Apple introduces iPod Photo



  • Reply 21 of 137

    Originally posted by BRussell

    It certainly is. And there's a picture of the iPod connected to a TV. But I can't find mention of the video port anywhere.

    The headphone jack has been reworked with an extra band.

    External RCA cable splits out from the new headphone.

    at the bottom, here
  • Reply 22 of 137
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    60GB is a good amount of storage, but it remains to be seen ho wthis will work. From what I've read so far, it doesn't look that useful from a photographer's standpoint, mainly because you still need to use another piece of kit -- that ugly belkin card reader thing.

    What is needed is for someone to write a driver that works with USB mass storage protocols and a variety of cameras across USB 1.1/2.0 or Firewire. Then it would be worth every penny. Just plug your camera into the iPod, after a few secs the iPod "sees" the camera and starts downloading the pics -- in ANY format, even RAW -- it doesn't need to be able to display them for this purpose, and for large multi-MP pics, it needn't neccessarily display them quickly either. It just needs to be able to get them OFF the camera with a minimum of fuss. You don't really need color at all.

    The photo sites are already slamming it for lack of a card reader. They lack vision, what's needed is not a card reader, butthe elimination of it altogether.

    And no, CPU power should not be an issue, we're only talking about enough power to run an I/O protocol, plenty of low power devices can.
  • Reply 23 of 137
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Digital Camera Rewiew made a very bad report of the Ipod Photo.

    The ipod photo lacks a very important things : a card slot reader. It's a shame that the Ipod do not have this feature, if he had it, the Ipod photo would have been extremely usefull for all digital photographers, allowing them to back up their compact card in the Ipod Photo.
  • Reply 24 of 137
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by Think

    I'm still not sold on the red on black color scheme, but all in all those are some really great additions.

    iPod Photo is something that's gonna be great for digital picture enthusiasts.

    All in all, another great update from Apple!

    Actually, its only great for digital picture enthusiasts who want to carry their pictures around on their iPod, but have no problem needing a computer to first load them into, then using iTunes to transfer them to the iPod.

    I would think 'most' digital picture enthusiasts' would have really like it to have a card reader built-in. That would make it great for them.

    As for the color, at least it shuts up the "I want a color screen showing the album covers, dammit!" people. Although its about time for them to start complaining about

    (a) no video

    (b) no recording

    (c) lack of toast-making capability

    (d) S-video out only on the dock

    (e) no built-in version of Doom 3

    (f) no wireless capabilities to broadcast pictures over any VHF frequency

    (g) no wireless capabilities to send to AirportExpress

    (h) no wireless capabilities to surf the internet and get email

    (i) lack of "pixelating" feature that allows parents to auto 'block out' the good stuff from porn that their children might try putting on the device

    (j) a way to generate lists of features that the iPod is missing and automatically send it to Apple to add to their next version

    (k) lack of GPS features

    (l) lack of CD-burning/ripping abilities

    (m) limited battery life (only 15 hours??? WTF Apple?)

    (n) extended battery life (15 hours???? WTF Apple? I only need 8, couldn't you add in something else instead???)

    So, let's hear it folks!
  • Reply 25 of 137

    Originally posted by segovius

    And it shows duplicate songs which I guess could be handy.

    I'e seen this comment pop up a couple places. What exactly does it mean, and why would it be handy?
  • Reply 26 of 137
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Then again, the need for image tank type products may be moot. The cost of memory continues to fall fast an furious. In a week or so, Sandisk will be shipping 8GB, pause... that's EIGHT GIGA BYTES... of SOLID STATE compact flash type 1 memory for under 1000 USD. T'was not long ago that such capacities cost over 10K !!!

    At this rate, we'll be looking at 20+ GB capacities by next Christmas, sub $500 prices on 8GB, and 2-4GB cards in the $100-200 range.

    Even with a 16MP camera, thems a lotta GB to fill...
  • Reply 27 of 137
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    The Photo iPod seems to be more about presentation than photo storage. Like iTunes, it syncs with your iPhoto or PS Album library, and I imagine that it doesn't really know what to do with direct imports, as they would probably be erased when you sync, just like iTunes and iPods now. No, I think it's for bringing the pictures you imported and edited from your computer to your relatives and playing back on your TV. It doesn't replace the Belkin photo reader, and I doubt if Apple will ever add any card reader directly to the iPod. It's still for playback, not recording.

    I hope it would be a very good idea to add Keynote synchronization too, and a way to connect to a projector.

    Oh, and Matsu is right. CF is the floppy of our day, unreliable if ubiquitous. Microdrives will replace these things, and I'd bet that consumer cameras will eventually have high capacity non-removable mini HDs in lieu of them. (Pro cameras will probably still have replacable drives I'd bet.) The ability to do high-speed transfers without draining batteries for too long and cutting out the middle-man that is the CF card is where things should go. Anyway, the point is moot here.
  • Reply 28 of 137
    slugheadslughead Posts: 1,169member
  • Reply 29 of 137
    Considering the original QuickTime was 160x120, it's sweet.
  • Reply 30 of 137

    Originally posted by Nobody Special

    I'e seen this comment pop up a couple places. What exactly does it mean, and why would it be handy?

    Sometimes an Artist will take one song and have it on multiple discs, this allows you to weed those type of cuts out, saving disc space. I found 3 such songs on my small library.
  • Reply 31 of 137

    Originally posted by Louzer

    So, let's hear it folks!

    o) Its graphics card doesnt support CoreImage.
  • Reply 32 of 137
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by curiousuburb

    Considering the original QuickTime was 160x120, it's sweet.

    Do you mean the QuickTake?
  • Reply 33 of 137
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    o) Its graphics card doesnt support CoreImage.

    Crap! And I bet the sound output doesn't support CoreAudio! Dammit Apple! How can you release hardware and not have it even capable of running all the features of your next OS??
  • Reply 34 of 137

    Originally posted by herb

    Anyone notice the svideo connectoer on the iPod Photo dock:

    No, no, that's an ADB connector!
  • Reply 35 of 137

    Originally posted by Louzer

    Do you mean the QuickTake?

    No. The first release of QuickTime (video).

    1/4 screen resolution in those days was 160x120. Now known as 'postage stamp video'.
  • Reply 36 of 137

    Originally posted by Louzer

    Crap! And I bet the sound output doesn't support CoreAudio! Dammit Apple! How can you release hardware and not have it even capable of running all the features of your next OS??

    And how can they release something with only svideo out??? i want component!!!

    people that want a card reader on an ipod can go f*** themselves with a memory stick.

    that photo site that bashed the ipod photo claims that many photographers could make use of the slot. umm... i'm pretty sure that there's room in those HUGE photo packs for a 12" pbook.

    </pissed off at people that are pissed off>
  • Reply 37 of 137
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    I need one!

    This is NOT an accessory for your digital camera. (Get the Belkin reader if you want that.)

    This is a way to view and share your entire photo library. A card reader is irrelevant to that purpose--a purpose which much broader appeal than unloading flash cards, I'm sure.

    Yes, both functions can be useful... and iPod supports both if you wish. Don't care about viewing your whole library? Don't get the iPod Photo. Don't care about unloading camera memory cards? Don't get the card reader.
  • Reply 38 of 137
    Well, we finally got a colour iPod when Berryl and Lynched said early 2005! Tee-Hee.

    I think it looks fab.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 39 of 137
    maffrewmaffrew Posts: 166member
    Looks like a great adition to the iPod lineup.

    I'm not ready to ditch my 15gb 3G iPod yet, but when i do, it'll be the iPod Photo that i'm after. The colour interface looks excellent, and it's an excellent way to share photos easily, in a small package.

  • Reply 40 of 137
    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just stoked that they're offering a 60GB iPod at all. Finally there's something available that I'll be able to have my whole library on with some room to grow. The color screen and photo abilities are just icing on the cake. I've been waiting for this for a while.
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