What could this be?



  • Reply 421 of 525
    What was a computer illiterate airport worker doing with a digital camera? At all, let alone on the job.
  • Reply 422 of 525
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Well, that's an encouraging sign...black-draped banners ALWAYS point to at least one new product. Cool.

    Kinda long and skinny. I'm betting it'll be an array of photos from various angles, all spread out horizontally.

    Sound good?

    "Naw, Paul...it's teh TubeMac!"

  • Reply 423 of 525
    murkmurk Posts: 935member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    Here's a pic of the new iMac. Anybody want to help me pull down the cloth?

    OK, I'll do it! Just be sure to look quick before they pull it back up and drag my bullet ridden body away. Also be sure to remember your fallen comrade. Banzai!!!!!!!
  • Reply 424 of 525
    I don't care what they call it as long as they give me a G5 up to 2 gig, a choice of graphic card...and an 'iPod' iconic design that will appeal to Mac/PC iPod buyers.

    When's the Philnote anyhow?

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 425 of 525
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Other then the copy, I suspect the banner shows a 17" and 20" version. It should be interesting to not only see what it looks like but what the wording will be. Any guesses? "The POWER... The BEAUTY... The New iMAC"
  • Reply 426 of 525
    Revolution -- Evolution -- Locomotion.

  • Reply 427 of 525

    Originally posted by alex.hobbs

    What was a computer illiterate airport worker doing with a digital camera? At all, let alone on the job.

    Yeah, for someone who called your computer a microfiche machine he seems to know how to use a digital camera. Well, not very well. Maybe you are going to tell us he tried to rewind the film after taking those pictures?
  • Reply 428 of 525
    jkarc21jkarc21 Posts: 132member
    Morphogenic -- Alluring & Seductive -- The All New iMac G5
  • Reply 429 of 525
    The new iMac will be a VR headset. No one would expect that.
  • Reply 430 of 525
    spcmsspcms Posts: 407member

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    I don't care what they call it as long as they give me a G5 up to 2 gig, a choice of graphic card...and an 'iPod' iconic design that will appeal to Mac/PC iPod buyers.




    You trollin' again? *BitchSlap*

  • Reply 431 of 525
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    I could go for that iPod like iMac and dock in Articulatedarm's post. The screen would need to attach on top of the dock so that you could add a larger version and not get caught in the iPod trap of exclusive docks for iPod models due to their continually shrinking size.
  • Reply 432 of 525
    Just curious... when was the last time a legit new Apple product photo was leaked that wasn't a magazine cover?

    Seems silly that people get all excited over fakes *every* time, as if there's been no consistent pattern of this over the last 7 years.
  • Reply 433 of 525
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    My .02 USD....

    The elevator photos are plants by an Apple disinformation campaign to keep last minute snoopers off the 'trail' of what the iMac3 will really look like! First they they delete the pic postings on .Mac to generate interest, but then ignore pics on non-apple servers. Far fetched maybe, but no more so than anything else posted so far.
  • Reply 434 of 525
    There are the black boxes! On the lower right corner of that picture macsRgood4U posted.
  • Reply 435 of 525

    Originally posted by nowayout11

    Just curious... when was the last time a legit new Apple product photo was leaked that wasn't a magazine cover?

    MDD G4.
  • Reply 436 of 525
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Tutlex

    There are the black boxes! On the right lower corner of that picture macsRgood4U posted.

    Good catch.
  • Reply 437 of 525
    lucidalucida Posts: 104member

    There are the black boxes! On the right lower corner of that picture macsRgood4U posted.

    ah ha!
  • Reply 438 of 525

    Originally posted by nowayout11

    Just curious... when was the last time a legit new Apple product photo was leaked that wasn't a magazine cover?

    Seems silly that people get all excited over fakes *every* time, as if there's been no consistent pattern of this over the last 7 years.

    Wasn't the G5 PM leaked in some kind of crappy B&W pic that turned out to be very much like the real deal?

    And the specs were posted on the Apple store ahead of schedule, and then quickly removed.
  • Reply 439 of 525
    Well, that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

    I really don't think they'd have iMac G5 boxes laying around unguarded...
  • Reply 440 of 525
    Don't let this shit fool you.

    The iHoax does not fit in the polystyrene casing inside

    the box.
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