Eradicate Pit Bulls!



  • Reply 101 of 129

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Ummm, you'd have a point if the article had any mention of that pit bull having been trained to attack. says nothing about the dog's background. for all we know it could have been beaten or abused in some way to provoke this attack. or it could have been a naturally violent animal. we simply dont know. there are violent people too. sometimes it's not so easy to label. it's like saying that black people are naturally better manual laborers because they were selectively bred to be stronger slaves.
  • Reply 102 of 129
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _ says nothing about the dog's background. for all we know it could have been beaten or abused in some way to provoke this attack. or it could have been a naturally violent animal. we simply dont know. there are violent people too. sometimes it's not so easy to label. it's like saying that black people are naturally better manual laborers because they were selectively bred to be stronger slaves.

    LMAO LMAO...are you serious??? I guess the dog must have been abused bags?? This post is waaaayyyy out there in the Blue Shift mold.

    I'm glad you're treating the news of an old lady almost being mauled to death by an unprovoked pit bull so callously. Yeah, that dog was innocent until proven guilty. Or maybe the old lady and her grand daughter are just lying about how it happened?

    I won't even touch your completely un-related people analogies .
  • Reply 103 of 129
    nm, this thread has gone as far as it's going to.

    anacdote this, anacdote that. this thread has no more legs.
  • Reply 104 of 129

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    LMAO LMAO...are you serious??? I guess the dog must have been abused bags?? This post is waaaayyyy out there in the Blue Shift mold.

    I'm glad you're treating the news of an old lady almost being mauled to death by an unprovoked pit bull so callously. Yeah, that dog was innocent until proven guilty. Or maybe the old lady and her grand daughter are just lying about how it happened?

    I won't even touch your completely un-related people analogies .

    dude, you need to think beyond the situation in the article. no one knows that dog's background. i dont claim to know. it could have been treated perfectly. or it could have been beaten regularly and grew to hate all people. stop ignoring the issue. you treat all these situations as if they are completely unrelated to the background of these dogs. animal behavior is completely dependent on how they are raised, and sometimes this leads to freak accidents because of some strange association that might pop up.
  • Reply 105 of 129
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    so is that a dangerous dog that should be put to sleep?

    No. I can see the similarities though .

    In one instance a lady had to have both arms amputated after being mauled savagely by a pit bull while putting away groceries....while in the other a little dumbass is left with bite marks on his cheek (without the skin being broken) after spooking a sleeping dog.
  • Reply 106 of 129
    i can't believe i've been suckered into getting so deep into this thread...

    it's people who know nothing about animal behavior that make despise discussing this sort of thing...
  • Reply 107 of 129
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    or it could have been a naturally violent animal.

    You said it yourself. NATURALLY violent animal....which we all know too many pit bulls tend to be.

    Of course having owned many dogs and presently owning 4 of them....I know nothing about animal behavior.

    You win. You're the expert. Pit bulls are the sweetest of dogs and would never kill a fly unprovoked.

  • Reply 108 of 129

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    You said it yourself. NATURALLY violent animal....which we all know too many pit bulls tend to be.

    Of course having owned many dogs and presently owning 4 of them....I know nothing about animal behavior.

    You win. You're the expert. Pit bulls are the sweetest of dogs and would never kill a fly unprovoked.


    i also said COULD HAVE BEEN. please learn to read. dont pick and choose what to quote. you lose all credibility when you do that.

    of those "many dogs" how many were pitbulls?

    and when you say "we all know too many pit bulls tend to be" violent, i just have to laugh. if you dont know why i am laughing, then please go back and reread this thread. it is obvious that you have missed everything that has been said. and with that incredible note of naivety, i leave you to believe what you will. some people just dont listen and are too stubborn to believe that anyone but himself is right...

  • Reply 109 of 129
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Just for the record, my sister's pit bull has been attacked by golden retrievers on two separate incidents. Retrievers are jealous dogs and far outsize a pit bull. My sister's dog cowered and hid behind her leg, she had to pull the retriever off her dog.

    At this point, I have more reason to distrust retrievers than pit bulls. Anecdotal, real life evidence of course, feel free to ignore this some more.

    Furthermore, my friend owned a pug and his girlfriend had a German shepard. About a year after they married, the shepard attacked and killed the pug when it tried eating some of its food. Growing up, there was a chained shepard across the street that escaped its tether and maimed a little girl in the neighborhood. My observations tell me that German shepards are more dangerous than pit bulls. Again, feel free to ignore this.
  • Reply 110 of 129
    Ok, so I have a question. So pit bulls aren't agressive towards humans because they can show their dominance over them. Won't small children be at risk? How do they show dominance to a pit bull?
  • Reply 111 of 129

    So pit bulls aren't agressive towards humans because they can show their dominance over them. Won't small children be at risk? How do they show dominance to a pit bull?

    no, they just aren't particularly aggressive towards people, it's not a dominance issue. as for small children, with ANY breed of dog you should be careful with small children. children tend to move in quick, jerky ways that make many dogs nervous/scared.
  • Reply 112 of 129
    face it, all dogs suck seriously i'm too crazy about dogs. i was forced to clean their pens for too many years plus they slobber all over you. yuk

    with that said,

    i saw something on cnn today. some women found a dog that had been thrown away!!. i didn't catch the full story but i think one it's legs had to be amputated. this pissed me to no end. this world is fvcked up, people svck
  • Reply 113 of 129
    OK, another anecdote.

    My nephew had his second birthday party at my sister's place, the sister with the pit bull (my nephew is my other sister's son). Needless to say, the dad and mom were both rather nervous about ol' Satchmo, and even more nervous about their son pulling on his tail or something to set him off. Well, Satchmo was of course excited about having company and was very deferential to my nephew, bowing his head below Drew's and turning around to let Drew pet him and stuff. At one point, Drew accidentally stepped on Satchmo's tail, but nothing doing. The dog also licked his face, which was met with cries and the dog kind of hid behind the coffee table.

    Everything was rather uneventful until Drew wet his daipers a little. Satchmo was probably a bit territorial, and maybe felt that Drew was trying to mark his territory. He kept sniffing Drew's pants. It would tickle Drew, who would laugh and run all over the room, dog's nose in chase. You couldn't pull Satchmo off the kid until they changed his diaper and cleaned him up. I suppose that might sound a bit scary, it was actually quite hilarious.
  • Reply 114 of 129

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    OK, another anecdote.

    My nephew had his second birthday party at my sister's place, the sister with the pit bull (my nephew is my other sister's son). Needless to say, the dad and mom were both rather nervous about ol' Satchmo, and even more nervous about their son pulling on his tail or something to set him off. Well, Satchmo was of course excited about having company and was very deferential to my nephew, bowing his head below Drew's and turning around to let Drew pet him and stuff. At one point, Drew accidentally stepped on Satchmo's tail, but nothing doing. The dog also licked his face, which was met with cries and the dog kind of hid behind the coffee table.

    Everything was rather uneventful until Drew wet his daipers a little. Satchmo was probably a bit territorial, and maybe felt that Drew was trying to mark his territory. He kept sniffing Drew's pants. It would tickle Drew, who would laugh and run all over the room, dog's nose in chase. You couldn't pull Satchmo off the kid until they changed his diaper and cleaned him up. I suppose that might sound a bit scary, it was actually quite hilarious.

    great story
  • Reply 115 of 129
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    i also said COULD HAVE BEEN. please learn to read. dont pick and choose what to quote. you lose all credibility when you do that.

    Uhh....I wasn't quoting you. I was referring to something you said which was a total contradiction to your "noble" pitbull defense.


    and when you say "we all know too many pit bulls tend to be" violent, i just have to laugh. if you dont know why i am laughing, then please go back and reread this thread.

    Listen dude. You wanna play "Doggie Lawyer", be my guest. Keep spinning it to your heart's content.

    Two things before I go:

    1- You said that we don't know anything about the dog's background. It could have been an abused dog. It could have been a trained to attack dog. Result: Pitbull went ballistic and almost mauled an old lady to death.

    2- We don't know anything about the dog's background so as far as we know the owners could've been the most wonderful and loving and caring owners in the world.Result: Pitbull went ballistic and almost mauled an old lady to death.

    I'm assuming some of you would have just found that dog a new home?
  • Reply 116 of 129
    ericgericg Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    I'm assuming some of you would have just found that dog a new home? [/B]

    I think non of the Pittbull "lovers" here (including me) would like to find a new home for a dog that has attacked a human... only one option and that is to let the dog sleep in
  • Reply 117 of 129
    no, you moron. obviously you haven't read any of this and just like to type or something. any dog that has attacked a human must be and is put to sleep. i have never said anything to the contrary. jeez, you are the most dense person on this board...even more than eugene...
  • Reply 118 of 129
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    oops, wrong thread for this answer. here i'm telling people how to sneak computers through customs. oops.
  • Reply 119 of 129
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    no, you moron. obviously you haven't read any of this and just like to type or something. any dog that has attacked a human must be and is put to sleep. i have never said anything to the contrary. jeez, you are the most dense person on this board...even more than eugene...

    Isn't that a personal attack? Oooh, I'm so hurt. That's the best you could do? So after you've gone on and on about why it may not have been the dog's fault...that's what you come up with? I'm glad you stopped short of blaming the old lady and the little girl(not by much).

    Too bad you just ignored my lol after what I said and resorted to an ad hominem. Not just one, but to someone else who had already left the thread. You're more fanatical about pitbulls than I thought.
  • Reply 120 of 129
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    You're more fanatical about pitbulls than I thought.

    it's not his fault, it's how he was raised.
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