What could this be?



  • Reply 361 of 525
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Those aren't bloodstains and dirt...they are chocolate eclair drippings and crumbs. And that IS Phil "Bro" Schiller.
  • Reply 362 of 525
    But what would be the advantages of Apple TVs?

    They're just for the show. They aren't Apple branded.
  • Reply 363 of 525
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member

    Originally posted by victorgav

    (Responding to victorgav's post expounding the "mysterious object is just a TV screen" theory)

    Why not?

    It's just a matter of replacing the stock bezel around the display with a custom bezel.

    Apple is sufficiently style-conscious that they would want to do something like that for their stores and trade show booths, and since they would need to order a quantity of several hundred, the cost wouldn't be exorbitant...

    Plus, they've got cash to burn, right?

    I believe the Plasma displays in Apple Stores have their logo on them. Best explanation. Here a pic of the new iMac:

    It's behind the black curtain!
  • Reply 364 of 525
    aegiraegir Posts: 1member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    But what would be the advantages of Apple TVs?

    They're just for the show. They aren't Apple branded.

    Maybe it's a WiFi TV. The iMac can broadcast with airport movies to the TV, and also maybe you can use the TV with a wireless keybord/mouse just as if it is an X Term.
  • Reply 365 of 525

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    But what would be the advantages of Apple TVs?

    They're just for the show. They aren't Apple branded.

    It seems to me it's a great way to capitalize on the brand. I can go out today and buy a tv from toshiba, philips, gateway, sony, etc... and frankly i know very little about what makes one better than another. Simply by making a plain old plasma or whatever tv and putting an apple symbol on it, i think they could sell a bunch even without adding any features at all.

    Knowing apple though, they'll make a great adapter (or wifi or whatever) so i can view my pictures stored on my ipod on my tv and show slideshows of them, and...

    who knows? it's just another revenue stream possibility. why not do it?
  • Reply 366 of 525
    mooksmooks Posts: 8member
    Good point. If this is just a video display for the show or the stores, why is it in what appears to be an Apple branded box? Wouldn't it be in a box from whoever Apple bought it from?

    I'm still bothered by the proportions of the thing. They don't seem right for the iMac or a TV. You'd think it would be more of a cinema format.
  • Reply 367 of 525
    Folks, what we have here is the missing Roswell evidence, cleverly disguised as an LCD monitor masquerading as the new iMac, which is loaded into the wrong box, placed in a small, stinky elevator and photographed by a high airport worker.

    Word is out. Someone call SETI!
  • Reply 368 of 525

    Monsieur Philbot (topicstarter),it´s one day later,and You´re friend didn´t come up with more,nor DID YOU show up!

    And another one-the Airport(assuming You´re french-hahaha) is

    called Charles de Gaulle Roissy Airport [/B]

    Not to mention that the very probably French guy who works at the airport said: "hey dude, look what I've been unloading today. These things weighed a ton. Thought you'd be interested as your a mac geek"

    A French person using the word "dude"? Unbelieveable. Also the pretty much correct English with the word "your" instead of "you're", that sounds American.
  • Reply 369 of 525

    Originally posted by philbot

    My friend who works in the Charles De Gaul airport posted this pic on my .Mac account.

    Says they've been unloading stacks of heavy computer boxes all weekend.

    Took a look inside one in an elevator...



    you want to know that that is??

    i'll tell you what it is!!

    it's the new G5 imac der

    see how it matches w/ the cheap sketch i put up months ago.


    i told you people what it was.



  • Reply 370 of 525
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    ...and it's in a PowerBook box.
  • Reply 371 of 525

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    ...and it's in a PowerBook box.

    Well of course it is, silly! Its called camoflauge. You put the new "top secret iMac G5" into a powerbook box, leave it around for some schmuck to rumage through and then deny everything. Steve would be proud!
  • Reply 372 of 525
    tak1108tak1108 Posts: 222member

    Originally posted by victorgav

    Friends, I think I know what this is.

    It's the side view that gives it away. This isn't a computer, or a display, but a TV.

    The Apple Stores have been redecorating a bit over the last few months, an the new scheme includes wall-mounted plasma displays that show ads, or do demos, that sort of thing.

    I think that's what this is: a wall-mounted TV screen, headed to some Apple store. Or I suppose it could be headed to the Apple booth at the Expo, where it will play endless loops of iPod commercials or Steve Jobs's Greatest Hits.

    That's why the packaging is unmarked and unguarded. It's just for Apple's own internal use, and not a secret product. It's not a "product" at all; just a display device.



    I think we have a winner!!!! Those look a LOT like the Plasmas at the Apple Stores!!
  • Reply 373 of 525
    I simply refuse to believe that this is the new iMac. It just isn't.
  • Reply 374 of 525
    SO they are taking them one by one in the elevator?

    now i understand the delay of the g5 imac
  • Reply 375 of 525
    alexhbalexhb Posts: 17member

    Originally posted by dfiler

    [B]I've been into serious rumor mongering for at least 7 years now and am quite conservative in what stories I'll swallow. I also agree that the device depicted in the photos may not be an apple product.

    You wouldn't say!

  • Reply 376 of 525
    that final pic in the original post with the machine standing upright really looks p-chopped, especially in regards to the area directly behind the display. (i.e where the CPU is supposed to be.) The edge of the image area behind the display looks like it was digitally altered.
  • Reply 377 of 525
    wi04kwi04k Posts: 5member
    Look at this one (from macrumors.com), the white box on the floor, near the blue box.


    looks like the real thing.
  • Reply 378 of 525
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    Here's a pic of the new iMac:

    It's behind the black curtain!

    You would think someone could go in at night and cut down the black curtain, snap a couple pictures, and be off!
  • Reply 379 of 525
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    This thread still here?

    Riddle me this...what aspect ratio is the display in the elevator pictures?

  • Reply 380 of 525

    Originally posted by wi04k

    Look at this one (from macrumors.com), the white box on the floor, near the blue box.


    looks like the real thing.

    Verrrrrrry interesting indeed.
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