Timeframe for next PowerMac?



  • Reply 41 of 294
    I'm also looking into a dual 2.7 G5 for my main render machine but have been waiting on it since the IBM 970 MP announcement.

    I'm waiting till the Paris Expo, and here's why:

    They might release dual core machines on that date, and if so then I have that option.

    If they don't release them then I buy the current top of the line, after having waited only a month.

    If they do release the dual cores but they are not optimized for my software or they are too costly, then at least I can buy the current top of the line at a lower price point.

    Any way you look at it, its only a month. (- :
  • Reply 42 of 294
    lividlivid Posts: 3member
    I agree with PB that we won't see new PowerMacs anytime soon. I suspect the iMac will get a 970MP first, perhaps this fall.

    Anyway, I got tired of waiting and bought a discontinued 2.5 GHz PowerMac. I put in a refurb Radeon X800 that I got for cheap. All in all, a sweet machine that will tide me over until the Rev. B PowerMacTels ship.
  • Reply 43 of 294
    I'm getting desperate for a PowerMac. I've been waiting 5 years now. Maybe more. (PowerTower 200mhz Clone..., 'Manhattan.' Computer Warehouse...UK. Bless, it was a good soldier...but I had to let it go...)

    I've even been looking at Apple's PowerMac benches on the G5 pages.

    Convincing myself, I know...

    I can't understand why Intel cpus score that much higher on Open GL that a dual PowerMac can. It's bizarre.

    What happened to all those 2.5 G5 chips in the last revision?

    They going into a new low end tower come San Fran 06?

    I'm still waiting. I'd like to see a PowerMac dual core beastie launched this fall or by San Fran'. IBM have already announced the chips.

    So I guess it's up to Apple?

    Lemon Bon Bon


    Anyway, I got tired of waiting and bought a discontinued 2.5 GHz PowerMac. I put in a refurb Radeon X800 that I got for cheap. All in all, a sweet machine that will tide me over until the Rev. B PowerMacTels ship.

    I know the feeling. If I could get anything like that near £1200 second hand I'd jump.
  • Reply 44 of 294
    bjewettbjewett Posts: 83member

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    I'm getting desperate for a PowerMac.

    Amen and seconded here. I want a new PM. I'm waiting, with much regret, until Paris.
  • Reply 45 of 294
    Looks like ship times of the dual 2.7 are down to 7 to 10 days in the US. I wonder what is going on.
  • Reply 46 of 294
    hopefully, they will pull something wonderfull out of there hats soon! it has been long enough for something new...........
  • Reply 47 of 294
    npmnpm Posts: 1member

    Originally posted by jherrling

    Looks like ship times of the dual 2.7 are down to 7 to 10 days in the US. I wonder what is going on.

    It's back to 2-3 weeks!
  • Reply 48 of 294

    Originally posted by npm

    It's back to 2-3 weeks!

    Make it stop, I can't take this waiting anymore. My CD expired Monday and I can't resist the urge to buy. Tomorrow is Tuesday after all.
  • Reply 49 of 294
    maddanmaddan Posts: 75member
    We might possibly see dual-core G5s at the Paris Expo, but I think MWSF in January is more likely. High end and Xserve will get dual dual cores.
  • Reply 50 of 294
    I hope so, I think I'll probably crack by then...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 51 of 294

    Originally posted by namachtag

    Does anyone think that the last speed bump was to clear out some stock of the outdated logic board PowerMacs? Until, the dual core comes out? I believe they used to introduce new PowerMacs in August too...instead of the 1 year to update that seems currently what has been happening.

    Any thoughts?


    I have no thoughts because I am totally Zen man

    But I have a question cos I know very little.

    Will DUAL CORE processors make much difference to Photoshop speed?

    Please reveal all

    thanks everso
  • Reply 52 of 294
    Everyone seems to be low on the dual 2.7. Amazon says they have 2 left but promise more Soon? and Compusa is down to in store pick-up only and the two local stores are short on their inventory. So I think we might see something for the IBC at the beginning of September which is next on Apple's event list. The IBC would be better suited anyway for PowerMacs than Paris would as far as presenting to the intended market. We shall see.
  • Reply 53 of 294

    Originally posted by jherrling

    Everyone seems to be low on the dual 2.7. Amazon says they have 2 left but promise more Soon? and Compusa is down to in store pick-up only and the two local stores are short on their inventory. So I think we might see something for the IBC at the beginning of September which is next on Apple's event list. The IBC would be better suited anyway for PowerMacs than Paris would as far as presenting to the intended market. We shall see.

    excited! (rubbing hands with glee in the warm glow of a real log fire)
  • Reply 54 of 294
    I'm not sure if Dual Core will make a difference.

    We've already kind of had 'Dual Core' for a while now with 'Dual Processors', really.

    The MP seems to have more Cache than the FX...so it might make a difference.

    Plus...PCI Express may happen along...plus...the speed grades will tumble down the PowerMac range.

    I'd be happy with a dual core 2.5 as an entry level machine...

    It's a shame we're not going to get to that Psychological 3 gig barrier...

    But that was IBM's ball to drop...

    Lemon Bon Bon\
  • Reply 55 of 294

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    I'm not sure if Dual Core will make a difference.

    We've already kind of had 'Dual Core' for a while now with 'Dual Processors', really.

    The MP seems to have more Cache than the FX...so it might make a difference.

    Plus...PCI Express may happen along...plus...the speed grades will tumble down the PowerMac range.

    I'd be happy with a dual core 2.5 as an entry level machine...

    It's a shame we're not going to get to that Psychological 3 gig barrier...

    But that was IBM's ball to drop...

    Lemon Bon Bon\

    I know nought about the technicalities of it but have read here that perhaps dual core won't make a difference unless the apps are optomised for it.

    Where does that leave photoshop ( the app I use most)?

    My position is thjat I will buy a G5 soon but am waiting to see if dual core will make a big difference to speed of PHSP or not, and if not get a non DC machine a little bit cheaper once tey're out
  • Reply 56 of 294

    Originally posted by SIMON KING

    I know nought about the technicalities of it but have read here that perhaps dual core won't make a difference unless the apps are optomised for it.

    Where does that leave photoshop ( the app I use most)?

    My position is thjat I will buy a G5 soon but am waiting to see if dual core will make a big difference to speed of PHSP or not, and if not get a non DC machine a little bit cheaper once tey're out

    It really depends on what you are doing, I know video and audio folks will benefit the most but Photoshop might be in that category as well but I'm not really sure how it is coded. I'll let someone else fill in the details.

    Anyway I'll try to explain dual core to you. It's basically like taking the current dual G5's and putting both processors on one piece of silicon so they only take the space of one processor. What would be nice and, what I think Apple is going to do is put two of the dual core processors into the PowerMacs making it essentially a 4 processor machine. This is good in some cases but a draw back in others. Say you have only one process that needs all the computing power but is not designed to use more than one processor it will run only as fast as one of the chips you have. If you were to add another process that requires the same resources it would be put on a different processor by the OS letting each process run and the maximum potential and you can do this until you run out of processors. Another scenario is if the program itself can effectively utilize multiple processors then the instructions sent from the program will then be distributed over each of the available processors by the OS, these are what are called threads. Most programs use only one main thread but some like Final Cut and Logic and possibly Photoshop have more than one main thread which will be sent to different processors making it go faster overall even though one specific task might not be faster.

    I hope that helps.

    To Lemon:

    I'm betting the two upper slots will be dual core dual processor machines with the current 2.3 and 2.0 moving down a price point, so the 2.0 will be about the same price point as the single 1.8 was. I personally would rather have a quad 2.5 GHz than a Dual 3.0 GHz but thats just me.
  • Reply 57 of 294
    Apple is back at 7-10 days but everyone else is sold out. So maybe Tuesday or maybe it's just to annoy me further. Also somebody over at Mac Rumors said that his order was pushed back to the 24th of Aug. Now if TS would only say something.
  • Reply 58 of 294
    hypoluxahypoluxa Posts: 699member

    Originally posted by bjewett

    Amen and seconded here. I want a new PM. I'm waiting, with much regret, until Paris.

    I third tha amen with another...Ive been waiting since 99 when I bought my G3 B&W 300mhz, Im using it right now...ugh its a slug...but it gets my jobs done...just quite bit slower...compaird to the the 3.1 ghz intel I use at work, its Win, but it runs sooo slick with PS CS.
  • Reply 59 of 294
    Some seem to think that for some reason they just couldn't update them before the Intel switch or that the were updated them not long ago. Look at the facts...

    The last update was a joke! nothing really new new in 2 years.... if you look close at the dual 2.0 it has gray hair.

    The rumors of the MP have been around since March 05 (via CHUD tools)

    remember the YIKES machine?

    IBM has announced the chip, and dual core machines aren't that new.

    Look at the Xbox 360 specs.

    I'm sure sales dropped on PM's. The closer Intel Macs get to release the harder it will be to sell the PPC's. Stimulation of the market is what they need.

    Everyone thinks that the MP's would be to expensive... ha... these are professional machines for people that make money using them. The average computer users don't buy these unless they want the latest and greatest. I know they don't buy them for games! (PC is the clear winner for games). Time is money... time is sleep when there is a deadline! My old 9600 equiped with 128 meg of ram was $5200.... the current 2.7 is a steal and a MP would be a real steal for the same $.

    Their Display prices are a joke though....i don't like dell but 2 24"s for a little more than one Apple 23! I believe LG makes both of the screens for them... i could be wrong?

    They will be here sooner then later. 06 will bring a revision and bump...I can wait a month for a MP based on rumors from all sites. I'm sure they will be announced soon!
  • Reply 60 of 294
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    namachtag, Apple invested a few hundred million a few years back in Samsung who makes their screens for the HD displays. That few hundred million essentially bought Apple the first picking rights to chose the highest quality LCD's that they produce. Steve jobs has said in keynotes before that Apple displays are made from the highest quality screens off the assembly lines, and everybody else takes what Apple throws back. It's pretty much true. Unless the others are getting their screens somewhere else, but what Apple throws back is still of a higher quality than most.
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