Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 1241 of 1761
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by meat99:

    <strong>i just peed

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: meat99 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And we needed to know this because...
  • Reply 1242 of 1761
    Hmm.....the snow continues to fall here in C-Town. Yesterday it looked like there was barely any snow outside, grass starting to show up in my yard and the bball court (aka driveway) was clear. Now, everything's covered in white. Nah, our school never closes. Don't be so silly.
  • Reply 1242 of 1761
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    There was a report recently about the press notification from Apple Netherlands, no? or was that for the iPod?

    here's the link to CNN:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    No info about any events they are holding in the Netherlands for the occasion though.

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: BuonRotto ]</p>
  • Reply 1242 of 1761
    imacfanimacfan Posts: 444member
    Anyone Know if AppleUK are doing anything special tomorrow?


  • Reply 1245 of 1761
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    <strong>Apple Denmark has invited the general public to see the keynote at two locations (for the first time ever? Heklp me here JLL). Normally its only press, resellers aso.


    If im not mistaking, Apple norway is also doing this.. ( Not very surprising, since Apple Norway/Sweden/Denmark share the same offices(??) Im sure they follow the same strategy.)
  • Reply 1246 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by psantora:

    <strong>That is one big power button!


    Actually, the powerbutton is small... that little thing is the iWalk!


    The iWalk *has legs and actually walks*, which is why it's called "I WALK" !!!

    Don't you people EVER think for yourselves?



    Is that sarcasm I smell?
  • Reply 1247 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by BerberCarpet:


    Actually, the powerbutton is small... that little thing is the iWalk!


    THATS what the hype is about. Apple invented the 1.5 inch CD

  • Reply 1248 of 1761
    That's a 1.25" Slot-loading SuperDrive.

    It can acutally burn DVD format onto a Euro coin.
  • Reply 1249 of 1761
    a clockless chip would be so f*c8ing great !

    it's at least 10 times faster than any other thing..

    the only delay it has is the components delay... and they are much smaller than 2 ghz..

    but apple would have to build a motherboard that is clockless too.. with a clockless bus..... and some form of translation to a clocked PCI/AGP bus..

    a clockless RAM should be VERY VERY expensive... so apple would need a translation for the RAM refresh clock also...

    but it would be way beyond rumor sites ( well, not anymore), and where no PC has gone before.... and would blow us all away... and it would be the ultimate backstage pass to the future...
  • Reply 1250 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Jack Meggan:

    <strong>a clockless chip would be so f*c8ing great !


    It would be a nice machine, but holy crap, how do we explain how fast a machine is then?

    When kids in my youth group go "Macs suck cause they're slow..."

    And I'll only be able to say, "Well, even though the Pentium 4 is at 2.2 ghtz now, the G5 is actually so fast there's no number they put on it..."

    And they won't believe me.
  • Reply 1251 of 1761
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    A typo??

    "Please note that the shareware version of VueScan is disabled on PowerPC G5 processors."
  • Reply 1252 of 1761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
  • Reply 1252 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by blabla:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    A typo??

    "Please note that the shareware version of VueScan is disabled on PowerPC G5 processors."</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A bit old. We mailed the guy and he wouldn´t tell. But since he have had problems with Apple (and the hype around it gave extra hits on his HP) we think he put it up there deliberatly without knowing anything.

    Someone has a "This message cannot be read on a G5"-signature as a reference to VueScan


  • Reply 1254 of 1761
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    <strong>Just want to repsot this because the page changed so quickly it got caught on last page:

    Lets try something new: What are Apple doing of "extras" around the world? What have Apple France, Apple Sweden, Apple Germany aso done extra for this show that they haven´t done before or which remarks have the local Apple representatives said or done that is special?

    We just read the statement from Apple Norway. Apple Denmark has invited the general public to see the keynote at two locations (for the first time ever? Heklp me here JLL). Normally its only press, resellers aso.



    Yes, AFAIK it's the first time that Apple DK has invited the lowly public like you to a keynote presentation.

    Apple Germany is also hosting some kind of keynote thing for the first time AFAIK.
  • Reply 1255 of 1761
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by blabla:


    If im not mistaking, Apple norway is also doing this.. ( Not very surprising, since Apple Norway/Sweden/Denmark share the same offices(??) Im sure they follow the same strategy.)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Apple Norway/Sweden/Denmark does not share the same offices. The Danish one is in Søllerød north of Copenhagen.

    But Apple Denmark and Apple Norway are managed by Apple Sweden (Apple is pretty big in Sweden).
  • Reply 1256 of 1761
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Wow, 32 pages now. Keep it up, we can mkae this thread even bigger. I think we are looking at something big, but i have given up trying to figure out what. Tomorrow cannot come soon enough.
  • Reply 1257 of 1761
    toofeutoofeu Posts: 73member
    Hey guys, Spymac was right, go to this url and you'll find the specification of the new Powermacs

    This site is a commercial site in france that it

    used to post the specifications of the new products before they are unveiled.

    They did the some with The Ti upgrade last time when they included a combo drive....

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

  • Reply 1258 of 1761
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by Toofeu:

    <strong>Hey guys, Spymac was right, go to this url and you'll find the specification of the new Powermacs

    This site is a commercial site in france that it

    used to post the specifications of the new products before they are unveiled.

    They did the some with The Ti upgrade last time when they included a combo drive....

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    I think they just copied spymac "to be prepared":

    "Il semblerait qu' un PDA "Made in Apple" soit sur le point de voir le jour ! l'iWalk (son nom reste Ã* confirmer) pourrait bien être l'une des surprises annoncées par Steve Jobs pour la MacWorld Expo qui commence lundi ! l'iWalk utiliserait un MacOS X "light", avec une interface brossée, et des boutons similaires Ã* ceux de QuickTime 5. En outre, l'utilisation de cet appareil semble se faire par l'emploi d'un stylet sur l'écran, avec une reconnaissance de l'écriture assez puissante. Il serait pourvu d'un navigateur internet, de plusieurs ports (entrée et sortie audio, port FireWire, port infrarouge)."
  • Reply 1258 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Toofeu:

    <strong>Hey guys, Spymac was right, go to this url and you'll find the specification of the new Powermacs

    This site is a commercial site in france that it

    used to post the specifications of the new products before they are unveiled.

    They did the some with The Ti upgrade last time when they included a combo drive....

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;


    It says....

    ref M9541LL/A

    Powemac G4 -

    1,2 Go PPC G4 / 256 MB DDR ram / 60 GB DD / carte vidéo nVidia MX2 32mb / CDRW /Ethernet Modem

    Prix indicatif CLG 1899?

    ref M9571LL/A

    Powemac G4 -

    1,4 Go PPC G4 / 512 MB DDR ram / 80 GB DD / carte vidéo nVidia MX2 32mb / DVD-CDRW /Ethernet Modem

    Airport intégré

    Prix indicatif CLG 2799?

    ref M9591LL/A

    Powemac G4 -

    Bi-pro 1,4 Go x2 - PPC G4 / 1 Go DDR ram / 120 GB DD / carte vidéo nVidia MX2 64mb / / DVD-CDRW /Ethernet Modem

    Airport intégré

    Prix indicatif CLG 3899?


    It is total BS! No superdrive on any retail configs?

  • Reply 1260 of 1761
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    ?? no superdrive??!?

    This is kinda weird too, since it clearly says G4 not G5...

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