WWDC and the future of APPLE



  • Reply 181 of 436

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Kormac nailed the Panny DVCPro HD codec. He also nailed Motion when no one else was talking about it.

    True. That was insider information. But this prediction? I'm not even sure what the prediction is. So far we've just seen some vague allusions to possible technology convergences. Kormac, can you clarify?
  • Reply 182 of 436
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    Well. I am tired by many people here that confused.

    And people who blame me.

    The reason I give long technical background is that you have to know this background information and concept to understand the whole concept of products.

    I wish I had more people exchange their idea to be added and give more thought about Apple's dirction to help more feedback to APPLE.

    Well, I think most of people are not like to talk about general idea but just want to have name and spec.

    Here is what will be announced.

    - Preview of Tiger: OS X 10.4

    - iMac G5.

    - New service to support Consumer Electronics.

    - 20, 23, 30 inch Monitor with HDTV capability.

    - iProjector with WiFi. ( Name may be different. )

    There is more in the future for CES but it might be announce at WWDC. ( In my opinion, he will wait for CES )

    By the way, check with who will be keynote for CES ? ( Officially, it was not decided. )

    The more thing is

    * Name can be changed

    - iStation ( aka iBox )

    - iPAD ( aka i**** v2 )

    - And 4th generation iPod with Color dispaly by September.

    Well. Are you guys are satisfied ?

    It is up to you to belive me or not,

    I think this is rumor site, not press or newpaper.
  • Reply 183 of 436
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    To John at the Apple legal;

    Again, As you can see here.

    I am not work for APPLE directly and I don't have any APPLE internal documentations. And I never signed NDA for products above to APPLE.

    To Escher: Could you do me a favor? Do you think I might have problem with APPLE if my condition is as above ?

  • Reply 184 of 436
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by kormac77

    Here is what will be announced.

    - Preview of Tiger: OS X 10.4

    - iMac G5.

    - New service to support Consumer Electronics.

    - 20, 23, 30 inch Monitor with HDTV capability.

    - iProjector with WiFi. ( Name may be different. )

    The more thing is

    - iStation ( aka iBox )

    - iPAD ( aka i**** v2 )

    - And 4th generation iPod with Color dispaly by September.

    Well. Are you guys are satisfied ?

    kormac77, don't get me wrong I'm quite impressed with the laundry list but... here are my comments:

    - WAY too Hardware heavy for WWDC! Heck it's even too hardware heavy for a MacWorld maybe even for TWO MacWorlds.

    - Aren't you missing a QucikTime 7 announcement (something that really fits WWDC)?

    Don't get me wrong - I'd really love to see all off the items listed above but don't get mad at me for thinking your doing quite a bit of wishful thinking with at least some of the predictions above.

  • Reply 185 of 436
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    To DaveGee:

    QuickTime7 is THE most important part of this WWDC.

    And it is the key part of New Service.

    And the new hareware is the key for new service too.

    This is 20th anniversary of Mac and Apple will do their best to give a good time for the new way of Mac.
  • Reply 186 of 436
    macflymacfly Posts: 256member
    Maybe apple has decided that THEY want to be your digital hub...not just their products. they are definitely moving towards a lifestyle company. they take all the things we like to do (or need to do for work), make products that allow us to do them easily and with panache, and i think what i am getting from kormac is the idea that now they want to be the distributor for content as well. look at itunes. right now with the ipod we have a great product yes..but, we can also, through apple, go and download whatever we want music-wise to take with us and use every day. video/movies are the only media that isnt as widely available conveniently. before the flame, i know u can go to your blockbuster and pay tv and order things but if you could go to imovie store and download a quicktime HD (or have it streamed) wouldnt this be simpler?

    on the business side, there arent so many video conferencing apps out there that are easily integrated into a workflow. imagine being on a rendevous enabled network at work (maybe quicktime can be useful for this on windows platforms) and being able to conference with an office in another city.

    what is the servie kormac is talking about? imovie stream/download service? expanded .Mac type of thing with larger storage and home folder on server? anywhere you go, there you are type of thing...and the home on ipod for those who might not have access to internet everywhere.

    point is, i think apple is saying why dont we position ourselves so that while we make great hardware, people can also depend on us for all of the things they do, work or play.

    i for one know that even with its limited capabilities i use .mac more and more. for traveling around the country it is nice to be able to have my addressbook (calander could easily be incorportated) and the ability to sync with multiple devices and computers is a godsend (like setting up my new computer recently) .

    i know im rambling but kormac was throwing this stuff out to get people talking so....
  • Reply 187 of 436
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    What a great thread. I thank you for your posts Kormac, you clearly have some hard information and some good educated speculation. I think we are nearly there... I think there is too much hardware n the shopping list for WWDC but I would expect to see most of those things before the end of the year.

    QT7 will indeed be the centre of all things on the professional and home front. On the pro front it is vital that Apple gets their WM9 killing strategy on-line and I would expect a demo of the MPEG/H.(whatever) AVC HD codec to get an airing.

    That's all pretty predictable and expected. I think the surprises will be on the consumer front and it hadn't occurred to me until recently just how hard Apple are going to go for it. The whole video projector idea seemed silly and ridiculous unless it is part of complete strategy for the home entertainment market.

    The support for mpeg transport stream in QT7 means the possibility of HD video (1280 x 720 anyway) over AirPort Extreme (@19Mbs, a la HDV spec) so you can see the possibility of streaming DVD's, TV and home HDV movies around the house to a projector, a 30" LCD and the new bedroom and kitchen friendly 'flatMac' (see AI front page for details). The thing is they will have to be Apple products (or 'partner' products..Panasonic?) because of the essential DRM built in.

    This is perfect timing if it is indeed the strategy. There are Home Network products around but they aren't exactly setting the world alight and there is a lot of consumer confusion about what they are supposed to do and how to connect them together. What better company to connect all the dots?

    Wadya think?
  • Reply 188 of 436
    rmh1572rmh1572 Posts: 94member
    When is the Fall CES?
  • Reply 189 of 436
    Thanks for your posts, as always, Kormac. Looks like ALL of your predictions are close to fruition! Looking forward to the HDTV monitor!!
  • Reply 190 of 436
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member

    Originally posted by Rmh1572

    When is the Fall CES?

    Fall CES? No such thing... CES is in January the next CES will be CES 2005 - Bill Gates has been the (primary?) Keynote speaker for the past two years.

  • Reply 191 of 436
    existenceexistence Posts: 991member

    Originally posted by kormac77

    To John at the Apple legal;

    Again, As you can see here.

    I am not work for APPLE directly and I don't have any APPLE internal documentations. And I never signed NDA for products above to APPLE.

    To Escher: Could you do me a favor? Do you think I might have problem with APPLE if my condition is as above ?


    Get a lawyer now! (I think you're just fabricating this to make it seem you're more credible, but just incase you're not)

    It doesn't matter if you've signed a NDA. You could still lose your job.
  • Reply 192 of 436
    lolololo Posts: 87member
    Here is the original thread about the rumored Apple projector:

  • Reply 193 of 436

    Originally posted by whoami

    you must hate wasting your time posting in his thread then, right?

    c'mon kormac keep talking man!

    No, I think he works in video production and has some actual inside info in that area. Whenever he starts predicting things like hardware however, he is typically way off base, as far off as anyone else here myself included. I don't mind him posting. He has creative ideas. I don't believe him when it comes to hardware (yet) but am open to the possibility.

    Here is my prediction. I predict Apple will kill off the iMac. Now I will be sure to save this thread (as he saves his) so that in 5 years I can prove I was right.

  • Reply 194 of 436

    Originally posted by kormac77

    Here is what will be announced.

    - Preview of Tiger: OS X 10.4

    - iMac G5.

    - New service to support Consumer Electronics.

    - 20, 23, 30 inch Monitor with HDTV capability.

    - iProjector with WiFi. ( Name may be different. )

    Well. Are you guys are satisfied ?

    Now see, kormac77, it is so much better when you are clear and straightforward!
  • Reply 195 of 436
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Many signs point to the arrival of the iTablet/I****v2. The Macnet prediction jumps to mind. There is, however, one sign (not generally known) that elevates the probability of arrival of the iTablet/i****v2 to near certainty.

    I just purchased a Powerbook G4.

    When the iTablet/i****v2 arrives, therefore, I will have to convince The Wife that we really do need the iTablet/i****v2 to augment my Powerbook G4, our G4 iMac, and my venerable Rev A. iBook.

    Keep right on talking, everyone! You're giving me great 'convincement' fuel to apply to The Little Woman.

    Aries 1B
  • Reply 196 of 436

    Originally posted by kormac77

    - iPAD ( aka i**** v2 )

    If you are referring to what I think you are referring to then I'm sorry to say this project is dead. It was killed off last year very close to it's release. That was not the name of the device though.
  • Reply 197 of 436
    macflymacfly Posts: 256member
    reading the above linked AVS forum i came across this post..this was back in january of 04 but sounds a bit like more than just guesswork:


    As someone involved with both Apple and home theater, I think I can crystal ball this with some good guesses.

    First, I guarantee this wont be a high end projector. It absolutely will not cost more than $2995. More likely this is a $1495 unit.

    This is not a projector for home theater. Go back to Apple's pain points. What do you think Steve Jobs does every day? Watch Keynote.app presentations on crappy third-party projectors which universally have (1) the worst user interfaces for configuration known to man even on the very best of these beasts, (2) horrible industrial design vis a vis shoddy casing, shoddy lenses, shoddy video sync, and millions of complex options hidden away in inaccessible menus that require calling your IT person to fix, (3) neither DVI nor ADC nor any other acceptable connector according to Apple. The PAIN POINT is that everybody with an Apple laptop walks around and needs a funky adapter to hookup to these shoddy projectors. What better way to fix that problem than taking a 10 ton club and pounding these losers out of the market. At worst, it will make the competition sit up and start paying attention to their products.

    Really, this low-mid range business projector market is quite ripe for the picking. Like MP3 players years ago, it is inhabited only by companies that couldn't care less about creating an insanely great product and simply add another few irrelevant features every year packed into their badly integrated products.

    Apple already has a display division (unlike the printer division they nuked years ago, they're quite serious about displays). These engineers haven't got much to do. They're already years ahead of the competition. Dell's best computer display is a mediocre 20" LCD (ignoring their OEM LCD television nonsense). Apple has a 23" 1080p resolution reference quality graphic design screen that sells like hotcakes.

    So what do these people do? OK, they can take the same displays and put them in aluminum cases to handle the latest fad, but these are serious and top notch industrial engineers. You think they're spinning wheels? I think not. So about a year ago (again I'm just hypothesizing here) Apple assigned a group of them to work on an Apple Cinema Projector. Crushing the entire low-mid range business projector market, it would feature 1280x1024 LCD resolution with very high brightness, one ADC port, one DVI port, one VGA port for old-timers, and finally a set of HD component inputs to hook it up to your average home theater setup. All of this packaged in a small, sturdy, aluminum casing.

    At $1500, Apple gets 60% market share in 12 months by which time they introduce the version with the iPod dock integrated which plays video effects synchronized to your iPod and integrating with a remote control for both projector and iPod.

    The remainder of the market cowers in fear and runs away leaving the entire $800- $3K projector market to Apple.

    Apple will never ever enter the true low end projector market, nor would they enter the high end home theater market.

    These and other devices would be introduced on February 3 in a special 20th anniversary press event.

    Reminder: I don't know anything. But I'd sure like all the above to be true.

    (crazy "what if" side idea: put all the guts into the small aluminum case and put the projection eye and lamp onto a metal snake perhaps even suitable for mounting on the top of a laptop screen like the iSight. Think of the Pixar light for instance -- this is the Pixar light productized into a projector. And Ives will get another gold star.)

  • Reply 198 of 436
    macflymacfly Posts: 256member
    i totally had missed that right now on itunes you can already buy videos....doesnt this seem to be giving us just a taste of what the downloadable movie/video content package might be like?
  • Reply 199 of 436

    Originally posted by macfly

    i totally had missed that right now on itunes you can already buy videos....doesnt this seem to be giving us just a taste of what the downloadable movie/video content package might be like?

    You can't buy videos in iTMS. The price you see below the video playing is for the song of the same title.
  • Reply 200 of 436
    macflymacfly Posts: 256member
    gotcha...but still, it wouldnt be so much more involved (other than the download size) than aac's. right? what would stop apple from doing this on a larger scale with movie content?
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