of 410
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    and don't forget the big vote in parliment on university tuition fee's here in the uk...

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