What do you like about where you live?



  • Reply 41 of 62
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    The weather is almost always perfect.

    I'm a short drive away from beaches, mountains and the desert.

    My neighborhood is clean, quiet and safe, with lovely tree-lined streets.

    I have an easy bus ride to work, and can walk to the mall, the grocery store or the movies. Or even the

    Apple Store.
  • Reply 42 of 62
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    If you're walking to The Grove, that ain't BH.

    Unless you're some sort of racewalker.

  • Reply 43 of 62
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by trailmaster308

    [BTakes me 5 minutes to get to work. I live 10 miles away.


    do you drive 120 MPH?
  • Reply 44 of 62

    Originally posted by a_greer

    sooo.....you in Indiana too?

    Close enough... :P The only thing Philadelphia has going for it are the sports teams... sorta.
  • Reply 45 of 62
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    I love how the streets are carpeted with broken glass, and you can't cycle 2 metres without getting a puncture. The only exception is The Gorbals, where the streets are carpeted with used nappies, sanitary towels (and glass).

    I love how all the girls have orange skin from overdoing the tanning beds. You can never have too much cheap gold jewelry from Elizabeth Duke at Argos.

    I love how 60% of this town haven't done a days work in their lives. Cashing their Giro is effort enough.

    I love how it rains for 47 days without a break.

    I love the NEDs with their burberry caps and their stupid "short-step" walk. Occasionally you'll get one that has a car, and his mates will pile in. It's important to lean as far forward in the drivers seat as possible, and to put your right hand over the top left of the wheel. A burberry cap, chewing gum and a biggest glue-on plastic spoiler that you've ever seen are also compulsory.

    I love the fact that they never sweep the streets, even although our Council Tax is one of the highest in the country.

    I love the fact that all the 14 year olds are pregnant. For the second time.

    I love the fact that you walk down some streets and feel as though YOU are the ethnic minority. You are made to feel unwelcome in your own country.

    I love the fact that people are so nosey and judgemental (often confused with friendliness by people who don't know any better).

    I love Glasgow. Scotland with Style.

    I love the fact that by this time next year I'll be living somewhere else?
  • Reply 46 of 62
    neoneo Posts: 271member
    I live in California and i think of this state as a virtual toilet bowl...brain wise...lots of idiots and morons and dumbasses and illegal Mexicans walking around

    in other words...

    i'm not staying in CA for too long...i'm gonna move to Arizona in about 6 monts...

  • Reply 47 of 62
    I really like where I live (about a mile west of Nook Farm) because this is where my Mac is.
  • Reply 48 of 62
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    [comes in the apprentice thread...] another thing i like about where i live is live stuff on t.v. is actually live, and at a reasonable time of day.
  • Reply 49 of 62
    mlnjrmlnjr Posts: 230member
    Like it says, I'm in Richmond.

    I like the fact that when one snowflake falls, the city just about shuts down because so many people here freak out at the notion of snow.

    I like our almost completely corrupt city council.

    I like living in the section of town where I am, because several bars and restaurants are within manageable walking distance. I even used to be able to walk to work, while I still had that job.

    When I'm feeling lazy, most places deliver.

    Warm weather + college girls walking around = entertainment.

    Legend Brown Ale.

    What I don't like:

    Virginia's car tax still hasn't been completely phased out.

    The job market here is awful unless you want to work for Big Credit Card Company or Big Tobacco Company.

    The radio stations here are awful.
  • Reply 50 of 62
    tmptmp Posts: 601member

    Originally posted by Cake

    If you're walking to The Grove, that ain't BH.

    It's 2.4 miles according to mapquest, a little more than a mile and a half from 90211. I've walked it before. Plus, if I walk there and back, I can justify the Ice Blended Mocha I'd treat myself to on the way home. Loving the Bean.

    I love that walk. On the way over, there's all the furniture stores, bookshops, and the classic car place, and on the way back, there's Paul Frank, Cook's Library, Plastica, The Beverly Center and that ice-blended.

    Plus, if I walk, I won't over-shop. I'd have to carry it all home.

    I love walking in LA. For the most part the sidewalks are deserted- I could bowl on a lot of them.
  • Reply 51 of 62
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    No pollution

    Lots of trees and parks

    Negligible poverty


    Mind numbing monotonous suburbia - no city, no country, just suburbia (hence the no pollution and lots of trees and parks)

    Stuck up people (not everyone, just morso)

    High petty crime

    Ridiculous street racing

    Nothing to do, middle of nowhere, no escape (hence the high petty crime and street racing)

    Crazy roads and crazy drivers
  • Reply 52 of 62
    kwondokwondo Posts: 217member
    Hey, podmate,

    It's friday and I'mloaded and my baby's drunk andpassed out on her birthday, any I'm typing and retyping...I love fVcki9ng NYC by have just returned from Tulum, mexico and want more tan!!!!!

    Ark,podmat, it's close enough to Alambama where veryone can get laid without trying! Nebulous, before I sober up, your're hot! Now that I'm half concentrating, Oregon is really nice weather right now, GF's parents are in Oregon and have had best weather in a while! Anyone have been to Tulum, Mexico? I want to live there nad build a commecial bsiness so that I may live (VERY) comforable! (befoe I sober up in the morning! I dod nine days there and my tan is fading fast. What can I do? If any of you AI people have outdoor pool, please invite me and GF!

    Thanks for this drun night, by the waaaaym Happy Birthday, GF!
  • Reply 53 of 62
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    A bald eagle flew lazily and lowly over my backyard today

    and the air smells nice very often

    it is very safe and crime-free
  • Reply 54 of 62
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    What do I like about where I live?

  • Reply 55 of 62
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member

    Originally posted by midwinter

    What do I like about where I live?


    I never knew such places existed. I thought they only existed in the colour-tweaked PANAVISION world of the silver screen. So many colours!

    I'd be out on my mountain bike for 3-4 hours every day! Might give winter a miss by the looks of it, though!
  • Reply 56 of 62
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Messiah

    I never knew such places existed. I thought they only existed in the colour-tweaked PANAVISION world of the silver screen. So many colours!

    I'd be out on my mountain bike for 3-4 hours every day! Might give winter a miss by the looks of it, though!


    3 blocks up from my house, the road ENDS in a 9700 foot mountain. There's a trailhead there with 20 miles of single-track. On the other side of that mountain (through the canyon where I took those pictures) is the Snow Basin ski lodge, where several of the 2002 olympic downhill events were held. I also learned to snowboard there a few weeks ago.

    The canyon where I took those pictures is about 15 minutes from my door (and only that long because a) traffic can be a pain and b) it's kind of windy road and so you have to slow down on the curves).

    Those pictures were taken in Oct of last year, two months after I'd moved here. I'm with you. I didn't know things could look like that, either.

    Anyway, Messiah, if you like that kind of thing, you should arrange a trip to Utah in the fall. It's something else.


  • Reply 57 of 62
    1. Freedom and true democracy

    2. Friendly people

    3. Society and Family in general.

    4. Spicy food.
  • Reply 58 of 62
    fangornfangorn Posts: 323member
    i just wanted to thank everyone who participated for giving me a nice, clean, no-flame-wars thread that I could check for a few days.

    You may now resume your regularly scheduled firefight.
  • Reply 59 of 62
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    I live in NYC and besides what others have said, which i generally agree with, I'm 45 minutes from my favorite beach and two and a half hours from my weekend house which is in the mountains. We also get a good taste of all the seasons and Farid, my deli guy, makes the best coffee for fifty cents a cup. One thing I've noticed about NYC is that as expensive as it is you can get a good cup of coffee here way cheaper than anywhere else I've been.
  • Reply 60 of 62
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    What is there to like about Cincinnati? it is a city that is way past its prime. At the turn of the century, the neighborhood adjacent to downtown was the secondly most densely populated neighborhood in the country (second to Manhattan). Today, that neighborhood is a shell with about 7000 people and about 7000 lbs of drugs. What else? Much of downtown was destroyed by giant highways, as were many of the neighborhoods. The vibrant neighborhood network of yore is about 75% impoverished theese days...people choose to live in Vanilla suburbs 30 miles from downtown.

    Fortunately, there are still a few neighborhoods around with a good deal of character. Hmm, people also talk about the Chili here a lot, and La Rosa's pizza. I sort of think associating yourself and your city with a couple of businesses proves that you live in a city without any real character or vibrant activity.

    In short, Cinci used to have loads of character, now it is just another sprawling, boring place. Oh, did I mention the people here are neoconservative to the point of being backward?

    Out in the suburbs they are always complaining about traffic, but what do they expect when millions of people each have a one ton piece of machinery that goes everywhere with them

    Wow, that was cynical. I'm not a native to this place.
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