Apple introduces iMac with built-in iSight



  • Reply 41 of 138
    jonyojonyo Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by sjk

    The "Discoverable" Bluetooth setting is enabled on my iMac.

    Thanks for confirming mine's not a unique experience. Sometimes my BT keyboard losing pairing but it does reconnect after about 10-20 seconds. Once yesterday and again this morning the keyboard has had a particularly nasty problem with the delete key "sticking", irretrievably erasing a bunch of text, then disconnecting/reconnecting. Lost at least an hour of some finer writing to that. Normally I save more often and of course one of the few times I don't... argh! Both times I was furiously clicking the Desktop hoping to abort it... today I seemed to have more success. Another time might be reason to abandon the BT keyboard. Oh, I'd just changed the batteries last week and they last around six months.

    Anyway, thanks for the useful feedback. Oh, which mouse do you use now?

    I was fine with my regular old 1-button mouse that came with my PM G5 for a long time, but recently I bought the new mighty mouse, and I'm pretty happy with it. I didn't like the feel of the side buttons (the button press you get when you squeeze the thing), so I disabled that. I just use it as a normal 2 button mouse with a scroll wheel, plus using the scroll ball press to activate dashboard.

    - JonYo
  • Reply 42 of 138
    OH MY GOD!!!! IT COMES WITH A IPOD SHUFFLE THAT STICKS ON THE SIDE..... OH. thats the Remote.........

    Admit it some of you thought that when looking at the pics of it... if even for a nano second.
  • Reply 43 of 138
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I was wondering how good the X600 XT really is compared to other graphics cards like the 9800 XT and etc. Thanks
  • Reply 44 of 138
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by jonyo

    I was fine with my regular old 1-button mouse that came with my PM G5 for a long time,

    I use the wired one-button on my wife's eMac.


    but recently I bought the new mighty mouse, and I'm pretty happy with it. I didn't like the feel of the side buttons (the button press you get when you squeeze the thing), so I disabled that. I just use it as a normal 2 button mouse with a scroll wheel, plus using the scroll ball press to activate dashboard.

    Ahh, thanks for reminding me to stop at the Apple Store tonight on my way home from a post-"One More Thing" dinner gathering so I can check out the MM. And if one of the more clueful geniuses I know there is around I'll ask him about this BT mouse pairing nonsense.

    I don't mind control-clicking with a one-button mouse but the scoll pea on the MM might tip the balance in its favor.
  • Reply 45 of 138
    OMFG this is a fucking awesome iMac upgrade. this totally rocks. seriously. its actually an updated GPU x600pro and x600xt, with OMFG pci-express. up to 700mhz fsb and 2ghz of g5 power.

    now, if only they can pull off ONE whole year of production without stupid capacitor and midplane f*ups (not apple's fault in a sense i suppose), this along with the 7200rpm sata-s and 512mb built in, very very compelling...
  • Reply 46 of 138

    Originally posted by Algol

    I was wondering how good the X600 XT really is compared to other graphics cards like the 9800 XT and etc. Thanks

    it is interesting that in tomshardware's latest graphics roundup for PCI Express cards, 9800XT is not mentioned there at all...


    however if you look at this page

    it shows the AGP 9800XT in doom3 definitely outclasses the

    PCIexpress x600xt (the benchmark for x600xt in the first link is certainly lower than that for the 9800xt in the second link)
  • Reply 47 of 138
    Did anyone else notice that there is a free upgrade to 1 GB of RAM on the 17" model (but not the 20" for some reason)? At least that seems to be the case in the Education side of the store...
  • Reply 48 of 138
    dwsdws Posts: 108member
    I'm really impressed with Apple over the iMac upgrade.

    Without having to commit all its fortune into a media center PC gamble (that Microsoft is losing so badly at), Apple has added essential multi-media functionality; with an ease of use that will shame the entire computer industry into trying a little harder. Brilliant!

    The sphere of influence of the iMac has suddenly expanded from the desk top, to include a radius of 6-8 feet. This (seemingly) small change will have a dramatic impact on where people want to put their iMac; which can only increase demand for this little beauty.

    Finally, the impressive technical specs show that Apple is getting extremely serious about competing with the rest of the computer industry on price. As the other computer lines get refreshed, the entire lineup is going to position Apple very, very well for the transition to Intel processors. The computers that are coming out this fall and winter are going to be compelling enough to convince many people not to wait for a Mac with Intel Inside! Again, brilliant!!!
  • Reply 49 of 138
    dws: spot on mate, spot on. the interesting fact is that the market has compelled them to move in this direction but they've taken an innovative and much-reduced-risk approach and leveraging all the iMac g5 goodness to date.
  • Reply 50 of 138
    algolalgol Posts: 833member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    it is interesting that in tomshardware's latest graphics roundup for PCI Express cards, 9800XT is not mentioned there at all...


    however if you look at this page

    it shows the AGP 9800XT in doom3 definitely outclasses the

    PCIexpress x600xt (the benchmark for x600xt in the first link is certainly lower than that for the 9800xt in the second link)

    I was under the impression that the X600 XT was a better card than it seems to actually be. I suppose it is better than the 9600 hundred though LOL... of course that wouldn't take much. Apple really should bite the bullet and put in a 9800 XT class GPU in my opinion.

    edit: looking back over the chart the X600 only appears to be about 2fps faster than the 9600. Oh well the isight is nice.
  • Reply 51 of 138
    Originally posted by Algol

    I was under the impression that the X600 XT was a better card than it seems to actually be....

    heh. me too. i guess that's marketing for ya

    i got fooled. thank the gods for tomshardware to set the records straight
  • Reply 52 of 138
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by pix

    This will be mine! I still have the original iMac G4 and it is showing it's age.

    20" one I think. :-)

    Pix, I love the original iMac G4, especially the 20" model since the screen is awesome and the repositioning is both ergonomic and cool. 8) I actually bought one I located through Small Dog over the iMac G5. I might well have gone for this new one, but i still wonder at the practicality of the rotating panel/slab approach to the "monitor" when compared to the pure beauty of the Sunflower! Aesthetically, the 15" is better balanced, but with what we do with our machines today, I think you've still got a lot of go, go in that iMac G4 if it is 20"
  • Reply 53 of 138
    algolalgol Posts: 833member

    Originally posted by Cubit

    Pix, I love the original iMac G4, especially the 20" model since the screen is awesome and the repositioning is both ergonomic and cool. 8) I actually bought one I located through Small Dog over the iMac G5. I might well have gone for this new one, but i still wonder at the practicality of the rotating panel/slab approach to the "monitor" when compared to the pure beauty of the Sunflower! Aesthetically, the 15" is better balanced, but with what we do with our machines today, I think you've still got a lot of go, go in that iMac G4 if it is 20"

    I think one of the main factors that caused apple to give up on the original iMac G4 was production costs. These new imac G5s are much cheaper looking back and apple probably has better margins. In fact I know they do overall from their quarterly results.

    edit: And the heat of the G5 may have made it hard to produce one using the old design.
  • Reply 54 of 138
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by FireEmblemPride

    I'd be all over this if I didn't own a Cinema Display. =/

    That is an odd dilema to have, but I have it too! I've been running my Cinema HD 23" with my powerbook since I never could spring for the PowerMac I originally bought it for! That time i did the opposite from the days when I bought my first Cube where I bought the Cube&15" and then went out and bought the then 22" Cinema Display for a ton!
  • Reply 55 of 138
    pixpix Posts: 4member

    Originally posted by Cubit

    Pix, I love the original iMac G4, especially the 20" model since the screen is awesome and the repositioning is both ergonomic and cool. 8) I actually bought one I located through Small Dog over the iMac G5. I might well have gone for this new one, but i still wonder at the practicality of the rotating panel/slab approach to the "monitor" when compared to the pure beauty of the Sunflower! Aesthetically, the 15" is better balanced, but with what we do with our machines today, I think you've still got a lot of go, go in that iMac G4 if it is 20"

    Sadly not.. When I said 'original iMac G4' I was talking literally. 15" screen and 700mhz G4 processor. I work in Photoshop quite often and it can be a bit of a tight squeeze doing anything. Plus this old thing is showing it's age, it can be slow when I run a several apps, I have to use USB 1.1 for my iPod Shuffle, I only have the old Airport not the 802.11g one, I don't have a DVD burner at all let alone a dual layer one, the memory in this is PC133, I have a nVidia GeForce MX 2 32MB graphics card and a 40GB hard drive in it. I have a slight screen fault too, a line of blue pixels down the far left of the screen.

    It is most definately upgrade time for me.

    I do admit I prefer the design of this iMac though. I'll miss it just like I missed my Amiga 1200 back in the day when I had to get something with a bit more power.
  • Reply 56 of 138
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    oh F**** ME i just found out that the new iMac g5 is thinner, AND [Slot-loading 8x SuperDrive DualLayer] is now standard i better cancel my credit cards before getting my (over)dose of RDF by watching the steveNote. bloody hell. looks like they've said, well, screw the powermac and powerbook this quarter (unless of course these are updated next week, which is possible)

    fair enough steve. this qualifies as a *great powerpc product* well done, and you came through on that promise. respects.
  • Reply 57 of 138
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    oh bloody hell, what happened to apple? they went mad, i tell ya, "512MB of 533MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-4200)" DDR2 ram? pc-4200? stop the madness!!!
  • Reply 58 of 138
    I want a 30" for my living room...

    maybe I should have waited to buy my 20" four months ago... but who could have seen this coming.
  • Reply 59 of 138
    jonyojonyo Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    oh F**** ME i just found out that the new iMac g5 is thinner, AND [Slot-loading 8x SuperDrive DualLayer] is now standard i better cancel my credit cards before getting my (over)dose of RDF by watching the steveNote. bloody hell. looks like they've said, well, screw the powermac and powerbook this quarter (unless of course these are updated next week, which is possible)

    fair enough steve. this qualifies as a *great powerpc product* well done, and you came through on that promise. respects.

    Most Apple rumor sites and such are pointing to a Powermac and powerbook update within the next few weeks.

    - JonYo
  • Reply 60 of 138
    sorry to all the pMac, and pBook boys.

    However if you remember Apple recently patented a camera in a screen in a moveable assembly. This was originally thought to be them tidying up their patent portfolio but it could be that the new iBooks and pBooks could get similar cameras in them. If so that means a new form for the laptops. This would then require perhaps an update on the pBooks.

    If you search news for ?Apple tidies? you should get the article.

    Can?t figure out how to link direct to the article.
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