Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 1220 of 1761
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Fran, do you still think Codename is Nick de Plume as per that Think secret screenshot?
  • Reply 1222 of 1761
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    From the chief of Apple Norway:

    "This time we will surprise even the most creative dreamers"

    "On monday, we shall wake up the computer industry"

    hmmm... I smell a revolution. Or maybe its just a 66 Mhz speed bump?

  • Reply 1223 of 1761
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Yah Fran, how's it feel to be the poppa of a 1200+ post thread?

    And hey, I remember the "Codename is Nick DePlume" thing. There was a photo that had -somebody's- iDisk pulled up onscreen, right? On a photo posted at Think Secret?

    There was a reason given for plausible deniability for that, but I lost interest quickly on the whole deal. Can't remember why it was important.

    Anyhow, I need to put down my iBook and pick up the phone to track down somebody who could record the keynote for me now.

    My plan is to avoid the radio and the 'net until somebody can hand me the tape of the keynote so that I can see it unfold for myself.

    Wish me luck!

  • Reply 1224 of 1761
    I NEVER SAW SNOW IN MY WHOLE LIFE ! ... the temperature here is about 27 degress Celsius and I am sweating like a 3 headed dog playing catch with satan

    another statement : it's january ! no classes here . at 3:00 PM I will be watching grand meister jobs speaking through the webcast.. but I will have to wait at least 1 month to buy any new macs !!

    could any of you ship me a brand new dual g5 1.6 ?

    and now, something completely different :

    the US postal service says : "We cannot ship the new powermac G5"

    (remember vuescan)
  • Reply 1225 of 1761
    olli_golli_g Posts: 64member
    [quote]Originally posted by blabla:

    <strong>hmmm... I smell a revolution. Or maybe its just a 66 Mhz speed bump?


    I think we'll even get a 67MHz bump.
  • Reply 1226 of 1761
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by olli_g:


    Dual machines came MWNY 00, not 99. Then came the iBook and AirPort.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, the iBook and Airport were around when the dual machines were announced... Thats why they have airport slots.

  • Reply 1226 of 1761
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by olli_g:


    I think we'll even get a 67MHz bump. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    cool, that's 1 mhz for free!
  • Reply 1228 of 1761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    can some one translate that abit more???

    (the best parts)

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: thentro ]</p>
  • Reply 1229 of 1761
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    doesn't anyone find it odd that there is not a scrap of *real* evidence for any of the announcements tomorrow?

    over the past few years there has always been a crappy picture to pour over. remember the pic of the quicksilver g4 that had?
  • Reply 1230 of 1761
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jack Meggan:

    <strong>I NEVER SAW SNOW IN MY WHOLE LIFE ! ... the temperature here is about 27 degress Celsius and I am sweating like a 3 headed dog playing catch with satan


    Off topic:

    Come and visit me in Norway

    I was borned in the northern most city in the world. Hammerfest. The climate is not too bad actually (costal climate). Only snow for about 7 months/year.
  • Reply 1231 of 1761
    olli_golli_g Posts: 64member
    [quote]Originally posted by psantora:


    No, the iBook and Airport were around when the dual machines were announced... Thats why they have airport slots.


    I said:

    "Dual machines came MWNY 00, not 99. Then (which refers to MWNY 99, sorry for the confusion) came the iBook and Airport.

    And check out this: fake, for sure, but looks quite photo-like. Perhaps edited with iPhoto?

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 1231 of 1761
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member


    Originally posted by olli_g:

    I think we'll even get a 67MHz bump.


    cool, that's 1 mhz for free!




    OH NO... you pay allright'll
  • Reply 1231 of 1761
    meat99meat99 Posts: 46member
    i just peed

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: meat99 ]</p>
  • Reply 1234 of 1761
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    [quote]Originally posted by thentro:

    [QB]can some one translate that abit more???

    (the best parts)


    Thats about it.. Only those two comments from Apple,- the rest is the writers opinion.
  • Reply 1234 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Lets try something new: What are Apple doing of "extras" around the world? What have Apple France, Apple Sweden, Apple Germany aso done extra for this show that they haven´t done before or which remarks have the local Apple representatives said or done that is special?

    We just read the statement from Apple Norway. Apple Denmark has invited the general public to see the keynote at two locations (for the first time ever? Heklp me here JLL). Normally its only press, resellers aso.


    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 1234 of 1761
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by olli_g:


    I said:

    "Dual machines came MWNY 00, not 99. Then (which refers to MWNY 99, sorry for the confusion) came the iBook and Airport.

    And check out this: fake, for sure, but looks quite photo-like. Perhaps edited with iPhoto?

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I see makes sence now...

    That is one big power button!

    Oh and whoever did the mathamatical prediction of 34 pages, you probably will be wrong. The PPM (posts per minute) have been increasing so it is non-linear so you cant take the average like you did.

    Plus, this thread has become a chat room of sorts since java chat is gone .

  • Reply 1234 of 1761
    imacfanimacfan Posts: 444member
    [quote]Originally posted by meat99:

    <strong>i just peed

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: meat99 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Urghh! - Get away from me!

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 1238 of 1761
    blabla, I sure would ! . but it's a long long way... and I hate to leave home...hhehehhe

    the heat can be controled with the smart use of tactical air cooling devices

    another thought : who remembers transmeta's code morphing tecnology ?

    couldn't apple use transmeta chips or transmeta technology to use the very high clockspeeds of x86 processors , but running native ppc code ?

    I heard that x86 chips have a translating engine to translate x86 very old instruction set to a native instruction set...

    there were rumors transmeta was going to be aquired ....

    it all adds up..
  • Reply 1239 of 1761
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Well Transmeta's chips haven't been clocking as high as Motorola, so that seems like a dead end as far as current technology is concerned. They have brains though, and like Raycer, perhaps Apple would buy them for future development.

    What is the chance that Apple has a clockless chip? What would the performance benefits be for a chip like that?
  • Reply 1239 of 1761
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Just want to repsot this because the page changed so quickly it got caught on last page:

    Lets try something new: What are Apple doing of "extras" around the world? What have Apple France, Apple Sweden, Apple Germany aso done extra for this show that they haven´t done before or which remarks have the local Apple representatives said or done that is special?

    We just read the statement from Apple Norway. Apple Denmark has invited the general public to see the keynote at two locations (for the first time ever? Heklp me here JLL). Normally its only press, resellers aso.


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