Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1201 of 2106
    Zach I did assume an hour show to be 40+ minutes or a full 60 if you're talking about something like the Sopranos which don't have commercials.

    Amazing ...all that time you get back by eradicating crappy commercials
  • Reply 1202 of 2106

    okyo--Memory-Tech Corporation and Toshiba Corporation today announced the latest advance in DVD disc technology: a jointly developed, single-sided, three-layer ROM disc supporting high capacity storage and playback of both DVD and HD DVD formats.

    The newly announced disc is the latest addition to the DVD TWIN format, discs that support both DVD and HD DVD content and that are fully compatible with both formats. The new disc boosts capacity and expands versatility with a three-layer structure offering support for two HD DVD layers and one DVD layer or two DVD layers and one HD DVD layer. Memory-Tech and Toshiba will propose the new disc to the HD DVD Forum, the industry body that defines DVD standards.

    In a two-layer HD DVD configuration, the new TWIN disc has a 30GB HD DVD capacity, plus 4.7GB of standard DVD capacity. Configured to maximize standard DVD content, the disc can support 8.5GB on two layers, plus 15GB of HD DVD content on the third layer. DVD content can be played back on a standard DVD player, while HD DVD players can play back both formats.

    Memory-Tech and Toshiba together proposed the DVD/HD DVD TWIN to the DVD Forum in 2004, as a transitional format able to support both standard DVD and HD DVD content. The single-sided, dual-layer TWIN disc was adopted as part of the HD DVD specifications, and has found wide application since HD DVD players and PC drives were launched in the Japanese and North American markets in March this year. One advantage is its ability to support both standard definition and high definition versions of a movie, allowing users to play it back now on present DVD players, and to enjoy the high definition version once they upgrade to an HD DVD player.

    The only drawback with the first generation TWIN disc was its limited capacity: support for 15GB of HD DVD content and 4.7GB of DVD content. The new 3-layer disc meets demand from movie studios and software companies in North America and Japan for a capacity boost, and offers double the maximum capacity for each format.

    The new disc also maintains two defining features of the HD DVD format: a low cost and highly efficient manufacturing process. Memory-Tech has developed a new disc manufacturing procedure that adds an additional process to form the third layer, but does so on the same disc replication machines that can be used for DVD and HD DVD mass production.

    Major content companies have welcomed the new format.

    "We have been releasing TWIN Format titles since April," said Mr Hideki Oyagi, General Manager, Visual Entertainment Department, PONY CANYON INC. "We are getting very positive feedback from the market, and our TWIN Format titles are selling better than anticipated. The new 3-layer TWIN Format will allows us to develop even more products and I am sure it will accelerate acceptance of the HD DVD format in the market. We welcome the fact that the new format will be accepted as part of HD DVD family format in the near future"

    "We offer our congratulations on the announcement of the new 3-layer TWIN Format," said Mr Kazuo Sakai, Program Vice President, Digital Entertainment Partner Program, Microsoft Corporation." We hoping the new format finds wide acceptance and supports content development, and promotes consumer adoption of HD DVD."

    Memory-Tech and Toshiba will propose the new format to DVD Forum and develop reliable disc manufacturing process together. Memory-Tech and Toshiba will introduce the new format to content providers and develop new business opportunities together with studio partners.

    Sounds good to me. If they can get the price down on these so that they match the price of current "flipper" Combo discs it will be a real boon to those who need DVD/HD DVD support and to studios who can once again add graphics to the disc itself.
  • Reply 1203 of 2106
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Yes, I'm sure [myself included] others feel that the PS3 will backdoor Blu-ray into the masses. Why? Because 500,000 units is a lot more than the 50,000 units [ reference: or ] of HD DVD players sold world wide right now.

    In addition, if you looked at the news carefully, Sony still plans to ship 2,000,000 (yup that's million folks) by the end of the year. So 2 million units versus what...60-80,000 units of HD DVD by the end of the year? Moreover, Sony still plans on getting 6 million units out by March 2007. Plus, from other articles I've read, Sony is pretty much a month behind, so far from the "it looks like the cheap Blu-ray won't be around for a while" statement you gave.

    Don't get me wrong, this news undoubtedly sucks, but with 2 million units of PS3s in the market (and let us not forget all the standalone players from Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Sony, and LG that will sell as well) by the end of the year, Blu-ray will still easily trump any numbers HD DVD will have acheived by years end.

    my god you're still holding on aren't you? i said it since day 1, the ps3 isn't going to do much this generation.

    its hilarious to see people still buying into the sony hype machine. i mean how much crap are you going to let this company feed you? remember a year ago when they swore this kind of shortage wasn't going to happen to theM? and they railed microsoft for it? haha.

    i love seeing this kind of stuff, it amazes me.... sony diehards still get suprised, and let down.
  • Reply 1204 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Mmm..shouldn't both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray go into the "Obsolete Hardware" forum after today?

  • Reply 1205 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    my god you're still holding on aren't you? i said it since day 1, the ps3 isn't going to do much this generation.

    its hilarious to see people still buying into the sony hype machine. i mean how much crap are you going to let this company feed you? remember a year ago when they swore this kind of shortage wasn't going to happen to theM? and they railed microsoft for it? haha.

    i love seeing this kind of stuff, it amazes me.... sony diehards still get suprised, and let down.

    Whether the PS3 is going to do much this generation still remains to be seen. What is amazing is that you write off the PS3 even before it launches...this is just plain folly.

    Furthermore, I'm far from a Sony diehard,...a Blu-ray diehard, sure, but not a Sony diehard. Remember, Blu-ray is much more than just Sony, and starting late this month or the beginning of next month we'll start seeing Panasonic and Pioneer enter into the game.

    Also, here is some great news about the Samsung player...


    Samsung to Finally Upgrade Blu-ray Player

    Thu Sep 14, 2006 at 03:20 PM ET

    Tags: Hardware, Samsung (all tags)

    After weeks of bad press due to reports of numerous product bugs, Samsung has announced it will finally upgrade its first-gen Blu-ray player this October.

    Among the improvements scheduled for the company's BD-P1000 Blu-ray deck include a modified setting for its much-criticized noise filter reduction circuit, as well as the capability to play the Java-enabled bonus features that are expected on Blu-ray disc releases due this holiday season, from Fox and other studios.

    Samsung also confirmed that all BD-P1000 players, regardless of whether they are upgraded or not, will be compatible with upcoming BD-50 dual-layer, 50GB discs, which are also expected to be released this Fall.

    The company will begin making the production line improvements on the BD-P1000 players the last week of October, while owners of existing players can get the upgrade as a firmware update via download or on a disc through

    When we receive further details on availability of the upgrade we'll certainly keep you posted, so stay tuned!

    That's right, 50GB compatibility! That is quite good news for those early adopters who took the Samsung plunge.

    The 4th quarter is going to be awesome with the advent of the PS3, the additions of Panasonic, Pioneer and others with standalone players, and not to mention those wonderful BD-50 movie discs from Fox using H.264.
  • Reply 1206 of 2106
    Weinstein Company Jumps into HD DVD, Blu-ray,_Blu-ray/235


    Weinstein Company Jumps into HD DVD, Blu-ray

    Genius Products, the home video distribution arm of The Weinstein Company, have announced their first wave of HD DVD titles will debut this holidays season, with Blu-ray support to follow early next year.

    At presstime, only the thriller 'Derailed' has been given a definite release date of December 5, though Genius plans to release seven HD DVD titles by the end of 2006, spread across two waves. Among other titles to be included in the lineup are 'Clerks 2,' 'Scary Movie 4,' 'Wolf Creek,' 'Pulse' and 'The Matador.'

    Early next year, Genius also plans to unleash their first Blu-ray titles, beginning with releases from ESPN, which is owned by ABC/Disney, a big Blu-ray backer. Whether or not the studio plans to replicate its initial HD DVD lineup on Blu-ray as well remains to be seen.

    The company unveiled their next-gen format plans at the CEDIA Expo 2006 earlier today.

    With the exact titles in Genius' first two HD DVD waves still unspecified, we've only added a new listing for 'Derailed' to out HD DVD Release Calendar. But stay tuned for further details as soon as they are announced.

    And yet another studio joins Blu-ray. Weinstein, if I'm not mistaken, had originally been HD DVD only. Now, it appears, they will be doing Blu-ray as well. All the BDA needs is Universal, and then it is game over folks.

    Good news, hopefully we'll get some more with CEDIA happening now.
  • Reply 1207 of 2106
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Whether the PS3 is going to do much this generation still remains to be seen. What is amazing is that you write off the PS3 even before it launches...this is just plain folly.

    Furthermore, I'm far from a Sony diehard,...a Blu-ray diehard, sure, but not a Sony diehard. Remember, Blu-ray is much more than just Sony, and starting late this month or the beginning of next month we'll start seeing Panasonic and Pioneer enter into the game.

    Also, here is some great news about the Samsung player...

    That's right, 50GB compatibility! That is quite good news for those early adopters who took the Samsung plunge.

    The 4th quarter is going to be awesome with the advent of the PS3, the additions of Panasonic, Pioneer and others with standalone players, and not to mention those wonderful BD-50 movie discs from Fox using H.264.

    marzetta- then it's the same for saying the ps3 is going to really help blu-ray succeed. obviously i cant be 100 percent certain whats going to happen but at this point the ps3 doesn't look very good on all fronts.
  • Reply 1208 of 2106
    Okay, boys and girls, Paramount has announced that they will release "Reds" on HD DVD and Blu-ray on November 7. Which means that a player in one format or another must be in my house by then. The extras on both are supposed to be identical, so I guess I will wait and see if the Blu-ray edition gets some dual-layer goodness. The movie is 195 minutes so I hope it does.

    I have been waiting for this damn movie on DVD since I got my first player in 1999, so I thank the fine folks at Paramount for making this announcement before I picked up the standard DVD next month!
  • Reply 1209 of 2106

    Ok, this is one that's going in my collection. I love all the Lethal Weapons--Mel's mullet and all! Looks like yet another good Blu-ray transfer...this is awesome.

    HDDVD (with being first out with Lethal Weapon 2): "Diplomatic Immunity!"

    Blu-ray (as played by Murtaugh and having had a slower and bumpy start): [insert neck roll here] *shoots HDDVD between the eyes*

    Ahh yeah, I said it!

    Other reviews can be found here...

    Yeah, it appears Tears of the Sun and Corps Bride are the two that I'm hearing look fantastic. Can you hear the shock and awe in the distance (4th quarter), yeah it's Blu-ray coming! Now only if I can get a Blu-ray drive in a Mac Pro come 2007, and now you're talking!
  • Reply 1210 of 2106
    Marzetta, you must be slipping. No mention of the news that Microsoft's add-on HD DVD player for the XBox will not carry HDMI hookups?

    Or that the coming Toshiba HD DVD drive that will output 1080p will cost $999? I was hoping for a price DROP on the second-generation players, at least the low-end model. At $399 or so I'd probably pick up an HD DVD player and then wait for the dust to settle.
  • Reply 1211 of 2106
    Ahhh Marzetta7 don't get me started

    "ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok" <pesci>

    "you want to emigrate to South Africa?......but sir......your blick"

    A definite purchase for me. I'm hoping they have the whole series available in a bundle.

    BrunoBruin yes Microsoft has "poo pooe'd" the need for HDMI but they're just stonewalling. Taiwan reported that they are placing large orders for HD DVD drives from Liteon. The external Xbox add on is from Toshiba. Makes you say hmmmmmmmmmm. My guess is an integrated Xbox360 HD version next year with HDMI.

    Sanyo is supposed to be coming out with a HD DVD player that could be less than $400. We'll see.
  • Reply 1212 of 2106
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    Ahhh Marzetta7 don't get me started

    "ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok" <pesci>

    "you want to emigrate to South Africa?......but sir......your blick"

    A definite purchase for me. I'm hoping they have the whole series available in a bundle.

    BrunoBruin yes Microsoft has "poo pooe'd" the need for HDMI but they're just stonewalling. Taiwan reported that they are placing large orders for HD DVD drives from Liteon. The external Xbox add on is from Toshiba. Makes you say hmmmmmmmmmm. My guess is an integrated Xbox360 HD version next year with HDMI.

    Sanyo is supposed to be coming out with a HD DVD player that could be less than $400. We'll see.

    That movie is great, ain't it?

    BrunoBruin,...I know man, you'd figure I'd already post that info, but I have to give others a shot! Also, remember that HD DVD with their presumed big first to market advantage was only able to sell 25,000 units--half of what some were proposing here: 50,000 and more! 25,000 units is not going to cut it in a format war, why waste your money on a future paper weight?

    Save yourself the hassle,...pick up a PS3, a $600 Samsung (, or a Panny, Pioneer, or Sony when they debut next month. You can hardly go wrong with 90% studio support (not to mention the majority of Porn studios), the majority of CE companies, and the majority of IT companies.
  • Reply 1213 of 2106
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    The "low-end" Sony PS3 now features HDMI 1.3 and is getting a price drop on top of that.

    "PLAYSTATION(R)3 HDD 20GB Equipped With HDMI as Standard

    Recommended Retail Price of 49,980 Yen (Tax Included) in Japan

    TOKYO, Sept. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI)

    today announced that PLAYSTATION(R)3 (PS3) with 20GB hard disk drive (HDD)

    will come equipped with HDMI(*) (Ver 1.3/supporting Deep Color) output as

    standard with the system. PS3 with 20GB HDD will become available in Japan at

    a new recommended retail price of 49,980 yen (tax included).

    (Logo: )

    Since SCEI first announced product specifications of PS3 at the Electronic

    Entertainment Expo (E3) in May 2005, demand for enjoying full HD quality image

    and realistic digital sound through HDMI has grown tremendously. Given the

    sharp increase in availability of flat displays supporting HDMI in the market,

    SCEI has decided to equip HDMI as standard on all PS3 systems.

    SCEI, with strong support from software developers and publishers, will

    offer a broad lineup of exciting and innovative titles and vigorously promote

    the PS3 platform.

    (*) High-Definition Multimedia Interface

  • Reply 1214 of 2106
    Originally Posted by 1984

    The "low-end" Sony PS3 now features HDMI 1.3 and is getting a price drop on top of that.

    Question: Would having HDMI 1.3 on your output device make any difference if your display was "old-school" HDMI? In other words, is it like USB 2, where you don't gain any speed benefits if the device on one end is USB 1.1? I'm just wondering if I should be excited about this technology if my display isn't HDMI 1.3.

    Marzetta, it is shamefully true that I have been seduced by the lower price of HD DVD. But looking at it realistically - and sorry, hmurchison - the movies I want, especially as Fox is BD exclusive, are Blu-ray. Curse you, Toshiba and Sony, and your stupid format war! A plague on both your houses!

    And now comes word that "Superman Returns" will be released on both formats November 28...but the HD DVD version will be a combo disc with standard DVD on one side...the whole thing is going to give me a nervous breakdown.
  • Reply 1215 of 2106
    Well it wasnt supposed to have HDMI at all and now it does so that was the point of the article. It will still have component outputs.
  • Reply 1216 of 2106
    Originally Posted by 1984

    The "low-end" Sony PS3 now features HDMI 1.3 and is getting a price drop on top of that.

    "PLAYSTATION(R)3 HDD 20GB Equipped With HDMI as Standard

    Recommended Retail Price of 49,980 Yen (Tax Included) in Japan

    TOKYO, Sept. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI)

    today announced that PLAYSTATION(R)3 (PS3) with 20GB hard disk drive (HDD)

    will come equipped with HDMI(*) (Ver 1.3/supporting Deep Color) output as

    standard with the system. PS3 with 20GB HDD will become available in Japan at

    a new recommended retail price of 49,980 yen (tax included).

    (Logo: )

    Since SCEI first announced product specifications of PS3 at the Electronic

    Entertainment Expo (E3) in May 2005, demand for enjoying full HD quality image

    and realistic digital sound through HDMI has grown tremendously. Given the

    sharp increase in availability of flat displays supporting HDMI in the market,

    SCEI has decided to equip HDMI as standard on all PS3 systems.

    SCEI, with strong support from software developers and publishers, will

    offer a broad lineup of exciting and innovative titles and vigorously promote

    the PS3 platform.

    (*) High-Definition Multimedia Interface

    This is freakin awesome news! Now, HD DVD backers have no excuses as to why the lower end PS3 is not worth the price. Fantastic find 1984!

    This is the beginning of the shock and awe campaign...the 4th quarter is going to be awesome for Blu-ray.
  • Reply 1217 of 2106
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    This is freakin awesome news! Now, HD DVD backers have no excuses as to why the lower end PS3 is not worth the price. Fantastic find 1984!

    This is the beginning of the shock and awe campaign...the 4th quarter is going to be awesome for Blu-ray.

    so far they only announced it for japan though.
  • Reply 1218 of 2106
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    so far they only announced it for japan though.

    All PS3s have HDMI now that is confirmed. Only Japan got the price drop though.


    Though disappointed, potential PS3 purchasers in the US did get a bit of a consolation prize from Hirai. The executive confirmed that every 20GB PS3 worldwide will have an HDMI port, not just in Japan, as some had speculated

    Confirmed over at Gamespot.
  • Reply 1219 of 2106
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    I didn't find this when I searched so I will post it again. This is an interview with Andy Parsons. He works for Pioneer and is one of the senior reps for the BDA.

    Here's the link.

    Or the summary that I have transcribed. The () are my few interjections. He also notes that the hybrid players didn't stop because of licensing issues on the Blu-Ray side.


    Andy Parsons is one of the head cheerleaders for Blu-Ray. Worked in the DVD-Forum for the last 10 years.

    Applauds HD-DVDs early movements. They've brought it out and implemented it well.

    Makes the point that Toshiba is still basically by themselves on the hardware side compared to Samsung, Pioneer, Sony, Phillips, Panasonic, etc. Rapid ramp up because of PS3 will mean there are a lot of Blu-Ray players in the market, attractive for publishers. Emphasizes that studio support also backs Blu-Ray with several being exclusive compared to only 3 studios supporting HD-DVD, 2 of which support both formats. Thinks Toshiba needs more hardware and studio support to have any hope.

    PS3 is first and foremost a game platform but is also a BD Player. When people look for content although most will get games some will look for movies too. Doesn't know ratio but it helps on a separate market compared to the other early BD players, particularly Pioneer's which is aimed at the high end.

    Blu-Ray is off to a slower start but he expects them to pick up speed by the end of the year. Blu-Ray has seen a rapid expansion of titles coming and ultimately all the studios except one support it. The same isn't true for HD-DVD, which hurts it as a possibility.

    Comparing current hardware is fair enough but there were a few assumptions about the format that is actually more related to current hardware (Samsung's player didn't do great). Again he mentions will consumers really buy the format that only 1 or 2 hardware providers support despite the price?

    All the codecs can deliver good results. VC1 and AVC can just be more efficient. Use them just to have more space available.

    Eager to see dual layer Blu-Ray titles ship. HD-DVD is already getting close to the limits of disc size, 27 - 28GB and the full possibilities for the new players hasn't been reached yet. Blu-Ray when it hits dual layer will allow much greater options, higher MPEG bit rates and more bonus features.

    Thinks iHD and Blu-Ray Java is reasonably similar. Thinks Sun will want to smack him but both should be able to provide reasonable levels of interactivity. Both can support PiP. Two forms of BD player. BD Standard is shipping today and this year. BD Live is a "connected" player. Allows internet connectivity and PiP and more in built memory.

    Never was a difference in managed copy being compulsory. It's an AACS feature not a hardware one. Concern that BD+ might interfere with mandatory managed copy but BD+ will not interfere.

    Managed copy is optional for hardware companies.

    SPECULATION by him: Managed copy doesn't necessarily mean free copy. Just needs to be some form of hardware device that is provided. Might be a transactional price. This is software and not hardware specific and he's just speculating as it isn't finalised in AACS yet. Most CE devices probably won't support it though. It'll probably be more of a computer thing.

    BD+ is an optional protection scheme. All BD Players support it. It's just a safety net. If software is hacked for a particular player. Studio could stop playing by rejecting certain configurations if it senses a hack. If it doesn't note a hack it'll still play. BD+ works in a VM sort of thing. Doesn't stop the device working just stops certain discs being read. Most likely going to effect a computer environment. They are very reluctant to interfere with a person's hardware though. Authorisation through an internet connection is not at all likely nor is forced firmware. It's up to Hollywood though but he says they are very disinclined to do that.

    Pioneer has done R&D on blue lasers since the 90s. They found space was quite important and wanted at least double broadcast quality. They considered Toshiba's method prior too but the capacity limitation was too much. It isn't fair to call Blu-Ray a Sony format although Sony did contribute a lot.

    So many people in the BDA means compliance testing delays hardware (not sure you'd get a good answer to why they are so delayed). One of Toshiba's advantages is they really only need to be compliant with their hardware. Doesn't need to be quite so much work on cross compliance testing compared to Blu-Ray with it's many hardware providers.

    There is no licensing issue stopping dual format players. Samsung and LG both considered it. It's a much more complex design to support both though and he questions the long term benefit except not needing a separate player for the Universal's DVDs.

    They will likely rely on each individual company to provide marketing to avoid possible legal issues. Links between HD TV brand recognition and Blu-Ray will help retailers as people do favour what they already own. Helps retailers a bit because of links.

    Suggests taking more of a long view. Wait for more companies to start shipping before picking winners. People said that isn't VHS good enough when DVD launched but when people see HD on a good screen they won't be able to go back same as people wouldn't go back to VHS now.

    Why would someone buy Blu-Ray or HD-DVD now? It'd depend on the content. He believes content will decide the war.

  • Reply 1220 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Telomar

    All PS3s have HDMI now that is confirmed. Only Japan got the price drop though.

    Confirmed over at Gamespot.

    yeah, i knew that.

    it's just a sign of them starting to realize they have made some serious blunders. Now if they have a semi-faulty launch like the 360 did with its heating problems it almost 100 percent guarantees the ps3's demise this generation.
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