One of those girls...



  • Reply 21 of 106
    ganondorfganondorf Posts: 573member
    You can only write notes if one of two conditions are met:

    1) You are younger than 16.

    2) You're already dating the girl.

    Otherwise, they are silly. Just talk to her like a real man.
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  • Reply 22 of 106
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by Ganondorf

    You can only write notes if one of two conditions are met:

    1) You are younger than 16.

    2) You're already dating the girl.

    Otherwise, they are silly. Just talk to her like a real man.

    HAHA..this is Seinfeld.
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  • Reply 23 of 106
    ganondorfganondorf Posts: 573member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    HAHA..this is Seinfeld.

    Jerry! You're NOT gonna believe this...
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  • Reply 24 of 106
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Hello, Newman.

    Most people probably look at me as AI's Newman, haha!
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  • Reply 25 of 106
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    doo-rags! I'm in a great mood today.

    Anyway, is pulling a "note" out just the wrong way to go? I mean, I am man enough to ask a girl out, I've had a couple gf's before...but every time, this part of the process puts my stomache in nots. Oh oh, I'm not saying asking her out as in as "be my girlfriend" but as in to hang out. haha, a note to do that would be like trying to turn a car on with a carrot.

    Tell her that you are going to spend as much time making freaky movies about her as you do making freaky movies about Apple.
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  • Reply 26 of 106
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by HOM

    Tell her that you are going to spend as much time making freaky movies about her as you do making freaky movies about Apple. up on my mom's - i mean - my piano...that's it...take out my wallet and wintergreen gum...yeah...BATTERY WARNING

    Damnit! I wasted my battery on my iPod mini epic!!!!!

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  • Reply 27 of 106
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I can't believe you actually thought about writing a note. You're not in 7th grade anymore.

    Anyway, just get the balls to ask her out. It might not be the easiest, but it's the best thing to do.
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  • Reply 28 of 106
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    the kind that just blow you away when you see them, has been seen by me. Well, anyway...what I want to ask advice about is how to go about getting her comfortable with me. I see her everyday at school for one class. We used to sit on opposite sides of the room and I took the opportunity the a day she was absent to move into a seat near her. I just will tell her it was because i was talking to too much, and the teacher moved me, if she asks me why I was moved. The thing is, there are only like 9 weeks left in the school year, of my senior year in high school, prom is coming up and shes totally untaken. Maybe go out on a limb and ask her?

    How does anyone sort of slowly move from being casual talkers to asking someone to a formal ocassion?

    haha im so immature about this shit.

    What class is it? The fact that you're in the same class gives you something to talk about.

    If you actually sit next to her (on her left), you could accidentally push your pen off your desk and onto the floor near her feet, just out of your own reach. Then, so innocently, you say, "Oh, sorry, but could you please hand me my pen?" As she does so, look into her eyes, smile broadly, and say, "Thanks."

    Your next moves depend on how much time you have. It's never wise to put off asking a girl to the prom for very long, because she'll eventually get snapped up, I guarantee, especially if she's as cute as you say. Who knows, she might be dating a college guy right now. Be prepared for that eventuality. (Even if she is, she might still go to the prom with you; most senior girls want to go to the prom; so don't give up!)

    You have to find as MANY chances as possible to engage in casual small-talk, just in a friendly way. Whatever you do, don't look at her adoringly. Yuck. Girls hate that. Don't treat her like a goddess. Double yuck! Be normal, casual, and openly *friendly*. Don't be gloomy and sullen. Have a ready smile to flash at appropriate times, be cheerful, upbeat, light-hearted. If you're Italian, as I suspect, flirting is in your blood.

    I think the best way to flirt with a girl is NOT to seem like you're flirting. As I said, be friendly, open, readily communicative. Don't come on so strong that she feels like she's being stalked (though she IS! haha ) Try to interact in some simple way after class, like buying her a coke or something. If you manage this, even once, and if she's easy to talk to, and seems friendly and receptive, if she smiles into your face a few times, then just go ahead and say, "I know we don't know each other very well yet, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to the prom with me?"

    Basically, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. You don't really have time to get to be friends at this point before you ask her; so ask her this week, or next week at the latest.

    You would be really cute if you would smile. So smile!!! And I think you looked even cuter in the earlier picture with a little more meat on your bones. Just my opinion.

    Btw, DON'T ask her if she "already has a date for the prom"!!!! That's trapping her. Girls hate that. Again, just my opinion.

    If you weren't so pressed for time, I would give you other advice about girls, with more subtlety and long-term strategies, and NO silly things like pushing pens off desks, which admittedly is stupid - but if it works, hey, DO it!

    And the name 'Chris' is one of the best male names of all time. I would say it's my absolute favorite. It has tenderness and strength in it. Does that make sense? And those are qualities every girl wants in a guy.

    Good luck, Chris.

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  • Reply 29 of 106
    dviantdviant Posts: 483member
    Listen to Carol!

    Oh and whatever you do. DON"T tell her that you solicited advice from users of an online website forum devoted to cultivating rumors about a computer company! LOL!!
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  • Reply 30 of 106
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    What he said.

    No note, be direct.

    Ask her out, don't ask her if she's already been asked.

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  • Reply 31 of 106
    You might want to sign up for the email newsletters (free) at

    I don't agree nor do I practice everything this guy talks about, but he brings up a lot of good points. He sells an ebook too, but I found it on Kazaa. If you want it, just PM me. It's definitely a good read, and while a lot of women that read his stuff think it is crap, it does work, and usually on those very women :P

    I don't consider it so much lessons in how to act as it is a cleverly disguised self help system designed to teach you how to be a man again and not super wuss of the year. He's not going to give you lines to use, because it isn't about the lines, it's more about how you act... your voice, your body language, your appearance. it's that whole alpha male thing.
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  • Reply 32 of 106
    burningwheelburningwheel Posts: 1,827member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    What class is it? The fact that you're in the same class gives you something to talk about.

    If you actually sit next to her (on her left), you could accidentally push your pen off your desk and onto the floor near her feet, just out of your own reach. Then, so innocently, you say, "Oh, sorry, but could you please hand me my pen?" As she does so, look into her eyes, smile broadly, and say, "Thanks."

    yer kidding?

    just ask her to the prom. good luck
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  • Reply 33 of 106
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Good call. I should probably reveal a bit more about this girl. I dont know her, like at all. Today is the first day I have spoken directly to her. It was fine, she thinks I'm funny (as does the class) so it's all good that way. For example in class today we were reviewing for a quiz tomorrow, the teacher asked about the "Tea Room Experiment" and said, "what would the guy have done differently if he could do the experiment over again." And I said, "Join in on it?" That got a good 30 seconds of laughter...if you know what a Tearoom is, I guess its pretty funny. Anyway..

    She smiles at me and makes eye contact with me a lot, a good sign to me, I guess.

    Whoa! New and highly critical information!!! If she smiles and makes eye contact a lot, holy god, Chris, that's a girl's way of bashing you over the head with a club and dragging you off to the cave!!!!!

    Whatever you do, don't delay! Get her into a casual conversation after class tomorrow, and then ask her out for something casual tomorrow after school. If things go well on that mini-date, ask her to the prom right away with the sentence I mentioned above.


    She may not even know my name really, but I was thinking of doing this...handing her a note tomorrow before the test..something like this?

    Ok, first of all, this is typed because my handwriting SUCKS...anyway...

    I moved into the seat in-front of you because it was where I could talk to you, so hopefully you don't think that's crazy. I was just thinking to myself about how I could go about getting to know you but then I realized something: we are seniors with like 9 weeks of school left. So maybe this is just a crash landing attempt to say, "hey." Obviously it seems a little strange, but I don't consider a lot of stuff i do to be normal-whatever though. I think being upfront is a good thing...So I'm wondering if you want to hang out sometime.

    One other thing! We probably don't even know each other's names! "Johna Rouse" that even spelled close? ha By the way, mine is: The Ridiculous Kid In-Front of You, Chris DiEugenio. (yeah thats Italian, hopefully you don't hate Italians) [/B]

    Chris, if she already smiles at you and makes eye contact, tomorrow, in the hallway after class, ask her for that casual date I mentioned. I don't think you need to bother with the note. She's already attracted to you, believe me. And if the class laughed for 30 seconds at your joke, she might already be in love with you. A good sense of humor in a guy is enormously attractive to girls. Especially if you are confident enough to makes jokes in class. Self-confidence is the next thing girls love in a guy.
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  • Reply 34 of 106
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    i think you should follow that guy from insomniac's suggestion (i can't remember his name). take a dump in the middle of the room. there'll be a lot of confusion and intrique. and she'll be scared and want to be held. then you've got her.

    and a note is a bad idea. you can like totally get detention for passing notes in class.

    also, don't be totally put off if she does have a prom date, which is a possibility if you procrastinate. there are plenty of other days in a week you can go out, and in doing so you'll prove to her why you would be better to go to the prom than whoever else she was planning to go with. plus the other dood may get all monagamous and want to fight, then, when you kick his ass, she'll want to jump you immediately.
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  • Reply 35 of 106
    Carol does bring up a good point in that example though. Eye Contact. Eye contact can be a tremendously positive thing, for looking away does show a bit of weakness. Eye Contact = good. Practice it often May want to try doing it with a non-demonic look on the rest of your face, that tends to help...
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  • Reply 36 of 106
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    HAhahah, amazing responses. Screw the ridiculous note. I'll just ask her out. I think i've got this one.

    I just cant mention this website, whatever I do, cant. mention. it. LOL
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  • Reply 37 of 106
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Chris, I'd just say to act as comfortable when talking to her as you can. Even if you FEEL uncomfortable don't seem like you are. The less uncomfortable you are, the less she will be, and the better things will go.

    Note: That does not mean to act overly wacky or snobby like you're TOO comfortable. Just be casual and kind. Look into her eyes and smile a lot. It's all good.

    Oh, and post a friekin' picture here if you can get one! 8)
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  • Reply 38 of 106
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    I'll post one of my ex gf.
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  • Reply 39 of 106
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    My ex girlfriend Christine...yeah, Chris and Christine...thank God it's no more.
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  • Reply 40 of 106
    homhom Posts: 1,098member
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