Timeframe for next PowerMac?



  • Reply 21 of 294
    My guess is all PowerMacs will be 970MP dual core, PCI X announced in August. I suppose that the iMacs would get the current lineup of PM chips. If any of you really think that Apple could sustain sales of the current lineup until Intel, you have to be crazy! They can't just sit on all the current line ups until Intels start to ship.... They can't ship intels until there is software to run on them, and as a professional artist I wouldn't buy an Intel machine until Adobe apps are stable on the MacIntels. When you use your machine to pay the bills you don't want an experiment in tech to get your work done on. time is money...

    just my 2 cents!
  • Reply 22 of 294
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by namachtag

    My guess is all PowerMacs will be 970MP dual core, PCI X announced in August. I suppose that the iMacs would get the current lineup of PM chips. If any of you really think that Apple could sustain sales of the current lineup until Intel, you have to be crazy! They can't just sit on all the current line ups until Intels start to ship.... They can't ship intels until there is software to run on them, and as a professional artist I wouldn't buy an Intel machine until Adobe apps are stable on the MacIntels. When you use your machine to pay the bills you don't want an experiment in tech to get your work done on. time is money...

    just my 2 cents!

    A double dual core machine would get me in a powermac a lot faster than a single dual core intel box.

    I wonder if Apple does use the dual core version will they use one or two of the dual core units in the next powermac?
  • Reply 23 of 294
    lividlivid Posts: 3member
    Do you still think 970MP PowerMacs will ship before the end of the year?
  • Reply 24 of 294

    Originally posted by Livid

    Do you still think 970MP PowerMacs will ship before the end of the year?

    Course I do, especially since the Apple Euro Store shippping times for the 2.7 have climbed to 3-4 weeks, US store says 3-5 days.
  • Reply 25 of 294
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    Maybe we will see something @ Siggraph...?!?

    Of course that is this coming week, so maybe not...
  • Reply 26 of 294
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Livid

    Do you still think 970MP PowerMacs will ship before the end of the year?

    No. I don't see them coming before MWSF 2006. There will be zero to little benefit from 970MP Power Macs over today's models, since the clock speed will be lower (at 2.5 GHz), unless there is some configuration with two dual core chips, the so called quad mac. But even so, this Mac will be very expensive, certainly not below $3500, and the benefit from the extra processors is not going to become visible in general use, only under specific circumstances (for example if you write scientific computational code for four processors, or if you run at once many CPU hungry applications taking a long time to finish).
  • Reply 27 of 294
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    This may be the most depressing thread I've ever followed. Everything in the future will be better, probably, but there are downsides, and it will be expensive, but today's machines are not adequate, so we could buy, but I don't see anyone recommending buying anything at all...
  • Reply 28 of 294
    The Dual 2.7 GHz is now showing 2-3 weeks at the US store so I don't think updates are too far away. I'm thinking that the Dual 2.0 and Dual 2.3 will each move down a price point and Dual Dual machines will take the top two price points. Now that the single 1.8 GHz is gone I think it might be possible.
  • Reply 29 of 294
    mjteixmjteix Posts: 563member

    Originally posted by jherrling

    The Dual 2.7 GHz is now showing 2-3 weeks at the US store so I don't think updates are too far away. I'm thinking that the Dual 2.0 and Dual 2.3 will each move down a price point and Dual Dual machines will take the top two price points. Now that the single 1.8 GHz is gone I think it might be possible.

    They may even all be dual cores (if the price of the CPUs is right), like at the bottom dual-core 2.0GHz, dual-core 2.5GHz, dual-dual-core 2.0GHz and at the top dual-dual-core 2.5GHz. I still think that we may have to wait at least for Apple Expo Paris (end sept) to see them.
  • Reply 30 of 294
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member

    Originally posted by jherrling

    The Dual 2.7 GHz is now showing 2-3 weeks at the US store so I don't think updates are too far away.

    Ha, you're joking right. You won't see a Power Mac G5 update until at least November, and my bet is on January 2006, like PB said. Although in January 2006, I see dual dual-core machines. I don't think they be that expensive.
  • Reply 31 of 294

    Originally posted by Leonard

    Ha, you're joking right. You won't see a Power Mac G5 update until at least November, and my bet is on January 2006, like PB said. Although in January 2006, I see dual dual-core machines. I don't think they be that expensive.

    Ok then what is your explanation of the increase in ship times? The shortage of processors has been worked out by IBM, there was no delay for when the dual 2.7 was introduced so why should there be one mid product cycle. As far as cost have you looked at the cost of AMD's dual core offerings? They are considerably more expensive then their single core counter parts. Anandtech was just talking about the prices here.
  • Reply 32 of 294
    bjewettbjewett Posts: 83member

    Originally posted by jherrling

    Ok then what is your explanation of the increase in ship times?

    The Apple Store this morning continues to show 2-3 weeks for the 2.7. It makes it difficult to choose - am about ready to buy but could wait until Expo Paris if I thought there might be an upgrade/speed bump at that point. I'm not counting on dual-dual PowerPCs that soon, though - it hasn't been that long since IBM announced the new chips.
  • Reply 33 of 294
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by aplnub

    My neighbor just got a Dell dual core 3 GHz intel box in some super quite case (audio recording), 1 GB ram, 160 GB hdd, printer, and monitor for $1600 delivered.

    Yeah, we all know Apple's stuff is better but I believe this is where a lot of the gripes come from.

    17" CRT isn't worth $100. The $30 free printer can be had free with your order anywhere. So it's within a few hundred of the 2ghz G5. Not sure about all the smaller specs but it's close enough compared to a few years ago.
  • Reply 34 of 294
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    If Apple does release a new PowerMac before the intel machines are ready, I think there will be more people holding off on buying one than there were people holding off when Steve Jobs said we'd see 3GHz in a year. Everybody that waited for that 3Gig machine is probably waiting on intel, and so are a lot of people that just don't want to purchase the last in line of the PPC PowerMac. Resale value on those probably isn't going to be that great after the intel machines are released.

    I for one am not planning on buying another PPC.
  • Reply 35 of 294
    bjewettbjewett Posts: 83member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    so are a lot of people that just don't want to purchase the last in line of the PPC PowerMac. Resale value on those probably isn't going to be that great after the intel machines are released.

    I for one am not planning on buying another PPC.

    Hmm, you must already have a quick mac. My Tibook is fairly old, though it works well. I'd rather have a new, and reasonably quick, PPC desktop machine than wait 2 years for a desktop mac w/Intel inside, + another year for all the bugs to be worked out...

    I for one am buying another PPC ... question is whether to wait for Paris, or buy soon.

    Do you sell your old macs? I keep them until they fail, which tends to be a very long time, so resale value isn't of much interest to me.
  • Reply 36 of 294
    mikenapmikenap Posts: 94member
    Steve Jobs is Keynote bound for Macworld Expo Paris. I'm betting on a Quad core tower to be released on that day. Of course I just bought the dual 2.7 for a photoshop workstation... such is life! =)
  • Reply 37 of 294
    bigbluebigblue Posts: 341member

    Originally posted by mikenap

    Steve Jobs is Keynote bound for Macworld Expo Paris. I'm betting on a Quad core tower to be released on that day. Of course I just bought the dual 2.7 for a photoshop workstation... such is life! =)

    ... tell me about it \
  • Reply 38 of 294
    mikenapmikenap Posts: 94member
    on the other hand, my 2.7 (4.5 gigs ram, external SerialATA raid for scratch) is FAST AS HELL! I swear the most bottlenecks I see day to day, (besides ripping open huge Quark EPS files that wont print) are OS glitches. As far as working in PS with very large files, this machine flies! for example, when I click on the .mac pref pane to adjust sync, i get a huge delay as the machine looks to the .mac servers i suppose, and mounting network volumes, stuff like that, which feel more like kinks in OSX than the speed of my machine. This stuff at least can be improved by releasing better code.
  • Reply 39 of 294
    wally007wally007 Posts: 121member
    yea. I bought my G5 2.7 in original configuration few weeks ago as well. I still havent gotten it yet as frigging USPS is taking their sweet azz time with the package. I'm gonna pop in 2x1gb memory modules to work with it on learning advanced photoshop and Motion2. I got my 2.7Ghz machine for $2670 final price. I'm hoping once quads show up i'll be able to get rid of it for $2500 or so.

    Although i really wonder , are aplications other than After effects and Final Cut Pro really gonna benefit from 4 cores ?

    Quads most likely will top at 2.5Ghz. So if Aplications wont have use for other 2 cores , only benefit is added cache. And that shouldnt overtake 2.7Ghz machine by too much , i presume.
  • Reply 40 of 294
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    I am afraid I must reiterate: This thread seems to be jam-packed with nothing substantial, but a lot of frustrated, high-end PowerMac G5 buyers, potential buyers, and/or would have boughters like me left hanging out by the whole situation. It would not be so bad if there was any serious G5 alternative, but I cannot see the iMac G5 with all my screens et al just sitting there waiting for a new master.

    I've never been a fan of Gargantua, but Petagruel in Paris would not be bad!
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