PowerMac - Anyone else waiting?



  • Reply 141 of 632

    Originally posted by onlooker

    Actually Opteron does come in a single processor variant. anything that is in the 100 to 199 range would be single CPU Opteron. Dual Opterons start at 200. The processor you outlined was a single CPU version. Opteron64/150

    Oops. My bad.

    Correcting it from Opteron64/150 to Opteron64/250 adds another 400$ to the AMD system, bringing its total to: 3269$
  • Reply 142 of 632
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    So dual 3 GHz PowerMac G5 very soon indeed...

    I will purchase it and no less than it.

    What is Apple waiting to deliver?



    Originally posted by BZ

    Well, if you look at the history of updates (from MacRumors.com), I would say there is one in the wings right now:









  • Reply 143 of 632
    As long as it isn't pink, I'm all for a Valentines Day PowerMac!
  • Reply 144 of 632

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    As long as it isn't pink, I'm all for a Valentines Day PowerMac!

    But shouldn't there be at least some rumors before it happens like there was with the PowerBook? I would go crazy for a Valentine's Day PowerMac but I just don't want to get my hopes up if there's no chance of it happening \
  • Reply 145 of 632
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    Does anyone know the differences in processors, logic boards

    and GPU connectivity from 1.8-2.0-2.5

    Are they all NOW using 90nm chips or is the 130nm chip still in use

    and if so on which models?

    The dual 2.0 and the dual 2.5 are 90nm 970fx chips. I own a Rev B dual 2.0... you can verify this with the command in the terminal: ioreg -l | grep "cpu-version"

    The 970fx (2.0 and 2.5) chips are 003c0300... I know the 970's have 2's in the number. If you run the same command on any of the Rev A's and any of the 1.8 rev bs... you get the number with the 2's in it.

    If you can't wait any more and want a great deal, I'd get a dual 2.0 refurb when they are available. I love it. My only gripe is the 9600XT in my machine... not greatest for games... eventually I'm going to get a 9800pro at Newegg for 289. 256mb VRAM and 16 rendering pipes. Great card for a mac for the money.

    I'd recommend that system... the dual 2 is quiet, very close to speed on the dual 2.5's and a great sturdy machine.
  • Reply 146 of 632
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by zunx

    So dual 3 GHz PowerMac G5 very soon indeed...

    I will purchase it and no less than it.

    What is Apple waiting to deliver?


    the fact that there aren't any or enough 3Ghz processors to deliver to customers yet.
  • Reply 147 of 632
    Emig, Thanks for the info.

    I came very close to ordering a 2.0 two weeks ago and decided to wait.

    After all this time, I would hate to feel that I settled for something less

    than I want.

    Of course now the torture of the unknown resumes.

    The more I read, the more I become convinced that we will either

    suffer through a minor, PoweBook type, time stretching revision or nothing at all until Tiger is released.

    It seems logical that Apple would want to offer a new machine that takes

    full advantage of all the new features in Tiger.

    We're not going to see Tiger running at full tilt on a Mac mini, G4 PowerBook or even a G5 iMac.

    It's going to take a Pro machine to demonstrate Tiger's capabilities.

    So it seems the more we know about the Tiger release date, the more

    we'll know about a new PowerMac.

  • Reply 148 of 632
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree


    We're not going to see Tiger running at full tilt on a Mac mini, G4 PowerBook or even a G5 iMac.


    what do you mean?

    an OS-update that's expected in 4 months that doesn't fully support a new $1900 desktop or $2700 laptop is dump.

    who wants to shell out $130 for an OS-update that runs poorly on such an expensive 6 month old machine?

    Mac mini alla, that's a $500 machine... it will never be as fast as a fully loaded G5 2.5GhzDP, but your 2.0GhzDP won't either.

    all these machines will be fully supported.

  • Reply 149 of 632
    Of course all the existing machines will be fully supported.

    My point was that a faster machine with improved graphics

    would be the perfect way to show off ALL or Tigers capabilities.

    If we see only a minor revision without Tiger, then we'll know that

    the current configurations are heading for EOL clearance.

    At this point I just hope they do SOMETHING soon before my

    funds dwindle away on other expenses.

    Unfortunately Apple isn't accepting pre-order REV 3's yet. :-(
  • Reply 150 of 632
    cowerdcowerd Posts: 579member
    tiger will work fine on all machines, and a pro machine will always 'show off' better. whats your point?
  • Reply 151 of 632
    Honestly, I'm just trying to survive the wait like everyone else.

    It all gets down to how much improvement we can expect in the nearest time frame.

    Will it be days, weeks or months?

    That's really all I want to know.

    At this point waiting another 4-6 months seems like an eternity.

    Please kill me now.
  • Reply 152 of 632
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    My opinion... for what its worth was off by 100mhz (2.6) and off by a month (I said may) last time.

    When do I think the revision will be?

    Most likely april-may. I know that's a huge time frame but I'm sure a lot of that depends on IBM and their yield rates on the faster processors.

    So I'd say about months... update in March like some people suspect? HIGHLY unlikely. But once you make it passed march for waiting you can positively make it till the final release day whenever that is. I think the latest possible is just before WWDC... I don't believe apple will wait a WHOLE year between update cycles... at least last time it was what... 11 months and 2 weeks?

    Either way, If you can't wait do what I said: get a refurbished dual 2.0 or dual 2.5, then go to newegg.com and get a 9800pro 256mb for 280 bucks. That machine will be a GREAT MACHINE. Nothing will be wrong with that machine for ANY work you do on it. They are extremely powerful machines.

    But again if you can wait.... WAIT. I don't believe its going to be an update worth waiting for, just like the powerbook scene... everyone waited for g5 powerbooks. Everyone knew it wasn't going to happen, instead they got some periph. upgrades and a 167mhz speed bump... *yank yank*. Its going to be the same for the powermac... most likely moving to PCI-Express... which isn't going to affect many people because they aren't as hardcore into graphics as the "pros".

    I say get a dual 2.0 now, you'll be 100% content. Sell it in a few years and get a new one. Someone will always have better / faster.. it's useless to keep up with those people.... because 9 times out of 10, they couldn't use the power if they tried.
  • Reply 153 of 632
    actually i think a new model must have new graphics cards (ATI X800 etc). i tend to think that a lineup with dual 2, 2.4 and 2.6 is ok. double RAM and all is ok.... going to buy a new machine in may
  • Reply 154 of 632
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Krassy

    actually i think a new model must have new graphics cards (ATI X800 etc). i tend to think that a lineup with dual 2, 2.4 and 2.6 is ok. double RAM and all is ok.... going to buy a new machine in may

    The odds of shipping with a x800xt are slim to none... its a 500 dollar graphics card. I'm sure it will be a BTO option but it won't ship with it. However, I can see the top line shipping with a 9800xt or a 6600gt... that could be highly possible.

    As far as 2.4 and 2.6.... again highly doubt it. Why? Because ibm would have to develop 2 new chips... instead of just 1... they have hard enough time coming out with 1 during a lineup change. I guarantee they will use the 2.3 that are being used in the XServes and I'm sure about the current 2.5 chips in the PMs. Otherwise these 2 chips would not be used any more... kind of a waste. It doesnt' make any sense for either the 2.4 or the 2.6 to be made when a 2.3 and 2.5 will be almost identical in speed.

    Again, 2.3, 2.5, 2.8 is most likely what we will see.
  • Reply 155 of 632

    Originally posted by FallenFromTheTree

    At this point waiting another 4-6 months seems like an eternity.

    I think what FFTT is saying en re a coinciding hardware revision and OS update is that doing so makes a good demo. Posting benchmarks of the new OS on the newest hardware is always a good idea.

    If the update doesn't happen in March, then I'd guess that it won't be shipping until MWDC--though, it could be anounced a month before.

    I've been waiting 4m so far for the prices to come down--in a [happy] irony, I'll have saved enough by then for the top-end machine by the time things rev.

    Still, I feel like I'm about to pop.
  • Reply 156 of 632

    Originally posted by emig647

    Again, 2.3, 2.5, 2.8 is most likely what we will see.

    That seems like big jump in the low end, 1.8 --> 2.3.

    If IBM can produce anything faster than the 2.5, you think we'd see a bump to 2.0, 2.3, and 2.5?

    They've made updates like this before, without touching the top end model.
  • Reply 157 of 632
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Updates yes, but that's more the midway update. The yearly update is the one every one waits for. If Apple processors were getting faster - faster, Apple would probably go to faster versions every time like everybody else tries to, when they had them.
  • Reply 158 of 632

    Originally posted by dumpster_d

    Still, I feel like I'm about to pop. [/B]

    I say we induce labor!
  • Reply 159 of 632
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by dumpster_d

    SNIP then I'd guess that it won't be shipping until MWDC SNIP

    MWDC?!? A new MacWorld in the District of Columbia...?!?

    I think you mean WWDC, as in World Wide Developers Conference...

  • Reply 160 of 632
    A MacWorld DC expo would rock!

    I'm all for it!

    Right across the street from FOSE


    It would be a very wise move to promote Apple

    right in the heart of the nations capitol during the annual

    government IT expos.

    Security is a major selling point and MS has faltered badly

    on that issue.

    And.. it might be quite entertaining as well

    to have SJ take on the other attendees before they commit all those

    hard earned tax dollars to Wintel & Dell.
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