Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1921 of 2106
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    Did he really? I missed that. That little impish Hogwart elf.

    Man ole man I really want an Xbox but then I know I'll get hooked on gaming ...again. What's a guy to do?

    dont get it, i warn you, dont get it

    i've been playing Gears of War none stop. its not good for your social life.

    however, if you dont have a social life to begin with then hell go get yourself one and enjoy.
  • Reply 1922 of 2106
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Microsoft Xbox 360\t7 million[1]\tNovember 22, 2005

    Nintendo Wii\t1 million[2]\tNovember 19, 2006

    Sony PlayStation 3\t200,000[3]\tNovember 11, 2006

    Keep in mind that currently, both Wii and PS3 sales are limited by supply, so until supply and demand stabilizes, these numbers are completely useless in terms of determining demand or future sales.

    Actually, the demand on the PS3 isn't as high anymore. You can check out the recent ebay sales and PS3's are selling around merely $100 more than the retail price. However, Wii is selling at higher markup % than PS3.

    Think about it... only 200k PS3 units sold during the strongest sales season of the year, and the demand not as strong as Wii which already sold 1 million units......... Something's fishy about the the PR regarding PS3, if the demand with scarce supply dies down this quickly in the holiday season, what would happen when holidays are over?... I'm sure some people will return PS3's for Wii and the demand will be even more depressing for PS3.

    Anyway, I have a prediction that Samsung, the first BD player manufacturer will be the first to bail out of BD exclusive hardware market. PS3's killing off the niche BD player market which already was in trouble due to unpopular over priced hardwares.
  • Reply 1923 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Yeah right bitemymac. Just because ebay isn't selling them for as much as they were when people thought that first shipment was going to be the only one before xmas doesn't mean that demand isn't high. Since the launch, PS3's are shipping in a few times weekly to retailers in small numbers. That is why the price has fallen. People are waiting outside retailers every morning knowing they still get them at retail cost if they try. No one is going to pay that much for something that they can get themselves at their local Target, wall-mart, best buy, and so on.
  • Reply 1924 of 2106

    would it suit you if sony made an announcment that they plan on only selling 4 PS3s next year?

    and that comment you made about Tenobell sounded to me like borderline personal insult


    ooo soon be 50 pages deep
  • Reply 1925 of 2106
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Actually, the demand on the PS3 isn't as high anymore. You can check out the recent ebay sales and PS3's are selling around merely $100 more than the retail price. However, Wii is selling at higher markup % than PS3.

    Think about it... only 200k PS3 units sold during the strongest sales season of the year, and the demand not as strong as Wii which already sold 1 million units......... Something's fishy about the the PR regarding PS3, if the demand with scarce supply dies down this quickly in the holiday season, what would happen when holidays are over?... I'm sure some people will return PS3's for Wii and the demand will be even more depressing for PS3.

    Anyway, I have a prediction that Samsung, the first BD player manufacturer will be the first to bail out of BD exclusive hardware market. PS3's killing off the niche BD player market which already was in trouble due to unpopular over priced hardwares.

    Are Wii's still being delivered to stores like the PS3's are?
  • Reply 1926 of 2106
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Are Wii's still being delivered to stores like the PS3's are?

    well they are HERE
  • Reply 1927 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    truthfully, i've been seeing an overall lapse in enthusiasm for the PS3.

    i see it in multiple boards, news outlets, magazines, and the like.

    even a majority of my friends that were so eagerly anticipating the arrival of the ps3 are backing down, have turned a bit hesitant.

    this can all change come spring time. the wii could be sitting on shelves and the ps3 could be flying high but something tells me no.

    a $600 price tag is still a $600 price tag. if you could careless for bluray than there is zero reason at this point to go get a ps3 and not a 360, and if you want something different then get a Wii.
  • Reply 1928 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    a $600 price tag is still a $600 price tag. if you could careless for bluray than there is zero reason at this point to go get a ps3 and not a 360, and if you want something different then get a Wii.

    agreed... but for GT HD and GT 5 ...mainly GT5 but as thats not till 2008... then why bother?

    i can see that if i was on a PC (shudder) then a nice closed internet access machine (PS3) would be appealing, but really my needs are met with the mac and GT4 on the PS2 FOR NOW im ready to wait, PS3 isnt out here till march so thats an easy 3 months before i need to make any commitment to it IF i decide to... it allows time for eBlu ray to get more titles, OR HD-DVD to become more apparent that its the dominant format.

    in the mean time a Wii, or not? well i can see the appeal for xmas.. but again ive decided to wait and see what ITS market of games etc. is like in 3 months... still i could at least impluse buy IT before xmas.. unlike the PS3
  • Reply 1929 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Are Wii's still being delivered to stores like the PS3's are?

    Yes, and in greater #'s. Not as many people are aware of it though. It's not in as high of demand as a PS3 is. PS3 is the hardest thing to get this year. Not everyone will get them, there wont be enough. Even the TMX Elmo is still shipping. I just got one two days ago.
  • Reply 1930 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    Yes, and in greater #'s. Not as many people are aware of it though. It's not in as high of demand as a PS3 is. PS3 is the hardest thing to get this year. Not everyone will get them, there wont be enough. Even the TMX Elmo is still shipping. I just got one two days ago.

    i dont know about that. its tough to say the demand for the ps3 is bigger since there isn't a great amount of systems available.

    look at how many wii's are being shipped weekly, i mean they have sold over 1millino consoles already... thats a lot of wii's.

    the ps3 is pushing out less than what the 360 did on its launch.
  • Reply 1931 of 2106
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    truthfully, i've been seeing an overall lapse in enthusiasm for the PS3.

    i see it in multiple boards, news outlets, magazines, and the like.

    even a majority of my friends that were so eagerly anticipating the arrival of the ps3 are backing down, have turned a bit hesitant.

    this can all change come spring time. the wii could be sitting on shelves and the ps3 could be flying high but something tells me no.

    a $600 price tag is still a $600 price tag. if you could careless for bluray than there is zero reason at this point to go get a ps3 and not a 360, and if you want something different then get a Wii.

    $600 !!!! I'm not a gamer and don't keep up with what companies are charging, but holy cow $600. At that price the console should play the game for you.
  • Reply 1932 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    i dont know about that. its tough to say the demand for the ps3 is bigger since there isn't a great amount of systems available.

    look at how many wii's are being shipped weekly, i mean they have sold over 1millino consoles already... thats a lot of wii's.

    the ps3 is pushing out less than what the 360 did on its launch.

    I'm not sure I get correlation between the PS3 launch and the xbox one, but demand by my standards in this situation is that Wii can sit on the sales floor most of the day and be sold out at the end. PS3 can not make it to the area where they get stocked before people snatch them up. That is demand. After seeing that situation every few days is why I think that PS3 is in higher demand.
  • Reply 1933 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by rickag

    $600 !!!! I'm not a gamer and don't keep up with what companies are charging, but holy cow $600. At that price the console should play the game for you.

    I think of it as a BR-DVD player with a can of gaming whoop ass included. Basically $400 gaming system, and BR DVD player for $200, or vice verse.
  • Reply 1934 of 2106
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    I think of it as a BR-DVD player with a can of gaming whoop ass included. Basically $400 gaming system, and BR DVD player for $200, or vice verse.

    Maybe it's time I look to upgrade my Nintendo Game Cube. But $600??

    Even $400 for the xBox 360 seems high.

    Nintendo Wii for $600 -- surely this was a misprint. Oh, it was someone price gouging. Best Buy lists for $250.

    As hard as Apple is pushing HD for iMovie, Final Cut Express and Final Cut Pro, it will be facinating to see how they handle the Blue Ray vs HD DVD conflicts.
  • Reply 1935 of 2106
    Originally Posted by rickag

    Maybe it's time I look to upgrade my Nintendo Game Cube. But $600??

    Even $400 for the xBox 360 seems high.

    Nintendo Wii for $600 -- surely this was a misprint. Oh, it was someone price gouging. Best Buy lists for $250.

    As hard as Apple is pushing HD for iMovie, Final Cut Express and Final Cut Pro, it will be facinating to see how they handle the Blue Ray vs HD DVD conflicts.

    Rememer too that you can get a PS3 for $499 as well, but with a smaller hard drive (20GB) and no support for memory cards.
  • Reply 1936 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    I'm not sure I get correlation between the PS3 launch and the xbox one, but demand by my standards in this situation is that Wii can sit on the sales floor most of the day and be sold out at the end. PS3 can not make it to the area where they get stocked before people snatch them up. That is demand. After seeing that situation every few days is why I think that PS3 is in higher demand.

    not to be rude but you may not have a decent grasp on the basic supply and demand concept.

    everyone knew the ps3 was going to sell out, just like everyone knew the 360 was going to sell out becasue the supply is/was limited.

    if the 360 came out with 5 million consoles on launch day they may have not sold out, you may have seen consoles sitting on the shelves (or as your example of the wii) may not have sold out until the end of the day.

    but since the 360 (ps3 even less) didn't have enough supply to meet that initial crazed demand they were gobbled up quickly. so it may appear that everyone wants a ps3, but that might not be the case.
  • Reply 1937 of 2106
    I'm not a gamer so it's hard to get worked up with any enthusiasm for any of the systems. However, in moments of weakness, I keep thinking about a 20GB PS3 as a B-R player, but reason prevails and until things sort themselves a little more I'm sticking with my up-converting DVD player. Basically I don't really care which format wins, if either does make it as consumer item, but looking at the whole picture, not just from the home entertainment standpoint, B-R does seem to offer more advantages and be more future proof.

    On a related note, last Saturday I had some time to kill while my wife was at a meeting so I stopped at the Everett, WA Best Buy and talked to surprisingly what seemed to be a knowledgeable sales clerk. That particular store was receiving small quantities of PS3s. They would arrive with no advanced notice and be gone in minutes. He also said that BB store employees were not allowed to buy any PS3s.

    Additionally, there appeared to be plenty of Wiis on the shelve available for immediate purchase.
  • Reply 1938 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    not to be rude but you may not have a decent grasp on the basic supply and demand concept.

    everyone knew the ps3 was going to sell out, just like everyone knew the 360 was going to sell out becasue the supply is/was limited.

    if the 360 came out with 5 million consoles on launch day they may have not sold out, you may have seen consoles sitting on the shelves (or as your example of the wii) may not have sold out until the end of the day.

    but since the 360 (ps3 even less) didn't have enough supply to meet that initial crazed demand they were gobbled up quickly. so it may appear that everyone wants a ps3, but that might not be the case.

    That's exactly what we've been saying. There's no way to determine what the true demand is for a few months until supplies pick up. You don't need to be a dick about it. He was just saying that it appears the Wii's supply and demand has just about reached equilibrium.
  • Reply 1939 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison


    What's the guy supposed to say? "Oh sure we're going HD DVD in a few months" Disney pulls the strings here. I don't want to hear from some lackey about what he thinks. You're grasping at straws. Bob Iger has stated he thinks they'll eventually support both formats. So therefore YOUR straws are a wee bit shorter than mine bucko.

    Hey there my bucked format bucko...

    'Pirates' DVD Previews Disney's 2007 Blu-ray Booty


    Offering a tantalizing preview on its recent DVD release of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest,' Disney appears to have a bountiful 2007 lined up for Blu-ray fans.

    In a brief teaser that appears at the beginning of the 'Dead Man's Chest' standard-def DVD release (which, coincidentally, sold over five million copies in its first day in stores), Disney presents an animated ad promoting its line-up of upcoming Blu-ray movies in 2007.

    Among the impressive, high profile slate of catalog releases are such hits as the first 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' 'National Treasure,' 'Remember the Titans,' 'Father of the Bride,' 'Snow Dogs' and 'Herbie: Fully Loaded.'

    Many of Disney's most famous animated classics are also included on the list, among them 'Beauty and the Beast,' 'Aladdin,' 'The Lion King' and 'Finding Nemo,' which would make the latter the first Pixar title to see release on a next-gen platform.

    Oddly, however, one title not making the list is 'Dead Man's Chest' itself -- are we to take from this that Blu-ray fans will have to make do with only the original 'Pirates' in 2007?

    Though Disney has not officially announced any of these titles for Blu-ray release yet, the studio is expected to make a major Blu-ray announcement at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held January 8-11 in Las Vegas, Nevada. All other Blu-ray and HD DVD-supporting studios are expected to unveil their 2007 title line-ups as well at the show.

    We'll certainly keep you posted as more official news on Disney's future Blu-ray titles is announced, and in the meantime, we've added all of the above listings to the "Release Dates Pending" section of our Blu-ray Release Schedule.

    Disney looks like Blu-ray through and through. Time to check your straws again.
  • Reply 1940 of 2106
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    not to be rude but you may not have a decent grasp on the basic supply and demand concept.

    everyone knew the ps3 was going to sell out, just like everyone knew the 360 was going to sell out becasue the supply is/was limited.

    if the 360 came out with 5 million consoles on launch day they may have not sold out, you may have seen consoles sitting on the shelves (or as your example of the wii) may not have sold out until the end of the day.

    but since the 360 (ps3 even less) didn't have enough supply to meet that initial crazed demand they were gobbled up quickly. so it may appear that everyone wants a ps3, but that might not be the case.

    I don't think you read into what I said.

    Maybe instead of writing "demand by my standards in this situation". I should have wrote "demand as I'm defining it in this situation", so you would have an idea of what I meant. I guess it's my bad. Nevertheless, the Wii is not selling out by the end of the day any more in most places, and PS3, with it's higher price tag, is flying out doors, and gaining momentum in user popularity. Once you see one in action you remember how cool the PS1 was when it was seemingly all alone out there. It's still the hottest xmas item, and I think once units become more readily available it is going to be system to have. Actually I think it already is. I've played it, and it's freaking stellar. The demo machine does not do it justice.
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