DHuge busts da iPod mini commercial - check it out, cats



  • Reply 21 of 90
    MOD please change title to "iPod mini commercial-View Here"

    or tell me if I am or am not allowed to make a new thread just for it. I dont want it to go unseen just because of a dumb thread title.
  • Reply 22 of 90
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    You hate song is da bomb.
  • Reply 23 of 90
    guestguest Posts: 112member
    You need to hang 40 lbs more of gold chain on the boombox dude. And maybe a nasty afro wig...
  • Reply 24 of 90

    Originally posted by murbot

    You hate song is da bomb.

  • Reply 25 of 90
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Nice. Yea more ice like Mr. T style.
  • Reply 26 of 90
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I like the hate song aswell...although I do like bob dylan...but I like that for different reasons.
  • Reply 27 of 90
    What is the hate song?
  • Reply 28 of 90
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    There is no way you are this stupid.

    BTW if it gets linked in this thread I'll lock it before you can say "what do you mean".
  • Reply 29 of 90
    Southpark? I dont get where and why the reference came up.
  • Reply 30 of 90
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Apparently I was wrong.

    Color me shocked, part 4.
  • Reply 31 of 90
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by murbot

    There is no way you are this stupid.

    BTW if it gets linked in this thread I'll lock it before you can say "what do you mean".

    Can I create a new thread related to it specifically in AO? Haha.
  • Reply 32 of 90
    why would you hold your iPod up to your ear?
  • Reply 33 of 90

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    why would you hold your iPod up to your ear?

    He'll be wearing headphones next time, woops. But...the point is the smallness is accentuated.
  • Reply 34 of 90
    hmm...you know what I'd like to see.

    show mr. ghetto blaster 30 years later, a little older, with his brand new iPod, and even though he has the headphones one, his arm/hand still instinctively moves up to his ear, as if he were holding his boombox, then he realizes his habit, takes the iPod out of his pocket, and smiles.

    something like that at least, makes more sense to me. \
  • Reply 35 of 90
  • Reply 36 of 90
    Ya know, looking at that ol blaster, you see how big cassette tapes were.

    Maybe, you could have 30 year older ghetto blaster dude with his new iPod in one hand, and a cassette tape in the other, comparing the size and the size relative to the boombox...ya know?
  • Reply 37 of 90
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    It's kinda lumbering, with the slo-mo and all. There's not much happening, so the slow-motion kinda accentuates that in a not-so-good way. The concept is cute and has potential, for sure.

    I'd just prefer something a bit snappier and with less "waiting". And I like the ideas about about someone thinking back to their 80's selves and how far things have come. And the one comparing a cassette tape (10-12 songs?) with an iPod mini (even smaller, but holds 1000 songs).

    The opportunity for nostalgia-based humor is pretty strong. I'm 35 and certainly came of age in the 80's and had TONS of cassettes (and CDs, but mostly tapes in the early 80's), but now I look back and cringe and the prospect of lugging all that crap around.

    I could think of worse ideas - if you're going for a humorous/cute angle - than incorporating a song that really screams "80's" ("I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls or "Come On Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners...something along those lines that EVERYONE knows...no obscure, hipster Erasure or Cure shit that the majority of people won't immediately connect with) and show some guy (now about my age, mid-30's) thinking back to his younger self, fumbling through cassettes, or having his car stereo eat his cassette (is there ANYONE on the planet this hasn't happened to?). Of course, he could be wearing the hair and clothes of the day (kinda like those flashbacks on "Friends" where Chandler is sporting the swoopy Seagulls-inspired 'do). Anyway, after several scenes humorously highlighting the misery of cassettes, many cassettes, transporting them, storing them, fumbling with them, etc. you zip back to present day and this 30-something guy, in his Dockers or whatever and regular-guy haircut, is listening to the same stuff on his iPod.

    MAYBE, to tie in with the iTMS and show it off a bit, you'd see the screen of Flock of Seagulls stuff, see the cursor click the "Buy Now" button, show the progress bar downloading song, show the guy unplug his iPod from his iMac or whatever and walk into another room or down the stairs or whatever. Maybe, as a final visual kicker, have him look around to make sure no one is there, and he kinda goes into one of those goofy, pogo-style obviously-80's dance moves from back in the day.

    "1,000 songs. No tape."

    Apple logo.

    You've got nostalgia. Humor. A cool song. Generous screen time to the iPod. And, for once, show the iTMS doing its thing, which has yet to be shown in a commercial. Everything is covered and wrapped into a tight 30-second package. Just start the ad already in the 80's, with the guy going through his cassettes in his bedroom. Then his car. Show some funny stuff (tape being eaten, HUGE carrying box for the stuff, etc.), perhaps with the song on the soundtrack, but a bit muffled and draggy sounding, even? Not horrible, but when we snap back to present day and show Docker boy downloading this song from the iTMS, it sounds clearer, bassier, etc. Kinda play up the "pristine, digital quality" angle a bit, even with just a subtle audio cue.

    Just in time to see him bust a couple of Simon LeBon dance moves.
  • Reply 38 of 90
    I'l do my best. I think I can nail that with ease.
  • Reply 39 of 90
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, bear in mind: I'm not a marketing/advertising guy at all. In fact, I only have about 3 neat ideas a year. So don't kill yourself making a big thing out of it.

    I'm merely sharing what I would find amusing or watchable, given my age, attention span, sensibilities, etc.

    My idea is quite possibly lame to everyone but me.

    But I think I've got enough time, posts and contributions here to offset occasional lapses into lameness. I get a pass, to some degree, because I'm such a hell of a guy.

  • Reply 40 of 90

    Originally posted by pscates

    ...no obscure, hipster Erasure or Cure shit that the majority of people won't immediately connect with

    Damn. Now I'm going to have to hunt you down and kill you after all. (it's a joke, it's a JOKE, it's....oh never mind)

    Actually, I still think the way SJ presented it at Macworld would work a treat if it could be encapsulated in an ad. Reminded me of an old con artist's trick.

    It works like this. Pick your mark (eg. kids, oldies who haven't come to terms with the digital music thing, gym junkies etc.), get them thinking along the lines you want them to think (eg. the digital music revolution is here and look flash players just don't cut it), and then when you go in for the kill you only offer them choices that give you the result you want -> So then, would you like a miniPod or a regular iPod with your fries?

    If the ground work is laid properly, 9 times out of 10 it just doesn't occur to people that there are other choices.
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