Apple "One More Thing" Event next week!



  • Reply 101 of 290
    >_>>_> Posts: 336member

    Originally posted by Xool

    If we get HD powerbooks, it wouldn't surprise me if we get AirPort Express HD and iPod HD.

    Explain what would be so high definition about an Airport Express... ?

    Or an iPod for that matter. An iPod's screen is too small to make a difference anyway. And if you did for some reason put a small HD display in it, the battery consumption wouldn't be worth it.

    - Xidius
  • Reply 102 of 290
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by Targon

    looks like powerbook updates next week.

    I speculate no more than 1.7ghz.

    Displays for the powerbook. based on this quote

    'sources expect the number of pixels packed into the displays to increase by about 15 percent on the 15- and 17-inch models'

    would anyone care to guestimate possible resolutions referencing our current display res of 1280x854 ?

    They would go to HD rez I would think. 1366 x 768 most likely.
  • Reply 103 of 290
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by >_>

    Explain what would be so high definition about an Airport Express... ?

    Or an iPod for that matter. An iPod's screen is too small to make a difference anyway. And if you did for some reason put a small HD display in it, the battery consumption wouldn't be worth it.

    - Xidius

    Airport Express that outputs HD rez so it can stream HD movies downloaded from iTunes movie store. The HD iPod is a wet dream IMO because the MPAA will never allow HD (or even 480p) movies to be stored and shared.
  • Reply 104 of 290
    scottibscottib Posts: 381member

    Originally posted by BRussell

    Hmm, I still have trouble believing Mac updates. Even a screen resolution increase on the PowerBook shouldn't be enough for a special event. Maybe he'll link the video iPod to the increased screen real estate of the PowerBooks - "watch the videos you purchased on your iPod or on your wide screen PowerBook." Still seems like a stretch to me though.

    I agree. Hardware/software updates are usually done at Apple/Macworld conferences. Any updates to PMacs and PBooks would have to be significant enough so the non-tech public would give a care--and I don't think any Macintosh update, no matter how great--unless it included time travel, would be a watercooler event, unlike an iPod announcement (which happened at my non-tech office after the nano was introduced).

    To the public, Apple has grown beyond a computer manufacturer to a lifestyle company (digital and fashion). Calling a press event for a PMac update would be perceived as a little hubristic ("Apple calls a event when Steve Jobs flushes a toilet!") and reduce the impact of any future events because the public (and we, too) occasionally expect too much from Apple--as shocking as that seems, I know.

    All that said, if it's not a video iPod but a series of nice, yet not fantastic, updated/refreshed products, Apple may be treading upon "(w)ay beyond on the rumor sites" territory.
  • Reply 105 of 290
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    Isn't HD resolution 1080 pixels high? ie. 1080i and 1080p
  • Reply 106 of 290
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by ajprice

    Isn't HD resolution 1080 pixels high? ie. 1080i and 1080p

    "Full" HD is, yes, though 720p is considered HD as well.
  • Reply 107 of 290
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member

    Originally posted by scottiB

    I agree. Hardware/software updates are usually done at Apple/Macworld conferences. Any updates to PMacs and PBooks would have to be significant enough so the non-tech public would give a care--and I don't think any Macintosh update, no matter how great--unless it included time travel, would be a watercooler event, unlike an iPod announcement (which happened at my non-tech office after the nano was introduced).

    Yeah, and I could even believe that Jobs would call an event like this for an all new Mac, or a new form factor, like they did with the white iBooks. Not for an update though.
  • Reply 108 of 290

    Originally posted by scottiB

    ...I don't think any Macintosh update, no matter how great--unless it included time travel, would be a watercooler event...

    To the public, Apple has grown beyond a computer manufacturer to a lifestyle company (digital and fashion). Calling a press event for a PMac update would be perceived as a little hubristic ("Apple calls a event when Steve Jobs flushes a toilet!")

    I like the PowerMacTT - Time travel at 2.7 GHz, and we'll be at 3.0 Ghz in a year!

    But your second point especially about lifestyle is well taken. Apple, at least with its consumer products line, is trying to make the computer "invisible" to the content or the creative process. They become appliance like. The lamp-styled iMac, the Mini, the current iMac, and even the iPods, all make the hardware secondary to the content (they do it so elegantly though you can't help but admire the hardware.) The lone product that goes against this though, is the PowerMac, whose expansion capabilities obviously make it hard to "hide." So then they just make it cool and do something logical like make adding hardware upgrades a "tool-less" procedure.

    I can't see the PowerMac being the centerpiece of the annoncement even if its got dual core processors. There has to be some substantial content delivery tie-in to another product, or a significant content-creation tie-in with the powermac that most of us haven't thought of but when its announced, we'll go "yeah, that makes sense, why didn't another company think of that."
  • Reply 109 of 290
    I'm wondering if Apple will quietly update the PowerMacs and PowerBooks on Tuesday, Oct. 11. They usually update products on Tuesday. Then, the next day announce the new video capable iPod at the "one more thing..." event. Any thoughts on that scenario? Seems like many people are trying to tie everything together with the "One more thing..." event.
  • Reply 110 of 290
    merlionmerlion Posts: 143member
    We need to enlist the help of kormac77, he has been talking about this day for a long time, and I am sure he is in the know.

  • Reply 111 of 290
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Originally posted by Merlion

    We need to enlist the help of kormac77, he has been talking about this day for a long time, and I am sure he is in the know.


    Would a Video iPod dilute the market/take attention away from the Audio iPod? I can't see them releasing a world-changer until the last world changer is sucked dry.


    Aries 1B
  • Reply 112 of 290
    couple of things

    apple dont DO what you expect yes??

    ipod video therefore is OUT

    theres that business about the LEAK RE the inbuilt iChat CAM on MAC note books....

    THERES where your curtian is!!!

    AND it gets to be a disapointment for all concerned as i read somewhere else... its about time for Apple to Drop the ball on something

    i DO hope im wrong and its new intel mobos for whatever machine might be released.

    i HOPE im the first to claim braggin rights if i |AM right... if not... i have n o ego so it wont matter

  • Reply 113 of 290
    Some thoughts...

    1. I tend to believe that "one" really means "one".

    2. It seems unlikely Apple would hold a special media event for modest machine upgrades (which is most likely what we'll see at this time). The "quiet" update in Tuesday scenario seems possible, leaving Wednesday for "One more thing..."

    3. Portable video seems mostly useless to the majority of the marketplace. I just don't see it as having great value. Carrying my music around (and listening to it)? Of course! My pictures (like a wallet on steroids)? Sure, why not. Videos? I don't think so.

    4. Streaming video wirelessly from a portable video device seems valueless and impractical on so many levels. Power consumption would be chief among these. Plus...see #3 above.

    5. Streaming video from my computer seems slightly more practical and useful. I could imagine something like Podcasts for video (some for $) where my favorite video programs download over the course of a day (night) and I am able to view them...streamed to my my leisure. Still, there are sooo many problems with this. Why do I want video on my computer? I want it in my living room...on my TV! Remote control? Another issue. In short, downloading video to my computer and streaming it to my TV appears to complicate something that TiVO has made elegantly simple (though could still be improved upon). Apple is about making things simpler for people.

    6. Apple is, more and more, about "appliances". iPod is an "appliance". you don't know (or care) what is actually inside the thing (other than your music). You don't care about CPUs, memory, OS, etc.) This is part of what makes it such an easy sell for everyone and their neighbor (Mac owner or not).

    7. A device that sits in my living room, hooked (possibly wirelessly) to my broadband connection, that downloads my favorite (free or fee) video content, and plays it through my TV sounds interesting. Something like my TiVO without the hassles of conflicting program schedules. Hmmm...

    8. Mac mini is a nice, small, visually appealing device that could easily handle what TiVO does. An Intel-based Mac mini might be able to handled it all even better, and, if it is an "appliance" no need to worry about the applications to be ported already.

    9. iPod is a brand name that could be attached to other devices if Apple chooses. "iPod theater" anyone?

    10. Apple is NOT...I repeat NOT going to sit video out. They have more technology and software in this area than in music/audio.

    11. I think the curtains on the invitations could be a clue.
  • Reply 114 of 290
    octaneoctane Posts: 157member
    ...echo... I mean.. how bout that Ultra Wide Band w/ Bluetooth stuff Freescale has that can do 110Mbps?

    edit: and is supposed to be FOR video streaming
  • Reply 115 of 290

    Originally posted by Aries 1B

    Would a Video iPod dilute the market/take attention away from the Audio iPod? I can't see them releasing a world-changer until the last world changer is sucked dry.

    Nah, totally different market. People buying Nanos want portability over storage. This would be storage over portability + added functionality. No problem for Apple.
  • Reply 116 of 290
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by cygnusrk727

    I'm wondering if Apple will quietly update the PowerMacs and PowerBooks on Tuesday, Oct. 11. They usually update products on Tuesday. Then, the next day announce the new video capable iPod at the "one more thing..." event. Any thoughts on that scenario? Seems like many people are trying to tie everything together with the "One more thing..." event.

    This is a good idea, but now we talk about the possibility of a high end Power Mac with two 970MP chips in it (for a total of four processing cores). Although this would not warrant a special event (unless it is combined with image/video/audio software optimized for 4 processors), I doubt that it would happen quietly. The Powerbook update, as we expect it (7448 processor, higher resolution displays), could be quiet though.
  • Reply 117 of 290

    Originally posted by PB

    This is a good idea, but now we talk about the possibility of a high end Power Mac with two 970MP chips in it (for a total of four processing cores). Although this would not warrant a special event (unless it is combined with image/video/audio software optimized for 4 processors), I doubt that it would happen quietly. The Powerbook update, as we expect it (7448 processor, higher resolution displays), could be quiet though.

    They would never do it the same day as earnings. That needs to dominate the PR cycle for the day and questions on it would screw up the conference call that aft.

    PR hardware bumps typically come two Tuesdays after earnings. Look at the 25th or maybe the 18th instead.
  • Reply 118 of 290
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by johnsonwax

    They would never do it the same day as earnings.

    Ooops, I forgot about that.
  • Reply 119 of 290

    Originally posted by PB

    Ooops, I forgot about that.

    As a shareholder, my interest in next Tues is rather different than that of most around here... ;-)
  • Reply 120 of 290
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    You Fools. NONE of these stupid video iPod designs will EVER work. Guess what people: some people ARN'T left handed. All of these designs have the scroll wheel to the right.
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