DHuge busts da iPod mini commercial - check it out, cats



  • Reply 81 of 90
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    johnq might be outrunning BR in the "most easily given to be a sourpuss a-hole" foot race.

    Congrats! Save some for the final laps.

  • Reply 82 of 90
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    It's ok, his criticism is only however serious Messiahtosh meant his movie to be.

    (but yeah, harsh, dude)
  • Reply 83 of 90
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Hey when buddies hang out there's bound to be good natured ribbing going around. Apply the same sense of humor you apply to Dhuge's stuff to my comments...


    My "serious" post was actually trying to help him make better movies. He obviously cares about his work and does put effort into it.

    I am always loathe to correct spelling, that being the oldest troll technique going, but I saw it in 3 or 4 different places. Someone ought to have let him know. Sheesh.
  • Reply 84 of 90
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Hey, I've NEVER gotten the "four smiley smackdown" before, not even from those goons in AO (and they know who they are).

  • Reply 85 of 90
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    C'mon, everyone should see the Leonard Pinth-Garnell in my delivery???

    Dan Aykroyd as Leonard Pinth-Garnell???

    I'm so old....
  • Reply 86 of 90
    The ammount of work I put into my "movies, commercials" whatever, is minimal. I do these things rather quickly and it shows. Its more about the general idea, I'm not a pro and do not intend to generate pro material. When I spend time on something, like I did with a 15 minute movie I made that won first place in the school talent show, it shows. I know what I'm doing, and when I want to do something well I will, I just got the point across in the method that was the least time consuming.

    P.S. it was kinda funny wasnt it? The voice over in the beginning! Gotta love that Bill Gates high voice over nothing cadence! haha
  • Reply 87 of 90
    Dr Phil, (oops!) I mean murbot please (pretty please with sugar on top) can't we have another group therapy session? There may be more than a month to go. At this rate, the joint's going to fall apart at the seams. Besides you owe it to me for butting in and not letting me masquerade as a transvestite or trans-sexual. I could have finished the job off no worries.

    Either that, or Apple just do soooomething willya? Hell Steve, G5 upgrades aren't required. Just turning up in public wearing a cardigan would be MORE than enough.

    johnq, you're clearly a glass half full kinda guy.

    Sorry. I'm feeling a bit depressed.
  • Reply 88 of 90
    Can you blame a guy for being excited? I know there is always this critical, misunderstood talk about how Apple fans can become cultist and blind followers, almost religious in their devotion for a product...However, I feel just excited and happy to finally get the music player that I worked for a long time to be able to afford.

    I made a few goofy movies to spark interest and comments from all of you, I think it worked. I obviously didnt spend that much time doing that stuff, it was simple, quick and ended up with a ridiculous result. I know it may seem absurd to some of you that I would spend my time doing something, seemingly so worthless.

    I really do not have to qualify my actions to anyone, but for goodness sake, I was just doing something I like to do. No harm done (not that much anyway). I got my mini, now its off of AI for a while.

    Time to put all of this good technology to use, here's to getting real work done. ttyl AI.
  • Reply 89 of 90
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Hey I did like the enthusiasm. I think most of us have done various things like product mockups or list dream machine specs or make cartoons about Macs etc. It's all good.

    Look at our Omar thread and you will see similar do-it-yourself kinds of things, including rants...on the whole, criticism and joking/parody goes hand in hand with creating and presenting.

    Don't let (me) grind ya down...
  • Reply 90 of 90

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Can you blame a guy for being excited? I know there is always this critical, misunderstood talk about how Apple fans can become cultist and blind followers, almost religious in their devotion for a product...However, I feel just excited and happy to finally get the music player that I worked for a long time to be able to afford.

    I made a few goofy movies to spark interest and comments from all of you, I think it worked. I obviously didnt spend that much time doing that stuff, it was simple, quick and ended up with a ridiculous result. I know it may seem absurd to some of you that I would spend my time doing something, seemingly so worthless.

    I really do not have to qualify my actions to anyone, but for goodness sake, I was just doing something I like to do. No harm done (not that much anyway). I got my mini, now its off of AI for a while.

    Time to put all of this good technology to use, here's to getting real work done. ttyl AI.

    Messiahtosh! For that polite, reasonable post (whether I agree with all you say or not), I will:

    1. Download your video

    2. Watch it

    3. Give you another 3 chances

    You can be as critical as you like (as can I) provided you respect my dignity and your own in doing so. And for the record, I wish I still had half your youthful enthusiasm.

    Awww.....group hug everybody (not you murbot I know what you're like )
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