WWDC and the future of APPLE



  • Reply 141 of 436
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    iSight: meh

    iSight need not be meh.

    It's achilles heel is clearly it's Mac-onliness.

    I'd love to use iSight. I'd also love if all of my friends and family owned and used Macs. None do.

    My fiancé is in Thailand (and on a PC, like most of the world). I'm in Boston. Crummy video options here we come. iSight not an option.

    Now, what is promising is all of the cross-platform products like Airport Extreme & Express, iPod and iPod mini, iTunes...

    What I'd love is an iSight 2 that could do more of the number crunching itself and have it be PC-friendly.

    I know, I know, if we keep it up everything will be Apple except the CPU and the OS...but really, an internet-based communication device that is Mac only? Come on. I bleed 6 colors. My kids will be named Mac and Lisa. But that's a useless product in the real world, outside of Mac-only bubbles.
  • Reply 142 of 436
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by kormac77

    To Escher:Sorry. The i**** v2 is not sub-notebook.

    No problem, Kormac.

    So i****v2 is an iPad? That's good for me. I can buy my 12-inch PowerBook without regret (along with AirPort Express). If iPad comes out, I can buy it as an additional fun toy. By the time this new portable device is announced, I'll probably have a new job that will allow me to spend more on electronics. So it's all good.

    I'm sure WWDC will be fun. But, as always, we will continue to need patience...

  • Reply 143 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member

    I'm sure WWDC will be fun. But, as always, we will continue to need patience...

    Hi, his prediction has survived 4 Macworlds and 2 WWDCs, are you really sure you still believe him? kormac prediction is fun and seems to indicate a grand plan (reminds me of X-Files...), but so far except for some surprises (wifi base station with a sound output, portable music player with a harddisk), it has been pretty evolutionary, not revolutionary.
  • Reply 144 of 436
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    *NOW* it seems evolutionary.

    A couple of years ago when he started this, people said the opposite: "Too revolutionary! Too far out! Never happen!"

  • Reply 145 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    *NOW* it seems evolutionary.

    A couple of years ago when he started this, people said the opposite: "Too revolutionary! Too far out! Never happen!"


    Actually, so far, the only thing really revolutionary comes out is not on the Mac side of business, but the Music side. iTMS is revolutionary (same for iTunes when it integrate the stores using web services).
  • Reply 146 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member
    Many of the things discussed above by Kormac are been there, done that. Smart display from Microsoft comes and goes, same for WIFI-based tablet. I do see Apple probably pick up one or 2 failed projects and improved it to such a point that it is usable (like iPod is not the first HD-based player, but Apple wait till it is small enough...). I will personally buy a tablet at around Newton size (current table is way too big...), or a detachable smart display IF it is normally part of the iMac but I can take it out when I go to toilet... (wait, the last part is what smart display is, and have even tested a Viewsonic version).
  • Reply 147 of 436
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by limtc

    Many of the things discussed above by Kormac are been there, done that. Smart display from Microsoft comes and goes, same for WIFI-based tablet. I do see Apple probably pick up one or 2 failed projects and improved it to such a point that it is usable (like iPod is not the first HD-based player, but Apple wait till it is small enough...). I will personally buy a tablet at around Newton size (current table is way too big...), or a detachable smart display IF it is normally part of the iMac but I can take it out when I go to toilet... (wait, the last part is what smart display is, and have even tested a Viewsonic version).

    Kormac nailed the Panny DVCPro HD codec. He also nailed Motion when no one else was talking about it. Put it this way..if Kormac doesn't have insiders information his is keen on looking at the market and predicting with better accuracy than most on these boards.

    Johnq you bring up an interesting point on DRM. As much as we all hate it I think it's a must. I hope that QT7 has the appropriate DRM. Despite the much hyped "convergence" it is happening just a wee bit differently than many people assumed it would.

    QT7 should be supporting MPEG TS ...soooooo if Apple has HDCP protection infused into QT7 it's one large step towards being able to record a OTA HD program with a simple ATSC tuner card. Cool.

    I'm also curious to know if Pixlet is just going to be a one hit wonder(Panther keynote) or if we'll see further work done on it. Many people thought Pixlet was going to be something to help movie downloads but Jobs clearly stated that a prime benefit of Pixlet is no interframe compression. This would be something that would be desired in say editing or maybe a DVR setup where you want to keep compression artifacts low and access to specific areas.

    I'd like to see Apple support the new hdmi connector. It's the new standard for connecting HD, DVD and other devices together. It's DVI compatible and can make longer cable runs. Plus it offers multichannel outputs.

    We'll soon know if Apple intends to broaden their focus on the digital hub strategy. QT7 should be key as well as Tiger.
  • Reply 148 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Kormac nailed the Panny DVCPro HD codec. He also nailed Motion when no one else was talking about it. Put it this way..if Kormac doesn't have insiders information his is keen on looking at the market and predicting with better accuracy than most on these boards.

    Personally I don't think he is an insider (like he present himself to be), and it is quite obvious what he predicts right or wrong and can guess what fields he is in. He nails Motion and some others, but got it wildly wrong with bigger pictures like SGI purchase, etc. I don't think he knows about Airport Express too. Check out his old post 2 years ago...
  • Reply 149 of 436
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    So he nails A, misses B, and has never heard about C (which had *ZERO* leaks)... and from that he's a bad source? Eh... still a better track record than almost anyone else on these boards, with the possible exception of moki's outrageously subtle hints, someone who we *KNOW* is on an insider track...
  • Reply 150 of 436
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Thing about downloading movies is that it's being done illegally now, like crazy. I know people that have Family Guy, South Park, etc., etc., all pulled off of Bit Torrent et al. I'm talking the DVD files.

    So, some of the "people won't want to buy and download movies like they do songs in iTMS" insistence that many people espouse just doesn't add up to me. Sounds more like the familiar "Hey, I'm getting my music for free with this Napster thing, why buy music on iTunes" from a few years ago.

    The time is definitely now or soon to want to have an iMovie Video Store (iVideo Movie Store? ) in place. Yes, there needs to be a radically Apple-ified, kickass, for lack of a better phrase, "TiVO killer".

    TiVO's nice. But like the several to many iPod predecessors (remember that 1GB or so brick called Jukebox something or other? Blue?) Apple can coolify and make more usable TiVO's gig.

    What I want is hot swappable 2.5" drive bays, nicely designed, say iPod-like (but bigger) with multi-line LCDs to list the drive contents (presuming they only contain movies). Imagine "VCR tapes" with no paper labels - and they label themselves based on metadata.

    So the iHub never gets full. Could sell a related multi-drive array so your multiple drives can be accessed anytime. Kinda XServe RAID minis. (But not actually RAID, well, RAID 0 anyway - or JBOD)

    Ok...dreaming a bit...
  • Reply 151 of 436
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    My brain is hung like a HORSE!

    Now if we want to talk about a guy that was spouting nonense it would have to be "allenmcjones". Search and you'll find his "Lucida, Glove, Wolf and Pressely" crap that went nowhere. Trust, AI has had plenty of fakes who got nowhere near as close as Kormac.
  • Reply 152 of 436
    An apple waterproof camera wasn't it? Still waiting on that one....
  • Reply 153 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    So he nails A, misses B, and has never heard about C (which had *ZERO* leaks)... and from that he's a bad source? Eh... still a better track record than almost anyone else on these boards, with the possible exception of moki's outrageously subtle hints, someone who we *KNOW* is on an insider track...

    If you list down every single things you think might have happened, you might nails one or 2 too. Hear me, Apple is going to release a WIFI-enabled iPod (since AirTunes is here), release something related to iMac (since it is overdued), have something with pen-input (I don't believe Pen interface in OS X is just fot what it is now), released something using Pixlet - does this make me an insider? No, just educated guess. And check out these 4 pages, how many things he throws out? I guess one or 2 will make it, and does not make him any insider than you and me.
  • Reply 154 of 436
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by limtc

    If you list down every single things you think might have happened, you might nails one or 2 too. Hear me, Apple is going to release a WIFI-enabled iPod (since AirTunes is here)

    I guarantee we won't see WIFiPods.

    (Of course I might be wrong, I just prefer sounding authoritative until then )

    Ok, with Macs, yes, we can stream and listen to each other's music via Rendezvous & Airport. Typically this is done either briefly (if one or both are on batteries) or for longer periods of time if one or both are plugged into an AC outlet.

    By adding this ability to iPods, you'll need to:

    1. Add an AirPort card (perhaps radically modified to be smaller)

    2. Add WIFI/Rendezvous networking code to the iPod OS (makes the OS slower and take up more RAM and HD space).

    3. Would need to stream to or from other similarly equipped devices (limiting its usefulness).

    4. Would need to extend the battery's lifetime, something hard enough to do when keeping other things equal, let alone adding even more power-draining features.

    5. Would certainly increase the size and/or weight of the iPod

    Let's imagine the real world usage.

    1. You can't "beam" a song to a buddy, as we could, say, contact info between one Newton to another Newton, because of DRM/licensing issues.

    2. So WIFiPod then merely becomes a stream receiver from another WIFiPod, a PowerBook/iBook/Power Mac or a Mac/PC broadcasting via AirTunes, perhaps merely writing a buffer to the hard drive.

    3. Decrypting the AirTunes music won't be trivial for an iPod. Less battery life, higher temperature.

    4. Possibly a Mac/PC could receive a stream from and iPod via WIFI. But is anyone seriously going to either waste the charge doing so? Why not just plug the iPod cradle's mini stereo jack into an AirPort Express?

    I think the technology involved is overkill for such relatively minor convenience and even smaller likelihood of it actually being useful considering it take 2 to tango and not all iPods or Macs/PC are WIFI enabled.

    iPods are not servers. You don't want to have them playing constantly and if they are it is in the portable context, which is what it was designed for. Streaming music wirelessly is better served by larger faster hard drives in a Mac or PC.

    I just can't envision it being worth the extraordinary effort.

    Now, I could see a device (basically a tablet but tiny with zero input ability aside from iPod click wheel) but almost a literal clone of the iTunes interface but made into a real object. 12" color screen, iPod click wheel in the center on the bottom (used with index finger like a trackpad more than with thumb). Plays DVD's. CDs, MP3...basically a tablet Mac but with ZERO visible Mac OS, no OS interface, nothing at all except a modified iTunes. Only iTunes. WIFI enabled. Buy an Airport Express. Plug the Ethernet into it and plug your Stereo into it. Now use your iTunes Tablet to browse the iTMS or remote iTunes libraries on other Macs/PCs or the Tablet's internal library. Play out to the stereo (or use headphones).

    More dreaming...
  • Reply 155 of 436
    mmmmmmm........... dreaming
  • Reply 156 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member
    You probably didn't know that there are now small chipset for 802.11g. It does not take up too much size and weight, and will be a perfect candidate for bigger iPod. Battery is a different issue, perhaps next one will have a replacable battery?

    The biggest problem with Airport Express is that you have to go back to your Mac to change -anything-. If you have WIFI in iPod, then you don't have to. Of course, Apple - if want to - can add some other things to make this more useful to, perhaps can sync with Mac over the air? listen to Internet Radio? These will definitely add more appeals to the bigger iPod.


    Originally posted by johnq

    I guarantee we won't see WIFiPods.

    (Of course I might be wrong, I just prefer sounding authoritative until then )

    By adding this ability to iPods, you'll need to:

    1. Add an AirPort card (perhaps radically modified to be smaller)

    2. Add WIFI/Rendezvous networking code to the iPod OS (makes the OS slower and take up more RAM and HD space).

    3. Would need to stream to or from other similarly equipped devices (limiting its usefulness).

    4. Would need to extend the battery's lifetime, something hard enough to do when keeping other things equal, let alone adding even more power-draining features.

    5. Would certainly increase the size and/or weight of the iPod

  • Reply 157 of 436

    Originally posted by limtc

    Personally I don't think he is an insider (like he present himself to be), and it is quite obvious what he predicts right or wrong and can guess what fields he is in. He nails Motion and some others, but got it wildly wrong with bigger pictures like SGI purchase, etc. I don't think he knows about Airport Express too. Check out his old post 2 years ago...

    Predict everything and you're bound to be right about something.
  • Reply 158 of 436
    limtclimtc Posts: 82member

    Originally posted by TWinbrook46636

    Predict everything and you're bound to be right about something.

    Yes, if Apple release a PDA, he wins. Appe release a video player, he wins. Apple release a new iMac with a detachable monitor, he wins. If Apple didn't release anything, just wait another 2 more years.
  • Reply 159 of 436
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    The problem with this thread is that despite half a decade of my constant begging and whining for an AppleWorks update, Apple's only bothered to fix the import options.
  • Reply 160 of 436

    Originally posted by johnq

    So, some of the "people won't want to buy and download movies like they do songs in iTMS" insistence that many people espouse just doesn't add up to me. Sounds more like the familiar "Hey, I'm getting my music for free with this Napster thing, why buy music on iTunes" from a few years ago.

    The time is definitely now or soon to want to have an iMovie Video Store (iVideo Movie Store? ) in place. Yes, there needs to be a radically Apple-ified, kickass, for lack of a better phrase, "TiVO killer".

    the argument against it that i've heard in the past still holds true. the cost to manufacture a dvd compared to a cd is reasonably close. but the cost to upload a dvd compared to a cd is astronomically OUT of favor for any vendor that has to pay for their bandwidth. people can download limewire copies of movies from other individuals because they don't pay for their bandwidth. nearly all of us on broadband have unlimited upload. in order to make an iFlicks Movie Store viable, the prices would be higher than the cost of the dvd itself.
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