Eradicate Pit Bulls!



  • Reply 121 of 129
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by ericg

    I think non of the Pittbull "lovers" here (including me) would like to find a new home for a dog that has attacked a human... only one option and that is to let the dog sleep in

    What exactly defines an 'attack?' Has anyone here that grew up around dogs seriously never been biten? I've certainly had dogs that lost it at one time or another, but it doesn't mean that it's representative of their normal disposition. I think I would have to judge it on a case by case basis.
  • Reply 122 of 129
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    The funny thing is, _alliance_ thinks he's helping.

    Just stop. Seriously.

    What does that little shred over there say on it? cre.. credi... credibili....

    Ah screw it. It is sort of fun to read. Continue.
  • Reply 123 of 129
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    I've lived around many kinds of dogs all my life ( and I hate to remind you again but you must consider that's been 50 years ). I have 2 dogs currently. While I prefer the less excitable breeds like Labs it's really all in how you raise them. This true for all breeds.

    One of my dogs " Sam " I got from a girl friend when we broke up ( I got the best part of the deal ). Sam's half Dalmation, half Black Lab. He's about 95 pounds and looks like he's wearing a tuxedo ( white aorund the neck, down his chest, around his feet, and white on the tip of his tail the rest is black ).

    When I first met him he was really restless and could sometimes nip at people ( when 95 pounds of dog nips at you, you pay attention ). This was all because my girlfriend kept him on a 5 foot leash all day in a tiny yard ( no room to roam ).

    One day a neighbor girl was teasing Sam and he did bite her on the back of her leg. I'll never forget seeing those 4 fang marks and I thought Sam's days were numbered.

    Fortunantely my neighbor could see that his daughter had been teasing Sam and let it go. A few years later after Sam had been mine for awhile he was really docile and gentle around kids.

    If you're wondering Sam was fixed before all of this so that isn't a factor. It's just that I have a large yard built for a big dog, never keep him on a leash, and spend as much quality time with him as work permits. By the way the neighbor girl and him became fast friends later on.

    Yes I'm aware of the anatomical differences in their jaws. A friend of mine at work has a pit bull and he's very docile.

    Any dog can be an " engineered killer " or a kind and gentle friend. It's really up to the owner.
  • Reply 124 of 129

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Isn't that a personal attack? Oooh, I'm so hurt. That's the best you could do? So after you've gone on and on about why it may not have been the dog's fault...that's what you come up with? I'm glad you stopped short of blaming the old lady and the little girl(not by much).

    Too bad you just ignored my lol after what I said and resorted to an ad hominem. Not just one, but to someone else who had already left the thread. You're more fanatical about pitbulls than I thought.

    i have to resort to such things because you keep saying the same crap over and over again even though it is based on nothing but stupidity. you have yet to say anything constructive in this thread, and therefore i am forced to say it as i see it. i am an honest person and tell people what they are. and in this case, i am absolutely correct in my description of you. it is no personal attack. merely honesty.

    and in calling eugene stubborn and dense, well he is. that's no news to anyone. in fact, the lil bastard is stalking me.
  • Reply 125 of 129
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    The LA Times reports that the dog was allowed to roam the neighborhood and frighten residents for a year.


    Animal control officials said they had been called to the house several times in the last year, including on Jan. 31, when Sharum (ed.- the elderly victim) was allegedly attacked the first time.

    Officials told neighbors Tuesday that Sharum denied that she had been injured in the attack. With no victim, there was nothing they could do, officials said.

    So it seems there is a history there. However, the woman who was attacked and her family did nothing to remove the great-grandson's dog, and the neighbors would only make anonymous reports that Animal Control could do nothing about.

    I still don't think that it's okay to lump every dog of a certain breed into the category of dangerous maniac ready to turn into a killing machine at the slightest provocation because some idiots try to make thier dogs "fierce". And to borrow the "guns don't kill people" argument, giant licensing fees and cancelling homeowners policies (which carriers are doing) aren't really going to keep the sort of people who want a psychotic killing machine from having one. It will just ensure that owners like my friends who have raised happy, well socialised, docile (and neutered) companions will not be raising any more of them.
  • Reply 126 of 129
    thank you for providing more to the story. there is always more behind the scenes information that the press usually doesnt include. i find it amusing how many gullible people there are out there who believe everything they are told and then go spreading these half-truths around as if they are facts...
  • Reply 127 of 129
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    it's not his fault, it's how he was raised.

    Good one.


    Originally posted by _ alliance _

    i am an honest person and tell people what they are. and in this case, i am absolutely correct in my description of you. it is no personal attack. merely honesty.

    Awww. Isn't that sweet. Thanks for your honesty. You are complete proof that people with intellectual limitiations resort to ad hominems as a last resort. Hope you didn't pop a vein there. Thanks for coming. Don't leave your little stuffed Pitbull, I mean Rudy , behind.

  • Reply 128 of 129

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Good one.

    Awww. Isn't that sweet. Thanks for your honesty. You are complete proof that people with intellectual limitiations resort to ad hominems as a last resort. Hope you didn't pop a vein there. Thanks for coming. Don't leave your little stuffed Pitbull, I mean Rudy , behind.

    yet another post with absolutely nothing to contribute.

    is there a way to block having to reading this moron's posts? reading this drivel is making me dumber.

    edit: nevermind, i found the ignore option in User CP. if only i could get rid of idiots in the real world this easily...
  • Reply 129 of 129
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    This thread is closed.

    Some poeple said that dogs are like their masters. I wonder if sometime it's the contrary.
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