Taking Showers...



  • Reply 141 of 145
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by fred_lj

    I don't understand people that shower longer than 15 or 20 minutes, either. Personally 15 seems obscene at that point.

    Last fall, after a pretty intense rugby match, I went for a shower. That involes scraping off a good bit of dirt. Plus, I was pretty beat from the game and had gone pretty hard at the "Third Half." The shower I happened to be using was handicap accessible, so it had a pull down seat.

    Bad idea.

    After I scraped off the dirt I sat down and fell asleep. 3 hours later I woke up. . . really wrinkly.
  • Reply 142 of 145
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    um, he's taking a 40 min. shower, and locking both doors?

    i doubt that has anything to do with being "insecure".

    that guy's definately beating off. probably doesn't want someone coming in and ruining it for him. takes 40 min. already, you start walking in and out of there and he'll be in until the hot water runs out.

    Well Lead_bj did call him a jerk. \
  • Reply 143 of 145
    chychchych Posts: 860member
    We have a guy in our suite who takes 30-40 minute showers, and on Thursdays (tomorrow) he has a class at 12:30 and starts showering at ~11:10. Well, another one in our suite as well as me have a class at 12, and we take 10 min showers (and wake up later). So for a while, he tended to screw us over often such that we were late to class on Thursdays (or smelled to class, or took 2 min showers).

    Well we decided we had enough of that, and one day did not bother going to class. In a joint effort, we took the bathroom from 11-12:30, just to even the odds a bit =)

    At least now he wakes up earlier to take his long shower.
  • Reply 144 of 145
    crazychestercrazychester Posts: 1,339member

    Originally posted by Carol A

    What's weird is that I had NO idea you were female. I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years from your posts. The name 'Chester' does tend to throw one off, you must admit. Is that what you intended?

    No it wasn't intended. It didn't even occur to me until about, ooh, 10 seconds after I registered. For one, I didn't really believe that anyone was really called Chester (altho' I learnt today there was a US president in the 19th century called Chester Arthur). And secondly, I spend a large part of my working life pretending to be something or someone I'm not (Grab the chocolate! Matrix! Caveman, caveman, double caveman!). So it's kind of a natural state of mind.

    Now I'm going to the Playfair thread aka Rampaging Australians.

    (Don't worry. There's at least one person who thought I was male, then thought I was female, then thought I was male again. Personally, I think I'm a bit androgynous in a womanly kind of way. If that makes any sense. \ )
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