Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1821 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray PQ is apparently overtaking HD DVD PQ...


    thought it was interesting just glancing at the last couple of reviews that the Blu-ray titles were having consistent quality on par or better than HD-DVD for titles.

    So, I went through the last ten reviews, just glancing at the star rating for video quality for both Blu-ray and HD-DVD.

    Blu-ray video image quality maintained an average of better than 4 stars (out of 5) and didn't have a single title with less than a 4 star rating for video quality.

    Overall average of last ten reviews for image quality on Blu-ray: 4.3 stars

    HD-DVD had a video quality of less than 4 stars on average for the last 10 reviews with 3 out of thos ten titles dipping below a 4 star rating for image quality.

    Overall avearge of last ten reviews for image quality on HD-DVD: 3.8 stars


    I'd also like to add that given the last 40 reviews on this site, Blu-ray edges out HD DVD, 3.93 starts to 3.9. Indeed the whole HD DVD has better quality mantra is indeed FUD, and I'm of the opinion that this will be exposed as such sooner rather than later.

    Can't wait for the Pixar films, and others, as it will only add more fuel to Blu-ray's fire. Blu-ray undoubtedly was slow out of the gate, but it looks like it is poised and currently overtaking HD DVD around the corner and into the new year.


    I got curious and did the last 30 reviews of each format for them [Home Theatre Forum] too:


    Blu-ray: 116 = 3.87

    HD DVD: 114 = 3.80


    Blu-ray: 127 = 4.23

    HD DVD: 112.5 = 3.75

    Clearly, Blu-ray has some catching up to don't.

    I wonder if the "biased" rhetoric is now going to swing 180?


    November reviews (, 25 titles for each, out of 5:


    Blu-ray: 100 == 4.00 avg.

    HD DVD: 92.5 == 3.70 avg.


    Blu-ray: 104.5 == 4.19 avg.

    HD DVD: 90.5 == 3.62 avg.

    This is getting downright embarassing.

    Three seperate sources, all the same result....better quality for Blu-ray. I think the gap will only widen as more exclusives for Blu-ray poor out of Lionsgate, Disney (Can you say Pixar anyone?), and Fox. Couple this with the already numerous Blu-ray players out on the market now from Sony, Panasonic, Philips, and Samsung (with Pioneer, Sharp, and LG to join the fray very soon) you all my friends are looking at a recipe for domination.
  • Reply 1822 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by BrunoBruin

    Well, I just declared my allegiance to HD DVD and bought a stack of discs from Amazon. I haven't ordered a player yet; I'll see what the reviews of the second-gen Toshiba players are like (hopefully next week, if the $499 model is shipping).

    Now to figure out how to plug two component devices into one set of plugs on my TV, since the stupid players won't upconvert standard DVDs over component...

    If you're looking for a cheap, but decent AV switcher, you can find one at local Walmart or Target for about $20. Philips or RCA makes one that is 5 to 1 or 4 to 1 manual AV switcher which also works wonderfully for multi 5.1 analog audio sources. There are few different kinds, but get the one that allows 6 plug RCA switching. I'm sure you can find something in $100+ range as well if you want brand name.
  • Reply 1823 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Come on you're not actually quoting from that idiot HD-DED are you?

    If you're going to do any sort of scientific analysis you have to normalize against something. Simply looking at the ratings for the last 10 movies and avg them out does not speak to quality because the movies are different. Now if the movies rated where identical then you'd have something.
  • Reply 1824 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison


    Come on you're not actually quoting from that idiot HD-DED are you?

    If you're going to do any sort of scientific analysis you have to normalize against something. Simply looking at the ratings for the last 10 movies and avg them out does not speak to quality because the movies are different. Now if the movies rated where identical then you'd have something.

    Indeed, I realize the movies are different, but you bring up a good point. The movies are different, and why? Because you'll find that 40% of the movies (Disney, Fox, and Lionsgate) you'll find on Blu-ray aren't and will not be on HD DVD, so it is hard to have a true apples to apples comparison, unless you are talking Warner Bros and Paramount titles that are released in both formats where you'll find the ratings pretty much equal.

    At the very least, this information will help people realize that the FUD spewing from HD DVD proponents about how much better the HD DVD quality is than Blu-ray, will in most cases, be silenced going forward. But who am I kidding, I'm sure there will be more to doom and gloom and Blu-ray bashing to commence.
  • Reply 1825 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Yes you find the rating equal which is congruent with two formats that share the same codecs. It's a bit disingenous to say that Blu-ray looks superior. Your post just points to the last 10 Blu-ray releases being centered around movies that are newer and thus have cleaner Masters for the most part.

    I will agree with you that some HD DVD fans have rode the "HD DVD looks better" mantra a wee bit too hard. We've normalized the codecs so the only real differentation that we can see is higher bitrate/bandwidth usage.

    I think if you just bought an Xbox 360 and a HD DVD add on you'd be much happier
  • Reply 1826 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Blu-ray PQ is apparently overtaking HD DVD PQ...

    Three seperate sources, all the same result....better quality for Blu-ray. I think the gap will only widen as more exclusives for Blu-ray poor out of Lionsgate, Disney (Can you say Pixar anyone?), and Fox. Couple this with the already numerous Blu-ray players out on the market now from Sony, Panasonic, Philips, and Samsung (with Pioneer, Sharp, and LG to join the fray very soon) you all my friends are looking at a recipe for domination.

    Well.... I'm not surprised. This isn't the first time I've seen similar claims. I also saw an idiotic post like this over at AVSforum under BD Software and it got locked:
  • Reply 1827 of 2106
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73

    Something to keep in mind though, HT enthusiasts are the type of people who couldn't care less if there's a format war as they'll be buying both format's players and discs.

    thanks that also sums up a LOT of the BALLS spewed on a LOT of the posts in this thread.

    my winkies bigger than everyone elses...cos,cos, IS just! SO!!!!
  • Reply 1828 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    BTW, here's link to another $40 Coupon from Circuit City. I believe you can use it towards xbox360, xbox360 HD-DVD add on, or even on PS3.
  • Reply 1829 of 2106
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    What movies did you buy and what 3 movies are you going to choose with the offer from Toshiba.

    Not to out myself as a complete geek, but I bought "Superman Returns," "Batman Begins" and "V for Vendetta." My three free discs will be "Chronicles of Riddick" (a terrible movie but it's slim pickings), "Constantine" and "Sky Captain."

    I know (because it disappeared from my wish list) that someone bought me "Reds" for Christmas and I'll probably pick up "Troy" and "Phantom of the Opera" by the time I get a player.

    I fully expect this format spat is going to drag on for at least another year, if not longer (unless a universal player emerges), and as some wise soul said earlier, why sit on the sidelines when you could be enjoying "Batman Begins" in high definition? I'm not inclined to wait.
  • Reply 1830 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Well.... I'm not surprised. This isn't the first time I've seen similar claims. I also saw an idiotic post like this over at AVSforum under BD Software and it got locked:

    haha, you just pwned him

  • Reply 1831 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    I wasn't much impressed with Superman Returns in term of movie or the PQ. Actually, Sky Captain is also very soft as intended and I would not double dip if you already own SD version. I just finished watching Harry Potter GOF on HD-DVD (from and it will make a great demo material for PQ as well as the TruHD audio really shines on some of the scenes.

    The V4V, BatB, along with King Kong makes a great action pack on the HD-DVD exclusive side along with many other great titles... Anyway, I'm pretty much done for this year's HD-DVD orders.... I have Ant Bully amimation on order from amazon and I'm pretty much done for this year. I was hoping to see Matrix Trilogy along with Harry Potter Series release in Dec., but it didnt' happen. I'll start next year by picking up Mummy Returns & Sting and hopefully we'll start seeing Disney/Pixar titles on the first quarter of 07.

    BTW, Target seems to have Cinderella Man HD-DVD on sale for $13.98........ I tried my local store without a success, though.
  • Reply 1832 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    haha, you just pwned him

    oops.... i didn't mean to. I just wish people would post something more credible to debate about.
  • Reply 1833 of 2106
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    I wasn't much impressed with Superman Returns in term of movie or the PQ. Actually, Sky Captain is also very soft as intended and I would not double dip if you already own SD version.

    I was going to say that the review of "Superman Returns" I read said it was demo-quality, but I checked again and he was talking about the audio. Oh well. It's not a brilliant movie, certainly not compared to "Batman Begins," but I liked it much better the second time I saw it. "Sky Captain" is one of the free discs Toshiba is offering; it's either that or the first "Lara Croft" movie, and I already own that on DVD as well. It boils down to which one I think I'd watch more.

    I just saw "Kong" in HD on Cinemax and was reminded of how. long. every. scene. drags. on. It was a great 100-minute movie that unfortunately had another really horrible 90-minute movie grafted onto it. I worship Peter Jackson, but I won't have that disc in my house.
  • Reply 1834 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    When I get another PS3 I'll be looking into getting : V for Vendetta, and Sin City. I can't think to much past those two as absolute must owns. Maybe the Pirates of The Caribbean Trilogy when It's available, and Star Wars (again) King Kong (which I'd probably only watch once) Wouldn't be bad to own, and neither would the extended LOTR Movies.
  • Reply 1835 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    Yes you find the rating equal which is congruent with two formats that share the same codecs. It's a bit disingenous to say that Blu-ray looks superior. Your post just points to the last 10 Blu-ray releases being centered around movies that are newer and thus have cleaner Masters for the most part.

    I will agree with you that some HD DVD fans have rode the "HD DVD looks better" mantra a wee bit too hard. We've normalized the codecs so the only real differentation that we can see is higher bitrate/bandwidth usage.

    I think if you just bought an Xbox 360 and a HD DVD add on you'd be much happier

    Noooooo, my post pointed to three different sources that just didn't point to the last 10, but the last 40, the last 30 from another, and the last 25 from the other.

    I didn't state myself that Blu-ray looks superior, I stated that from given reviews from three seperate sources, on average, Blu-ray is rated higher. Sorry if this doesn't compute in the HD DVD mirages some of you have hallucinated over the last couple of monts. Again, I'm not talking the last 10, I'm talking the last 40. Big difference.
  • Reply 1836 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    haha, you just pwned him

    You could only wish. Looks like on average, HD DVD is getting pwned.
  • Reply 1837 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Well.... I'm not surprised. This isn't the first time I've seen similar claims. I also saw an idiotic post like this over at AVSforum under BD Software and it got locked:

    Ahh yes,...AVS...the mecca of credibility and unbiased sources...pfffffft!

    Idiotic I suppose since it doesn't support the very claims of HD DVD superiority you've so blatantly claimed here as well. Reality has a keen knack of humbling us all,...enjoy the humble pie, there is more to come.
  • Reply 1838 of 2106
    dear me no matter WHICH toy has "best" stamped on it, someone always ends up shouting "Power Rangers are BESSSTEST-ER"

    give it six months FFS
  • Reply 1839 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Ahh yes,...AVS...the mecca of credibility and unbiased sources...pfffffft!

    Idiotic I suppose since it doesn't support the very claims of HD DVD superiority you've so blatantly claimed here as well. Reality has a keen knack of humbling us all,...enjoy the humble pie, there is more to come.

    You're right...those folks on the AVS/BD Software forum are mostly consist of extremely biased BD fanatics. However the differece between BD fanatics on this forum and the AVS forum is that most of them on AVS/BD software forum already own stand alone BD player or a PS3 to tinker with at home and they found the claims to be fraud, hence the thread was locked. So, at least some BD supporters have common sense and not so gullible to idiotic claims online.
  • Reply 1840 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    You're right...those folks on the AVS/BD Software forum are mostly consist of extremely biased BD fanatics. However the differece between BD fanatics on this forum and the AVS forum is that most of them on AVS/BD software forum already own stand alone BD player or a PS3 to tinker with at home and they found the claims to be fraud, hence the thread was locked. So, at least some BD supporters have common sense and not so gullible to idiotic claims online.

    Possibly there are some in the BD Software forum, yet AVS has a reputation for being a forum that is crawling with HD DVD fanatics, so I don't know who you are trying to fool here.

    By the way, they're not claims, as this would quantify that they aren't true. They are facts, that of the last 40 high definition releases from HighDefDigest, on average, Blu-ray movies have been rated higher. Not a claim, fact. Can it change, of course. Is it going to change the landscape of the format war, not likely, but it does disprove the one thing that many like yourself have claimed for a while now,...that HD DVD has better quality, which is simply untrue. It might have had its place at launch for Blu-ray, but since September, there have been many quality Blu-ray releases. All I ask is for some to get out of the July/August mindset and join us in the present and onto the future, which in my opinion is Blu.
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