G5 - The truth



  • Reply 221 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong><a href="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9905/internal-projects.shtml"; target="_blank">Dolphin is not dead.</a></strong><hr></blockquote>


    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    Could "El Capitan" as used above mean a PERSON (Say Steve Jobs) instead of a CASE (BW G3 and G4 tower case)?

    If so then this makes even more sence:

    "Steve Jobs tragic flaw shall lead to the cubes return and its rise to the throne..."

    I still don't get the PIE reference... could you provide just a little help?

  • Reply 222 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Well, if El Capitan is the case, then what is a (the) major flaw with the case? The size? The expandability? Lack of microphone? Little stupid speaker? What flaw could lead to a new cube? Why is this flaw important enough to reincarnate the mega disaster known as the cube?
  • Reply 223 of 489
    hmm, dolphin.

    Does 'portable' mean a notebook or just easy-to-move, like a cube?

    just an idea
  • Reply 224 of 489
    al02al02 Posts: 11member
    Return of Trinity (cube) and a new (smaller? - "little brother") cube-based games console, which is "more powerful than a [game cube]", thus enabling it to 'rule in the great desert (the console market) where the dolphins (game cubes) roam"

    Which could help explain the whole Raycer thing.

    NB. I don't think this guy has inside info, and I don't think this will happen (a second cube failure would be terrible), but these riddles are fun all the same. :cool:
  • Reply 224 of 489
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    How about Trinity being the case of the Beige G3?

    (Tri = three, Trinity = a unit of three, as in God which is 3 characters in one).

    You could basically say it's the return of a case with 3 bays, with 3 CPUs, with G3 CPUs, or the return of Mac OS 3. Let's face it, january 7 will tell, noone else will.

  • Reply 226 of 489
    I don't care if codename has sources or not... figuring out his riddles is fun... any more clues codename?
  • Reply 227 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Well, if El Capitan is the case, then what is a (the) major flaw with the case? The size? The expandability? Lack of microphone? Little stupid speaker? What flaw could lead to a new cube? Why is this flaw important enough to reincarnate the mega disaster known as the cube?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The drive bays? My guess is the new case will have two 5inch drive bays....?!?
  • Reply 228 of 489
    Hey, I think this riddle has some amazing possibilities. Apple could be readying some kind of box that runs OSX but also runs (more) games through some sort of extra hardware.

    Could "pie" be a reference to Precision Insight? (PI) They do software for 3D hardware acceleration and one of their clients is ATI!!

    just a thought . . .
  • Reply 229 of 489
    katekate Posts: 172member
    For me this translates to:

    A big cube like enclosure for the top Power Macs. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    A smaller cube like enclosure for the new iMac. :confused:

    Only the form factor of the enclosure, not necessarily a new Cube, as the Cube sufferend heavy from the same disease as the El Capitan enclosure: low expandability.

    A big cube like box for the PowerMac seems reasonable, because it offers a possible small form factor, while still providing a suitable space for expandability and enough thermal stability to swap in a new mobo with more power dissipating cpus.

    A small cube like box for the new iMac seems a bit off the track, because it leaves the all-in-one idea since there's hardly a way to put a TFT display on a cube. But maybe Apple does so?A tiny cube like iMac with a stand alone TFT? If they can make an iMac with TFT competitive on the gamers market sounds doubtful at least however.

    A new rugged quicksilver cube, trimmed with a design along those lines like the PowerBook?

    With plenty of space for extra drives and PCI cards? Something that resembles the NeXT Cube in a way? Wouldn't be too shabby I think. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 230 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by rollerdexter:

    <strong>Hey, I think this riddle has some amazing possibilities. Apple could be readying some kind of box that runs OSX but also runs (more) games through some sort of extra hardware.

    Could "pie" be a reference to Precision Insight? (PI) They do software for 3D hardware acceleration and one of their clients is ATI!!

    just a thought . . .</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Codename has already told us that "Dolphin" isn't the Nintendo Game Cube but instead a pretty old '99'? Rumored laptop that would have succeed the 1st iBook (rumored to be water resistant?).

  • Reply 231 of 489
    Wait, why does Trinity = Cube?

    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong>Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Little brother does seem to be the new iMac...

    According to the old AI article above, Dolphin was a mysterious portable project. The rumors at the time (2.5 years ago) was that it was waterproof, but things obviously change in 2.5 years. I'll assume that, even if true, it's not the major selling point.

    So...what if Dolphin is a PDA/Webpad/Knowledge Navigator? Or a wearable (which might explain its need to be water resistant)?

    So the iMac rules in the great desert (haven't figured that part out yet) where the Apple PDAs/Webpads/wearables roam.

    Makes sense...but what of the desert?

    Or maybe we forget that these riddles don't make sense until the events happen.

  • Reply 232 of 489
    The "tragic flaw" of the current tower cases is quite evident. Don't think, listen. Big honking fans.... If only they had released G4 class cube, I wouldn't have ringing in my ears as a fall off to sleep at night.
  • Reply 233 of 489
    I agree about the fans and re: PIE

    "we started the magazine PIE Developers in the

    fall of 1993 right after Apple’s Newton announcement. It was a technical magazine for Newton developers. The acronym PIE came from Apple’s Newton group, the Personal Interactive Electronics (PIE) division." :eek:
  • Reply 234 of 489
    just some urls to back up the codenames so that we are all on the same page here:

    Dolphin: some kind of speculative portable from apple

    <a href="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9905/internal-projects.shtml"; target="_blank">http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9905/internal-projects.shtml</a>;

    Trinity: was the codename for the cube.

    <a href="http://www.apple-history.com/g4cube.html"; target="_blank">http://www.apple-history.com/g4cube.html</a>;

    El Capitan: The current case design... named when it went from beige to blue & white

    <a href="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9809/el-capitan-design.shtml"; target="_blank">http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9809/el-capitan-design.shtml</a>;

    Pie: see previous post

    I find the dolphin link very interesting... it speaks of a portable... combined with the phrase "where dolphins roam" i think codename is hinting at some sort iMac that is more portable than it is now... which reminds me of this link

    <a href="http://www.compaq.com/newsroom/presspaq/052101/visioneering.html"; target="_blank">http://www.compaq.com/newsroom/presspaq/052101/visioneering.html</a>;

    maybe a portable/desktop unit that lacks a battery or something to keep it from competeing with the iBook... but has also some hand writing functionality... arghhhh... i should be working right now... not figuring out riddles!!!
  • Reply 235 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Little Newton:

    <strong>I agree about the fans and re: PIE

    "we started the magazine PIE Developers in the

    fall of 1993 right after Apple’s Newton announcement. It was a technical magazine for Newton developers. The acronym PIE came from Apple’s Newton group, the Personal Interactive Electronics (PIE) division." :eek: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nice call Little Newton! I do remember PIE now... Damn the mind IS the second thing to go! Hmmm do you think PIE is now the group heading up the iPOD development? That would sure be interesting!

  • Reply 236 of 489
    Great, this is getting TOO exciting.

    So far we've got water proof laptops, towers that will be the most expandable that Apple has ever released, and silent. iMacs that are thin, portable, look like the cube and seem to have attachable monitors, and the return of the Newton. Could all of our dreams come true at one MacWorld!?

    heh, the ironic part is...if all of this did happen, someone would come here after the keynote and start a new thread:

    "My problem with Apple's new &lt;insert name here&gt;"


    "I can't believe they didn't include &lt; blank &gt;"

    and of course:

    "That price is crazy!!!"
  • Reply 237 of 489
    The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone.

    [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Codename ]</p>
  • Reply 238 of 489
    following is a quote from

    <a href="http://www.macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20000717.shtml"; target="_blank">http://www.macedition.com/nmr/nmr_20000717.shtml</a>;

    Writing?s on the wall

    Speaking of fine print, the Blade?s ropy-muscled field team of Egyptologists has been doing some serious spade work on a top-secret project hitherto sealed securely behind a hidden trap door in Apple?s sub-basement.

    Dubbed Rosetta Stone (apparently in homage to the Blade?s former nom de drag queen), the software ? currently in development for Mac OS X ? is aimed at resurrecting the mummified remains of the handwriting-recognition technology behind Apple?s long-dead Newton PDA and putting it to work on forthcoming Mac lap- and desktops.

    While the effort remains a work in progress ? albeit a fairly well-formed one ? some pie-eyed optimists are already hoping that the advent of Rosetta Stone will ultimately do to the keyboard what the iMac did to the old-school floppy disk.

    According to the Blade?s jackal-headed informants, the first candidate for Rosetta Stone is the next-generation PowerBook Apple is planning to release early in 2001; if current plans hold, the system?s trackpad will accommodate pen input as well as the usual repertoire of five-finger exercises.

    check this out too

    <a href="http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2607921,00.html"; target="_blank">http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2607921,00.html</a>;

    [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: mackie9 ]</p>
  • Reply 239 of 489
    "The new iMac. Keyboard not included."

    What a way to make the iMac special again! I can see the Windows users: "But, but, but... how will I control-alt-delete?"

    Of course, this "iPad" concept has been a staple of Apple rumormongering for some time. But it would make sense of all the buzz Apple is generating for the keynote: "innovative, revolutionary, and different" and "powerful, user-friendly, and eye-catching." (They forgot "positive, meaningful and generally happy-making," but who's counting?)
  • Reply 240 of 489
    [quote]Dubbed Rosetta Stone (apparently in homage to the Blade?s former nom de drag queen), the software ? currently in development for Mac OS X ? is aimed at resurrecting the mummified remains of the handwriting-recognition technology behind Apple?s long-dead Newton PDA and putting it to work on forthcoming Mac lap- and desktops.


    Uh, the code in the Newton OS for handwriting recognition was called Rosetta. It seems somebody got their rumor mixed up.


    According to the Blade?s jackal-headed informants, the first candidate for Rosetta Stone is the next-generation PowerBook Apple is planning to release early in 2001; if current plans hold, the system?s trackpad will accommodate pen input as well as the usual repertoire of five-finger exercises.


    If this rumor is true, and on the off chance that anybody from Apple is reading this, I've got one thing to say-- PLEASE DEAR GOD DON'T DO THIS. You'll be copying the worst user interface element from the Palm-- the bastard user input pad on the bottom of the screen. The Newton got this one right-- a computer that can recognize hand writing should have a touch/pen sensitive screen. Please don't send pen input to the purgatory of a trackpad... Do it right!
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