Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.1 Update



  • Reply 21 of 94
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    Originally posted by kcmac

    And it never will.

    Why not?

    (not being snarky, just want to understand your comment.)
  • Reply 22 of 94
    mikefmikef Posts: 698member
    Memory usage appears to be down as well... MenuMeters is reporting 198MB used with Mail, Dashboard, iTunes, MSN Messenger, and Safari active.
  • Reply 23 of 94
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member

    Originally posted by akhomerun

    Of course like everyone else I want to know if this update creats any more problems. My dad needs his computer now and it's really critical for his work.

    Is Quartz Extreme 2D not being enabled why why the framerate on expose is so choppy on my mac G4 since the 10.4 update? did apple disable it when they updated from panther to tiger?

    Yes, QE2D was disabled in 10.4.0. It is reenabled by the ATI and NVIDIA driver update for most cards that support Core Image as of 10.4.1, according to ARS.

    As for the larger issue of whether or not to do an upgrade during mission-critical project work on deadline, the usual answer is NEVER, unless something required for the project is currently borked and clearly fixed by the update.

    If the project is critical and the machine performs adequately now, don't risk any hiccoughs until the deadline has passed.

    Just my .02, but I've seen many a tearful student complain that they "only" updated some component or unrelated plug-in the night before deadline, and yet it's "not their fault" that their project was incomplete or lost as a result. Pity doesn't pay for mistakes.
  • Reply 24 of 94
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    10.4.1 Installed OK for my rev A 2x2.0 GHz G5. Quartz Debug doesn't show QE2D as active for my ATI 9800 Pro (OEM) GPU.

    Considering I feel that my GPU has been flakey as of late, I'm somewhat glad its not active yet.

    At any rate, 10.4.1 installed without a hitch on this G5 as well as my Ti PowerBook. I'll report any problems...
  • Reply 25 of 94
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by sc_markt

    I just downloaded and installed it. The size was 36.3MB. Funny, the whole download and install process only took about 2 minutes and I'm on a wimpy 450MHz sawtooth G4. I'm now running 10.4.1.

    (I noticed that it did not optimize after the install. Hope this is not a bad thing).

    I saw Software Update optimize the drive on both machines I installed it on, so I don't know what happened with you.

    My slow 500 MHz Ti took a good amount of time to boot up after the update. The Activity Monitor reported various md* processes eating up CPU cycles... my guess is that it was updating metadata and indexes while booting.
  • Reply 26 of 94
    nathan22tnathan22t Posts: 317member

    Originally posted by iPoster

    Why not?

    (not being snarky, just want to understand your comment.)

    cause it violates apple's UI sensibilities to have apps in the dock do anything or have any functionality when the app isn't actually open. if the app isn't open then it is just a symbolic link/icon/alias/whatever you want to call it.
  • Reply 27 of 94
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    And yet my iCal, on 10.3.9, retains the last known date when it is quit.

    Right now, it says '16', since I quit it before midnight.

    I launch it, *quit it again*, and it says '17'.
  • Reply 28 of 94
    drxcmdrxcm Posts: 50member
    On 10.4.1 iCal keeps the date in the dock icon after it has quit.

    Don't know why yours isnt?
  • Reply 29 of 94
    jonejone Posts: 102member
    Probably because it's the 17th, and you're not seeing that it's reverting back to July from May.
  • Reply 30 of 94
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Nope. Mine says May 17th, plain as day, and it's not running.
  • Reply 31 of 94
    beigeuserbeigeuser Posts: 371member
    Maybe some of you guys are confusing the word quit with reboot/logout.

    iCal keeps the date in the dock even if you quit but it resets to July 17 everytime you shut down the computer.
  • Reply 32 of 94
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Ah, see, I do that about once every two months, so it's entirely possible I don't catch that.
  • Reply 33 of 94
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    I don't see comments for the Dashboard hole. Has it been corrected or not?
  • Reply 34 of 94
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by BeigeUser

    Maybe some of you guys are confusing the word quit with reboot/logout.

    iCal keeps the date in the dock even if you quit but it resets to July 17 everytime you shut down the computer.

    I am new to this argument and for me, the iCal icon returns to Jul 17 after I quit iCal. This was true for 10.4.0 and 10.4.1. In 10.3.9 the icon remained set to the day when it was quit.

    I just confirmed this behavior on a second machine. iCal's icon reverts to Jul 17 after quit.

    If you logout or restart... its Jul 17, just like after a full startup after shutdown.
  • Reply 35 of 94
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member

    Originally posted by Xool

    I am new to this argument and for me, the iCal icon returns to Jul 17 after I quit iCal. This was true for 10.4.0 and 10.4.1. In 10.3.9 the icon remained set to the day when it was quit.

    I just confirmed this behavior on a second machine. iCal's icon reverts to Jul 17 after quit.

    If you logout or restart... its Jul 17, just like after a full startup after shutdown.

    Yep. It's an icon, not an app.
  • Reply 36 of 94
    dave marshdave marsh Posts: 352member
    The Address Book widget still seems to not be consistently enclosing the Area Code in parentheses, even when everything appears properly in the Address Book itself.
  • Reply 37 of 94
    dave marshdave marsh Posts: 352member
    For those who think QE2D is now enabled, how can we tell? I've certainly not noticed any GUI improvements. Resizing windows is still stuttery on my new PowerBook.
  • Reply 38 of 94
    ichiban_jayichiban_jay Posts: 660member
    quicktime go down... quicktime no go up

    I click the minimize (orange) button on the window and the quicktime movie genies down into the dock, I go to the dock and click on the quicktime movie and it won't come up... I end up having to quit quicktime.
  • Reply 39 of 94
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Ichiban_jay

    quicktime go down... quicktime no go up

    I click the minimize (orange) button on the window and the quicktime movie genies down into the dock, I go to the dock and click on the quicktime movie and it won't come up... I end up having to quit quicktime.

    i had this in 10.4 try using the Window menu and selecting the movie that way.

    iCal does change back to July 17th when you quit - this is a change from Panther

    Address book is still dodgy - if you type in a name and then click on the number and go out of dashboard when you go back in Address book will not allow you to type.

    iTunes widget still lags.

    I haven't noticed any improvement - in fact it seems slower at booting.
  • Reply 40 of 94
    supertedsuperted Posts: 41member
    Well, my Quicktime seems to work really well, down and up equally well, one really cool thing, if you hold down shift while you click the minimise button, the quicktime movie will keep playing while it does it's whole slow motion genie thing, very cool.
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