The "WWDC Speculation" Thread



  • Reply 221 of 294
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Developers are what?? Professionals.

    If you watch the keynotes from WWDC you would realize they do the whole keynote to spark the interest of the developers. They even have pre-sessions on sunday that explain this. Developers are the ones that apple has to impress at this event... not consumers. Sometimes they don't even put out the keynote of WWDC, so how could it be for consumers if only developers who were there get to see it?

    MWNY had nothing to do with WWDC, and still doesn't. Apple has never had problems with releasing products not on keynote days. MWParis took over the keynote for MWNY.. or Boston.

    I'm not saying they can't announce a powerbook g5 there... but just because its WWDC does not warrant a professional product to be announced.
  • Reply 222 of 294
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by gugy

    Just look at the history of WWDC and the extinct MWNY. We had Powerbook titanium, powermacs, Cinema displays and most recently Powermac G5. If somebody tells me that WWDC keynote is just about developers, sorry you have been out of touch.

    By it's past history it seems that the professional line gets updated and introduced at WWDC. So it seems very possible that the PB G5 might come as well as a new product.
's not that we're out of touch..we "realize" that hardware will come but not in huge droves man. This ain't Macworld SF. We might see one or two pieces of hardware but I wouldn't expect more than that based on history.
  • Reply 223 of 294
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    And really, it has only been since the G5 showed up in 2003 that WWDC turned into a hardware stage. MWNY was reserved for that, but since the move to Boston, WWDC has become a product showcase stage.
  • Reply 224 of 294
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    I am not expecting tons of new hardware. The possibility of one or two professional hardware announcement at WWDC is real if you look at the history.

    If the product is great, WWDC is the perfect venue to release it. It generates the buzz Steve loves.

    I agree that Apple can announce a new product anytime.

    MWSF historically has been the place for "consumer" hardware.

    The relationship of MWNY and WWDC is just regarding the calendar time frame emig647.
  • Reply 225 of 294
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    OTOH, Apple has been distinctly and consciously moving away from the pre-scheduled annual events. They're too predictable, and folks hold off on purchases until they pass. In the past, this has caused major fluctuations in the quarterly results, and they'd look to smooth that out a bit.

    So yes, pro products at WWDC is a possibility. More likely, IMO, is announcement of anything that is going to spur *developer* interest, such as introducing a new iPod... and then announcing that they're opening up the platform to third parties. Or unveiling a new class of workstation... and providing SDKs to access its particular features.

    Consumer events are for products, WWDC is for new platforms and technologies. Rolling out a product at WWDC doesn't make sense unless it ties into that, as past ones have.

    OTOH, they might surprise everyone and make this WWDC *all* about the plethora of new dev tools, APIs and technologies in Tiger... there's enough in there for two WWDCs alone.
  • Reply 226 of 294
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by gugy

    I am not expecting tons of new hardware. The possibility of one or two professional hardware announcement at WWDC is real if you look at the history.

    If the product is great, WWDC is the perfect venue to release it. It generates the buzz Steve loves.

    I agree that Apple can announce a new product anytime.

    MWSF historically has been the place for "consumer" hardware.

    I'm not expecting tons of new hardware either. As I mentioned a bit ago, there really isn't much left in Apple's product matrix that is due for a major rev, outside the iBooks, whose form factor has remain relatively untouched since their intro on May 1, 2001. And when you start talking major rev. of iBooks, you have to look at PowerBooks too, as both lines are almost at parity. Further, there really isn't any "new" speculative product that would warrant the spotlight of WWDC Keynote, like a tablet or media center console.

    I have heard that MacWorld has been a consumer-centric show, which may be the case on the show floor, but I can think back to many of Steve's keynote addresses at MacWorld where he introduced major new pro gear. As a matter of fact, all major new PowerBook models were introduced at MacWorlds/Mac Expos (Titanium in 2001, 12- and 17-inch PowerBooks in 2003, Paris for the aluminized 15-inch, Lombard G3 Tokyo, etc.)

    A PowerBook G5 introduction at the WWDC would be good for developers because they are looking for portable G5s. Heck, everyone is looking for a portable G5. So what if it's the only product introduced? The Power Mac G5 was the only product intro'd at WWDC in 2003.
  • Reply 227 of 294
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    OTOH, they might surprise everyone and make this WWDC *all* about the plethora of new dev tools, APIs and technologies in Tiger... there's enough in there for two WWDCs alone.

    I think this is exactly what WWDC will be... BUT BUT BUT... there are about 6 or 7 spots TBA... this could mean they didn't know what they were going to do at the time when they made teh schedule, or they are reserving the spots for product(s) to be announce at WWDC. The reason i don't think it will be a new product announcement and how to program for it... is because a majority of these TBA spots are at the end of the week. Apple has historically reserved these spots in the first 3 days. So there the schedule allows a possibility of something new to learn on... Guess we'll know in 5 days.... wow that time already?
  • Reply 228 of 294
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Anyone else remember an Apple executive saying that WWDC will be about technology? This was quite a while ago, and as far as I know it was never repeated,. There are several possible reasons technology is not being mentioned anymore, but I keep thinking that it may be too big of a hint about what's coming. To add to this train of thought, IBM has been very vocal lately about Power PC and how far ahead it is. IBM and Sony also seem to be pushing Cell, and trying to get folks interested in developing for it. IBM also mentioned doing a Cell based server.

    I don't know what all this would add up to, but I would not be surprised to hear from IBM and even Sony at the keynote. Then again, it could be just one of the other 20 or so possible explanations for not bringing up technology anymore.
  • Reply 229 of 294
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member

    Originally posted by emig647

    ... there are about 6 or 7 spots TBA... The reason i don't think it will be a new product announcement and how to program for it... is because a majority of these TBA spots are at the end of the week.

    Look again. The very first session is TBA. Then right after lunch there are 3 more TBA sessions all in a row ? all in the same room (Nob Hill)! They probably want it to be in the same room to save on setup time. Probably some big network thing with lots of digital devices connected... and a tablet.
  • Reply 230 of 294
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    Consumer events are for products, WWDC is for new platforms and technologies. Rolling out a product at WWDC doesn't make sense unless it ties into that, as past ones have.

    Yeah, like the iSight.
  • Reply 231 of 294
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Thinksecret is awfully quiet lately. With few days left to WWDC we have not heard anything from them. I wonder if Apple step up the pressure on them. Usually they would give us a hint of what's coming by now.
  • Reply 232 of 294
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by gugy

    Thinksecret is awfully quiet lately. With few days left to WWDC we have not heard anything from them. I wonder if Apple step up the pressure on them. Usually they would give us a hint of what's coming by now.

    Probably gave Nick a new G5. Shhhhh.

    Same day shipping on every item in the Apple online store says, no product updates. Brand new product announcements are looking up.
  • Reply 233 of 294
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Same day shipping on every item in the Apple online store says, no product updates.

    It is no surprise then that Think Secret is mum lately.
  • Reply 234 of 294
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by 1984

    Yeah, like the iSight.

    Actually, *exactly* like the iSight. That incorporated a couple of technologies new to the Mac, from any camera, and basically said "Alright, here's the technology, here's the SDK, go do something cool with it." And some of us did. That type of project wouldn't have been practical before the iSight.

    You see it as a consumer camera. Developers see it as a new toy to incorporate into products, and it sparks ideas on what can be done.

    That's what WWDC is ultimately all about when it comes to new products: "Alright developers, here are new technologies and toys... go do something amazing."
  • Reply 235 of 294
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member
    If there's a major computer update at WWDC but we don't see a leak... Apple will have pulled off a near-impossible feat! I actually hope it's the case, if just because it's been too long since I was completely surprised by an Apple announcement.
  • Reply 236 of 294
    owenowen Posts: 21member
    Slightly OT but nobody has asked what Steve will be wearing...
  • Reply 237 of 294
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by Commodus

    If there's a major computer update at WWDC but we don't see a leak... Apple will have pulled off a near-impossible feat! I actually hope it's the case, if just because it's been too long since I was completely surprised by an Apple announcement.

    That's because you read rumor sites
  • Reply 238 of 294
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    . . . Same day shipping on every item in the Apple online store says, no product updates. Brand new product announcements are looking up.

    Would you believe a quad G5 workstation, often referred to as the Xstation? IBM has been working on the 970MP for quite some time. Most have assumed there are technical difficulties or there is some other reason holding it up. The recent Power Mac upgrade is often accepted as proof of this theory. Yet a workstation makes sense.

    The market for a more costly, high-end Mac should be smaller than for the Power Mac. Once people see what the quad costs, the Power Macs may look more attractive. People will have more confidence that this latest upgrade will be around for a while too, which may help increase sales. The smaller market lets IBM ramp up production of this chip slowly, and yields are less of a problem. Makes sense to me.
  • Reply 239 of 294
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Any bets on another "Premature Specification?"

    My money is on "Hell No!"
  • Reply 240 of 294
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    With only a few days to go, tis very quiet.......

    That could go either way - good or bad!
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