The "WWDC Speculation" Thread



  • Reply 201 of 294
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by vormkrijger

    same here

    go PowerBook go PowerBook go PowerBook

    waiting since the G5 tower was introduced, june 2003, bought an iMacG5 to get my work done.

    love it, but still waiting to "replace" my old trusty pismo.

    [off topic] btw: great name, compliments [/off topic]
  • Reply 202 of 294
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Anything IS possible... but I'd count on a 7448 (g4) coming out before a 970gx (g5) in that small of a form factor. I don't see anything wrong with the 7448 except its 32bit. It being 32bit is ok, becaues who needs more than 4gb in a laptop and the OS doesn't even support 64bit gui apps yet. So where's the advantage? Faster FSB? 7448 adds that. Faster graphics card bus? 7448 adds that. Faster southbridge? 7448 " ". More cache? 7448 " ". Now anything on paper looks great... but if freescale can stay true to their design / plans... the 7448 won't use much power to run and produce less heat than the 7447a/b. I'll take one of those any day... but damn will they please get that above in there? 167mhz bus is horrible... At least double pump it!
  • Reply 203 of 294
    apparatusapparatus Posts: 78member
    5th Generation iPods?

    That would be nice. Since I got a new iBook a couple months ago, there's really not much more I would want.
  • Reply 204 of 294
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by Dr. J

    I'm sorry, but wouldn't it make far more sense to have a 10" ibook then a powerbook?

    Not if Apple wants to charge more for the ultimate in portability.

    Sometimes smaller is better with computers, unlike cars where it seems (at least in the USA) that bigger is always better.
  • Reply 205 of 294
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    I think we should see this at WWDC:


    How great Tiger has been: total users of any Mac OS X, total users of Tiger, Applications for Mac OS X, more security and growth emphasis, ipod-halo effect mention, and comparison to windows world.


    Review of iPod Sales, iTunes Sales, Comparison of the iPod or iPod shuffle to another flash player...and then maybe:

    -Portable Media iPod (e.g. movies)

    -iPod Shuffle with screen and more features w/ reduced Regular iPod Shuffle Prices.

    -Something else iPod, more specificly having to do with what Steve Jobs said at the Wall Street all things digital conference last week: working on several "great things" in its labs. Possibly PodCasting.


    Now would be the perfect time...


    New airport devices are due...especialy for the Air Port Extreme Base Station. I have a theory that the Jam Box / Asteroid project might have somthing to do with Airport.


    Mac sales are being pushed by Tiger sales and vice versa...iMac G5 is selling well...yatta yatta yatta...and we can all sleep well at night.


    I would'nt expect this, and think it is much more likely to not happen then happen at WWDC. It is still possible, and it would make perfect sense and perfect timing to release it now. While Apple did tell you it would be the "mother of all thermal challenges", they also keep everything hush hush and secret untill BANG it hits you like a brick to a duck. In addition, they got a G5 into a 2" Machine...they arn't too far away from laptop sizes. If not the G5 powerbook at WWDC, you can bet on him mentioning something about it to let Apple's stock holders stay happy.


    New and/or larger display sizes are very unlikely...but like anything possible.
  • Reply 206 of 294
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    I'm just hoping they'll finally talk about OpenGL 2.0, including GLSL with hardware support. And maybe GCC 4.1 and various other improvements to their tools and APIs.

    I doubt we'll see much in the way of compelling new hardware at WWDC. Its not a consumer conference so it doesn't seem likely they'll introduce new iBooks, or iMacs. The PowerMacs were just updated, and its probably too early for the next PowerBooks. Its possible some new kind of device that needs developer buy in would be introduced... but not likely.
  • Reply 207 of 294
    smhub1smhub1 Posts: 21member
    While I doubt the Powerbook and Powermac will be upgraded at the upcoming WWDC, I did find the following announcement by AMD somewhat 'timely' - especially the bit about the processor being desktop-replacement notebook capable (a la the 17" PB). Perhaps the more learned of you might be able to comment on this....
  • Reply 208 of 294
    imiloaimiloa Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by smhub1

    especially the bit about the processor being desktop-replacement notebook capable

    by "desktop-replacement notebooks," i expect they mean the 2" thick lugzilla profiles. i expect apple is considering going back to thicker laptops to get the PBG5 out sooner, but remains loathe to "move backwards" design-wise.
  • Reply 209 of 294
    brian greenbrian green Posts: 662member
    One thing I'd like to see is IBM's response to Intel and AMD both releasing dual-core chips while the crickets are quietly chirping at IBM and Apple. With the Powermac just updated (if you can call that an update), it seems highly unlikely that Apple would release a dual-dual-core PM on their high end. After having read through the forum, it doesn't sound like Apple has a whole lot to talk about aside from Tiger, which isn't exactly news. We have it and are using it. Unless of course there are new feature additions to Tiger that haven't been activated yet and can be discussed then. Perhaps it'll all just be a mild event with nothing really being released and just a rehash of what's already been discussed. It's bound to happen sooner or later. Imagine the day Steve Jobs walks off the stage without saying, "one more thing".
  • Reply 210 of 294
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I am overly optimistic we'll see PowerBook G5s.

    But think about it ? what else will Apple talk about at the WWDC?

    iMusic, iPods? I think they'll be mostly glossed over, and will be talked about how Apple has been innovating and how they've helped propel Apple with sales of Macs, which is good for developers.

    Power Macs? Unless Apple has an ace up its sleeve with dual cores or 3.0 GHz G5s, you can expect Apple will remain mum in this area.

    iMac G5s? They were just updated. They are a very strong product right now for Apple both in sales and in price/performance, and I think Apple will mention them, but it won't be dwelled upon.

    Mac mini? Yeah, they could be metioned ? even updated ? but unless they put a G5 in them, forget about it being a show steeler. That was MWSF '05.

    eMacs? Again, unless they get a G5, no one cares, and they were just updated. This is a developers' conference, not an education conference.

    Tiger? Yes, this will be talked about a lot. But you'd be hard pressed to find a developer going to this conference that would be substantially in the dark on Tiger to need a rehash of features, and SDKs. So without dispensing on features, I suspect that any Tiger talk will be mostly about the business of Tiger and NEW developer tools.

    Lion/Couger 10.5? No way. Tiger just came out!

    New Apps? Yes. There will probably be a new App or two. What comes to mind is mystery app referenced by A.I. awhile back called iBrary. I don't know what happened to it or whether or not its an active product that will be debuted at this show.

    That would pretty much leave iBooks, unless they are updated this week. iBooks really have no growth potential without stepping on the PowerBook's toes. There is probably some cannibalization going on right now w/r/t 14" iBooks and low-end 15" PowerBooks. I know of a personal circumstance where a co-worker opted to get his son a 14" iBook after long consideration of the 15" PB.

    With iBooks having no real room to move up, and the fact that their form factor has been relatively unchanged since their debut on May 1, 2001, don't you kind of think that they might be a product to be updated at WWDC? The iBook is Apple's best selling notebook and it has missed its very regular update cycle. I don't think a speed-bump is going to warrant much discussion at developer conference...unless it is a to be a major redesign; retooling.

    And you really can't "pimp out" iBooks with a new design without at least addressing the PowerBooks. We're talking at the very minimum new displays, new features (like memory stick/flash card readers), and perhaps a two-buttoned mouse (eek). The plist file may have been a ploy to get Apple fans going, but quite clearly it was in there with the yet released iMac G5s when it showed up in 10.3.5. And quite clearly, the new iMac G5 has appeared as PowerMac 8,1 and now PowerMac 8,2.

    Everyone downplayed the Digitimes article on iBook G5s and PowerBook G5s shipping in Quarter 2 because of their relatively poor track record w/r/t future Apple products. Yet, they seemed to nail the second manufacturer of iPods in advance of it actually happening.

    So with all this said, it's a major dream of mine (PowerBook G5s). And while I'm as uncertain as the next guy, it's always fun to play "connect the dots." I would like to see what plays out in the next week. Then we should know by next week whether this show is going to be spectacular or a dud.
  • Reply 211 of 294
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Come on G5 Cube, I need a new desktop.
  • Reply 212 of 294
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    One thing I'd like to see is IBM's response to Intel and AMD both releasing dual-core chips while the crickets are quietly chirping at IBM and Apple. With the Powermac just updated (if you can call that an update), it seems highly unlikely that Apple would release a dual-dual-core PM on their high end.

    Naturally. Powermacs have been Dual Procs for years. I'm not sure the average Mac user really needs 4 cores. It's nice to want, nice for braggin rights but I don't understand the fixation with Mac user about Dual Core when we've had dual CPU for a while. Particulary compared to Intel's solution which is a poor Dual Core setup.


    Tiger? Yes, this will be talked about a lot. But you'd be hard pressed to find a developer going to this conference that would be substantially in the dark on Tiger to need a rehash of features, and SDKs. So without dispensing on features, I suspect that any Tiger talk will be mostly about the business of Tiger and NEW developer tools.

    Of course WWDC is "for" developers. In fact looking at the course list this WWDC will be more meaningful for most developers because Tiger is shipping and developers now have a bit of experience and better questions that come along with experience.

    WWDC is not the place for a huge hardware announcement. Yes Apple has announced some hardware at the past WWDC but there are limitation to that. Could be a Powerbook G5 or maybe not. I wouldn't expect to see more than two hardware products announced. WWDC is funded by Developers hard earned money. It's not some platform for Apple to create product circle jerks. They can do that with their own money.
  • Reply 213 of 294
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    How about a redesigned single processor PowerMac? Apple could remove the top processor and memory slots, lower the PCI slots section and expand the optical drive area. This would enable a user to have two optical drives and four hard drives, or one optical drive and six hard drives. There might even be enough room to add a fourth PCI slot which. Others might be struggling to be productive without dual, 3+ GHz, quad-cores with the system bus running at full processor speed, but a single 2.0 GHz G5 would suit my needs. I would rather have more hard drives and a second drive bay (7-in-1 card reader, tape backup, Blu-Ray/HD DVD drive, Jaz, Zip, etc.) than super processing power.
  • Reply 214 of 294
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    One thing that makes Apple so good is how they come up with new and innovative products and then keep it a secret untill BANG its out. Something tells me that this WWDC will go a little something like this. If Apple has something big planned, they did a good thing getting Tiger, new PowerMacs, new iMacs, beefed up eMacs, etc out of the way, so we know that those won't be coming up again...but...we have almost no clue what will.
  • Reply 215 of 294
    i hope so
  • Reply 216 of 294
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    WorldWide Developer Conference.
  • Reply 217 of 294
    shawkshawk Posts: 116member
    Pervasive remote data, computing and information.

    Integrated entertainment delivery and display.
  • Reply 218 of 294
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    WWDC is not the place for a huge hardware announcement. Yes Apple has announced some hardware at the past WWDC but there are limitation to that. Could be a Powerbook G5 or maybe not. I wouldn't expect to see more than two hardware products announced. WWDC is funded by Developers hard earned money. It's not some platform for Apple to create product circle jerks. They can do that with their own money.

    This is the best description to put WWDC into perspective for AI folk. Everyone thinks WWDC is just another keynote... its not. Its a place for developers to learn. The keynote is used to get the developers fired up for the rest of the week for learning new things... wanting to apply them to their applications etc.

    My biggest gripe about this year is that it looks to be a repeat of LAST YEAR. To me that's wasted money for the devs. As you said, the devs pay for this event. I believe its up to apple to have different sessions available every year. There are a few blank spots left open for new announcements, besides that I don't see much available. I was there last year and I'd be upset if I went there this year paying 1500. Of course last year was student scholarship . Either way, if this year is a repeat, and I was there last year..... I would expect something new this year (to learn, not to be announced). Expect this year to be extremely mild.

    I'm hoping for an iPod SDK... this would help iPod & Mac sales tremendously.
  • Reply 219 of 294
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Just look at the history of WWDC and the extinct MWNY. We had Powerbook titanium, powermacs, Cinema displays and most recently Powermac G5. If somebody tells me that WWDC keynote is just about developers, sorry you have been out of touch.

    By it's past history it seems that the professional line gets updated and introduced at WWDC. So it seems very possible that the PB G5 might come as well as a new product.
  • Reply 220 of 294
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by troberts

    How about a redesigned single processor PowerMac? Apple could remove the top processor and memory slots, lower the PCI slots section and expand the optical drive area. This would enable a user to have two optical drives and four hard drives, or one optical drive and six hard drives. There might even be enough room to add a fourth PCI slot which. Others might be struggling to be productive without dual, 3+ GHz, quad-cores with the system bus running at full processor speed, but a single 2.0 GHz G5 would suit my needs. I would rather have more hard drives and a second drive bay (7-in-1 card reader, tape backup, Blu-Ray/HD DVD drive, Jaz, Zip, etc.) than super processing power.

    You're moving in the wrong direction. Tape Backup is going bye bye in lieu of Disc-to-Disc BU, cramming hard drives into a case is passe, network storage with iSCSI and other solutions(Zetera) are coming. I think home computing tends to mirror biz computing on a delayed trajectory. Computers need to become smaller. G5s are just too big. Something like the Cube is ideal with beefed up networking and access to beefy storage containers on the network.

    Back OT...i'm sure there will be some surprises at WWDC that we aren't privy too. Perhaps Apple rolls out a new API or two that gets the geek juices flowing. I'm sure we'll see a new hardware announcement but nothing to take away from the true focus of the show and that is creating best of breen apps for the Mac.
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