G5 - The truth



  • Reply 201 of 489
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Rumors tend to be fun as long as they're about 1 year ahead of the actual event, when everyone is still believing just one version, sicne there only is ONE version of the rumor. as soon as every 12 year old pimp starts claiming he's got sources and tells stories about whatever is coming etc etc, it only get's ppl angry and excited.

    Personally I like the versino of G5 being in development and being twice as fast as a P4 at the same speed. Everything that came after that is irrelevant, because what the mainboard's hardware will be, depends on the actual date of release anyway. I'll just wait and see, and I'm glad that I can do that, unlike many others around here it seems.

  • Reply 202 of 489
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    This is what discredits him in my eyes:

    The new Apollo G4's are really G4.5's -- and they will reach some pretty decent clockspeeds in 2002.

    If he really understood hardware then he would know that the Apollo is just a SOI based 7450. It's even made on 180nm just like the 7450. Now if he knows something that no one else knows, like it will have 512KB L2, extra execution units and double precision Altivec with DDR bus support, then I guess it would be more than just a process upgraded G4. But something tells me Apollo will slightly underwhelming. (up to 1.4GHz? come on.)
  • Reply 203 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by Ptrash:

    <strong>Perhaps a larger cube, targeted at the consumers who want a Mac without PCI slots

    An Imac cube, 1ghz G3 with an LCD monitor for $1299? $1399? ...do we hear $1499?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How about the same Cube but with gigabyte Apollo, DVD combo drive, 100 Gig HD, ATi Radon "All in Wonder" with record to disk. Nintendo Game Cube emulation standard with Panasonic "Q" drive.

    $1499 for the Cube "Digital Hub"
  • Reply 204 of 489
    4fx4fx Posts: 258member
    Speculating about a G5 is fun and all...

    but people, take a chill pill!

    Why do you all care so much?

    If Dorsal M or any other is correct what difference does it make to you? Are you going to buy one BEFORE Steve anounces it? Come on! What anyone says makes NO difference to what will actually happen. You are only wasting your time arguing about somthing that is relatively unimportant.

    What will happen, will happen.
  • Reply 205 of 489
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Not sure if anybody saw this but Architosh.com has

    another article on the G5. Here is the link...

    <a href="http://www.architosh.com/news/2001-12/2001c-1215-g4g5.phtml"; target="_blank">http://www.architosh.com/news/2001-12/2001c-1215-g4g5.phtml</a>;

    - Mark
  • Reply 206 of 489
    El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne,

    Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam.

    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Codename ]</p>
  • Reply 207 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong>El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne,

    Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam.

    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Codename ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What flaw would that be?
  • Reply 208 of 489
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong>El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne,

    Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam.

    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Codename ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    PowerMacG4 -

    English please!
  • Reply 209 of 489
    Was El Capitan the beige G3 or the blue and white G3? Yosemite and Yikes were the first G4s I believe.

    hamartia = tragic flaw (as pointed out above)

    I didn't think there was anything tragic about the G3 boxes. If Trinity = Cube, I can't see what is so bad about the current towers that would bring back the cube. Size? Fan?

    Expandability? Oh wait, thats a good thing
  • Reply 210 of 489
    cindercinder Posts: 381member

    I love riddles.

    Flaw . . . lack of expandability? weird shape?

    lack of breathing room?

    Trinity? new case design I guess . . . tri - what?

    5.25 drive bays?

    Little brother?

    as in the iMac . . .?

    dolphin . . .?

    Gamecube uses the dolphin. the Gamecube is a cube . . .

    iMac will be the re-cube?

  • Reply 211 of 489
    I made a mistake. Yosemite was the Blue and White G3.

    El Capitan was the codename for the "case", which is still the current case.

    Now whats the deal with the desert thing?
  • Reply 212 of 489
    Damn it, I hate it when Nostradamus posts ...
  • Reply 213 of 489

    Sahara is the codename for the 1 GHZ-class G3 from IBM.
  • Reply 214 of 489
    So the Dolphin was the codename for the Gamecube which uses an IBM G3 class processor.

    Sahara is a G3.

    So lets assume the iMac is the little brother of the Powermac.

    I guess he's saying the iMacs will stay at G3s

    I still don't see why the cube could come back. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 215 of 489

    El Capitan's hamartia



    shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne<hr></blockquote>

    Hmmm mixed. Possibly, the return and rise of the G3! LOL (Quake *three* was codenamed Trinity in the technology demo stages). Trinity is however often associated with the future, and thus the G5 being the future.


    Its little brother shall rule in the great desert<hr></blockquote>

    The G4's little brother (new LCD - SMALL - iMac) shall rule, based on the shara chip (desert). And as the G5 is the "Gold fish", a gold fish can hardly survive in the desert

    where the dolphins roam.

    Reference to the nintendo gamecube aka dolphin (its codename some time ago). Possibly the iMac will rule amounst family buyers who are the key market of the gamecube? and now the new imac?
  • Reply 216 of 489
    Mackie9 Translation:

    The "current case's" "tragic flaw" shall lead to the "cubes" return and its rise to the "top" or "high-end",

    The iMac shall rule with the G3 sahara along with the likes of the game cube"

    that's my guess anyway... seems to me that he's saying that apple will be replacing the towers with a cube-like case and the imac will have the sahara g3.
  • Reply 217 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Lemme try...

    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    "A little bird told me the cube shall return, after eating pie, larger than a game cube?" :confused:

    "The G4 case tragic flaw shall lead to the cubes return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother (regular cube) shall rule in the great desert (sahara = G3) where the dolphins roam (same as the Game Cube)." :confused:

    A new larger cubeish style case for the Pro line (G4) and a regular cube for the iMac (G3/Sahara)

    Okay codename how's that?


    [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 218 of 489
    <a href="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9905/internal-projects.shtml"; target="_blank">Dolphin is not dead.</a>
  • Reply 219 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong><a href="http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/9905/internal-projects.shtml"; target="_blank">Dolphin is not dead.</a></strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hrumph... A water resistant laptop?!?! Well first I've found no other site other than Apple Insider that speaks of it and second, I'm not sure I get the point... Water resistant isn't the same as Waterproof and well.. err... even if it did I'm still not sure I'm getting the point...

    The Apple Dolphin... you can even use it in the bathtub or while doing laps in the pool and in the case of an airline water landing you can even use your Dolphin as a flotation device.

    Sounds as useful as nail clippers for fish.

  • Reply 220 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Why can't simply mean don't worry about spilling a coke on it or carrying it in the rain? Yuo people think too much into something and then ridicule it when you can't understand it.

    Relax and enjoy the 007 spy code game. This is fun
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